HRWiki:STUFF/Archive/web comics

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These HRWiki:STUFF items are preserved here as an archive. Do not add new votes.


[edit] A comic about nothing (except games)

The college roommate webcomic is a reference to the webcomic Penny Arcade.

From: web comics
Posted on: 20:46, 8 October 2007 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  1. Strong Bad looks similar to Gabriel and the text balloons seem to be modelled after it.
  2. Penny Arcade is one of the most prominent gaming webcomics.
  3. Penny Arcade most likely started the whole "slickly drawn college roommates make nothing but video game inside jokes" webcomic trend.

Arguments against:

  1. Strong Bad's point is that there are far too many webcomics about video games and would therefore not be making a reference to one specific one.
  2. TTATOT - Many comic strips have similar fonts/word balloons/drawing styles.
  3. The character that sounds like Strong Sad doesn't look like Tycho.
  4. Rattling off hardware and software technologies doesn't seem like Penny Arcade. It sounds like more of a computer geek joke than a video game joke.

Additional comments:

  • What webcomic is the Strong Sad character based on? He looks familiar to me, but I can't pin it down.
    • His pasty skintone reminds me of one of the mains from PvP, but I'm not sure as I don't actually read it.
    • He looks like Tycho in real life. See picture: [1]

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Danny Lilithborne
  2. Trogga
  3. Manolios
  4. DorianGray
  5. Shwoo
  6. Duck Secks
  7. H-ko
  8.  Loafing
  9. Sysrq868
  10. DEI DAT VMdatvm center\super contra
  11. Kouvre
  12. Kvn8907
  13. Rowsdower45
  14. Heimstern Läufer
  15. Trey56
  16. Mario2.PNG Super Martyo boing!
  17. User talk:Sam the Man Sam the Man
  18. CaptainPhlegmatic
  19. Slipknot6477
  20. Isaac Smith (T · C)
  21. YKHi. I'm Ayjo!
  22. Stev0
  23. Jdhannan
  1. OptimisticFool
  2. wbwolf (t | ed)
  3. LGC&CS
  4. Nynexman4464
  5. The Goblin!!

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[edit] All I ever wanted was to be your spine

"Web in Front" is a song by North Carolina-based indie rock band Archers of Loaf.

From: web comics
Posted on: 21:12, 8 October 2007 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  1. The phrase "web in front" is clickable.
  2. When clicked, a picture with the phrase "go loaf" appears.

Arguments against:

Additional comments:

  • TBC are known fans of music from this era, including Mudhoney and Sebadoh.
  • There doesn't seem to be any other explanation.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Agnamaracs
  2. Bobbyrufener
  3. Danny Lilithborne
  4. OptimisticFool
  5. VegaAurora
  6. wbwolf (t | ed)
  7. YKHi. I'm Ayjo!
  8. Sysrq868
  9. DEI DAT VMdatvm center\super contra
  10. Trey56

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