From Homestar Runner Wiki
Presidents of the United States are mentioned and seen various times in Free Country, in particular presidents Martin Van Buren and Abraham Lincoln. This is perhaps a nod to They Might Be Giants, who frequently use presidents as a theme in their music. It was revealed in an interview that The Brothers Chaps have an oval portrait of Lincoln hanging in their office.
George Washington (1789—1797)
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 5 — George Washington is among the "cool or famous" people who look at The Ugly One with her head in the sand, then go tandem parasailing with So and So.
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 10 — Washington reappears with these characters.
Thomas Jefferson (1801—1809)
- @StrongBadActual — November 22, 2016 — Strong Bad, in frustration, explains that his Lin-Manuel Miranda costume is not "Evil Thomas Jefferson".
Martin Van Buren (1837—1841)
- A bust of Van Buren is occasionally seen in Free Country, USA. See main article: Van Buren
William Henry Harrison (1841)
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 13.2 — Old-Timey Strong Bad mentions Harrison along with James Garfield.
James K. Polk (1845—1849)
- Jibblies 2 — Homsar's costume includes the word "polk." on his chin, a possible reference to the president of that name.
- Email diorama — Peanut Strong Bad stabs a model of Nicholas Trist, a diplomat for Polk.
Zachary Taylor (1849—1850)
- Homestar Runner Goes for the Gold — Strong Bad states his intent to refer to Strong Sad as "Sad Sachary Taylor".
James Buchanan (1857—1861)
- Email diorama — Strong Bad has a robot in his diorama assassinate James Buchanan with a laser called the "Byoo-Cannon".
Abraham Lincoln (1861—1865)
- See main article: Abraham Lincoln
James A. Garfield (1881)
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 13.2 — Old-Timey Strong Bad mentions Garfield along with William Henry Harrison.
William Howard Taft (1909—1913)
- Fortune Cookies — One of the "fortunes" reads "Hey, it worked for Taft."
- Sbemailiarized! — Strong Bad types out in his summary that "Taft is white!"
- Strong Badia The Free — Strong Bad jokes about The King of Town getting stuck in the bathtub, a reference to the infamous incident where the same fate befell Taft.
Herbert Hoover (1929—1933)
- Kick the Can — In one of the tapes, The Homestar Runner's shirt has the words "herbert hoover?" on it.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933—1945)
- Email redesign — Strong Bad suggests that the scrolling No Loafing Sign might be misread as "Franklin Delano Loafing".
Harry S. Truman (1945—1953)
- Email old comics — a quote from President Truman on the King Castlefunny Pencil Moistener reads "Everybody's going to need one!"
John F. Kennedy (1961—1963)
- Everybody to the Limit — Pictures of JFK and his brother Robert appear in the music video, referred to as "Joe" and "Jake" respectively.
Richard Nixon (1969—1974)
- imaginary — The question Strong Sad and his imaginary friend are answering for "Time Magazine: The Game", is "What are Richard Nixon's favorite slacks?"
Jimmy Carter (1977—1981)
- Email diorama — Strong Bad has a robot assassinate Carter in his diorama.
Ronald Reagan (1981—1989)
- Peasant's Quest — Looking at the rocking chair after the Baby Lady leaves yields a response referring to Reagan's "trickle-down economics".
- Halloween Potion-ma-jig — Homestar does a bad Reagan impression and mentions Reaganomics.
Miscellaneous presidential references
- Email couch patch — The ASCII art million dollar bill that is printed out has the portrait labeled simply "President".
- Experimental Film — Homestar Runner is playing a game with presidents on the ATM.
- Email rampage — Homsar says, "Caramel corn for president, please."
- Puppet Jam: President's Daughter — Homestar and They Might Be Giants make a song about the president's daughter.
- Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective — Dangeresque says that he framed Baron Darin Diamonocle for the murder of several presidents.
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 17.2 — Homsar imagines himself saying, "You're a pork rind's president."