Rhymed Phrases

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Nose time, Hose time

In the Homestar Runner universe, characters sometimes follow one common or relevant phrase with a less-common phrase that rhymes with or sounds like the first, but makes less sense.


  • Email ghosts — After looking Strong Badia over to see if it's haunted (just before the spirit of the Tandy 400 shows up), Strong Bad says, "Looks like Strong Bad is ghost-free, proud to be."
  • Email monster truck — Homestar says, "Let's do this like Brutus."
    • This is later repeated by Homsar in Strong Badia the Free, when Strong Bad manages to understand what he says and convinces him to join Strong Badia.
  • Email crazy cartoon — Strong Bad says of The Cheat: "Let's see what he's cookin' up tonight. Today. Just right."
  • Email sibbie — The Cheat distracts Strong Bad from his email, bringing it to a screeching halt. Strong Bad claims that his "Focus is all... crocused."
  • Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 11.2The King of Town ends his message with "This is the KoT... in the place to be."
  • Email time capsule — Strong Bad says that time boxes and time tennis ball cans are filled with "newspaper clippin's and toenail snippin's".
  • Email radio — Strong Bad says that drive time morning show radio hosts are like "bad stand up comics that you can't heckle. Or jeckle."
  • Teen Girl Squad Issue 8 — After The Ugly One is "FLOOR TOMMED!" and "STEP-MOMMED!", she is "POM-POMMED?"
  • Email garage sale — Strong Bad remarks, "Isn't it just a little bit suspicious that there's only a one-letter difference between 'garage sale' and 'garbage' sale?" He pronounces "garbage" as "gar-bahge".
    • In an Easter egg, Marzipan says, "This garage sale is more like a garbage sale."
  • Commandos in the ClassroomGunhaver follows "Littering! Loitering!" with "Latering!" and "Lootering!" in his list of things the evil half of the brain likes.
  • Teen Girl Squad Issue 10Cheerleader promises The Ugly One, "We'll be there like shareware!" At the Sweet Someteen party, The Ugly One tells her guests, "let's get it on like Diddy Kong!"
  • Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 13.2Old-Timey Strong Bad states that he's "got a hankering for a prankering."
  • Email senior prom — In his list of things he has crashed, Strong Bad follows "Homecoming Dances" with "Shortcoming Prances".
  • Email keep cool — Strong Bad plans to shop for "pencil holders" and "stencil folders"
  • Email retirement — In the commercial for the "My Lappy Got Stole" Sweepstakes, Marshie follows "First prize" with "second tries".
    • In Part B (now merged), Strong Bad says, "The Lappy! You're back...y!"
  • Email your funeral — Strong Bad follows "sweet-smelling flowers" with "sweat-smelling followers".
  • Email looking old — Strong Bad says, "I'm on board, I'm not bored."
  • Email concert — Strong Bad says, "They couldn't wear any of their spandex, or latex, or... Tex-mex..."
  • Homestar Ruiner — Strong Bad remarks, "Oh nophers. We've got gophers." while examining the hole outside his house.
  • Dangeresque 3: The Criminal ProjectiveDangeresque Too threatens Uzi Bazooka, "You had what was coming to you, tofu!"
  • 8-Bit is EnoughGel-arshie exclaims, "Here's a wall that's colored red! What's in this box fills me with dread!" and "This lava's red like me! Now here's a thing you couldn't see!" Strong Bad greets him with, "So, Freakshow."

Occasionally, the less common phrase will precede the relevant one.

See also

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