Scalding Lake

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Upsetting the balance

Scalding Lake is a popular resort that Rather Dashing went to for his vacation before finding his thatched-roof cottage burninated by Trogdor. He wears a Scalding Lake T-shirt in Peasant's Quest and the Peasant's Quest Movie Trailer. According to the description of the shirt, activities at Scalding Lake include canoeing, fishing, and stoning heathens. Mendelev and Dongolev refer to the vacation resort as "some prancey lake". According to Strong Bad in the chat of a Trogdor!! The Board Game Twitch stream, Scalding Lake is located in the snooty kingdom of Pageantry.

The baby from Peasant's Quest attended Scalding Lake State University. A t-shirt references Camp Scalding Lake, a children's summer camp.

The shirt Matt Chapman wore in the Movie Trailer was also worn by him during a 2005 appearance on The Screen Savers; this version of the shirt was a ringer tee with dark brown fabric on the collar and sleeves, while the graphic was surrounded by a light background. A simplified, non-ringer, version of the shirt has been sold in the Yahoo and Teespring stores. Matt obtained one of these; by 2012 it developed a large tear in the front, and since then has been framed rather than worn or only filmed from above the tear.

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