Words Ending in -ularly
From Homestar Runner Wiki
The suffix -ularly, meaning "of or relating to something", is often appended to words in a way that does not form a proper adverb.
[edit] Examples
- @StrongBadActual (30 Oct 2014) — Strong Bad offers the YouTube link to I Killed Pom Pom "for the Flash-ularly impaired".
- Homestar Runner 20th Anniversary Show (September 2) — Puppet Strong Bad offers that James Huggins was not "sports-ularly inclined" to explain why he called Mark Lemke a "Home Star Runner".
- Homestar Runner Goes for the Gold — Strong Bad describes Dijjery Doo's plan as having "catastrophically head chunkularly backfired".
- Fan 'Stumes 2023 — Strong Bad observes that Senor Cardgage is a costume well-suited for "the physique-ularly enchanced".
[edit] Variations
- Email licensed — Strong Bad offers a "gummi gel-ular pop, from Strong Badge: The Movie" as an example of an unlicensed confection.