[edit] A comic about nothing (except games)
The college roommate webcomic is a reference to the webcomic Penny Arcade.
From: web comics
Posted on: 20:46, 8 October 2007 (UTC)
Arguments for:
- Strong Bad looks similar to Gabriel and the text balloons seem to be modelled after it.
- Penny Arcade is one of the most prominent gaming webcomics.
- Penny Arcade most likely started the whole "slickly drawn college roommates make nothing but video game inside jokes" webcomic trend.
Arguments against:
- Strong Bad's point is that there are far too many webcomics about video games and would therefore not be making a reference to one specific one.
- TTATOT - Many comic strips have similar fonts/word balloons/drawing styles.
- The character that sounds like Strong Sad doesn't look like Tycho.
- Rattling off hardware and software technologies doesn't seem like Penny Arcade. It sounds like more of a computer geek joke than a video game joke.
Additional comments:
- What webcomic is the Strong Sad character based on? He looks familiar to me, but I can't pin it down.
- His pasty skintone reminds me of one of the mains from PvP, but I'm not sure as I don't actually read it.
- He looks like Tycho in real life. See picture: [1]
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