One of the few
This is one of the few post Tandy 400 Era Strong Bad Emails not to have an Easter egg at the end. The last was #134, record book.
From: strong badathlon
Posted on: 04:40, 30 January 2007 (UTC)
Arguments for:
- It is the only sbemail in 31 emails without an Easter egg at the end. It is a speculation that should be noted.
- "There is too short of a time" is not a valid argument. There are 31 emails between this and record book.
- "One of the few times" articles are often unfairly descriminated against simply because of their wording. A Strong Bad e-mail without easter eggs at the end is incredibly unusual and worthy of a mention. This article would have been given a more fair consideration had it not included the phrase "One of the few times."
- Despite the assertion in arguments against that "no one gives a crap" about the egg at the end, I do. It wasn't there, and that was shocking. The egg at the end is a hallmark of Strong Bad E-Mail. The abesence should be mentioned somewhere, and the STUFFact as presented is obsessively true and would be interesting to the casual SB fan. On a related note, I find most of this site obsessively true: therefore, put in the observation.
- Easter eggs that are at the end of the e-mail are the only ones that actually give us another sizable flash segment.
They are also ususally the only funny ones. opinion
- It is odd that TBC didn't do an Easter egg this time.
Arguments against:
- "One of the few" facts are rarely interesting... this one isn't.
- If it didn't have any Easter eggs, that would be another thing.
- True, true. It could've had no Easter eggs.
- I don't think that works out (is notable) either. Sorry.
- While I was temporarily scared upon viewing it, no Easter Eggs at the end isn't deserving of a Fun Fact.
- There is too short of a time between this email and record book for it to be notable.
- Facts like these should mention that it's "one of a few times" if it's true, otherwise it would be misleading. The main information that we can draw from this little addendum is that it's not "incredibly" unsual.
- Even if notable, it's not true if one factors in retirement A or retirement B (the King of Town Easter egg was only added to the full retirement).
Additional comments:
- Put it at the end of the easter egg section.
- Uhh... No. This doesn't belong there.
- "One of the few..." does sound a bit awkward. Maybe it should be re-worded as "the first email since..." That would sound a lot more straightforward - saying a number is a few is a bit subjective.
- Wouldn't it make more sense to have this under Trivia instead?
- Yep, if this is accepted, it will go under the Trivia subsection of Fun Facts.
Proposed revision:
This is the first email since record book (#134) not to have an Easter egg at the end.
Arguments for:
- This version takes care of the "one of the few" problem.
- Saying that there is an "ample supply" of easter eggs during the cartoon is irrelevant and far more subjective than the term "One of the few."
- retirement is officially counted as one email, so there you go.
- I don't even understand what's being argued here. What's being counted in retirement? I don't see a mention there of its lack of Easter eggs at the very end (after The Paper comes down).
- The argument is that retirement A and B (before being combined) had no eggs at the end of each of them.
- The fact that even though 31 emails isn't much, the time that it took for the next end egg free email to come out, that is, between Record Book and StrongBadathlon, was much greater than just saying 31 emails.
- (for example) Three emails were released within short proximity of each other.
- RE: Argument against #5: That's still very few EMails out of the 166 made. It's only one fifth.
- Much better,.
Arguments against:
- The problem with "one of the few"-type facts isn't just the presence of that phrase, it's that the occurrence isn't uncommon enough. While it has been several sbemails since there was an Easter egg at the end of one, if you counted up the number of emails that fit this, there would be quite a few.
- There are three Easter eggs elsewhere in this email — they're just not at the end.
- Still not true if retirement A or retirement B is counted.
- Lying about the insignificance of this fact does not make it a better fact but a worse one.
- Just to drive the point home, I counted them up. There are (counting depressio, duck pond, helium, and vacation, all of which sort of stretch it) only ten Tandy emails that have Easter eggs at the end - meaning that there are thirty that do not. There are six Compy emails with no ending Easter eggs and three Lappy emails (five if you count the separate halves of retirement). That's thirty-nine without retirement and forty-one with. Factoring in the DVD emails adds four more - the only one with an ending Easter egg is Family Resemblence. It's really not that uncommon.
- I don't think that explains it well enough.
- Still not deserving of a fun fact; see most of the original "against" arguments.
Additional comments:
- Regarding "ample supply" being more subjective than "one of the few" - this email had three Easter eggs in it. The last one to have three was what I want - two emails ago. The last one to have fewer was theme song (which had one) - ten emails ago.
- Regardless, they are both needlessly subjective terms. If you're going to argue against a subjective term for something, don't do it using another subjective term.
- No one attempted to place "ample supply" in the actual fact itself.
- That's because the people using the term didn't attempt to submit a fact, and are using a subjective term to somehow combat another person's subjectivity.
- Erm "to not have"? That'd be a split infinitive.
- Split infinitives are correct in English. The person who decided that they weren't was trying to apply Latin grammar to English. There was nothing wrong with the grammar of that fun fact candidate.
- "That's thirty-nine without retirement and forty-one with." Completely irrelevant. This should've been posted under the original argument. The revision doesn't even say "one of the few" anymore, so this doesn't really belong here. Beyond that, the original said "post-Tandy era emails" anyway, so that would be only nine emails with no Easter eggs at the end that would apply.
- At any rate, one could consider the lack of ending Easter eggs in the two halves of retirement to be a big hole in this argument. Maybe it should be revised to say "the first completed email since..."
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