Zeenin' Into the Night

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Toon Category: Shorts
watch Front Facing Strong Bad Sings
Limozeen hits the stage again, and the crowd begins to yell!

Limozeen presents their newest, computery animated single.

Cast (in order of appearance): Larry Palaroncini, Perry Palaroncini, Gary Palaroncini, Mary Palaroncini, Advantage, Bozar, Teeg Dougland, Strong Bad, Mitch Overlord

Places: Outer Space, The Space Machine, Arena

Date: Friday, September 20, 2024

Running Time: 3:34

Page Title: A Pirate Snowgoose of Love!


[edit] Transcript

{"Metalmation" appears in large block letters against a grey background with "'96" written in yellow crayon appearing in the top right corner, followed by "featuring new" in cursive and "C & G" beneath that. The C and G are made of gray CGI and spin.}

{Title card featuring The Limozeen "but they're in space" logo in the upper left corner with the cartoon band underneath. In the center is the word "IN". In the top right is the spaceship over block yellow text reading "ZEENIN' INTO THE NIGHT" over smaller white text reading "teleplay by M. Emmet Sportsinterviews"}


{Gary plays two notes on his guitar.}

LARRY PALARONCINI: Maybe you can help me with a little problem.

{Gary plays some more notes on his guitar.}

LARRY PALARONCINI: How long do you toast a bagel for?

{Gary plays more notes on his guitar.}

LARRY PALARONCINI: Five minutes? On what setting?

{Gary plays on his guitar.}

LARRY PALARONCINI: (slowly) "Slow and low." I like it!

{Gary plays a single note.}

LARRY PALARONCINI: But you know what I like even more?

{Gary plays his guitar.}

LARRY PALARONCINI: When Limozeen is out on tour!

{Guitar Solo}

LARRY PALARONCINI: {singing} I rolled outta bed
As the bus rolled into town
Can't tell if the sun is coming up
Or going down

Loaded sound check
Playing a show for a sold-out crowd
Sorry ladies, no time to party
Limozeen can't stick around!

We left a roadie
Stranded at the last motel
They misspelled "Limozeen"
On the shirts we're supposed to sell!

We hit the stage again
And the crowd begins to yell
Is it Tuesday? Is it Satruday?
At this point, I can't tell!

Because we're zeenin'
Into the night
Into the morning light
Zeenin' like a pirate
Like a pirate of love

{Guitar solo}

State road 150-what?
Who knows where we are?
I wake up with new tattoos
All up and down my arms

Gary needs new strings
For all three necks of his guitar
When the 'Zeen rolls into your town,
You know we go down to the bar!

Because we're zeenin'
Into the night
Into the morning light
Zeenin' like a mongoose
Like a mongoose of love
Into the night
Into the morning light
Zeenin' like a comet
A cosmic snowball of love

LARRY PALARONCINI: {talking} All right, Gary. Let's tell 'em everywhere we've zeen'd.

{As Larry lists off the tour destinations, Gary plays a lick on his guitar.}

LARRY PALARONCINI: {singing} We're zeenin' in Gunderson
Down to Broiter Grove
Zeenin' through Fourborough
Zeenin' over Dempsey, Thubley, Crambley, too
Shuppleton, Danapolis, and Pantsburg

Into the night (Into the night)
Into the morning light
Zeenin' like a pony (Into the night)
A pirate snowgoose of love
Because we're zeenin'
Into the night (In the night)
Into the morning light
Zeenin' like a pony
Like a pirate of love

{Gary plays some notes on his guitar.}

LARRY PALARONCINI: The toaster had a bagel setting this whole time?!

[edit] Fun Facts

[edit] Explanations

[edit] Trivia

Including the new single "Zeenin' Into The Night"!

[edit] Remarks

  • Bozar's horns are yellow in this toon. They were previously green in best thing.

[edit] Inside References

[edit] Real-World References

[edit] See Also

  • The visuals that occur during the music video.

[edit] External Links

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