Rig Rug

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"Now with 30% less raids by the Feds!"
Playable Rig Rug

Rig Rug (also formatted RigRug) is a game mentioned throughout Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate. If an item is used on the rug in the triungulate version of Dangeresque Roomisode 1: Behind the Dangerdesque, Dangeresque will say he doesn't need to rig the rug with that, but that he would like to play some Rig Rug.

The game plays a major part in Dangeresque Roomisode 2: The Intersection of Doom & Boom, in which a suspiciously Homeschool Winner-like silhouette can be seen through a bar window, playing the game on an arcade machine. Dangeresque tells them to press the Player 2 button on the stage select screen, which shuts the game off and alerts the Feds. This is necessary to shut off all the power in the bar, allowing the electrician (played by Strong Sad) to finish repairing a fuse.

In the postgame sequence of Dangeresque Roomisode 3: Keep My Enemies, Loser, Dangeresque Too can find the home console version of Rig Rug, giving a description of the game: "Help Handyman Jorge renovate vintage homes by tearing up rugs before the evil General Contractor-Bot blands things up with beige paint and wall to wall carpeting." Handyman Jorge is depicted as a bearded human with a backwards green cap.

On September 9, 2023, the @StrongBadActual account posted a video of a playable Rig Rug that was considered for a future Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate update.

The game has a pixelated style resembling the games of Videlectrix, but their logo is absent from the box, leaving their involvement unconfirmed. The title is a reference to Namco's Dig Dug.

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