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The Map of Thy Peasantry

Peasantry is a land filled with peasants, archers, and knights (albeit apparent lack of a castle). Creatures such as Trogdor, the ogre-like Kerrek, and the primitive Jhonka also abound. It is the primary setting in the game Peasant's Quest. Its name is based on the land of Daventry, from the King's Quest games by Sierra. It is also (presumably) the place where TROGDOR! takes place.


The history of Peasantry is a dark one indeed. In the early days, life was simple and happy. baby ladies stole money. Creepy old men fished in the lakes. Then, the beasts came. Three horrible creatures struck out and changed people's lives forever. One, the Jhonka, was a troll-like being that lived in a cave, hoarding its treasure. The second, a vile giant known as the Kerrek, invaded the land, squashing all who trespassed his fields. And the third, the most horrible of them all, was a dragon known as Trogdor the Burninator. Trogdor ravaged fields, squashed peasants, destroyed huts, and spread burnination all over the land. Ever since this day, while most of the peasants of Peasantry have lived in peace with Trogdor, some people did indeed live in fear.

It is revealed in the Peasant's Quest Movie Trailer that Peasantry has a monarchy—namely, the heretofore nameless King of Peasantry.

Peasantry comes alive

Also there is a new map shown which slightly resembles the old one, and reveals new places such as:

  • Clackum Falls
  • The Frumpish Mountains
  • Trogdor's Keep
  • The Slightly Dangerous Fields
  • That Weird Tree (you know)


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