HRWiki:STUFF/Archive/boring (really)

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These HRWiki:STUFF items are preserved here as an archive. Do not add new votes.


[edit] Jumping the Strong Sad

Strong Sad jumps into the scene, even though in his lament he states he cannot.

From: boring (really)
Posted on: 19:47, 18 Jul 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • Strong Sad not only jumps into the scene, he does a forward flip!
  • He appears to be entering under his own power, and the arc he makes as he flies in suggests a jump, not a fall.
  • It looks like he jumped. The transcript says he jumped. The simpliest explanation is that he jumped.

Arguments against:

  • We only see Strong Sad enter the scene from the upper left. We have no clue how he got there. For all we know he could have fallen or been dropped from a hovering alien mother-ship!
  • Watching the Flash file frame-by-frame, we see Strong Sad enter the scene head-first from the upper-left corner. There's no indication that he is doing this under his own power.
  • Strong Bad does not fall in an arc. He enters from the upper-left and lands mid-frame. While this motion would be exhibited by an object following an arc, this motion would also be observed if Strong Bad had propelled himself forward while falling from a suspended object or if he had fallen from a moving object above the frame.
  • From Lament Fun Facts: "Strong Sad says he can't jump, despite doing two lousy jumping jacks in A Jumping Jack Contest, although he may be implying that he's no good at jumping. He also jumped in Experimental Film." Fun Facts shouldn't contradict each other.
  • He's been overly caffeinated. You are hyper when overly caffeinated—hyper enough to jump, even if you can't normally.

Additional comments:

  • Looks like he just needed a little caffeine.
  • Perhaps jumping is a super power bestowed upon him by the aliens!
  • There is nothing that he could have fallen from, and he is crazy fom insane amounts of caffine, he must have jumped.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. RJMT
  2. Elcool (talk)(contribs)
  3. It's dot com
  4. Homestar Coderhomestar-coder-sig.gif
  5. Trey56
  6. --—Darklinkskywalker|Talk_|i did this stuff_
  7. small_logo.pngUsername-talk
  8. Rogue Leader / (my talk)
  9. MegamanEXE
  10. Super Sam
  11. Strongbadrules
  12. Teh Frossty One
  13. thatkidsam
  14. phlip TC
  15. gwr2004
  16. Upsilon
  17. Wobbuvahi
  18. Homsar999Talk
  1. tomstiff
  2. Flying Bovine
  3. James Craven
  4. beanluc
  5. Sigmazero13
  6. Ookelaylay
  7. Polly

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[edit] What's the use, man?

The repetition of "man" and "use" could be because both words can be either a noun or a verb.

From: boring (really)
Posted on: 07:46, 17 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

Arguments against:

  • It may have just as easily been a mistake.
  • Other words that can be nouns and verbs aren't repeated.
  • The Wiki is not the place for idle speculation.

Additional comments:

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Super Sam
  1. Jay (Talk)
  2. «Rob»
  3. Joshua
  4. tomstiff
  5. Tony Stony
  6. — Kilroy / talk
  7. Ju Ju Master
  8. Homestar Coderhomestar-coder-sig.gif
  9. Some HSR themed username
  10. DAunrealist
  11. TROGGA!
  12. evin290

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[edit] 102 Exclamations

There are 102 total words in the list [of 3-letter words], counting the two duplicates (an even 100 distinct words).

From: boring (really)
Posted on: 19:12, 10 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • Could prove to be interesting, if someone was curious.
  • It's notable that there are exactly 100 unique words in the list, which may show that TBC were aware that two of their words were duplicates.
  • Statistics like this are important for a Knowledge Base.

Arguments against:

  • People could just count them themselves if they cared enough.
  • It's questionable that this is noteworthy. Why would anyone really care how many words Strong Bad types?
  • If we were to record all "statistics" in all emails, we would. This statistic is not useful, just as counting how many letters Strong Bad types in each email wouldn't be.
  • In her autobiography, "The Bell Jar", Sylvia Plath is reading James Joyce's "Finnegan's Wake", when she comes across the word "bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk!" For god knows what reason, she decides to count the letters in the word and finds that there are 100. "What does it mean?" She thinks to herself. She has no idea and moves on. An internet search suggests that, to this day, nobody really cares about the fact that there are 100 letters in the word--it's mentioned only as a curiosity in discussions about what is the longest word in the English language, and not at all about discussions of the meaning of "Finnegan's Wake." Even if it were a conscious effort on the part of TBC to make exactly 100 words, it has so little significance to anything, and it's not even a fun fact (though sadly, it will probably stay stuck in my brain, wasting two brain cells that could have been used to understand quantum physics more deeply).

Additional comments:

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. phlip TC
  2. BazookaJoe
  3. SBEmail22
  4. tomstiff
  5. Upset Your Balance
  6. Hamrodrunner
  7. Because, It's Midnite
  8. AnarchyBalsac
  9. Cheatachu72
  10. Lappy 486
  11. «Rob»
  12. — Kilroy / talk
  13. Rogue Leader
  14. Ju Ju Master
  15. Super Sam
  16. Joshua
  17. Some HSR themed username
  18. TROGGA!
  19. Thunderbird
  20. Homestar Coderhomestar-coder-sig.gif
  21. single deuce
  22. evin290
  1. It's dot com
  2. Tony Stony
  3. Donny vs Universe
  4. rsl12
  5. Eric
  6. GG Crono

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[edit] Invisible paper

You can still click on The Paper, the "back" link on the Lappy 486, and the Easter Egg words even when the screen fades to black temporarily.

From: boring (really)
Posted on: 18:20, 7 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • Similar facts have been noted in other locations.

Arguments against:

  • Not particularly important.
  • There was no reason NOT to make it active during the fadeout.

Additional comments:

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Upset Your Balance
  2. SBEmail22
  3. TROGGA!
  1. It's dot com
  2. tomstiff
  3. Aurora the Homestar Coder
  4. silverwing99
  5. Tony Stony
  6. «Rob»
  7. — Kilroy / talk
  8. Some HSR themed username
  9. Super Sam
  10. evin290

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[edit] Back to Back

The "back" link in the far lower left corner is still there after the Lappy 486 fades back in.

From: boring (really)
Posted on: 18:20, 7 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • It's definitely rare to have TWO "Back" buttons at once, so it's worth noting.

Arguments against:

  • It was probably more trouble than it was worth to remove the spare.

Additional comments:

  • This, if accepted, should be listed under Remarks, not Goofs.
    • People should not vote on the fact by its location, however, but its content. (Not sure than anyone was doing that, but just in case...)

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Jay (Talk)
  2. Ju Ju Master
  3. phlip TC
  4. Joshua
  5. — Kilroy / talk
  6. TROGGA!
  7. Ppk01
  8. Thunderbird
  9. evin290
  1. It's dot com
  2. tomstiff
  3. Upset Your Balance
  4. Tony Stony Talk | Edits
  5. «Rob»
  6. Donny vs Universe
  7. Some HSR themed username
  8. Super Sam
  9. rsl12

Proposed revision:

This is the first email to have two functional Back buttons on-screen simultaneously, since the one that appears when the screen fades out stays when it fades back in.

Arguments for:

  • This puts the focus on the more unusual aspect of the fact.

Arguments against:

  • While it does list the reason why its odd, it's still not a very interesting fact.
  • Same reasons as above.

Additional comments:

  • What exactly is "not interesting" about the fact that there's a second, hard-to-see, perfectly functioning Back button IN ADDITION TO the normal one, when this has never happened before?
    • Because it has absolutely no bearing on the e-mail nor does the inclusion of a second back button (or the knowledge of a second back butt) heighten anyone's enjoyment of the toon. This is more of a "we're going to list it because its true" kind of fun fact.
      • We have LOTS of such facts on the Wiki.
    • This isn't a "we're going to list it because it's true" kind of fun fact. It's a "we're going to list it because it's rare" kind of fun fact.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Jay (Talk)
  2. Ppk01
  3. Joshua
  4. Thunderbird
  5. It's dot com
  1. Donny vs Universe

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[edit] Try, good, facts

If you click "try, wet, cod," and leave it up, it will still be there when the screen fades back in.

From: boring (really)
Posted on: 18:20, 7 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • It's definitely unusual.

Arguments against:

  • Not very relevant

Additional comments:

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Lappy 486
  2. TROGGA!
  3. evin290
  1. It's dot com
  2. tomstiff
  3. Upset Your Balance
  4. Tony Stony
  5. — Kilroy / talk
  6. Homestar Coderhomestar-coder-sig.gif
  7. Some HSR themed username
  8. Super Sam

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[edit] Her' we are...

The way Strong Bad pronounces the phrase "Her" (here) is similar to the way that rap artist Nelly pronounces the word in the song "Hot in Herre", and is possibly a reference to such.

From: boring (really)
Posted on: 09:14, 7 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • A lotta rappers do that too.

Arguments against:

  • The word "her" doesn't even appear in "Hot in Herre"!
  • Strong Bad types "her", not "here" or "herre."

Additional comments:

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. DAunrealist
  1. Eytanz
  2. Upset Your Balance
  3. tomstiff
  4. SBEmail22
  5. «Rob»
  6. Tony Stony
  7. — Kilroy / talk
  8. Homestar Coderhomestar-coder-sig.gif
  9. Some HSR themed username
  10. TROGGA!

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[edit] You said doyng again!

Strong Bad's hesitation before saying "doing" to Homestar may be a reference to Homestar's commentary on the word in car.

From: boring (really)
Posted on: 20:13, 7 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • It's rather cute.
  • The pause before Strong Bad says "doing" is a little longer than the others, and he adds an "um".
  • I'm sure that as he said that, more than 50% of the watchers thought that joke would be used.
  • The fact that Strong Bad THINKS before saying it (by scratching his chin) is refering to the old email. If he hadn't have paused, none of us would have noticed.
  • Most fun facts can't be proven though. (comments #6)

Arguments against:

  • This fact is based on speculation, something that usually results in a fact being rejected. We simply do not know TBC's intention with this line.
    • In fact, this is functionally identical to the fact below this one ("Oops, I STUFF'd it," which is currently unanimously declined)—a speculatory reference based on a word that is re-used by a character in a perfectly appropriate context.
  • Strong Bad hesitates before every third word in this email, along with Homestar and Bubs.
  • "Doing" is just a word, and one that fits perfectly in the given context.
  • Neither Strong Bad nor Homestar ever says or hints at "doyng" - the one thing necessary to make this a reference!
  • Regardless of the number of watchers that EXPECTED the joke to be used, the fact remains that it was not.
  • THINKING before saying something is a trait that most characters (with some exceptions) carry.
  • Nothing hints at "doying" at all. Pausing before a word doesn't necessarily mean you're thinking about it.

Additional comments:

  • Facts should be voted on based on how factual they are—not how cute!
    • However, these are also "fun" facts. A certain level of entertainment value should be welcomed.
      • On the other hand, if it's not (or questionably) factual, then it fails the OTHER half of the "fun fact" description.
  • How does scratching his chin prove this is a reference? Again, all the arguments for this fact rely on pure speculation.
  • This rings true of an ancient STUFF'd Fact: "change of pace". This is a fact database, not a speculation database.
    • There are almost twice as many reasons against as there are for. Plus the fact this this "fact" can't be proven should disqualify it automatically.
  • This should be revised with a brief explanation of HOW it is a reference, which is something most wiki users tend to leave out so that ignorant people are oblivious to the fun fact and the author of the fun fact feels more knowing of references.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. MrsCommanderson
  2. Aurora the Homestar Coder
  3. Cheatachu72
  4. Cyrius
  5. Super Sam
  6. Iml91
  7. Poopsmith Z
  8. Because, It's Midnite
  9. — Kilroy / talk
  10. Joshua
  11. rsl12
  12. Mikelx215
  13. mibluvr13dígame
  14. Thunderbird
  15. evin290
  16. Kiwi
  1. BazookaJoe
  2. tomstiff
  3. Tony Stony Talk | Edits
  4. It's dot com
  5. Jay (Talk)
  6. Donny vs Universe
  7. Upset Your Balance
  8. GG Crono
  9. Big Dog
  10. Lappy 486
  11. Eric
  12. FireBird|Talk

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[edit] Oops, I STUFF'd it!

Homestar saying "Oops, I lost it." is probably a reference to him saying "Oops, you bwoke it." in a similar voice in the system sounds quote pack.

From: boring (really)
Posted on: 04:47, 11 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • It definitely is/

Arguments against:

  • Like any other person, Homestar is just re-using words that he's used before.
  • Yeah, TBC always slightly alter phrases they use, it's almost somewhat of an inside joke now even. It's not really noteworthy...
  • Are we going to archive every time Homestar says "The", because he's said it before?
  • 'Probably's don't belong in the facts page.

Additional comments:

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. DAunrealist
  1. Upset Your Balance
  2. tomstiff
  3. Tony Stony
  4. Svelt
  5. Ju Ju Master
  6. «Rob»
  7. Beacause, It's Midnite
  8. — Kilroy / talk
  9. Some HSR themed username

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[edit] Boring sound

The machine drilling sound is similar to that of the sun-buzzsaw in Teen Girl Squad Issue 3.

From: boring (really)
Posted on: 01:17, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

Arguments against:

  • Strong Bad is making the sound effect for two similar things. Of course they're similar.
  • They're not identical, or even close enough to be noteworthy.
  • The Brothers Chaps reuse sound effects all the time.
    • Not only TBC, but also many programs reuse sound effects. They don't always make their own.

Additional comments:

  • In this fact's defense, it's not a re-used sound effect - just an extremely similar one made by Strong Bad.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. BazookaJoe
  2. Upset Your Balance
  3. tomstiff
  4. — Kilroy / talk
  5. Ju Ju Master
  6. Tony Stony Talk | Edits
  7. Some HSR themed username
  8. TROGGA!
  9. Exhibit A
  10. DAunrealist

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