@StrongBadActual Tweets 2023 Jan

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Tweets for 2023


This is a list of all the @StrongBadActual Tweets from January 2023.


Note: some links to other tweets may only work on the full year page.

[edit] January

Text / Transcript Date / Link
These gross me out in all the best ways.
This Tweet quotes @diov_g, who posted a picture of Homestar Runner characters drawn as humans.
28 Jan 2023

Pretty cool! Videlectrix would have to discuss with Johannathan Sebastian Howe who composed and performed the original traxx.
This Tweet is a reply to @Gfdgsgxgzgdrc, who replied to a Tweet from 2021 with a restored version of the music of Stinkoman 20X6 level 3, asking if it was sufficient for the previously announced Videlectrix but still unreleased soundtrack album.

Fun Facts

"Johannathan Sebastian Howe" is a combination of composers Jonathan Howe and Johann Sebastian Bach.

16 Jan 2023

This is a Retweet of @CraftingGeek, who made a cross stitch pattern of Marshie dressed like a snowman. 16 Jan 2023

Tweet image for 13 Jan 2023
Keep the #Trogday burnination celebration goin with this lost piece of "Gopher-query Fiction" from the uncraunchable @ryanqnorth! Written for the Trogdor Board Game kickstarter, this was somehow forgotten despite the gorgeous ASCII art! Whole deal here:

Fun Facts

13 Jan 2023

Trogdoroboros, as the kids are saying.
This Tweet is a reply to @TheFinalDoctor, who replied to the Trogday Tweet and said the Trogdor shaped like a zero looks like an Ouroboros.
13 Jan 2023

Tweet image for 13 Jan 2023
For all you whiners that feel old now that you know Troggie's 20, don't post those tired old Indym'n Jones gifs. The Cheat's got you covered with this one!
This Tweet is a reply to the Trogday Tweet.
13 Jan 2023

Undulating the countryside!!
This Tweet quotes @BatBionic, who made a fan animation of Trogdor.
13 Jan 2023

The majesty he desoives!
This Tweet is a reply to @BatBionic, who made a fan animation of Trogdor.
13 Jan 2023

Tweet image for 13 Jan 2023
Lovely? Yes. Nonsense....?
This Tweet is a reply to @kthomas5000, who replied to the previous Tweet mentioning that they paused the video to see the lovely nonsense on the magazine.
13 Jan 2023

Video thumbnail for 13 Jan 2023
Happy #Trogday everybody! For Trogdor's 20th birthday, I dug up a 30 year old promo for an unreleased Peasant's Quest game somehow!

Video Transcript

See Happy 20th Trogday!
13 Jan 2023

Tweet image for 10 Jan 2023
This Tweet quotes @CraftingGeek, who posted fan art of Marshie, asking for more Marshie ideas of what to cross-stitch.
10 Jan 2023

Sunday. Sundae. Someday. In the meantime, you can play the fan version @Ratheronfire made to tide you over here:
This Tweet is a reply to @tcb_hailstone who replied to the StinkoDay Tweet asking when there would be a working revision of Stinkoman 20X6
6 Jan 2023

Tweet image for 6 Jan 2023
Tweet image for 6 Jan 2023
Tweet image for 6 Jan 2023
Tweet image for 6 Jan 2023
Here's some hi-res options for you. Transparent and on yellow like Stinkoman. Tell bday person I said happy StinkoDay! Shower them with prawns! Simple as that!
This Tweet is a reply to @trott who replied to the StinkoDay Tweet wanting to make a birthday hat with a prawn on it.
6 Jan 2023

That’s the hope! In the meantime, you can play the fan version @Ratheronfire made to tide you over here: https://ratheronfire.com/stinkoman/web/
This Tweet is a reply to @JustinButela who replied to the previous Tweet asking if there would ever be a release of the full version of Stinkoman 20X6 on consoles.
6 Jan 2023

And Decemberweenvent pal @trott even put together a StinkoDay playlist to celebrate!
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet.
This Tweet quotes @trott who made a playlist of various Stinkoman music for Stinkoman's 20th Birthday.
6 Jan 2023

Tweet image for 6 Jan 2023
And celebrate Stinko's 20thty6 with this incredible T-Shirt from artist @Jmanvelez and @Fangamer fangamer.com/products/stinko…
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet
6 Jan 2023

Tweet image for 6 Jan 2023
Tweet image for 6 Jan 2023
Tweet image for 6 Jan 2023
Watch for a longer, more in-depth version of this convo in the near future! More cutting room floor styles! More gripping deck-discussion!
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet.
6 Jan 2023

Video thumbnail for 6 Jan 2023
It's Stinkoman's 20th birthday! Before you collapse into a pile of dust from feeling old, I sat down with Lindsay and Alex from @SmallBuStudio to discuss their work on the amazing intro for Stinkoman 20X6!

Video Transcript

STRONG BAD: So hey, it's like, Stinkoman's 20th freaking birthday, what do you think of that?

ALEX: Wow he's so old.

LINDSAY: I'm amazed.

STRONG BAD: W-when did you first see Stinkoman? Were you around for his debut?

LINDSAY: I was, I was in high school, and I remember in my computer lab, everybody, uh, was excited and watching it when it came out, and me included in that.

STRONG BAD: So wait you were just like, Mr. Parmganger, can we watch the latest sbemail? And he was like, yeah go for it.

LINDSAY: Yeah, it's—

{Alex chuckles}

LINDSAY: —it's weird that you know my teacher's name but that's pretty much exactly what happened, actually.

STRONG BAD: Aw man, that's the best teacher ever.

ALEX: {chuckles} He got fired immediately.

LINDSAY: Yeah he's also dead, but unrelated. {laughs}

STRONG BAD: {laughing} Oh geez, that took a dark turn for Mr. Name-I-Made-Up-That-I-Now-Can't-Remember-A-Few-Seconds-Later.


STRONG BAD: Uh, so you are animators {pronounced with a hard O}.

LINDSAY: Yes, true.

ALEX: I'll admit it.

STRONG BAD: I would love to watch some of your early works on this thing, and kinda talk about your process.

LINDSAY: Absolutely.

ALEX: Yeah let's, let's watch the worst version of it, and see what happens.

STRONG BAD: So who decided that was, like, oh man I wanna start out with like a silhouette and explosions behind him?

LINDSAY: It just felt like he needed that, Stinkoman is like a man about talent, a man about explosions. Explosions and talent, he has it all.

ALEX: Yeah, like, it's like, let's start this like the end of an action movie.


STRONG BAD: That is a bold choice, I love it. This blew my mind. These are like, these bad guys from Stinkoman that don't deserve the time of day, but you two made them like, amazing and cool, like, what do you have to say for yourself?

{Alex and Lindsay both laugh}

ALEX: We can make anything cool, we just put some shading on it, and make it really close to the camera, and you go oh, that thing is suddenly cool.


ALEX: So, funny—funny to note, this background right here? This, uh, this purple, uh, with the, like, lines and the grid, kinda zipping by?


ALEX: That's literally me running across my deck—

{Lindsay laughs}

ALEX: —and filming the

STRONG BAD: —what?

ALEX: —the floorboards of the deck.

STRONG BAD: Whoa! No way, I can see em now!

ALEX: And I had to turn the camera so here it would actually angle the right way.

STRONG BAD: Whoa so you did, like, real camera moves with a real camera in order to get this?

ALEX: In order to—

LINDSAY: —Movie magic bro, movie magic.

ALEX: Yeah.

STRONG BAD: Do you wanna wish Stinkoman a happy birthday?

LINDSAY: Stinkoman! 20 years, thank you so much for continuing your amazing anime adventures.

ALEX: Happy birthday Stinkoman.

STINKOMAN: I'd like to thank you for making me look particularly styleful!

{Lindsay laughs}

6 Jan 2023
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