HRWiki:STUFF/Archive/Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon

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[edit] Where Credit Is Due

This is the last Big Toon to include opening credits.

From: Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon
Posted on: 02:28, 29 April 2007 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  1. Every time they stop using opening credits can be seen as TBC becoming more aware of the site's popularity.

Arguments against:

  1. If it were the last toon ever that credited TBC and Missy, then maybe it would be notable, but Halloween '05 (which came later) gets that distinction to date.
  2. There could be other toons that have opening credits.
  3. If the next Big Toon has opening credits, then this fact will immediately become obsolete.

Additional comments:

  • I removed the bit about Shopping for Danger, as there are no true opening credits there (A. Chimendez is not a real person).
  • Re: Arg for #1: Huh? What does that have to do with anything?
    • It's a bit garbled, but I take it to mean that as time passed, they felt they didn't *need* opening credits. They're always the same, and by this point, everyone knows who did what.
  • We just declined a STUFF'd fact having to do with the DNA evidence because if another email came w/o that joke, the FF would be void. I don't understand why we should decline that one and then accept this one.
    • We kept a Remark for Everybody to the Limit that it is the only time Strong Bad liked PBTC. It sounds like that might go obsolete if it happens again.
  • What are the odds of there being another Big Toon with credits? This toon came out 3 years ago. The closest time I can think of would be if Mike Chapman died and got replaced but that shouldn't happen anytime soon.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Bad Bad Guy
  1. It's dot com
  2.  Loafing
  3. DorianGray
  4. DeFender1031
  5. Has Matt? (talk)
  6. Homestar-Winner (talk)
  7. Bluebry
  8. Trey56
  9. YKHi. I'm Ayjo!
  10. User talk:Sam the Man Sam the Man
  11. - Saddy Dumpington
  12. — User:ACupOfCoffee@
  13. Jangles5150
  14. The Chort
  15. Mycroft Holmes
  16. Zerlock1124
  17. Point7Q

Proposed revision:

This is the most recent Big Toon to include opening credits

Arguments for:

  1. Modeled after a similar fact for Halloween Potion-ma-jig

Arguments against:

  1. The same arguments still apply: if the next big toon contains opening credits, this fact becomes obsolete.
  2. This is hardly a revision. It's only a reword.

Additional comments:

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. DorianGray
  2. Trey56
  3. Jangles5150
  4. The Dang, Pom Pom, you see that? That's a nice golbol. Talk to me.
  5. DeFender1031
  6. Foxes Mother
  7. Mycroft Holmes
  8. YKHi. I'm Ayjo!
  9. Point7Q
  10. TotalSpaceshipGirl3

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[edit] Grand Theft Candy

The series of sirens and buzzes that Homestar Runner makes when he discovers Strong Bad and The Cheat (each time interrupting Strong Bad as he tries to say "Oh no, we've been found out") is a takeoff on a popular car alarm.

From: Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon
Posted on: 23:18, 2 Aug 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • If Homestar was imitating the siren, he wouldn't have broken into the other sound effects. It is a typical car alarm sound that he begins to make.
  • I work at a grocery store, gathering up carts in the parking lot, and so I hear that alarm a lot. When I first watched this cartoon, I immediately recognized the sound Homestar was making as being that car alarm.

Arguments against:

  • Homestar is simply imitating a police car siren. If you live near the highway, this is incredibly obvious.
  • Many police car sirens change the sound as they drive past, to draw extra attention to themselves.
  • Homestar imitating a car alarm in this context makes little sense, even for Homestar.

Additional comments:

  • First, here is the sound from the cartoon.
  • Next, here is an example of the alarm from the real world. This is just a typical example.
    • Both files are in WMA format.
    • The movie clip is from When a Man Loves a Woman (1994). The voices you hear are Andy Garcia and Meg Ryan as they pummel eggs at a car whose alarm is going off.
    • Of the six sirens you can hear, Homestar imitates the last four. He doesn't quite get the first one exactly right, but the other three are dead on, and all are in the order as in the movie clip.
      • This clip is not from a movie and is not a car alarm. That's got sounds 3 and 4 in it, and isn't too far off from sound 2.
        • The movie clip is from the real world, in that the alarm in it was not designed specifically for the film, just used in it. Also, even though the film predates the toon by a decade, the alarms match.
          • But the siren link is EQUALLY as close and makes more sense in context. Shouldn't that trump something that makes no sense in context?
            • TBC needed an alarm, so they stuck in a car alarm reference. That's the joke. Makes perfect sense to me.
              • That's not an answer to the question. Why should we say it's a reference to something that doesn't make sense in context over something that does? Just because it's funnier?
                • The siren link is not equally as close. The car alarm is almost identical. People, listen to all three links, and decide for yourselves.
                  • The car alarm is not identical. It has already been admitted that it doesn't match sound 1, and it doesn't match the timing on sound 3. That said, no proof has yet been given that that IS a real car alarm and not just a misplaced sound effect in the movie.
                    • "Misplaced sound effect" business aside (I've already said this example is typical), the fact that Homestar doesn't get the first sound exactly right and changes the timing a little on sound three does not negate the entire reference. Taken as a whole (in particular, not just the sounds but their order (especially the last three)), it fits quite well.
                      • But if we take sound 3 as honks of the vehicle's horn (which it could just as easily be), then the siren link is just as close a match on sound 1, still really close on sound 2, and gets all sound effects that aren't honks (which don't necessarily have to be in part of an order) in order too.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. ISlayedTheKerrek
  2. It's dot com
  3. mibluvr13dígame
  4. Upset_Your_Balance
  5. Fatneck
  6. phlip TC
  7. Sox101
  8. — User:ACupOfCoffee@
  9. GG Crono
  10. DorianGray
  11. Elcool (talk)(contribs)
  12. tomstiff
  13. The Smoking Monkey
  14. Homestar Coderhomestar-coder-sig.gif
  15. Ju Ju Master
  16. Wobbuvahi
  17. mibluvr13dígame
  18. aaronak
  19. ChauSara
  20. Xeroc
  21. Point7Q
  22. BDHMan
  1. TROGGA!
  2. Jay (Gobble)
  3. small_logo.pngUsername-talk
  4. Polly
  5. Tuquee
  6. «Rob»
  7. minibaseball.png Bkmlb(talk to me·stuff I did)

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[edit] One Last Job

Strong Bad trying to convince The Cheat to "come out of retirement" is remisiscent of Danny Ocean trying to convince Saul Bloom to come out of his retirement to help him with his latest robbery in Ocean's Eleven.

From: Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon
Posted on: 22:49, 21 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

Arguments against:

  • One partner trying to get the other to come out of retirement is a common crime caper cliche.

Additional comments:

  • Then why not make it a reference to all of those type movies?
    • Because the joke is self explanatory and heck, it may not even refer to those movie types at all.
    • And it would open the door to making this a TTATOT (This, That, And The Other Thing) fact.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. It's dot com
  2. Some HSR themed username
  3. BazookaJoe
  4. Total Spaceship Guy3
  5. tomstiff
  6. Jay (Gobble)
  7. single deuce
  8. Upset_Your_Balance
  9. James Craven

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