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[edit] Discovery of Homestar Runner

I first discovered Homestar Runner around the time I got an iPod Shuffle, because for awhile, I was broke on iTunes, so I subscribed to tons of Podcasts, one of which was Strong Bad Emails (before it was Strong Bad Emails & More). I loved those cartoons, and I didnt find out it was a website until almost 3 months after I had gotten into SBEmails. After I visited Homestar Runner, it only took about 6 months to have played every game, seen every SBEmail (that includes easter eggs), Big Toon, Short, Puppet Stuff, Teen Girl Squad, and Powered By the Cheat to possibly watch at the time. I enjoy the older ones, and I haven't memorized the words to the last 20 sbemails just yet, but I still enjoy watching them.

Some Words and Stuff

[edit] Favorite Episodes

- different town

- for kids

- kids book

- long pants

- fan club

- diarama

- pizza joint

[edit] Favorite Characters

- The Thnikkaman (of course its not Bubs with a piece of paper on his chest, which says TH!)

- Homsar

- Strong Bad

- Senor Cardgage

- Senor Havin A Little Trouble:senorsmallws7.png Parrothead1 senorsmallak8.png

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