Ever and More
From Homestar Runner Wiki
- "Helmets" redirects here. For the items worn on the characters heads, see Headgear.
Toon Category: Shorts |
The Broternal Order of Different Helmets have a meeting.
Cast (in order of appearance): Coach Z, Strong Sad, Bubs, Strong Mad, The Poopsmith, Homestar Runner, Strong Bad, Pom Pom, The King of Town, The Cheat
Places: The Bar, Bathroom of the Brothers Strong (Easter egg)
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Running Time: 2:50
Page Title: Cut her some FLAX!
Earlier Page Title: B.O.D.H. Local 1-1-Style
DVD: Everything Else, Volume 3
Contents |
{Open on Coach Z and Strong Sad sitting at a table. Coach Z is wearing a gladiator's barbute, and Strong Sad is wearing his astronaut helmet}
COACH Z: Well, it's like a tricycle, but with nineteen wheels instead of three! {pronounced "tree"}
STRONG SAD: Coach Z, that's a horrible recipe!
COACH Z: Lemme run this one by ya. We start with a pound of rubber cement...
{Cut to another view of the table, with Strong Mad, Bubs and The Poopsmith. Strong Mad is wearing a Nacho football helmet on top of his head, Bubs is wearing a fire helmet, and The Poopsmith is wearing a Judge Dredd helmet}
BUBS: I haven't been able to fit into my lucky pants for almost ten years! That's why come I'm in such a bad mood all the time!
STRONG MAD: I CAN LET OUT THE WAIST {Holds up needle and an extremely short length of thread} A LITTLE BIT FOR YOU!
BUBS: Hey, that'd be a sweet deal I couldn't refuse!
HOMESTAR RUNNER: {offscreen} Order!
{Strong Mad, Bubs and The Poopsmith pay attention. Cut to Homestar, who's wearing his horned Viking helmet and banging a turkey drumstick on the table}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Order! I hereby call this meeting of the Broternal Order of Different Helmets to order! Now let us begin with a rousing rendition of our frothy, shanty chant. {Waving drumstick like a conductor's baton} And one, two, three!
{Cut to another view of the table. Bubs, Strong Bad and Coach Z are visible. Strong Bad is wearing a miner's helmet}
ALL: {singing} Ever and more, ever and more, ever and more!
{Cut to another view. Strong Sad and Pom Pom are visible. Pom Pom is wearing a Samurai helmet. Strong Sad isn't singing and has his arms folded}
ALL (except Strong Sad): {singing} Ever and more, ever and more, ever and more!
{Cut back to Homestar}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: One more time!
{Cut to a shot of The Poopsmith, The King of Town and Strong Sad, slowly zooming out. The King of Town is wearing a German Pickelhaube.}
ALL (except Strong Sad): {singing, getting higher at the end} Ever and more...
{Cut to Bubs, Strong Bad and Coach Z, slowly panning left}
ALL (except Strong Sad): ...ever and more...
{Cut to The Cheat next to Strong Mad. The Cheat is wearing a British custodian helmet.}
ALL (except Strong Sad): ...ever and more!
{Cut back to Homestar}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Strong Sad! Why weren't you singing?
{Cut to Strong Sad}
STRONG SAD: I don't believe in the message!
{Cut to a view of Pom Pom, Homestar and The Cheat}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Uh, yes you do. All in favor?
{Cut to Bubs, Strong Bad and Coach Z}
{Cut back to Pom Pom, Homestar and The Cheat}
{Cut to Strong Sad}
{Cut back to Pom Pom, Homestar and The Cheat}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: The ayes win! {He ducks under the table and reappears next to Strong Sad} You believe in the message now!
STRONG SAD: {Patting Homestar on the back and smiling} I really do!
{Homestar ducks under the table and reappears in his original position}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: I now give the floor to our treasurer, regarding shiny new ways to misappropriate funds.
{Cut to Bubs}
BUBS: Thank you, Brotherstar Runnerbro... ther. Well, I've taken the minutes {holds them up, music starts playing} from last month's meeting and sold them as rollover minutes {holds up another piece of paper with a picture of Homsar on it} to third world countries! {places both pieces of paper down} Then I bought myself, I mean the Broternal Order of Different Helmets, a jetski! {holds up a jetski, slightly knocking the light, and puts it down} But then I wrecked it and broke my shin! {holds up crumpled leg} So now my rubbing ointment {holds up tube of BUBRUB!} costs fifty bucks a tube!
{Record scratch sound effect. Music stops. Cut back to Homestar}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Fantastic! And now, to help me demonstrate the new secret handshake, I call forth, Brother of Town.
{The King of Town comes onscreen}
THE KING OF TOWN: Boooo-ooo!
STRONG SAD: {Offscreen, simultaneously} Yaaaaay!
{Homestar and the King of Town move around for a second. Hand slapping is heard}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Everybody got it? This: {The word "This" appears onscreen, then Homestar moves around as three arrows appear onscreen} Then this: {The words "Then this" appears onscreen, then Homestar moves around some more and more complex arrows, including one that branches into three, appear on the screen} And now Brother Strong Bad, with his weekly power play.
{Cut to Strong Bad}
STRONG BAD: {Clears throat, then speaks angrily} What's the matter with you guys?! I should be in charge here! Why is Homestar running this secret club?! {banging his fist on the table} Singing songs and secret handshakes?! That's rejected Girl Scout camp material! Put me in charge, and we'll be hitting each other with wooden stools until the morning light! Eating triple-fried pork rinds and burping video game music six ways till Tuesday! "Ever and More"?! That's horse puckey, you fools! It's all marketing mumbo jumbo! {upset} DON'T BELIEVE A WORD OF IT!!
{Strong Bad pants and shakes. Homestar leans onscreen.}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Thank you, Strong Bad. We look forward to hearing from you next week.
STRONG BAD: {subdued} Thank you, Supreme Overlord.
{Homestar leans offscreen. Cut to Homestar}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: And with that, our meeting is adjourned. So everybody buddy up and get to work on that secret handshake. I'm gonna go take a bath in a pile of gold coins.
{Homestar walks offscreen. Cut to Strong Bad and The Cheat imitating the movements Homestar and the King of Town made earlier, with their hands on their hips. Cut to the words "end, friend." on a black screen}
Easter Eggs
- Click on "friend." at the end of the short to see Homestar Runner lying in a bathtub full of gold coins in the bathroom of the Brothers Strong.
- HOMESTAR RUNNER: {singing to the tune of the DuckTales theme song} Lasers, race cars, aeroplanes, doot doo, ah-doot doo!
Fun Facts
- "Broternal" is a portmanteau of "brotherhood" and "fraternal", two words that are often found in names of male-only secret societies.
- Meeting minutes are a summary of what was discussed at a meeting.
- Rollover minutes, offered by AT&T Mobility (formerly Cingular Wireless), are unused wireless phone minutes from one month that can be carried over and used in the next.
- The page title conforms to the practice of referring to a local union as a "local" followed by that local union's number. These organizations are also commonly named "brotherhoods" or "fraternal orders".
- This toon's loading screen reads, "loading, friend."
- Bubs refers to last month's minutes, implying monthly meetings. However, Homestar Runner implies at the end that the meetings are weekly, unless of course this is the first meeting of a month.
- The page title since the post-Flash site update is that of the next short, Quality Time with Cardboard Homestar. This is also true of the previous short, One Two, One Two, as its page title is the original page title of this toon.
- When Strong Mad holds up the needle, his "O" mouth animation causes an extra line (his chin) to overlap the needle.
- There are numerous inconsistencies regarding the placement of the characters around the table. For instance, in the first shot Coach Z is on Strong Sad's right, but when they are singing "Ever and More!" The King of Town appears on Strong Sad's right. Also, the Poopsmith is on Bubs's left when he is talking about his lucky pants, but during the song Strong Bad is on Bubs's left. Also, during the song, Strong Mad's silhouette appears right next to Homestar's, but when Homestar asks Strong Sad why he isn't singing, Pom Pom is right next to him, not Strong Mad.
Inside References
- The order's song was previously sung by Homestar in the movies. Homestar also wore the horned helmet in that email.
- Strong Sad's astronaut costume was previously seen in senior prom, though he's only wearing the helmet part here.
- Strong Bad's miner helmet was seen in the emails cheatday and different town.
- The King of Town's pickelhaube is similar to the one The Kaiser, his Old-Timey counterpart, wears.
- The Broternal Order's secret handshake is another reference to characters' lack of visible arms.
- When Strong Sad is told that he believes in the message of the song, he smiles.
- The pennant on the wall reads "LEMKE!".
- Bubs's jetski is labeled "WETSKi", another instance of lowercase i's.
- Bubs mentions his lucky pants.
- Pom Pom's samurai helmet is a reference to Pom Pom's martial arts skills.
- The webpage title mentions style.
- Coach Z is drinking a Coldson Lite.
- Bubs says the phrase "why come".
- There is an interrupted conversation at beginning of this cartoon.
- The King of Town boos himself.
Real-World References
- The Poopsmith is wearing Judge Dredd's helmet.
- The Cold Ones Light poster closely resembles the Old Style beer logo.
- The lyrics Homestar sings in the bathtub of gold coins are a rearranged segment of the theme song to Disney's DuckTales, with the lines "racecars, lasers, aeroplanes" changed to "lasers, racecars, aeroplanes", and "It's a duck blur" replaced with "Doot do, ah doot-do." Homestar's behavior mirrors that of Scrooge McDuck, the central character in DuckTales, who enjoys swimming through his coin-filled Money Bin.
- BUBRUB! is a reference to Bubb Rubb, whose appearance on a news story about whistle tips (devices welded into a car's muffler to cause a loud whistle as the exhaust gas passes through) became an internet phenomenon. The Brothers Chaps additionally reference his "catchphrase" in the DVD commentary.
DVD Version
- The DVD title of the toon is "Ever and More" without the exclamation point.
- The DVD version features hidden creators' commentary. To access it, switch the DVD player's audio language selection while watching.
Commentary Transcript
(Commentary by: Mike Chapman, Matt Chapman, Ryan Sterritt)
{music is playing in the background.}
MIKE: So we've got the jazz stylings of Ryan... Michael Sterritt. Is your middle name Michael?
RYAN: Yes.
MIKE: That's my first name.
RYAN: Really?
MIKE: But my middle name is not Ryan.
RYAN: Why not?
MIKE: Anyway, Matt?
MATT: Uh, this cartoon came from something from a very long time ago, uh... when we just thought of Homestar Runner singing an "Ever and More, Ever and More" song. I don't know what it came from.
MIKE: Yeah, with a viking helmet on.
MATT: Yeah. And so we stuck it in that movies sbemail, and then decided that that means Homestar's in some kind of elks lodge type thing.
MIKE: My question to you, Matt, is "What is the team— the football team that Strong Mad is on?"
MATT: Uh, the— the Nachos?
MIKE: Eh, are they just called the Nachos?
MATT: I don't know. It's got a nice fresh jalepeño on it though.
MIKE: Uh-huh.
MATT: It's kind of a poor nacho honestly.
MIKE: {laughs} Ha! Come on!
MATT: {overlapping Mike} A corn chip with a single fresh jalepeño on it.
MIKE: That's classy, man! That's classy!
MATT: {overlapping Mike} That does not make—
MIKE: Haven't you ever been to a fancy restaurant? It's all about presentation.
MATT: Um...
MIKE: Look at the stairs.
MATT: Yeah. Oh, we're in Pom Pom's basement, right? Have we decided—?
MIKE: The rumpus room.
MATT: Yeah. Pom Pom's got a nice bunk basement. {pause} Um.. {watching Bubs's treasurer scene} That looks like one of those like— when little kids have fire helmets, those plastic fire helmets they let little kids wear.
MIKE: Yeah. The party favor, like, birthday hats.
MATT: Yeah.
{Bubs holds up the Wetski}
MIKE: The Wetski!
{Bubs holds up his broken shin}
MATT: Eww.
{Bubs holds up his BUBRUB!}
MATT: BUBRUB! {both laugh} He makes it go {singing} "Ooh! Ooh!" {pause} Do you want a "cold ones Light" po— poster, Ryan, for your rumpus room?
RYAN: I do.
MATT: Let's make those.
RYAN: You should.
MATT: We'll get sued by Old Style.
{everyone laughs}
RYAN: Can't get it down here anyways.
MATT: That's true. {pause} And we all know that the only people that buy stuff from our website {laughs} live here in Decatur.
MIKE: So, do these things still— when we're older, in our fifties, are there still gonna be these kind of elk lodges things?
MATT: Yeah, I don't know. Or, like, is our generation gonna, just, kill 'em off basically?
MIKE: Yeah, or do— as we get older are we gonna want to do that?
MATT: I don't know.
MIKE: I'd kinda like to hang out in some weird hall with a few other guys—
MATT: Put on a funny hat.
MIKE: —put on a funny hat—
MATT: Sing a song.
MIKE: —maybe do things on Saturday mornings.
MATT: Yeah?
RYAN: Are you gonna have breakfast?
MIKE: Yeah.
MATT: Um... Ryan, you're really soothing me. I can't think of anything to say because I'm so soothed.
MIKE: Sing!
MATT: I've been sooth-sayed.
MIKE: Why don't you do a little singing?
MATT: {overlapping Mike} The Cheat looks like— The Cheat's a bobby.
MIKE: That rhymes.
External Links
- watch "Ever and More"
- watch "Ever and More" on the old Flash site
- view the Flash file for "Ever and More"
- forum thread re: "Ever and More"