| Jobs
Homestar Runner
- Athlete (may be amateur) (A Jorb Well Done, montage, A Jumping Jack Contest, Strongest Man in the World, Marshmallow's Last Stand, Homestar Ruiner)
- Office worker (tech support?) (dullard, Biz Cas Fri, isp, 4 branches, from work)
- News anchor (Main Page 11)
- Host of The Show (the show, Main Page 19, 4 branches)
- Teacher (The King of Town DVD, A Jorb Well Done, anything)
- Bunmaker (disconnected)
- Pitchman (Fluffy Puff Commercial)
- Homestarmy Colonel (army, more armies, Strong Badia the Free)
- Server at The Pizz (pizza joint)
- Server at a diner (Summer Short Shorts, Main Page 5, Date Nite, Blubb-O's Commercial)
- Crazy Go Nuts University mascot (mascot, 4 branches, rough copy, On Break)
- Doughnut Vendor (Donut Unto Others)
- Detective (Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon)
Pom Pom
Strong Bad
The Cheat
Strong Mad
Strong Sad
Coach Z
The King of Town
Old-Timey Strong Bad
Senor Cardgage
Vector Strong Bad
Painting of a Guy with a Big Knife
- Soldier, Homestarmy (army)
The Poopsmith, The Cleric, The Blacksmith, The Hornblower, The Knight, That Little Chef Guy
Frank Bennedetto
Wagon Fulla Pancakes
Crack Stuntman
Litigation Jackson