HRWiki:STUFF/Archive/bottom 10

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These HRWiki:STUFF items are preserved here as an archive. Do not add new votes.


[edit] How new is "All-New"?

Nibbles says he is 1 year old. Therefore, All-new Fluffy Puff Bite-Size Nibblers are actually not as new as they make out, or the advert is incorrect.

From: bottom 10
Posted on: 15:14, 3 Sep 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

Arguments against:

  • Bart Simpson was and still is 10 years old, even though the show has been running for more than 15 years. Same thing for products.
  • Advertising mascots need not be the same age as their products.

Additional comments:

  • He wouldn't be much of a mascot as a screaming newborn.
    • Why bring his age into it, though, and not just avoid saying it (hence how most advertising slogans remain timeless: they don't begin with an age)

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Rednic
  1. Elcool (talk)(contribs)
  2. Homestar Coderhomestar-coder-sig.gif
  3. The Chort
  5. Heimstern Läufer
  6. It's dot com
  7. — Kilroy / talk
  8. minibaseball.png Bkmlb(talk to me·stuff I did)
  9. BazookaJoe
  10. Trey56

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[edit] Signing On

The sign on Strong Mad's closet reads "STRONG MAD RD."

From: bottom 10
Posted on: 16:27, 14 Jul 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • The viewer's eyes will be attracted to it, but only if the viewer lives in the USA will he or she know that green with white backgroung is for road signs.
  • Most viewers don't view Flash files directly.
  • The viewer cannot see the "RD" part without manipulating the Flash file; therefore, it is appropriate to note it.
  • I wouldn't have noticed the "RD" part if not for this Fun Fact, and I'm sure the same can be said about a lot of people.

Arguments against:

  • Extremely obvious; since the sign is green on a white background and stands out, viewers' eyes will be attracted to it, and they will, of course, read it.
  • It should be noted, but as part of the description in the actual transcript, not as a fun fact.

Additional comments:

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Rogue Leader / (my talk)
  2. Elcool (talk)(contribs)
  3. BazookaJoe
  4. Pertmywert (Talk·Edits)
  5. It's dot com
  6. Homeschool Runner
  7. Homestar Coderhomestar-coder-sig.gif
  8. Jay (Gobble)
  9. Darklinkskywalker|Talk_|i did this stuff_
  10. Kurt
  11. Upset_Your_Balance
  12. whakamole
  13. Bad Graphics Ghost
  14. small_logo.pngUsername-talk
  15. Styles Upon Styles
  1. AtionSong
  2. Elfuego51

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[edit] It's been how long?

This is the first email without any Easter eggs since Email #39, property of ones.

From: bottom 10
Posted on: 21:54, 13 Jul 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • It really has been a long time since there was an email without an Easter egg (nearly three years), so long in fact that it's notable.

Arguments against:

  • Um, the part where Strong Bad says that there aren't any Easter eggs is obviously itself an Easter egg. A better fun fact would be that this is the first Easter egg to refer to Easter eggs.
  • I don't think the length of time should have anything to do with it. There's just no easter eggs, that's all.

Additional comments:

  • This has been added and removed several times by several users. It was placed here to settle whether it truly should remain.
  • It could also be noted that this is the first Lappy Email without the easter eggs.
  • Also just noticed: if this fact is true (and it has yet to be proved false) then every single Compy email had eggs in them (lures & jigs didn't originally, but they were added in later.)
  • Above ArgAg is wrong in the context of this Wiki—we don't count extra scenes after the Paper comes down to be Easter Eggs (assuming they happen on their own, of course!)
  • Strong Bad doing something after The Paper comes down is normally only counted to be an Easter Egg if you have to wait a while for Strong Bad to do it. If the SB knocking change out of his head in do over isn't counted as an Easter Egg, this shouldn't be.
    • But it is counted as an easter egg. It's just not noted in the Easter Eggs section of the wiki page.
  • We never have counted scenes after the paper comes down. Why should this one be different?

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. It's dot com
  2. BazookaJoe
  3. Rogue Leader / (my talk)
  4. Homestar Coderhomestar-coder-sig.gif
  5. Jay (Gobble)
  6. small_logo.pngUsername-talk
  7. Elcool (talk)(contribs)
  8. Homsar999ß
  9. CGNU Scholar
  10. tomstiff
  11. Thesmokingmonkey
  12. Elfuego51
  13. Homeschool Runner
  14. Darklinkskywalker|Talk_|i did this stuff_
  15. User:acekirby13/sig
  16. Kiwiness
  17. bkmlb
  18. whakamole
  19. Bad Graphics Ghost
  20. Teh Frossty One
  21. Conchris
  22. Rebochan
  23. videlectrix.pngENUSY discussionitem_icon.gif user.gifmail_icon.gif
  24. Styles Upon Styles
  25. Upset_Your_Balance
  1. ACupOfCoffee
  2. phlip TC

Proposed revision:

This is the first email without any clickable Easter Eggs since Email #39, property of ones.

Arguments for:

  • It's a subtle difference, but it's more accurate this way

Arguments against:

  • This is a distinction without a difference. All Easter eggs that we list are ones you have to click on. Extra stuff after the Paper is—by our tradition—considered part of the transcript. Therefore, this revision is unnecessary.
  • Use of the word "clickable" makes the fact less accurate. For example, ghosts does not have any clickable Easter Eggs, but it does have an Easter Egg. Not all Easter Eggs have to be clicked; some can be activated by pressing a button on the keyboard and some by moving your mouse over a certain item.

Additional comments:

  • Unless something crazy happens, the fact is going to be overwhelmingly accepted as it was originally written above. This proposed revision does not actually change the substance of the fact; after the fact is accepted, adding this word or not could be discussed on the talk page.
  • for those of you that are new here, WE NEVER COUNT SCENES AFTER THE PAPER COMES DOWN AS AN EASTER EGG.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. phlip TC
  1. It's dot com
  2. Upset_Your_Balance

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[edit] Those hilarious jibblies

Strong Bad getting the jibblies was similar to his dance in funny.

From: bottom 10
Posted on: 23:48, 12 Jul 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

Arguments against:

  • He acts crazy in both instances, but that's about where the similarities end.
  • The funny dance is not even close to the jibblie dance.

Additional comments:

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. It's dot com
  2. small_logo.pngUsername-talk
  3. BazookaJoe
  4. User: Lappy 486
  5. Elcool (talk)(contribs)
  6. tomstiff
  7. Shanamana
  8. Homsar999ß
  9. Jay (Gobble)
  10. Darklinkskywalker|Talk_|i did this stuff_
  11. Bad Graphics Ghost
  12. Styles Upon Styles

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[edit] The only tree, except for that one, and that other one

This is the first instance of an actual tree in Free Country USA outside the Spooky Forest. Up until now, it was nothing but telephone poles.

From: bottom 10
Posted on: 14:28, 12 Jul 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • Yes it is, but it should be rewritten as the first tree in the forground.

Arguments against:

  • It's the only tree except for these 50 (or so) other ones: the trees that the cheat moved to give the impression of movement for Dangeresque's car, and the trees in the background, and the stick...
  • There's another featured tree (albeit imaginary) in different town.

Additional comments:

  • The original fact was as it is now; the part that was combined with the first argument was added sarcastically by a different user.
  • Maybe we could phrase this to say that this was the first tree to be seen that a character interacts with.
  • This ought to be removed on the grounds of being provably false.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. James Craven
  2. BenRK
  3. Spanky The Dolphin
  1. — InterruptorJones
  2. BazookaJoe
  3. sninky-chan
  4. Elcool (talk)(contribs)
  5. Homestar Coderhomestar-coder-sig.gif
  6. Rogue Leader / (my talk)
  7. Upset_Your_Balance
  8. small_logo.pngUsername-talk
  9. FireBird|Talk
  10. tomstiff
  12. Jay (Gobble)
  13. aaronak
  14. single deuce
  15. Mostly Confused
  16. The Real Zajac
  17. Homsar999ß
  18. Thesmokingmonkey
  19. Homeschool Runner
  20. Darklinkskywalker|Talk_|i did this stuff_
  21. Styles Upon Styles

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[edit] Tree's a crowd

Strong Bad's tree hugging, by demand of Homestar, is a reference to army.

From: bottom 10
Posted on: 06:02, 12 Jul 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • In army Homestar is acting all military and suggesting Strong Bad hugs trees. In bottom 10 Homestar is acting all military and forcing Strong Bad to hug a tree. Why would that not be a reference?

Arguments against:

  • Homsar also had a "tree hugging" party, in Strong Sad's Lament.
  • Why would Colonel Homestar ask Strong Bad to do something he assumed Strong Bad was already doing?
  • All too likely a coincidence.
  • Strong Bad isn't a member of the Homestarmy anyway.
  • This is the only time Homestar has ever wanted Strong Bad to hug a tree. In fact, in army he acted like tree hugging was a bad thing.

Additional comments:

  • In both army and bottom 10, the tree hugging is a reference to the nickname "tree hugger" which is often used to insult hippies. Not that it's really worth noting.
  • We don't need to acknowledge every instance of tree hugging. It's a concept that exists outside the Homestar Runner universe, and it falls under the category of TTATOT. (This, that, and the other thing.)

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. sninky-chan
  2. daunrealist
  1. Jay (Gobble)
  2. TaranchulaVamp15
  3. Gafaddict Image:Gafaddict sigpic.gif (Talk | Contribs.)
  4. Elcool (talk)(contribs)
  5. Tristeza
  6. tomstiff
  7. FireBird|Talk
  8. Upset_Your_Balance
  9. James Craven
  10. BazookaJoe
  11. small_logo.pngUsername-talk
  12. tomstiff
  14. aaronak
  15. Mostly Confused
  16. Darklinkskywalker|Talk_|i did this stuff_
  17. Styles Upon Styles

Proposed revision:

Homsar also had a "tree hugging" party, in Strong Sad's Lament.

Arguments for:

Arguments against:

  • In army Homestar is acting all military and suggesting Strong Bad hugs trees. In bottom 10 Homestar is acting all military and forcing Strong Bad to hug a tree.
  • We don't need to acknowledge every instance of tree hugging. It's a concept that exists outside the Homestar Runner universe, and it falls under the category of TTATOT. (This, that, and the other thing.)
  • Way to oblique to be a real reference.

Additional comments:

  • Covering both bases here.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. It's dot com
  2. Upset_Your_Balance
  3. small_logo.pngUsername-talk
  4. Homestar Coderhomestar-coder-sig.gif
  5. FireBird|Talk
  6. Elcool (talk)(contribs)
  7. BazookaJoe
  8. tomstiff
  9. Jay (Gobble)
  10. aaronak
  11. The Real Zajac
  12. Darklinkskywalker|Talk_|i did this stuff_

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[edit] Inter-Toon Quotation Reference

Strong Bad's quote, "And bring some paper towels. Eww. And some tweezers." Is very similar to his message left on Marzipan's answering machine in Where's The Cheat?, when he says, "Bring some towels. (Groans) And some garbage bags."

From: bottom 10
Posted on: 17:43, 12 Jul 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • The style of delivery is strikingly similar.
  • If they DO speak like this, and if it IS similar, then it should be noted.

Arguments against:

  • The only thing common here is the paper towels; the two quotes from the two different movies were said in different tones, and used for different purposes (Pom-Pom's death, and Strong Bad trying to get rid of his vomit from the keyboard).
  • In one case, Strong Bad said to bring some towels, and in the other case, he said to bring some paper towels. No reason to stretch the slight coincidence any further than that.
  • It's probably because it's just the way The Brothers Chaps speak. People do tend to say things in the same way.

Additional comments:

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Gafaddict Image:Gafaddict sigpic.gif (Talk | Contribs.)
  2. It's dot com
  3. BazookaJoe
  4. Ju Ju Master
  5. tomstiff
  6. Upset_Your_Balance
  7. Lightning Jim
  8. small_logo.pngUsername-talk
  9. Jay (Gobble)
  10. aaronak
  11. single deuce
  12. Mostly Confused
  13. Columbus Jones
  14. Thesmokingmonkey
  15. Darklinkskywalker|Talk_|i did this stuff_
  16. ACupOfCoffee

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[edit] Is the ride broken?

A ride at Knott's Berry Farm uses the same font as Chocozuma's for its "Montezooma's Revenge" ride.

From: bottom 10
Posted on: 18:12, 12 Jul 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

Arguments against:

  • I haven't found one instance of this being true. The only logo I found is of the ride itself, in which the font is nowhere near the one displayed in bottom 10. Likely, The Brothers Chaps just picked a "Latin American" font and had no desire to make it resemble the Knott's Berry Farm ride.

Additional comments:

  • Just in case anyone thinks it's a neat font, the font used for Chocozuma's Revenge was Jokerman.
  • Whoops. I guess my memory of the sign failed me. sorry guys! (superorange)

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. whakamole
  2. tomstiff
  3. It's dot com
  4. Elcool (talk)(contribs)
  5. BazookaJoe
  7. small_logo.pngUsername-talk
  8. Jay (Gobble)
  9. super orange!

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