Plural Instead of Singular
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Many times in the Homestar Runner Universe, a character will use a pluralized noun in a phrase where it would normally be singular, or else will pluralize an already plural word, often "them".
- Main Page 15 — Strong Bad says "It looks like it was done by a two years old boy."
- A Decemberween Pageant — Bubs says one of his lines as "50 bag of golds."
- Email japanese cartoon — Strong Bad says that he saw "one o' thems" once, referring to a japanese cartoon.
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 11.2 — Homestar Runner, doing a crossword, asks Marzipan for "a four-letters word for censoring a cuss word".
- Email dangeresque 3 — Homestar Runner as Dangeresque, Too suggests to ask "passers-by" Strong Sad.
- Email animal — Homestar Runner says "I say there, Monstrosity! Do you know the times?"
- Stinkomanual — The description for the Seeper Mo of Level 7 reads "Stinkoman better think seriously about jumping o'er thems."
- Email boring (really) — Coach Z says that "Jorb" is a four-letters word.
- Email space program — The ten dollar bill has "Ten O' Dems" written across the top.
- The gold also has a caption reading "THREE O' DEMS".
- Email senior prom — As Coach Z spikes a bowl of punch with Listerine, he explains "I'm just lookin' out for all yer hygienes. Have ya ever talked to one of these kids up close!? Their breaths is terbirle!"
- Email licensed — Homestar claims that the glass filled Strong Bad piñata was still his "best birthdays ever".
- Sketchbook for 19 Feb 2009 — The caption for the 4 Gregs reads "four o' dems".
- Email bottom 10 — Nibbles states that he is only one years old.
- Also, the Limozeen song featured in the email is called "Feed The Childrens".
- Email alternate universe — Part of the lyrics to the song at the end is "Let the little childrens go."
- Strong Badia the Free — After Strong Bad puts all the Homsartifacts in the pylon and talks to Homsar in Homsar language, Homsar says, "Why are you talking gibberish? You sound like a two years old boy!"