HRWiki:STUFF/Archive/A Folky Tale

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These HRWiki:STUFF items are preserved here as an archive. Do not add new votes.


[edit] Gonna have a good STUFF tonight!

The song The Dancing Brothers sing is very similar to a part of the theme song for the 1970s TV show Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids.

From: A Folky Tale
Posted on: 18:34, 8 February 2006 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • I think it sounds like it

Arguments against:

  • until you actually listen to it, one says, (in an almost gospel style) "nah nah nah gonna have a good time...hey, hey, hey" while the other says, (in a Bee Gee's style) "gonna have a good time tonight"
  • it is more likely a reference to the bee gee's, ie they sound exactly like the BG's and they are three brothers.
    • Or simply to the '70s Disco genre.
      • Or motown music
  • Simply put, it sounds NOTHING like the Fat Albert theme.

Additional comments:

  • According to the Inkhole Interview, The Brothers Chaps do know that Fat Albert exists.
    • The Bee Gees reference was declined a while back.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Benol, aka Coach B
  2. Jnelson09
  1. I R F
  2. csours
  3. Mycroft Holmes
  4. Heimstern Läufer
  5. Image:kskunk_fstandby.gif KieferSkunk (talk)
  6. Lapper (talk)
  7. Has Matt? (talk)
  8. Thunderbird
  9. Trey56
  10. LePorello / T / C
  11. teeeffoh!
  12. The Chort
  13. Qermaq
  14. GWR_Wikisig.gifGWR 2004 TalkContribs

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[edit] I like the Sprite in you

When Strong Sad pretends to faint, his body is in the same exact position as when he passes out in email 91 caffeine, including mouth, body, hand, and foot position.

From: A Folky Tale
Posted on: 21:00, 30 Sep 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

Arguments against:

  • This could just be the way Strong Sad falls, not a reference to a past email. Is it really noteworthy?
  • They are reusing sprites. So what?
  • May be the case with the falling, but it isn't noteworthy enough.

Additional comments:

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. TotalSpaceshipGirl3
  2. (trogga)
  3. «Rob»
  1. - Camalex(talk)
  2. Come back, chocolates!
  3. Rogue Leader / (my talk)
  4. ConchrisContribs
  5. DorianGray
  7. minibaseball.png Bkmlb(talk to me·stuff I did)
  8. It's dot com
  9. The Pardack
  10. talk Bubsty edits
  11. ISlayedTheKerrek
  12. Ju Ju Master
  13. Gafaddict Image:Gafaddict sigpic.gif (Talk | Contribs.)

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[edit] Ropes are for dopes

Strong Sad says that "Ropes are for dopes" is a quote from the legendary folk hero he made up, but neither ropes nor dopes are mentioned in the story itself.

From: A Folky Tale
Posted on: 05:37, 23 Aug 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • It's odd that he used the quote as a transition to tell his story and then never mentioned it in the story itself. He used "passing out for the rest of their lives" to transition back to the rope.

Arguments against:

  • Climbing ropes made Strong Sad think of the Saddy Dumpington quote. Thinking of a Saddy quote reminded Strong Sad of a Saddy story. It just doesn't follow that the quote *has* to be part of the story.
    • This behavior is also in keeping with "folk tale" culture; c.f. the somewhat ADD Simon Wheeler in Mark Twain's Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County: "... if I asked old Wheeler about [Leonidas Smiley], it would remind him of his infamous _Jim Smiley_, and he would go to work and bore me to death with some exasperating reminiscence of him..."
  • He also just jumps right in and says that climbing the rope will make him pass out, when that had nothing to do with the reason the townfolk passed out. Therefore, this odd arrangement of Strong Sad's memory is a recurring thing, not a one time goof.
  • The tale presented in the toon may not be Strong Sad's only tale about Saddy Dumpington, and the quote might come from elsewhere... but he used this tale instead to explain who Saddy Dumpington was.
  • As if anything on has to flow anyway?
  • Since when has Strong Sad's thought process been anywhere near normal?

Additional comments:

  • If the quote reminded him of a different Saddy Dumpington story, why did he tell this one?
    • Because this is the story that explains who Saddy Dumpington is. That does not mean that the story includes every famous quote of his.
    • When people get confused by "Are you asking for a challenge?!?" I link them to japanese cartoon, despite the fact that that phrase isn't used until 20X6 vs. 1936... linking to 20X6 vs. 1936 still wouldn't explain who Stinkoman was.
  • Why is this still here? It's been over a week and has been accepted, if by a slight majority.
    • Fun facts which are close stay for two weeks.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. It's dot com
  2. Jay (Gobble)
  3. Pertmywert (Talk·Edits)
  4. Adamlw
  5. GG Crono
  6. Borisborf
  7. ACupOfCoffee
  8. Elcool (talk)(contribs)
  9. Point7Q
  11. Rogue Leader / (my talk)
  12. Trey56
  13. minibaseball.png Bkmlb(talk to me·stuff I did)
  14. Ppk01
  15. James Craven
  16. Upset_Your_Balance
  17. The Ju Ju Man
  18. Shadow Hog
  19. super orange!
  20. Polly
  21. invisible robot fish
  22. Heimstern Läufer
  23. mibluvr13dígame
  24. SharpTalk
  25. Darklinkskywalker|Talk_|i did this stuff_
  26. Pfwd44
  27. BigKevinm84
  28. Gafaddict Image:Gafaddict sigpic.gif (Talk | Contribs.)
  29. Mr. Bojangles
  30. Lappy 486
  31. CATS
  32. Bobo the King
  33. DJM1791 · (Sup | Stuff I Did!)
  34. DorianGray
  1. tomstiff
  2. phlip TC
  3. aaronak
  4. Eytanz
  5. Rexmism
  6. — InterruptorJones
  7. Joshua
  8. — Kilroy / talk
  9. Bryce Genesis
  10. (trogga)
  11. The Chessman
  12. Negativeboy
  13. Geshmalder
  14. Trelawney
  15. Aero
  16. notstrongorbad
  17. Eric
  18. Homsar999Talk
  19. Silverfish
  20. Crystallina
  21. Helios Rex
  22. Virus=Very Yes?
  23. Eldiran
  24. Darkoaf
  25. Strong Bad57
  26. FireBird|Talk

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[edit] Talkin' 'bout crazy cool medallions

The Dancing Brothers' style of singing and dancing resembles the style of another group of brothers, The Bee Gees.

From: A Folky Tale
Posted on: 13:44, 29 Aug 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

Arguments against:

  • I think it resembles Motown music more than disco music.
  • Wrong!!!! its obviously makin fun of "Fat Albert"

Additional comments:

  • This has been added and deleted several times, so it got the ol' STUFFing.
  • Would someone who is voting to accept please cite a specific song or something for us to use as a comparison.
    • "Night Fever," "You Should Be Dancing," "Stayin' Alive"

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. TaranchulaVamp15
  1. tomstiff
  2. Strong Bad57
  3. Trey56
  4. Sharp
  5. The Chessman
  6. CATS
  7. James Craven
  9. aaronak

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[edit] Kinda depressing, ain't it?

The Dancing Brothers bear a striking resemblance to the circle-face characters seen in ads for Zoloft, a prescription anti-depressant drug.

From: A Folky Tale
Posted on: 20:33, 29 Aug 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • It's likely that Coach Z inserted The Dancing Brothers into Strong Sad's story because it was so depressing. Being depressed by the story, he inserted TDB as an anti-depressant to try to make the story less depressing.

Arguments against:

  • There's no indication that Coach Z knows anything about Zoloft.
  • There's no dialog supporting the Zoloft theory.
  • The simple characters came from the simple mind of Coach Z.
  • The Dancing Brothers have legs.
  • The design of their heads is so elementary (a rough oval with a face) that they could, by coincidence, resemble a great number of things.
  • And even besides the point, if you look at the ads for Zoloft, the closest thing the circle face characters may come to in the HR universe is Strong Sad. You do have to look closely, but there's a slight resemblance there.

Additional comments:

  • Their heads look a bit different.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. RedbirdRunner
  1. It's dot com
  2. Jay (Gobble)
  3. mibluvr13dígame
  4. tomstiff
  5. The Pardack
  6. Strong Bad57
  7. CATS
  8. Trey56
  9. 7omεpsilon
  10. Geshmalder
  11. TaranchulaVamp15
  12. ISlayedTheKerrek
  13. Elcool (talk)(contribs)

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[edit] Weird Snake & Friends

The "Weird Snake" costume Saddy wore in the village is in the style of Barney the Purple Dinosaur from Barney & Friends, a TV show for kids.

From: A Folky Tale
Posted on: 16:00, 23 Aug 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • A walking purple reptile is a pretty common reference to Barney.
  • TBC have made a clear Barney references in other toons (e.g. The Lil' Brudder Show).
  • The costumes are so close that any similarity to walking purple reptiles, living or dead, is purely intentional.

Arguments against:

  • Other than the color purple, they're really not that similar at all.
  • Since all of the townspeople laughed harder at Saddy's entrance and Saddy himself has a warped sense of humor, TBC would be calling Barney funny, and not making fun of him at all.
  • The snake itself did not walk. Barney does.
  • Barney has no hair.
  • Barney has no spots.
  • Barney has a green stomach.
  • Barney does not have large front teeth.

Additional comments:

  • They're similar but I doubt it's intentional...

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Rogue Leader / (my talk)
  2. minibaseball.png Bkmlb(talk to me·stuff I did)
  3. phlip TC
  4. tomstiff
  1. The Chessman
  2. It's dot com
  3. Jay (Gobble)
  4. Adamlw
  5. James Craven
  6. Elcool (talk)(contribs)
  7. Negativeboy
  8. D2htornado
  9. Master Ju
  10. --jake
  11. GG Crono
  12. single deuce
  13. Homsar999Talk
  14. Trey56
  15. Gafaddict Image:Gafaddict sigpic.gif (Talk | Contribs.)
  16. SharpTalk
  17. Nero7x

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[edit] Main character absence

This is the first 'toon on that features members of the main cast, but neither Homestar Runner nor Strong Bad make an appearance.

From: A Folky Tale
Posted on: 06:58, 23 Aug 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • It's notable in that the site's established "main characters" are absent.
  • Homestar was on the phone, but he was not seen, and it was only in the Easter egg.

Arguments against:

  • This is really not important enough to document.
  • You're not counting The Cheat in Cheat Commandos (Firebert--different animation, but I should think that'd count).

Additional comments:

  • As written, this fact assumes that Senor Cardgage is not a member of the "main cast", or it fails to cover Senor Mortgage.
    • I think the main cast only covers those who have VCR character tapes, which Senor Cardgage does not.
  • This could cover all full-length 'toons, shorts, holiday toons, Marzipan's Answering Machines, and Strong Bad emails as written.
  • Experimental Film has Homestar, Strong Bad, and Strong Mad in it, not just Strong Sad and the Cheat.
  • Fact is, though, the Cheat Commandos seem to operate in a separate universe from the HR universe- kind of in a Caleb Rentpayer sense, you know, just a TV show.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Jay (Gobble)
  2. It's dot com
  3. Poopsmith Z
  4. phlip TC
  5. Point7Q
  7. Joshua
  8. Eytanz
  9. minibaseball.png Bkmlb(talk to me·stuff I did)
  10. Bad Graphics Ghost
  11. — Kilroy / talk
  12. Trey56
  13. Ppk01
  14. Gafaddict Image:Gafaddict sigpic.gif (Talk | Contribs.)
  15. (trogga)
  16. The Chessman
  17. James Craven
  18. Stong Bad
  19. Upset_Your_Balance
  20. GG Crono
  21. Shadow Hog
  22. ISlayedTheKerrek
  1. Adamlw
  2. Strong Sader
  3. Rexmism
  4. Negativeboy

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