User:Purple Wrench/sandbox

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Thumbnail Text / Video Transcript Date External Link
1size But the science was sound! SOUND I say!!

New Marzipan's Answering Machine:
1 Apr 2016 Twitter
1size Check out these alternate test sentences from sbemail120 'radio!' Still think I picked the best one. #homestarchives

Image Transcript

The truck broke down without a sound but
cash is often sweeter.

Can it, marjory! Or i'll be wincing 'til tuesday.

A couple of kids can cause a stole my
rachet set, I need it to soften the blow.

Pretend, for a moment, you're out on the town,
livinitup while your pants, they are down.


{On the underside of the paper, the following sentences show through upside down:}

The requested style is not valid. Please try

At first

Eaten mildly and with a sense of smell,
the meal

18 Mar 2016 Twitter

(no pic)

Health class! Now! @buenothebear @hodgman @BrandonHoang_

This tweet is a reply to @buenothebear (Pendleton Ward) and @BrandonHoang_, the latter of which had posted a tweet about an ultrasound, remarking the baby to appear similar to Strong Bad, while the former directed it to Strong Bad's Twitter. The tweet is also retweeted to John Hodgman, although the reason is unclear.

Video Transcript

{The entire video is through the vision of an ultrasound previously sent in a Tweet to Strong Bad}

STRONG BAD: Alright, everyone just calm down, okay? This is a perfectly natural stage of childhood development. Every baby hits the Strong Bad stage right after that lookin'-like-a-fried-shrimp stage.

{The frame cuts to a blank ultrasound, with a picture of a fried shrimp appearing shortly after}

STRONG BAD: You know what I'm talkin' about?

{The frame cuts back to the Strong Bad-like ultrasound}

STRONG BAD: Check out my adorable little single-deuce. Deuce! Deuce! {A circle resembling a hand next to the face moves up with every "deuce" said by Strong Bad} Hey, lady, can you feel this? Deuce deuce! Deuce deuce deuce! {The entire frame moves slightly with every deuce said by Strong Bad} Alright, now I'm creeping myself out. Sorry who's-so-ever's-innards-these-are.

10 Feb 2016 Twitter

(no pic)

Teen Trogor-squad?! Great idea @Band1tDav3

This tweet is a reply to @Band1tDav3, who messaged Strong Bad "teen trogdor squad? Happy b-day!", sparking the idea for "teen trog squad".

Video Transcript

{The Teen Girl Squad logo appears, with the title rewritten as "teen trog squad". The Teen Girl Squad music plays, amalgamated with Trogdor's theme.}

STRONG BAD: {falsetto} Teen Trog Squad!

{Trogdor appears as "trogleader", with less-developed wings and fast-motion lines. (All of the drawings come from the brainstorming sheet for Trogdor shown in the previous tweet.) The caption reads "burninate!".}

STRONG BAD: Trogleader!

{A new dragon, "such and such", appears. It resembles an alligator with stubby appendages, glasses, and a book. The caption reads "read-a-thon!"}

STRONG BAD: Such and Such!

{The Wormdingler appears diagonally. The caption reads "unconsummate!"}

STRONG BAD: Wormdingler!

{The "S is for Sucks" Dragon appears as "the suckly one", resting its head on its fist. The caption reads "creatine?".}

STRONG BAD: The Suckly One!

12 Jan 2016 Twitter
1size My original Trog-brainstorm sheet! Today, Troggie officially enters his teens! #Trogday 12 Jan 2016 Twitter
1size I'll never be able to call Strong Sad "The Thick White Dump" again without shedding a little tear. 11 Jan 2016 Twitter
1size @NerdbotMk2 I dunno man.. I can kinda believe it

This tweet is a reply to @NerdbotMk2, who messaged Strong Bad his disappointment that he did not realize the costume Strong Bad has previously seen as a badly-made-rendition of himself was actually a costume of Sir Hotbod Handsomeface.

10 Nov 2015 Twitter
1size Watch me unleash a full snark salad on these nice fans!
10 Nov 2015 Twitter

(no pic)

@frankenstylin aw crap! You shoulda sent this earlier! I coulda been like, "Monstrous Strong Bad devours soul patch-having suburban dad!!"

This tweet is a reply to @frankenstylin, who sent Strong Bad a picture of him dressed as Strong Bad, with his head in the Strong Bad costume's mouth. However, the picture was sent roughly around the time Fan Costumes 2015 was uploaded, which is referenced in Strong Bad's reply.

10 Nov 2015 Twitter
1size Waitaminute! The new Videlectrix handheld is just a phone case?! That's worse than the N-Gage and Gizmondo combined! 9 Nov 2015 Twitter

(no pic)

Tweet your worst H*R-themed costumes at me, that I may properly compile and ridicule them on my website!

Video Transcript

{close-up of Homestar Runner, wearing a Crack Stuntman paper mask and wearing a white shirt}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Blaaaaah! I'm Crap Costume! {begins coughing and wheezing} This shirt is choking me. {begins choking, eventually falling over}

2 Nov 2015 Twitter
1size Check my haunted house in this year's Ween Toon!


29 Oct 2015 Twitter
1size Hey Homestar, I really like your costume:
(get excited about silhouettes, y'all)
21 Oct 2015 Twitter
1 The unholiest of matrimonies!
by @thebeewithwheels
19 Oct 2015 Instagram

(no pic)

Caught in a fhqwh-loop!!

This tweet links to an Instagram post, revealing Strong Bad's Instagram account. The post contains the same text, as well as a looping video.

Video Transcript

{Plush Strong Bad swings back and forth in front of the Kennedy rug from Everybody to the Limit. A keyboard beat plays as Strong Bad raps.}

PLUSH STRONG BAD: I asked my friend Joe, I asked my friend Jake, I asked my friend Joe, I asked my friend Jake! Asked my friend Joe, I asked my friend Jake... they said it was Fhqwh- asked my friend Joe, I asked my friend Jake! Asked my friend Joe, I asked my friend Jake, I asked my friend Joe, I asked my friend Jake... they said it was Fhqwh-

6 Oct 2015 Twitter Instagram
1size Also, who doesn't want to watch THIS spinoff?!

Image Transcript

{the same image from Strong Bad Classics! appears, but without Strong Bad's vandalism. The scene quickly zooms in on Strong Sad's soolnds. A drawing appears on top of them, consisting of a dog's face (left) and a duck's face (right), both in the same color as the soolnds. Strong Sad's toes form the basis for each pair of eyes. Meanwhile, a border of concentric gray rings (reminiscent of the classic Looney Tunes title cards) surrounds the drawing. The following text appears.}

Silly Soolnds

30 Sep 2015 Twitter
1size Ocelot & the Porridge Maiden. Now with added dumbness!
30 Sep 2015 Twitter

(no pic)

Listen up tightly! Here's the answer b/w reward to Monday's Sbemailsong Mystery!

Video Transcript

{close-up of the Strong Bad board, with both the plush Strong Bad and the Strong Bad figurine in front of it. They move simultaneously in opposite directions, one on top of the other.}

BOTH STRONG BADS: {in one voice} That's right, that was from #97, "monument". The first appearance of...

{both Strong Bads move to the bottom of the screen.}

UNSEEN CHORUS: {singing} Here comes the Shark-Tooth Thnikkaman!!

{These words float across the screen. Shark-Tooth Thnikkaman, a Shark-Tooth Bubs plush doll with paper cutouts of The Thnikkaman's sunglasses and "tH" sign appears from the bottom of the screen.}

SHARK-TOOTH THNIKKAMAN: Yeah! Shout e-{stops} Shout 'em around, kid... I... {turns to his right and begins walking offscreen} I used to sell TVs.

17 Sept 2015 Twitter
1size @jimmyjone

Image Transcript

splurt! crania! fluid!!
your content-free pal,
Strong BAD

This tweet is a reply to @jimmyjone, who criticized Strong Bad's Twitter account for appearing to become "just another brand posting content-free tweets".

14 Sept 2015 Twitter

(no pic)

Oh crapst! The last one was from #36 Guitar! Now which sbemail is this classic flesh-eating ear-worm from?!

Video Transcript

{close-up of the Strong Bad board, with both the plush Strong Bad and the Strong Bad figurine in front of it. They move simultaneously in opposite directions, one on top of the other.}

BOTH STRONG BADS: {in one voice; excitedly} Oh man, is this blowing your mind? Here's the song! Traipsin' along, traipsin'- traipsin' along, and an email got stuck in my eye!

14 Sept 2015 Twitter

(no pic)

It's SBemailsong Myst-Mon! Quick which Golden Age sbemail is this li'l krangle from?

Video Transcript

{wide view of a large Strong Bad board in front of the Videlectrix Office}

STRONG BAD POSTER: Oh, this week, it's a live sbemail song mystery monday! Here we go! Oh, tap your toes and check your email, oh a-tap your toes tonight... {The Strong Bad Poster falls down} Oof!

24 Aug 2015 Twitter

(no pic)

Dangwhoa! I frikkin HATE Homestar but I'd still hang this on my wall (mostly to chuck discount bricks at).

This tweet is a reply to @NerdbotMk2, who presented a fan drawing of several Homestars, each in a different costume or variation.

21 Aug 2015 Twitter
1size @devilcrosswords Stack em to the heavens for reals!!

This tweet is a reply to @devilcrosswords, who commented on the previous tweet with "Stack 'em to the heavens! Stack 'em to the heavens. I COULD WRITE A SONG CALLED 'STACK 'EM TO THE HEAVENS!'"

21 Aug 2015 Twitter
1size That's cool and all, @myrnehr, but it can't compare to The Cheat's phat Casio staxx!

This tweet is a reply to @myrnehr, who demonstrated the demo on an actual Casio VL-Tone keyboard.

20 Aug 2015 Twitter

(no pic)

The answer to yestroday's Sbemailsong Mystery!

Video Transcript

{wide view of Figurine Strong Bad standing in a cardboard box in front of a Strong Badia background.}

STRONG BAD FIGURINE: {Strong Bad makes a microphone click noise and speaks in an emotionless theme park tour guide-styled voice. In each sentence, the pitch rises, reaches a high in the middle, and then falls} Of course that was from sbemail #104, theme park. That's the cartoon where the Easter egg is better than the rest of the email. And now for your reward, prepare to experience the fury of...


{Homestar mimics fan noises and begins spinning out of the box, exposing his puppet stick. Strong Bad does similar, exclaiming monotone excitement. Eventually, there are drums heard in the background and Homestar and Strong Bad go back into the box, followed shortly by Strong Bad's microphone click.}

17 Aug 2015 Twitter

(no pic)

Oh schlonsk! I keep gettin smaller on Sbemailsong Mystery Monday. Which half-classic sbemail is this from?

Video Transcript

{medium shot of a Strong Bad figurine in front of the Stop Sign}

STRONG BAD FIGURINE: Last week was sbemail 79, the process, and doesn't deserve a reward. Here go this weeks!

{cut to medium shot of a Strong Bad figurine in front of The Field}

STRONG BAD FIGURINE: Everybody loves this, everybody needs this, {Strong Bad figurine now upside-down} it's time for funny stuff.

17 Aug 2015 Twitter
2File:instagram whitesbmask.jpg I have a rectangle mouth and I must scream. 12 Aug 2015 Instagram

(no pic)

Aw paumpf! It's Sbemailsong Trivia Tuesday! Which forgettable Sbemail is this little scrumble from?

Video Transcript

{medium shot of a plush Strong Bad}

PLUSH STRONG BAD: {speaking quickly} Last week was #59 Marzipan, now here's your reward.

PLUSH HOMESTAR: Oh, I have a plush duck mouth. Quack quack.

PLUSH STRONG BAD: {speaking quickly} Now here's this week's! {abruptly singing at normal speed, with a previous accent} My name is not Email Sam. Ooh ahh. So please don't call me Email Sam. Ooh ahh.

10 Aug 2015 Twitter
3File:instagram kennedyrug.jpg I ask my friend Joe. Then, after a short deliberation, I ask my friend Jake. 3 Aug 2015 Instagram
1size Oh, also we're all doomed. flash:
3 Aug 2015 Twitter

(no pic)

Sbemailsong Mystery Monday! What not-so-classic sbemail is plushie Strong Bad waggling his head about?

Video Transcript

{close-up of a plush Strong Bad with golden eyes}

PLUSH STRONG BAD: {singing} There once was a man named email, and he did his best for a while.

3 Aug 2015 Twitter

(no pic)

The answer to yessaday's Sbemail Song Mystery!

Video Transcript

{medium shot of Puppet Strong Bad}

PUPPET STRONG BAD: Hey, great job, all—

PUPPET HOMESTAR: {flung up in the air from offscreen, crying} Whoa!

PUPPET STRONG BAD: —my Twitterm'ns and Twitterladies! The answer was of course—

PUPPET HOMESTAR: {flung again} Bla-ha-haaa!

PUPPET STRONG BAD: —sbemail 109, "crying": —

PUPPET HOMESTAR: {flung again} Waaah!

PUPPET STRONG BAD: —the first appearance of—

PUPPET HOMESTAR: {flung again, now spinning} Whoa-oh-oh-ohhh!

PUPPET STRONG BAD: —Lil' Brudder. And now, for your sweet reward—

PUPPET HOMESTAR: {flung again, now diving} Heart of a champion!

{extreme fisheye close-up shot of Puppet Strong Bad's mouth}

PUPPET STRONG BAD: {menacing} ...A horrifying close-up of my ungodly puppet mouth.

28 Jul 2015 Twitter
4File:instagram ssadfigurinedecap.jpg I'm sad that I'm dry-erase. 27 Jul 2015 Instagram

(no pic)

Oh dansk! It's Sbemail Song Mystery Monday! Which Sbemail is this li'l nugg from?

Video Transcript

PUPPET STRONG BAD: {Rapping} I'm not gonna sing an email song this week e—{realizes mistake, talking} Oh. Never mind.

27 Jul 2015 Twitter
1size Help #RaiseTheRothfuss errybody! (@PatrickRothfuss) His charity gives people goats! #Goatfuss
1 Jun 2015 Twitter
1size Watch me improve a nerdbook for a nerdbook-writing Beardo's charity drive:
1 Jun 2015 Twitter
1size AAAAAAHHHH!! 23 Apr 2015 Twitter
1size This tweet was pressed on 180 gram colored vinyl.
18 Apr 2015 Twitter

(no pic)

@Eatonfl @florenjust SHH! This is not an ad!

This tweet is a reply to @Eatonfl and @florenjust, who each asked where they could get the iPhone case from the previous tweet.

14 Apr 2015 Twitter
1size Aw paunch! Just got my new Compy Phone. Does anybody know which one of these cables is the car charger?! 14 Apr 2015 Twitter
1size 3D print your own dang Lappier! My gift to you on this fine Apro Foo Day. STL file: #MakerBad 1 Apr 2015 Twitter
1size I said some words in a sequence I found very pleasing. Maybe you will too. 1 Apr 2015 Twitter
1size New Ween Toon YouTube link for the Flash-ularly impaired. 30 Oct 2014 Twitter
1size Witness the horror of the new Halloween cartoon: 30 Oct 2014 Twitter
1size Attn: Internet. If you come across this game DO NOT BUY! Despite the exquisite artwork it is NOT an official product! 25 Oct 2014 Twitter
1size For 5 years the Weekly Fanstuff has suffered under the tyranny of the Homestar Doorknocka! Sic Homestar Tyrannis! 22 Oct 2014 Twitter
1size Psst! Hey D. Pweb! Know where a private eye/crooked cop can score some rounds for one of these babies? #nunchukgun 21 Oct 2014 Twitter
1size Seriously you juys. Time for some real talk about Halloween safety! 20 Oct 2014 Twitter
1size Just gonna leave this here for you guys. Edgarware is shareware after all. 15 Oct 2014 Twitter
1size @trogdorrunner FERR-TWEETED!!

This tweet is a reply to @trogdorrunner, who asked Strong Bad how he tweets with boxing gloves on.

15 Oct 2014 Twitter
1size Too many 'How do you tweet with boxing gloves on' tweets! Must... drop... train on em!! 15 Oct 2014 Twitter
1size And last but not least, I'm pretty sure I just triggered the singularity.

Image Transcript

10 Oct 2014 Twitter
1size @KatFord1 Your V's ARE consummate, but you call that a more different S? Looks more like a recombinant bovine J!

This tweet is a reply to @KatFord1, who drew Trogdor on the back of a Which Wich? sandwich bag.

9 Oct 2014 Twitter
1size Oh staunch. Tried a different email client and now it's just mocking me!

Image Transcript

8 Oct 2014 Twitter
1size Uh, anyone know what to do when a body gets THIS error:

Image Transcript

7 Oct 2014 Twitter
1size Just me and Coach Z givin the pyorple what they want: 3 Oct 2014 Twitter
1size Finally filled this up! Now does anybody know the address I'm sposed to mail this to so I can get verified? 2 Oct 2014 Twitter
1size (no text)

Image Transcript

Oh damp!! Got it running on both drives!! Now I think I can re-tweet! — SB

30 Sep 2014 Twitter
1size (no text)

Image Transcript

High-res screengrab from my upcoming new jam!! — SB

27 Sep 2014 Twitter
1size (no text)

Image Transcript

Hey! It worked!! — SB

26 Sep 2014 Twitter

(no pic)

TWITTER 26 Sep 2014 Twitter
1size (no text)

Image Transcript

Am I doing this right?! — SB

26 Sep 2014 Twitter
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