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Revision as of 22:31, 26 October 2022 by (Talk)
Much like type and style, the word times has been in places that it is not expected. In some cases, it is an example of plural instead of singular.
- The Scoreboard has the word "Times" above the remaining time.
- Fluffy Puff Commercial (Second DVD Commentary) — Homestar Runner says, "He [Willy] thought this— I was an answering machine, this whole times!"
- Email 3 wishes — Strong Bad lists "Crap in the times" as an example of a signature with the word "crap" in it.
- Email privileges — Strong Bad begins his email by singing, "Ohh-ho-oh ohh EEEEEMAIL ME GIRL! Unh! Once times! Twice times!"
- Quote of the Week — If the quote doesn't load properly, Homestar can be seen saying, "Oh Haldo! This is my funniest word style ever times that I've said!"
- Email animal — Homestar Runner asks Strong Bad Monster, "I say there, Monstrosity! Do you know the times?", after which Strong Bad confesses that he doesn't have an answer to this question.
- This question reappears in Dangeresque Roomisode 1: Behind the Dangerdesque.
- Stinkoman 20X6 — When Stinkoman is about to reach The Liekand and a strong wind blows him back, he says, "AHHH! Windy times!!"
- Flashforward — Homestar says, "That's some good times."
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 12 — Cheerleader insists on calling the holiday "Valentimes", even though So and So corrects her on several occasions.
- Email your edge — The email features "Have Edge Times Magazine".
- FeedBurner Page — In the entry for the Doomy Tales of the Macabre teaser, Homestar states that "Only times will tells!" who the costumes are.
- Punkin Stencils — In the 2009 update, after clicking on the Pistols for Pandas stencil, Homestar says, "Oh, times."
- Poker Night at the Inventory — If Strong Bad wins two hands in a row, he'll say, "Twice times, twice times."
- Fan 'Stumes 2019 — Homestar refers to the Homestarmy costume as depicting "General Buttweesimo Twicetimes-Removed Shoulderthingies".