Spoken Sound Effects
From Homestar Runner Wiki
(Redirected from Saying Sound Effects Out Loud)
Often, rather than having sound effects play, one or more of the characters will instead pronounce the sound effects. This is often used for comedic effect, or as an onomatopoeia in place of the effect.
[edit] Appearances
- Powered by The Cheat — Almost all sound effects are vocalised.
- Old Intro — According to the page title, the sound for the fireworks was provided by Mike Chapman.
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 5.0 — Homestar Runner says "Beep" and admits to it.
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 6.0 — Homestar Runner: "Doo doo doo!" "Doooooo do do do do dooooooo this is the dial tone doooooooooooooo."
- Where's The Cheat? — Homestar Runner: "Dik, doing! Dik, sboing!"
- Email vacation — When Strong Bad gets up, instead of the Geddup Noise, he makes the noise with his voice.
- Email action figure — Strong Bad, while describing his action figure's ability to shoot sparks from its mouth, imitates the sparks by making a grinding noise.
- Teen Girl Squad — Narrator Strong Bad makes all the sound effects.
- Pumpkin Carve-nival —
- Strong Bad (as Homestar Runner): "Pchew! Pchew! Wchew! That was... the lightning..."
- He also switches back and forth between saying and playing the sound effect for "Ding", going so far as to note that Homsar doesn't even get a ding.
- Email marzipan — When cheatachu72 signs off, a voice similar to Strong Bad's makes a signing off noise.
- 20X6 vs. 1936 — The Homestar Runner: "Ptooie!"
- Email funny — Strong Bad: "Squee squaw", "Pont-REER!", "ponkity-ponkity-ponkity"
- Email mile — Narrator The Cheat says a Powered by The Cheat version of Preeeeow.
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 9.2 — Homestar Runner: "beep", "boop"
- Email local news — Strong Bad: "dup dup dup dup dup..." (imitating a helicopter)
- Where the Crap Are We? — Homestar Runner: "Brrinng! Brrinng!"
- Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon —
- Background Voices: "Dun-dun-DUN!"
- Homestar (in an attempt to sound like a car alarm): "Weh oh weh oh weh oh weh oh" "doooooOOOOP dooooooOOOOP" "Mamp. Mamp. Mamp. Mamp." "DooEEEE! DoolEEEE!"
- Email dangeresque 3 — Strong Bad does most of the sound effects within the movie including the riffs and the driving sound effects.
- Strong Sad's Lament — Strong Sad says that anything Saddy Dumpington played on his washboard would have sounded like "SCRRREENK SCRUNK, SCRRRENK, SCRUNK".
- Shopping For Danger and Commandos in the Classroom — The Blue Las-alert siren is provided by Matt Chapman.
- Email extra plug — Strong Mad: "PREEEEOW."
- Homestar Presents: Presents — Coach Z: "Ring ring." (imitating a phone)
- Bug In Mouth Disease — Homestar Runner: "Hiccup."
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 12.2 — As the Thnikkaman hangs up he says "click!"
- Senorial Day — Homestar Runner: "Pekyoo! Hgyoo! Pghyoo! Doo! Pehw! Wehw!" (imitating fireworks)
- Cool Things — Homestar Runner: "Mwah, bwah, bwahhh" (imitating a "sad trombone" tune)
- Email technology — The Cheat: "beep beep beep beep beep"
- Happy Trogday — Strong Bad: "Twirr! Twirr!"
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 13.2 — Homestar Runner: "Boo boo doot!"
- Flashforward — Homestar Runner: "Voooooooooooooooo-ka-chuck." (imitating an elevator)
- Happy Hallow-day — Coach Z: "Hort! Hort hooort!" "Craaaket! Craaaket tatatata! Craaket tatatata!" "Wha-dlah whe-dlah!"
- Email 4 branches — Homestar Runner: "Ptoo! Ptoo! Ptoo!"
- Email looking old — Strong Bad: "Whaaa-donk. Click-click-click-click-click-click-click." (imitating an alarm)
- Fall Float Parade — Strong Sad dressed as a snowman says "ptooie" out loud as he spits out the carrot Strong Bad stuffed in his mouth.
- Date Nite — Homestar Runner mimics the sonar sounds in the submarine scenes: "Boo. Boo. Boo."
- DNA Evidence —
- Bubs: "Cough-cough."
- Homestar Runner: "Glug glug glug!"
- One Two, One Two — Bubs: "A-reek-a-deek-a-deek-a-deek-a-deek-a-deek-a-deek-a-deek-a" (imitating a meat grinder)
- Email more armies — Strong Bad: "Clank, clank."
- Email winter pool — The "Eat a Lot of Food Alert" has the same sound as the Blue Las-alert.
- Email shapeshifter — Strong Bad: "DWAYNE!"
- The Homestar Runner Gets Something Stuck In His Craw — Homestar Runner says "Ding!" as he winks at the audience. He then winks a second time, making an actual "Ding!" sound.
- Play Date — Homestar Runner: "Boop!" and then pushes the button on the phone to actually hang up.
- The Next Epi-Snowed — Gunhaver: Snowmobile engine sound effects.
- SBCG4AP Tutorial — Strong Bad: "Dun dun dun!"
- Homestar Ruiner —
- Homestar Runner: "Sigh."
- Strong Bad: "Activate cloaking shield! Whawhahwahwa."
- Email magic trick — Strong Bad: "Jingle jangle!"
- Strong Badia The Free —
- Bubs: "Wink."
- Strong Bad: "Groan."
- Strong Bad: "Barf!"
- Email email thunder — Homestar Runner: "Poo, poo. Poo, poo."
- Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective —
- Homestar Runner: "Gasp!"
- Strong Bad: "Sniff-"
- Strong Bad: "Pshhhh!"
- When Perducci talks to Killingyouguy in the background, he replaces most of his words with "mumble".
- 8-Bit is Enough — Homestar Runner: "Ptoo! Ptoo!"
- Donut Unto Others — Bubs: "Dubba dup dup dup, dubba dup dup dup, dubba dup dup da daa ba dup dup dup!" (imitating a military drum cadence)
- Hremail 7 — Strong Sad imitates the dial-up connection noise.
- Cheat Commandos: Two Part Episode: Part 2 — Crackotage: "Laughity laugh laugh!"
- Email hremail 3184 —
- Homestar Runner: "Rake!", "Shovel!"
- Strong Bad: "Dooj."
- A Decemberween Mackerel —
- April Fool 2014 — More than once in the cartoon: "Poink!"
- Halloween Safety — Homestar Runner: "Blink! Blonk!"
- I Killed Pom Pom — Homestar Runner: "Click!"
- sbemail 206 — Strong Bad: "Boo-da-ling..."
- Flash is Dead! — Homestar Runner: "Boo-ding!"
- Later that Night... — Strong Bad: "Bush, bush, bush!"
- All CGI Paper Strong Bad Emails — Strong Bad: "CG-eeeow!"
- Homestar Runner Goes for the Gold —
- Homestar Runner: "Burger burger!"
- He also tries to make whistle-blowing sounds without actually blowing into the whistle.
- Email too cool — Bubs: "Static" (imitating a walkie-talkie) and "Ka-thunk" (imitating a tape being inserted into a VCR).
- Front Facing — Homestar: "Whisper-vesper." "Mumble-murmur..."
[edit] See Also
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