Talk:Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 13.2

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Revision as of 22:34, 2 March 2006 by Nerd42 (Talk | contribs)
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Finally, I gots me a full transcript. Thunderbird 07:12, 27 February 2006 (UTC)

Heim (Or anybody else up at this hour): Message 3 - The remix. Transcribe the lyrics, or just mention that the song plays? Thunderbird 07:26, 27 February 2006 (UTC)
Jay totally took care of it. Now put all your money into your mailbox for... uh, for safekeeping, 'cuz I promise it'll all be there in the morning. No way would I... I mean, would somebody come along and take it! Okay, bye! --Lorenz Magazine Man 07:58, 27 February 2006 (UTC)


Knee vs 'Neath

I could be wrong, but on message 2, I think I heard "with a length of twine coming from the 'neath."--Antisexy

I concur. --Jay (Talk) 07:58, 27 February 2006 (UTC)
"The 'neath" also fits with the same theme as "the 'bove" from Strong Bad's children's book. -- 09:14, 27 February 2006 (UTC)
As do I, already changed. Knee didn't sound right while I was transcribing it, but I couldn't hear it saying anything better. I hate the old-timey jargin. Thanks Antisexy. Thunderbird 07:59, 27 February 2006 (UTC)

Raymond E. Feist

Is it just me, or does it seem very unlikely the Old-Timey Homestar would be making a reference to a modern fantasy novel? Me, I understood "Hi Sign", as in a wave of the hand.--Tosus 09:43, 27 February 2006 (UTC)

I agree. In fact, another "possible reference" to it was just added to the fun facts. I've heard that term used in many places. It's entering the realm of TTATOT. -YK 10:00, 27 February 2006 (UTC)
Indeed, Webster's defines high sign as "a gesture used as a signal (as of approval or warning) -- usually used in the phrase 'give the high sign',"[1] wording almost identical to The Homestar Runner's. PolarBoy 10:26, 27 February 2006 (UTC)
I just editted the page accordingly, I'd appreciate a proofread and maybe a high-sign regarding the wording and placement. My contributions are kind of hit-and-miss, so I'll just cross my fingers against a solid STUFFing. PolarBoy 10:31, 27 February 2006 (UTC)

Split 7-inch

Anybody, know what a split 7-inch is? I think that would be worth an explanation on the article page. Also I don't know what the KOT mean by album needing to drop. I R F 12:52, 27 February 2006 (UTC)

This 7" disambiguation on Wikipedia was the closest thing I could find to "seven-inch" being related to audio. — Lapper (talk) 13:26, 27 February 2006 (UTC)
The Wikipedia article Split Record helps answer this question. Thus, a "split 7-inch" is a 7-inch diameter vinyl record containing a song by a different artist on each side.
You guys are right, but it's not necessarily one song per artist. It might be better to say "a record produced by two artists, each with songs on one side" or something to that effect. Just sayin'. ModestlyHotGirl 14:32, 27 February 2006 (UTC)


Why a screenshot of an Easter egg? What about Homestar talking into a banana? — User:ACupOfCoffee@ 14:48, 27 February 2006 (UTC)

I did bring that up on IRC last night. I'm all for the Bananna. Thunderbird 15:00, 27 February 2006 (UTC)
Agree, and done. — Bill 15:16, 27 February 2006 (UTC)
I dunno. That picture really doesn't look right: is there a better picture that's non-egg? Alcnolien Has Spoken! 18:11, 27 February 2006 (UTC)
No. The entire rest of the 'toon (besides the egg) is just the answering machine itself, visually speaking. --Jay (Talk) 18:13, 27 February 2006 (UTC)
It's the bananaphone!
Cute animation, but no. :) — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 23:13, 27 February 2006 (UTC)
Wow, that picture makes Homestar look like he has little triangular arms or something.

KOT Remix!!

Wow. I wish I had DJ Teh Cheat's amazing remix abilities. --NERD42  email  talk   h²g²  pedia  uncyc  19:09, 27 February 2006 (UTC)

I concur... that was one fantastic remix. -- Some Random Guy
Got out my flashy new Flash decompiler and stole me a sample of "It's My New Jam!" anybody else done that yet? LOL, keeps coming out with these awesome quotes I can use for techno songs!! :) --NERD42  email  talk   h²g²  pedia  uncyc  22:31, 2 March 2006 (UTC)

Phone cord

Is this really a goof? It could be that the phone jack is just a foot or so above the outlet. Qermaq - (T/C) Image:Qermaqsigpic.png 19:38, 27 February 2006 (UTC)

homestar and marzipan living together?

something seems weird, why is homestar asking marzipan to get eggs and milk, and it always seems like homestar lives in her house with her since we never get to see whre homestar lives!

Compare: Homestar's House vs Marzipan's House. They're not living together. Thunderbird 23:03, 27 February 2006 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure TBC would never do something like that! Plus, just from watching the toons you can tell that they live in different houses. Trelawney

picture caption

You misspelt what homestairs spelt. He backspacebar'd the S.

Nevermind. Heehee..... ^^;;;

Pay, Plause, and Rewind Live TV!

For additional opinions on this subject, see this archive.

Homestar is walking around talking into the banana as we are hearing the message for message 6. There are three equally implausible explanations for this:

  • He is mouthing the words to his already-recorded message into a banana.
  • Message 6 is actually a section of blank tape of equal length to Homestar's banana-message.
  • The banana really is a phone, and the viewer is hearing him record the message live.

Now that I look at Kiefer's comments below, I see that the last one isn't possible. — It's dot com 21:04, 2 March 2006 (UTC)

[You] mention "three equally implausible explanations" for Homestar's banana-message. It isn't really constructive conversation, but I just wanted to state abent-mindedly and for the record that I prefer several even less plausible explanations. First, I rather like the notion that the sincerity of Homestar's delusion works a faith miracle of sorts; because he believes so thoroughly in the "phone-ness" of the banana, the message is successfully recorded. But really, the heart of the matter is that it's not Homestar and his banana that cause the message, but the other way 'round. The message exists because, well, it's a Marzipan's Answering Machine. And then Homestar walks past with the banana simply because it's necessary to fully exploit the comedic potential of his cell-phone enthusiasm. So the real mystery is not how the banana created the message, but how the message created the banana! —AbdiViklas 02:19, 28 February 2006 (UTC)
I think that (1) it's an obvious joke and any explanation dumbs down the whole thing, (B) it was STUFFed twice and was argued down each time, and (III) I cannot make my mind up as to how to do anything here. Qermaq - (T/C) Image:Qermaqsigpic.png 02:23, 28 February 2006 (UTC)
Oh, Abdi. You make me laugh out loud sometimes. :) — It's dot com 02:25, 28 February 2006 (UTC)
If you really want to STUFF it, I won't stop you. I just reverted it before because were in mid-revision, and didn't want it shot down in its original, disorganized, obvious-to-be-declined state. If you guys STUFF it, I'm not gonna revert it again. (But I will vote for it) ;) Thunderbird 02:26, 28 February 2006 (UTC)
I'm confused, who said anything about inclusion on the page? First of all, if there's something on the page that was voted down in STUFF, then it needs to get off. Secondly, let's be clear that the above is simply me letting my mind wander out loud somewhat sillily. Okay, well, it does have a hidden agenda, reminding us once again that, as entertaining as the "make sense out of H*R causalities" game can be, the ultimate cause and explanation for so many things is simply comedic necessity or TBC's artistic whim. In so many cases "because it's funny" or "because TBC dang well wanted to" is the only working explanation for why something happens. (But speculating about relationships within the artistic continuum can still be worthwhile, just as "Why did Hamlet take so long killing Claudius?" doesn't have to be dismissed with "Because Shakespeare an' the gang needed a new two-hour play.") —AbdiViklas 02:36, 28 February 2006 (UTC)
It was originally added by an IP address, and wasn't very NPOV. Me and Dot com were revising it, but as we were it was getting STUFF'd. I reverted the STUFFing until it was revised. Now that it has been, if it is deemed still STUFFable, that's a totally different story, and obviously wouldn't be reverted. Thunderbird 02:42, 28 February 2006 (UTC)
As it stands now, it never actually made it into STUFF (that is, the item was reverted before it got off the ground). It was headed that way because the original wording was unusuable and we had people deleting it and others revising it simultaneously. We were lobbying to spare it the process, at least until we could get it into a presentable form. It is my understanding that the current wording is much more acceptable, although I suppose that remains to be seen. (By the way, Abdi, I got that you were just letting your mind wander, something I enjoy very much when you share.) — It's dot com 03:05, 28 February 2006 (UTC)

Something just occurred to me regarding a [this] discussion about what Homestar is doing during Message 6 (the first one that plays). He walks by talking into a banana while the message is playing, so people have suggested that perhaps he's actually recording that message live.

There's a problem with that explanation: In all of the Answering Machines prior to this one (and even this one, if you consider The Cheat remixed the KOT's new jam after the KOT did it in the first place), all messages are played in chronological order from first to last, despite the numbers counting down. This is made clear when Homestar tries to learn how to make a prank call, or in any of the other cases where a character references an earlier message in a later one.

The Answering Machine's display (and therefore the way we number the messages) works like this: It shows the total number of messages on the machine, and we can assume that the message is deleted from memory once it's played. When you loop back to the beginning, the whole toon plays over again, so the messages reset. (Exception: When Homestar replaces the tape in Version 9.2.)

So, now that I've established that, here's the problem with the idea that Homestar is recording his message live when we listen to it: That would mean he'd need to be inserting his message as the first one on the machine, ahead of all the rest already there. That doesn't work. Therefore, Eh! Steve's mouth asplodes the universe. — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 00:07, 2 March 2006 (UTC)

I—... I can't b—... Chi-g-d-b ... He—g ... You're exactly right. I'm buyin' you a pizza! — It's dot com 00:12, 2 March 2006 (UTC)
Why can't the other ones be live too? Which, I guess, does produce other odd inconsistencies, but whatever. --Jay (Talk) 00:14, 2 March 2006 (UTC)
See the thing that I laugh most at in life is when people say completely random things as their conclusions, such as in Dot com's userpage, when he says "Which can bring us to only one conclusion: Strong Sad's adopted" or something like that. I just love that, Kieferskunk. — Seriously (Talk) 00:17, 2 March 2006 (UTC)

New KOT...B?

Okay, am I the only one who thought of the New Kids On The Block? Stupid Coincidence? —AbdiViklas 02:28, 28 February 2006 (UTC)

Haha, it's certainly in their time period of reference. But I think they would have been a bit clearer if it was supposed to be. Thunderbird 02:29, 28 February 2006 (UTC)

Good thinking, but I don't think so. SaltyTalk! 23:55, 28 February 2006 (UTC)

Mrs. Pan

Marzipan seems sad to me in her message- her voice is slightly broken up and she talks about eating dirt, something Strong Bad would say to her. I'm not sure if this belongs on the page (probably not) but I just thought I'd point it out. Feel better, Marzy! Trelawney 06:24, 28 February 2006 (UTC)

Could Missy C be pregnant? They say pregnant women sometimes eat dirt... >.>
There's a long running joke among pretty much everyone I know that "Organic" means that it has dirt in it, which is what I thought of when I first heard the message. Benabik 06:37, 2 March 2006 (UTC)

It sounds more like she's got a cold or something. It's all crackly and sore throat-sounding. --VolatileChemical 00:37, 1 March 2006 (UTC)

Pauses Betweem Words

In the last message, I think that when Strong Bad pauses between some of his words, he is imitating an automated message. Maybe?

  • I think he's just trying to come up with the words to say. He does that a lot. Qermaq - (T/C) Image:Qermaqsigpic.png 21:03, 28 February 2006 (UTC)


I think this deserves a running gag notice. First the Twinkie phone in Where the Crap are We?, now this, and probably other times I can't recall. --אוקאלייליי (Ookelaylay)

I've already made a page for it. — Seriously (Talk) 21:04, 28 February 2006 (UTC)
Sweet. --אוקאלייליי (Ookelaylay)

The New KOT's Jam

Does anyone think that "Not Talkin 'bout Butter" deserves a page? LePorello / T / C 22:11, 1 March 2006 (UTC)

I think it's part of the KoT's running gag about eating everything, but I'd wait for something else related to the tune to pop up before it gets its own page. Qermaq - (T/C) Image:Qermaqsigpic.png 22:21, 1 March 2006 (UTC)
I don't think so, the only songs that get their own pages are Strong Bad Sings songs, right? Homestar Coderhomestar-coder-sig.gif 22:26, 1 March 2006 (UTC)
Why'd they name the song "Not Talkin' bout Butter" when they could have gotten away with naming it "It's my New Jam!" ?? --NERD42  email  talk   h²g²  pedia  uncyc  22:34, 2 March 2006 (UTC)

Disappearing Homestar

Something stupid I noticed. Basically, if you listen to the first message long enough for Homestar to walk by, then hit the next/previous button, he'll disappear (of course). I didn't know if you guys thought this would be a goof, remark, or stupid stuff that gets ignored. I figured I'd post this here, as I don't even have an account on this site anyways.

Sign up! It's easy! :) And as for that: This is a Flash artifact, and something you can control as the watcher - just like in any of the Main Pages where an effect stops and restarts when you mouse over and off the buttons. I asked a similar question about the possibility of Twin Characters on Main Page 13 because it was possible to get two copies of Atari Strong Bad to appear at the same time, and it was decided then that this didn't qualify since you could control the action there. — Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk) — 16:40, 2 March 2006 (UTC)
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