From Homestar Runner Wiki
Toshiba HSRLR
- I don't edit here much anymore.
Hey there every peoples!! I'm Toshiba HSRLR.
This account is one of four of my official wiki accounts. The other three are Club Penguin Wiki, TropicalWikis, and Wikipedia.
The battery cover is made in Taiwan
"Aw, if I had a nickel* for everytime I've been groaned off stage." *Nickelback!
[edit] Intro to me
Hello. I'm an occasional editor who never edits anymore, with three years of wiki experience. I live in San Francisco, Cactus Area (yeah, Sunnyvale, Cactus Area sounds funnier). I had watched HSR for many years, and am kinda disappointed at its hiatus, but I've been doing other stuff to pass the time. I'm mostly in the forums, so if you see Homestarmy103, that's me!
Details about me: I'm Hazel, and I'm 15 years old. I'm forever a Homestar Runner fangirl.
[edit] My favorite Homestar main characters
[edit] Favorite Strong Bad quotes
STRONG BAD: October thirtieth, 2008, two PM. Dressed up as the King of Town again today, and stood in front of the open fridge for a few hours. I don't think the medication is working. {Fan Costumes '08}
STRONG BAD: Whoa, homemade and an ornament. That thing is an anti-gift. If someone gives you one of those, you actually have to pay them because it's so poor. Uh, probably because they're so poor. {what I want}
STRONG BAD: That's funny, Haelee. I think The Cheat is deleted. {imitates buzzer noise} {huttah!}
STRONG BAD: What window? You're just a crackly drive-thru whale out in the middle of a field! {The word 'field' echoes and the camera angle switches to show the emptiness of the field} {Drive-Thru}
STRONG BAD: Oh, nice work, Chef Boyardee! Like I couldn't have gone down to the kindergarten and hired a five-year-old to make me one of those. ...Except that sounds pretty creepy and I'd probably go to jail. {portrait}
STRONG BAD: Um...the pardack? What the? {The pardack gains a speech bubble with the text "what the?"} Why do these keep coming out as nasty blob things? {animal}
[edit] Signature
Toshiba HSRLR
[edit] Confirmed Bay Area-sent sbemails
[edit] Other websites I have accounts in
Notice: This is not the full list.
Username | Website | Type | Am I active?
Forklifts1014 | Formspring | Social networking | Active
Sharkzel49 | YouTube | File sharing | Semi-active
Homestarmy103 | Homestar Runner Wiki Forums | Forum board | Active
Darkhorse137 | Club Penguin | MMORPG | Active
iSharknucks97 | Twitter | Microblog | Active
NickelbackFan37 | Club Penguin Wiki | Wiki | Semi-active
NinjaAkita111; SashimifanSF650 | Wikipedia | Wiki | Inactive
Ta415nu604ki510 | Photobucket | Photosharing | Inactive
Toshiba HSRLR | Homestar Runner Wiki | Wiki | Semi-active
WordWorld206 | Yahoo! | ? | Active
Every memory of looking out the back door, I had the userboxes spread out of my userpage floor...
| This user uses Windows 7 on her Lappy, and Windows XP on her Compy.
| This user found the wiki from a Google search.
| This user also contributes to the Wiki Forum as Homestarmy103.
| This user uses IRC, but rarely visits the IRC channel.
| This user is female.
| This user is 15 years old.
| This user's favorite character is The Cheat. He's an awesome yellow fellow.
| This user's favorite character is Pom Pom. I like that guy.
| This user's favorite character is Homsar. AaAaAaAaAaA!
| This user can understand Cheat Talk (and is also quite fluent at it).
| Homsar's words of wisdom: "James!"
| This user mourns the loss of the old paper. RIP The Paper (and the New Paper)
| This user is sorry for throwing that first cake at Strong Sad.
| This user is less than B. What do you mean, I'm less than B?!
| This user has a good time with bread.
| This user likes to customize user boxes.
| This user has too many freakin' userboxes.