Happy Dethemberween

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Toon Category: Holiday Toon
watch Toikey TV Trogday 08
"He's the Dethemberween Thnikkaman, and he'll make your dreams come true."

The true meaning of Decemberween is... the Thnikkaman?

Cast (in order of appearance): Brundo the Decemberween Yak, an Elf, a Sheriff, Strong Sad, The Cheat, Homestar Runner, Strong Bad, The Poopsmith, Pom Pom, Coach Z, The King of Town, Strong Mad, Marzipan, Bubs/The Thnikkaman, Homsar

Places: Basement of the Brothers Strong, The Classroom, The Field, The Office, The Brick Wall, Homestar Runner's House, Computer Room, Strong Bad's Room

Date: Monday, December 17, 2007

Running Time: 2:51

Page Title: Brundo the Decemberween Yak and the Sword of St. Olaf



{Front view of the downstairs TV, a Christmas special plays on the TV. The characters appear to be made of felt, and the trees are holiday snack cakes. We see Brundo as tears fall from his eyes.}

BRUNDO: {dejected} Oh, I lost all my magics.

ELF: Don't you see? The magic of Decemberween is inside everyone!

{The TV cuts to a shot of a Sheriff, with Brundo and the Elf visible in the background.}

SHERIFF: And so they returned the sword of St. Olaf to its rightful owner, and discovered the true meaning of Decemberween. Buh-buh-buh-buh-bye, kids!

{Sheriff exits the scene, cut to a blue screen with snowflakes on it, as "The End!" appears on the screen.}

{Cut to a view of The Couch, with every main character (except Homsar and Bubs) sitting on or around it.}

STRONG SAD: Can someone please explain again what a mystical sword has to do with Decemberween?

{Cut to a close-up of Homestar sitting on the floor.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: You heard that nasty ol' puppet! The magic of Decemberween is inside all of us!

{Cut to Strong Bad, sitting on the couch with Strong Sad behind him.}

STRONG BAD: Man, that's not what Decemberween's all about!

STRONG SAD: And I suppose you're gonna to tell us—

{Cut back to the view of the whole couch.}

STRONG BAD: I'll tell you what Decemberween is all about!
STRONG SAD: {overlapping} ... what Decemberween is all about.

{Stong Bad begins singing, accompanied by music, doing hand motions as he sings.}

STRONG BAD: {Singing} It happens each Decemberween though some would say it doesn't.
The best thing that you've ever seen, even better than your hot cousin!

{Music stops.}

MARZIPAN: {talking normally} Better than Deborah?

STRONG BAD: {talking normally} Oh, maybe not better than Deborah. {slower and more sultry} Ooh, Deborah.

{Music continues.}

STRONG BAD: {singing} I'm talking about a magic man, who defies the laws of physics.
He turns Decemberween into DeTHemberween!

STRONG SAD: Tell us, man, who is it?

STRONG BAD: He's the Dethemberween Thnikkaman, and he'll make your dreams come true.
No, there ain't no beatin' that holiday feelin', when he says "Shut up" to you.

THE THNIKKAMAN: {speaking normally} Yeah, shut up, kid!

STRONG BAD: When the sun goes down, he creeps into town, and borrows your hedge clippers.
And while you're sleeping, safe and sound, he puts blank media in your slippers!

COACH Z: {talking normally} It was 8-Tracks in my day!

STRONG BAD: Sometimes he'll cold call random kids with discount travel packages!

THE THNIKKAMAN: {speaking unintelligibly}

STRONG BAD: {talking} Las Vegas? For 20 dollars a night? Thanks, Dethemberween Thnikkaman!

THE THNIKKAMAN: {faintly and muffled} Yeah, shut up kid!

SHERIFF: Yes, he's the Dethemberween Thnikkaman. Flying through the night in an unmarked van. You never know what he'll bring us when you hear those high-pitched singers!

SINGERS: {singing} Here comes the Dethemberween Thnikkaman!

STRONG BAD: One, two, three!

ALL CHARACTERS: {singing} He's the Dethemberween Thnikkaman, oh, and he'll make your dreams come true! {Strong Mad sings only "Dethemberween", "make", "dreams", and "true".}


STRONG BAD: {Singing} There ain't no ceilin' on that holiday feelin',

ALL CHARACTERS: When he says "Shut up" to you!

{Music ends. The Thnikkaman is seen flying across the sky in his van.}

THE THNIKKAMAN: {his voice echoes} Yeah, shut up! To one and all o' dang y'all!

{These words appear in the night sky, written in stars. They sparkle and fade. Pan downward to the main cast behind the brick wall.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Uh, just so we're all on the same page here, we are just talking about Bubs with a piece of paper taped to his chest, right?... You guys?... Bubs?... Paper tape?... Anybody?...

{With one final note, the words "yeah, shut up! to one and all o' dang y'all!" reappear in the sky, written in stars. The word "back" is written in cursive in the lower left corner.}

Easter Eggs

  • At the end, click on "dang" to play on the Homsar chimes.

Fun Facts


  • Cold calling is the practice of making sales calls to potential customers who were not expecting one.
  • \mbox{DVD}\pm\div\sqrt{~~}~\mbox{RW} is a play on DVD±RW, a shorthand term for a DVD burner that handles both common types of recordable media.


  • The Telebision has been updated from its previous appearance.
  • This is the first Decemberween toon not to have a title card.


  • The trees in the scenery of the television show are Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes.
  • In the Easter egg, The Homsar chimes play G, F, E, and D from left to right, which correspond to the tonal 5, 4, 3, and 2 in the key of the toon's song. However, during the toon they play D/F—one chime somehow plays two pitches—G, A, and B.
  • The brass run played while the horn (French horn) appears on-screen is near the extreme low end of the instrument's range.
  • There is a treble clef hidden in the horn's tubing.
  • This marks the first time any character has identified The Thnikkaman as Bubs. It had been a running gag since his first appearance to wonder about his true identity.
  • The Dethemberween Thnikkaman's "unmarked van" is very clearly marked with his signature "tH" symbol on the side.
  • Near the beginning, Strong Sad's eyes seem further apart than usual.
  • When Strong Bad answers the Thnikkaman's phone call he reaches underneath his desk to answer, making one assume he keeps his phone on the floor, as Strong Bad's desk has no drawers. The phone could have been pulled out of hammerspace.
  • In order to put his arm around the snow Thnikkaman, Strong Bad's reach is far longer then what his normal arm length is.
  • When the cartoon cuts to the scene with the sheriff, The Thnikkaman's unmarked van does not appear to have anyone driving it; the steering wheel and stars are clearly visible through the window, though neither The Thnikkaman nor any other driver is seen. This is seen easily if you zoom in.
  • All snowflakes, including those on Strong Mad's sweater, are four/eight-sided, rather than the usual six.
  • When the sticky note of "th" appears over Decemberween, the shadow doesn't show that the sticky note was put on.


Yeah, Shut up uncompleted shades!
  • The right bow of The Thnikkaman's cool shades is missing when The Thnikkaman first says, "Yeah, shut up, kid!"

Fixed Goofs

  • When the toon was first released, clicking on "dang" just replayed the toon from the beginning.

Inside References

  • When the Dethemberween Thnikkaman is making his calls, there's a sticky note on the cubicle wall that says "locate toilet".
  • One of the travel advertisements is for Scalding Lake.
  • Strong Bad's lab coat is from technology.
  • The Thnikkaman's flying bologna van is actually the same van that Bubs himself used in Weclome Back.
  • Strong Mad is wearing the same sweater as from Homestar Presents: Presents.
  • At one point, The King of Town, Strong Sad, Homestar, and Coach Z all appear from behind Strong Mad, similar to how The Cheat, Homestar, Strong Mad, Bubs, and Coach Z all appear from behind Strong Bad in Some Stupid Turkey.
  • Senor Cardgage was previously mentioned to drive an unmarked van in Fan Costumes '06.
  • The Thnikkaman's pose when he is skating is the same one as Bubs' "Zzzzziiiiiiiip!" pose when he stands on one foot on the conveyor belt in the chair.
  • The name "Deborah" was previously mentioned in senior prom.
  • The VCR blinks 12:00 atop the TV.
  • This is a rare case of Homestar picking something up ahead of everyone else, suggesting Homestar has looped around to saying something intelligent as referred to in the email 4 branches.

Real-World References

See Also

  • The visuals that occur during the song.

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