From Homestar Runner Wiki
- For the wiki subtitles project, see HRWiki:Subtitles.
From time to time, subtitles are used in the Homestar Runner cartoons to translate unintelligible speech, as well as musical sing-a-longs.
[edit] Appearances
- Email little questions — Strong Bad gets an email from Sweden, and because it is written in poor English, he replies in poor English, with subtitles translating it into proper English.
- The Cheat's Character Video — All of The Cheat's lines are subtitled.
- Email local news — During the SkyCheat scene, The Cheat's lines are subtitled.
- Email looking old — When Strong Bad gets a "lace-lift", his speech becomes so mumbled, it is done in subtitles.
- Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People — Unused translations of The Cheat's subtitles can be found in episodes' english.langdb file.
- Haunted Photo Booth — In an Easter egg, Homsar's distorted speech is subtitled.
- Dangeresque Puppet Squad: The Hot Jones Hijack — Homestar Runner as Stingy Relenque is subtitled twice. Once in the Hot Jones factory, due to his French accent when he mentions he may need subtitles, and again when he speaks faux-French while trapped by the Christmas lights.
[edit] Musical
- The Best Decemberween Ever — The song that the characters sing at the end is subtitled in the style of a sing-along.
- Email mascot — The Crazy Go Nuts University fight song Strong Bad sings is subtitled.
- KaraokeFun — All of the songs are subtitled.
- Email for kids — Both the introduction song for "Whaddaya Know, Haddi-Man?" and the "Stave It Off" song are subtitled.
- Email rock opera — During the rock opera, all of the words included into the song are subtitled.
- Trogday 08 — During the length of the actual song, when naming off letters, subtitles appear to show the word Strong Bad mentions.
- On Break — The song Homestar sings to the CGNU freshmen is subtitled.
- Record Store Day — sloshy's The B-est of B-sides music video contains subtitles for the lyrics.
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