From Homestar Runner Wiki
Sugar is a substance that often appears or is referenced in the Homestar Runner universe. It is often used as a prefix.
[edit] Appearances
- Museum — The Pom Pom ice cream has "sugar taste!"
- Fortune Cookies — One of the possible fortunes is "Start adding sugar to coke. That's why they put it on the table."
- Audition with Marzipan — The song "Summertime Is Here" mentions "Sugar drinks and mayonnaise".
- Homestar Quiz — The recipe that the player gets if they answer all ten questions correctly includes sugar.
- Email sugarbob — This email takes its name from one of the nicknames Strong Bad gives to Daniel's girlfriend.
- Bubs's Character Video — Bubs, while dancing, says "Shake it once! Shake it twice, a-gimme little bit o' sugar spice!"
- Mr. Shmallow — This toon is an Old-Timey commercial for Fluffy Puff Air-Puffed Sugar Delights.
- Email impression — Strong Bad's opening song is "Email: It's like the sugar on the candy for my stuff."
- Email stupid stuff — Strong Bad describes Grumblecakes as being "like a little cake with some, like, steam and sugar."
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 10.2 — Homestar's made-up prank caller name is Sugar-Face.
- Cheat Commandos...O's — The cartoon is an advertisement for sugar-crunchy Cheat Commandos...O's Sugar Cereal.
- Hallrunner — The response you get if you "talk" to the coffee is "Triple cream, triple sugar. And a crueller".
- Email for kids — Strong Bad, discussing whether he would make a good kids' show host, argues he's not "cut out for that sort of sugarjob".
- Email best thing — Strong Bad claims that Strong Sad was already up and eating brown sugar straight from the box at 4AM on the day Limozeen: "but they're in space!" aired.
- Lappynapped! — Homestar Runner, sounding like Marzipan and claiming to be Strong Bad's "next door neighbor, the crocodile", asks to borrow some sugar so he can make puppy-dough cookies.
- Email licensed — Unlicensed candies Strong Bad mentions include "sugar-crusted marshmallow The Cheats" and a "spinning Strong Bad sugar toothbrush".
- Homestar Ruiner — Suge Brown reappears in the kitchen of the Brothers Strong.
- Strong Badia the Free — One of the hidden costume items is a sugar-frosted eyepatch.
- @StrongBadActual — The Fluffy Puff Marshmallows Nibbles So Near Medicated Patch announcer asks if the viewer is "running low on suge and excitement".
- Fan Costumes 2017 — One of Old-Timey Strong Bad's "treats" is a spoonful of bakinged soda one could mistake for sugar.