Minor Companies

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Boardelectrix logo Boardelectrix (which sounds suspiciously like Videlectrix, though any connection is unknown) is a board game company. They currently have two known games, "Jurvy-Skat" and "THE SHOW! STUPID HOME EDITION!" Family Resemblence, geddup noise
Few things are better than 3rd Base Bookazon.com. See main article: Bookazon.com. studying
Registered Trademark Compy, Inc is the name of the company that manufactured the Compy 386 and the Lappy 486. The name probably has multiple real-world references. The loading screen for the game Population: Tire indicates a parody of Commodore International. The name "Compy" and the overall look of the computer itself is somewhat evocative of Compaq Computer Corporation. The logo is reminiscent of the IBM logo. various emails
CGNU: The future is you... probably. Crazy Go Nuts University. See main article: Crazy Go Nuts University. Homestar Quiz, CGNU, theme party, mascot, different town, radio
"How can I make these prices any lower?" Discount Flashback Warehouse, run by Strong Bad, deals in flashbacks at low prices. You can get flashbacks from "this season, last season, even stuff (he) just made up!". At some point in '04, there was a special sale in the Homestar Runner Store, "Strong Bad's Weekend Bargains." On the page explaining the sale, it said, "I'm like Discount Bargains Warehouse over here," obviously a reference to the DFW. flashback, Store
Diskettes ETC. Not much is known about Diskettes ETC., except that they are a software company that gives away orange polo shirts. Homestar received one. other days
Nice kicks! Freshley's is a Free Country, USA shoe company. The box for Freshley's shoes is white with the words "Freshley's" written in orange. According to Strong Bad, the name is appropriate, because they are "about the freshest shoes you can imagine." It is unknown if they are related to Mrs. Freshley's pastries. The logo resembles that of the Shaw's grocery chain, as well as the logo for FreshDirect, an online grocery purveyor. anything, time capsule
File:Galoob logo.png Galoob is the company that makes Fluffy Puff Marshmallows, as evidenced by the page title of the Meet Marshie cartoon. Galoob is a real company, a division Hasbro called "Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc." They manufacture Micro Machines, among other things. They used to make a line of "video game enhancement" devices called Game Genies which would allow Nintendo and Sega players to enter cheat codes and change the settings of their favorite games. They have no formal association with The Brothers Chaps or Homestar Runner. Meet Marshie
We need to get you some serious Klown Kare, man. Kertified Klown Kare is a medical service devoted exclusively to treating clown-related injuries. In the Strong Bad Email long pants, Strong Bad suggests that Homestar, driven to insanity by an accusation regarding his lack of pants, receive a "serious" amount of said care. Rodeo and Tragic Clown Hot Dogs are not accepted. According to their business card, they provide services for pie injuries, giant foot problems, wacky malaria, and grease paint poisoning. long pants
Vera low prices guaranteed Manolios Ugly One's Lectro-pawn is a pawn shop owned by The Ugly One's father, specializing in used and broken electronic goods. Manolios has a flair for sales, except his stock is somewhat less than functional: he showcases a broken VCR and a smashed VHS tape in his Easter egg "commercial" for Lectro-pawn. His catchphrase, muttered in tiny letters after his more bold sales pitches, is "or something like that." Teen Girl Squad Issue 10
"Classy" logo, "classy" shows Metalmation is the company responsible for the first (and only) episode of Limozeen: "but they're in space!". The name is a parody of the Filmation animation studio which produced various animated television series (e.g. Cosby Kids, Star Trek, Archie and most notably He-man) from 1968 to 1987. best thing
Micro Palace Micro Palace is a software company that gives away blue polo shirts. Strong Bad has one. other days
Ol' Fatty's 'Lectric Boots Ol' Fatty's is the company that manufactures the "whisper quiet" 'Lectric Boots, featured in extra plug. Strong Bad mail-ordered these boots. extra plug
Don't eat it like the cartoon man Portly Washboy Fancy Laundry Paste is a sponsor of the Old-Timey "The Fish Was Delish" radio program run by Old-Timey Strong Bad, as seen in the Strong Bad Email "radio." Its slogan is "Don't eat it like the cartoon man." radio
"No probalo!" Senor Cardgage Mort-gage. See main article: Senor Cardgage Mort-gage. Senor Mortgage
"...and sell it some type of online auction" Some Type of Online Auction. See main article: Some Type of Online Auction english paper (Easter egg)
Big Ol' Eyebrows, here I come! Strong Bad's School Of Barbzerdry is an academy specializing in Barber Wizardry, or "Barbzerdry" for short. The aformentioned business was first mentioned in the Strong Bad Email "haircut", in which Strong Bad laments the lack of potential customers in Free Country, USA. The school advertises that they specialize in elixirs, faeries, and high top fades. Absolutely NO cuts, butts, or coconuts. haircut
Styles Upon Styles' logo and slogan Styles Upon Styles is a high-class clothing manufacturer that furnishes Strong Bad's wardrobe. Strong Bad bought clothes from Styles Upon Styles for a photo session with Pom Pom in the email modeling. According to the Homestar Lure, their slogan is, "Steep prices and trees!" animal, modeling
This is the front and back of the card that is found on the download page Superfied Credit Union. See main article: Superfied Credit Union. credit card, Downloads, HomestarRunner.com PAY PLUS!
This is the Totalsoft Electronicals LLC,,. Logo Totalsoft Electronicals LLC,,. is the company behind the game Fishing Challenge '91 only accessible via the email lures & jigs. lures & jigs
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