HRWiki:STUFF/Archive/the chair

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[edit] The STUFFerön IKEAchair

The Styleron Ecochair by Danoob Largo is a parody of furniture made by Swedish-founded IKEA, known for advertising its products as modern and environmental and attributing them to specific designers. The name "Danoob" was likely chosen for a European designer because the Danube River runs through Europe.

From: the chair
Posted on: 15:05, 6 December 2006 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • I think the IKEA bit is a clear reference — Strong Bad even calls the chair "Swedish".
  • The similarity between "Danoob" and "Danube" is too close to be accidental.
  • This removes the more questionable aspects of the fact (specfically, the generalization that all people in Europe buy a certain type of furniture).
  • Re 3rd arg against: Not all of IKEA's designers are from Sweden, but it's probably safe to say that most are from Europe. That's why the last sentence of the fact relates the Danube River to European designers rather than Swedes specifically.
  • Re 4th arg against: I think that in this case there's a strong argument that TBC fall into the category of Americans who associate the name IKEA with Nordic furniture design.

Arguments against:

  • Occam's razor: "Danoob Largo" means "the big n00b".
  • The Danube River is far away from Sweden.
  • The broad reference is to Swedish aesthetics. Nordic furniture design has been around longer than IKEA; they're just the name most Americans would associate with it.
  • I agree with the Swedish and the Ecochair part.

Additional comments:

  • I could accept this if it wasn't for the outrageous Danube reference.
  • A lot of well-known designers are Scandinavian; few of them designed for IKEA. And just because Strong Bad says it's Swedish doesn't mean it's Swedish--it could be German, Norwegian, or even Dutch. He's not always 100% accurate in his statements.
  • Why is no one entering a Fun Fact about "Styleron" being a reference to the Aeron chair? Or, perhaps more convincingly, see some of the chairs pictured under Brad Ascalon...

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1.  Loafing
  2. H-ko
  3. Trelawney
  4. Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk)
  5. Mycroft Holmes
  6. - link_icon.gifThe Joe(Talk)
  7. Trogga
  8. The Chort
  9. גשמלדרברגן
  10. Jay (Gobble)
  11. kai lyn
  12. I R F
  13. Mario2.PNG Super Martyo boing!

Proposed revision:

The Styleron Ecochair by Danoob Largo is a parody of furniture made by Swedish-founded IKEA, known for advertising its products as modern and environmental and giving each product line a Scandinavian name.

Arguments for:

  • Even clearer reference to IKEA, removes the bit about "specific designers", separates the Danube River bit into a separate fact (see additional STUFF item), and just basically makes the whole thing even better!
    • Reword: "listing the names of their designers in their promotional materials" - IKEA really doesn't do any more to promote their designers than any other furniture store does.
  • Strong Bad specifically says "I don't care how Swedish your chair is"

Arguments against:

  • Actually, now that I think about it more closely: The link between the Styleron Ecochair and IKEA is pretty weak, for the following reasons:
    • The chair in this email much more closely resembles a beanbag than an actual chair.
      • It doesn't particularly resemble a bean bag either.
    • It really seems much more like a piece of modern art than a piece of functional furniture.
    • The majority of IKEA's products are actually very plain and utilitarian in nature, and only very rarely could ever be called "artistic", especially "modern art".
    • The name "Styleron Ecochair" does not really fit very closely with IKEA's general branding practices - there's nothing Swedish about the name. If it had just been called the "Styleron", or perhaps "Stylerön", it would retain some IKEA-ness.
    • It seems much more plausible to me that Strong Bad's statement about "Swedish furniture" is a much stronger reference to IKEA than the chair itself is.

Additional comments:

  • I think it's important to include the bit about the IKEA products frequently being associated with (note: not named after) specific designers...that's why they mentioned Danoob Largo right alongside the chair he designed.
    • I completely fail to see how IKEA makes a bigger deal about their product designers than virtually any other furniture store on the planet. Their website and promotional materials will simply mention the designer's name, but heck, clothing stores make a bigger deal out of their designers. IKEA's claim to fame has much more to do with the unusual names they give to their products.
      • Well, it's not the end of the world if it goes, and it's cumbersome as it's written now; I'm just going to take it out altogether.
  • I don't think we can just say that it is a parody of IKEA, as we don't know that for fact, but rather that it is probably such.
    • There are a lot of things we don't know for fact, but we've surmised plausible references in MANY situations based on there being strong enough evidence to support them. That said, see the arguments against.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. - link_icon.gifThe Joe(Talk)
  2. Qermaq - (T/C) Image:Qermaqsigpic.png
  3. Lapper (talk)
  4. Trey56
  5. User:Chimpdudex/sig
  6. »Blendage t.c ::
  7. Trogga
  8. The Chort
  9. talk Bubsty edits
  10. Point7Q
  11. Retromaniac
  12. TheYellowDart(t/c)
  13. Unknownwarrior33
  14. Exhibit A (talk · edits)
  15. EASports
  1. Mycroft Holmes
  2. I R F
  3. Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk)
  4.  Loafing
  5. H-ko
  6. MNGoldenEagle
  7. YKHi. I'm Ayjo!
  8. - Ilko Skevüld's Teh C
  9. גשמלדרברגן
  10. Jay (Gobble)
  11. kai lyn

Proposed revision:

When Strong Bad turns down the Styleron Ecochair, saying "I don't care how Swedish your chair is", he implies that the chair is similar to products made by Swedish furniture maker IKEA. However, IKEA's products bear Scandinavian names and are usually very utilitarian and practical in design, unlike the Styleron.

Arguments for:

  • This version does not try to link the Styleron Ecochair itself to IKEA, but rather explains Strong Bad's statement about the chair being "Swedish".

Arguments against:

  • This doesn't work at all. If there's no resemblance, it's not really a reference.
    • Well, "Swedish Chair" is an unusual enough phrase/concept in the HSR universe that it's very likely to be a reference to SOMETHING. But I challenge you to find a chair at IKEA that looks like the Styleron Ecochair. I also challenge you to find another famous furniture maker that's based in Sweden, and that everyone knows about. That's why I made the distinction between Strong Bad's statement (essentially confusing the Ecochair for an IKEA product) and the chair itself. Let's try a reword - does that make more sense?
      • Well, I don't actually know any furniture designer by name, but Kipedia does.
      • There's not going to be anything that looks exactly like the Styleron at IKEA; it's a parody and so is purposefully extreme. But in addition to very simple furniture, they have some "modern" furniture too. After just a couple minutes of looking, I found this kids' chair and this adult chair. I'm sure if one looked longer one could find even better examples.
        • Even then, those examples are still very utilitarian, though closer to modern art (I'll give you that). But I'm not convinced that something like the Styleron would ever be sold at IKEA, at least not as a chair. Maybe a garden ornament...

Additional comments:

  • I don't understand the fixation on somehow linking this with IKEA. It seems more like a reference to hoity-toity designers, not cost-effective retailers.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk)
  2. Mario2.PNG Super Martyo boing!
  1. YKHi. I'm Ayjo!
  2.  Loafing
  3. Trey56
  4. H-ko
  5. Lapper (talk)
  6. Qermaq - (T/C) Image:Qermaqsigpic.png
  7. The Chort
  8. גשמלדרברגן
  9. Jay (Gobble)
  10. kai lyn
  11. I R F
  12. Image:Stinkwing.gif »Bleed0range«

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[edit] Slow Danube

The reference to the "Danoob Largo" chair is probably a reference to the Danube River, which runs through Europe, where there are many people apt to buy such a manner of furniture. And in this case Danoob Largo would mean something like "Long Danube."

From: the chair
Posted on: 10:18, 6 December 2006 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • The Danube is a fairly well known river that sounds European enough to be a designer label.

Arguments against:

  • As written, this is speculative and vague. A rewrite is needed.
    • How about The Danoob Largo chair most likely refers to the Danube River, which runs through Europe. In this case Danoob Largo would mean something like "Long Danube."?
      • Hmm, without the apt Europeans, "da n00b" would be a much more likely explanation than "Danube".
  • Highly speculative and based on wrong facts and prejudice. Having grown up in a country the Danube runs through, I have to tell you that nobody there would buy such a chair.

Additional comments:

  • The reason for this fact being removed was "europe is a big place..." That doesn't seem relevant.
    • It's relevant because of the broad stroke generalization, "where there are many people apt to buy...". It is bold to group all of Europe together that way, due to a reference to a river that runs through parts of Europe.
      • The person who put the fact up may have been referring to people on the Danube river.
        • I don't think that a well-known habit of people living on a river running through several countries (from very rich to very poor)[1] is buying unusable designer chairs.
  • While the latin "Largo" is etymologically related to "Long", there is no common usage of the term other than the musical usage (slow tempo).
    • It's also Spanish for "large".

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Shwoo
  1.  Loafing
  2. BryanCTC
  3. Lapper (talk)
  4. Trey56
  5. - link_icon.gifThe Joe(Talk)
  6. I R F
  7. Trelawney
  8. Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk)
  9. Mycroft Holmes
  10. Trogga
  11. The Chort
  12. גשמלדרברגן

Proposed revision:

"Danoob Largo" is likely a reference to the Danube River, which runs through most of Europe.

Arguments for:

  • What else would it be a reference to, if anything? :)

Arguments against:

  • Who sez it *has* to be a reference to anything at all? To paraphrase Freud, sometimes a silly word is just a silly word.
    • There are a LOT of toons and emails documented on this wiki with "silly words" in them. That didn't stop us then from finding plausible references to real-world people and places.
  • It just means "the big n00b"...
    • I disagree. "Da-noob" is a common mispronunciation of Danube (properly pronounced "dan-yoob"). And "n00b" (as in Newbie) makes practically ZERO sense in this context.

Additional comments:

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk)
  1. Mycroft Holmes
  2. Qermaq - (T/C) Image:Qermaqsigpic.png
  3.  Loafing
  4. - link_icon.gifThe Joe(Talk)
  5. Lapper (talk)
  6. YKHi. I'm Ayjo!
  7. I R F
  8. Trogga
  9. talk Bubsty edits
  10. גשמלדרברגן

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[edit] Unethical Chick Beaks

"Ethical Chick'n Beaks" is probably a reference to the questionably unethical practice of cutting off baby chicken beaks employed by many chicken mega-farms.

From: the chair
Posted on: 05:33, 10 December 2006 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • From the discussion page, it looks like I'm not the only one for whome this was the first thing to come to mind on this. I never thought about being a vegitarian till i saw a YouTube video on this recently, and now I at least avoid KFC. Maybe the bros saw the same YouTube vid?
    • It's a well known practice that has been debated before YouTube even existed. TBC don't need to reference a specific video here.
  • Taking the beaks off of birds seems cruel in itself, and "Ethical Chick Beaks" may be an original joke that there is no true ethical practice of debeaking.

Arguments against:

  • it seems strange that TBC would be referencing a YouTube video, unless extremely popular, like the numa numa video.

Additional comments:

  • Re first arg against: read the fun fact, please. Nowhere does it mention YouTube.
    • I think that arg's referring to the first arg for.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Jedi liz
  2. Trey56
  3. talk Bubsty edits
  4. BazookaJoe
  5.  Loafing
  6. Bluebry
  7. Shwoo
  8. Aaronak
  9. ISlayedTheKerrek
  10. Heimstern Läufer
  11. Lapper (talk)

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[edit] Strong Bad Mask Removal

Strong Bad's taking his mask off where the viewer can't see it is a reference to the Halo series, where multiple times Master Chief takes his helmet off, and puts it back on, but his face is never seen.

From: the chair
Posted on: 02:50, 9 December 2006 (UTC)

Arguments for:

Arguments against:

  • It's a very common device in fiction to never show a character's face.
  • The mask is Strong Bad's face.
  • A very big stretch.
  • Seeing SB's face behind-the-mask has been a recurring theme in several emails to him. As is his parents' pictures

Additional comments:

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. CX360
  1. Shwoo
  2. Lapper (talk)
  3. Trogga
  4. Mario2.PNG Super Martyo boing!
  5.  Loafing
  6. YKHi. I'm Ayjo!
  7. Trey56
  8. H*Bad
  9. Qermaq - (T/C) Image:Qermaqsigpic.png
  10. DorianGray
  11. --Theyellowdart
  12. The Chort
  13. NFITC1talk
  14. Bluebry

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[edit] Teh n00b Largo?

This could also possibly be a reference to the character Largo in the Megatokyo webcomic. In this webcomic, Largo "is an impulsive alcoholic who speaks L33t fluently and frequently." Thus, the mention of "Danoob" might be to what is known commonly online as a newbie.

From: the chair
Posted on: 09:18, 6 December 2006 (UTC)

Arguments for:

Arguments against:

  • There are a lot of stretches here to make a connection, and the usage in this toon have other plausible explanations.
  • Biggest stretch ever. Does this deserve to be STUFF'd at all?

Additional comments:

  • The signature in the Easter egg does appear to read "Danoob" — though it is barely legible.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. BryanCTC
  2.  Loafing
  3. DorianGray
  4. Shwoo
  5. Lapper (talk)
  6. Trey56
  7. YKHi. I'm Ayjo!
  8. I R F
  9. - link_icon.gifThe Joe(Talk)
  10. H-ko
  11. Trelawney
  12. Mycroft Holmes
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