Decemberweenvent Calendar (2022 Revisited)

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(Fun Facts: James L. Sportsinterviews... not J. also adding some references.)
(Real-World References: The Show!)
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===Real-World References===
===Real-World References===
*{{w|Tim Hortons}} is a [[Canada]]-based coffeehouse and fast-food chain.
*{{w|Tim Hortons}} is a [[Canada]]-based coffeehouse and fast-food chain.
*James L. Sportsinterviews is also a reference to {{w|James L. Brooks}}, a television producer known for co-creating {{w|The Mary Tyler Moore}}, {{w|Taxi (TV Series)|Taxi}}, and [[The Simpsons]]
*James L. Sportsinterviews is also a reference to {{w|James L. Brooks}}, a television producer known for co-creating {{w|The Mary Tyler Moore Show}}, {{w|Taxi (TV Series)|Taxi}}, and [[The Simpsons]]
== External Links ==
== External Links ==

Revision as of 07:49, 19 December 2024

The Decemberweenvent Calendar from two years ago has been extended with some bonus scenes, additional animation in between the songs and some new commentary for some pieces.

Date: Monday, December 16, 2024

Running Time: 20:35


Announcement Message

Page Title: Remastered and Replastered!

< back

Click above to watch the full 20 min calendar on YouTube with all types-a new crap added!


{Open in the House of the Brothers Strong. There is a wrapped present on the table. Title card reads "Decemberweenvent Calendar {2022 revisited}". Piano music plays.}

{An alarm clock beeps.}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} Oh! {a digital clock is tossed into the room} It's December first! IT'S DECEMBER FIIIRST!

{Strong Mad, The Cheat and Strong Sad yell as the room shakes. The lights are turned on. Strong Mad and Strong Sad come charging into the room, getting stuck in the doorway. Strong Bad squeezes in and pops out in between them.}

{Strong Bad pushes the chair out as he checks out the gift.}

STRONG BAD: Yes! Once again, the first one to the Decemberweenvent calendar! {rubs his hands together} Ooh, I can almost taste the mostly vegetable oil of those cheap, cheap chocolates inside!

{Strong Bad opens the gift.}

{Cut to the calendar.}

STRONG BAD: What the crap?! A non-chocolate and/or Lego Decemberweenvent calendar?

{Strong Bad lifts his head and smiles.}

STRONG BAD: I used to could eat both of thems.

{On each day, a banner with the day appears in front of the cover, and the book is turned to the relevant page.}

Day 1 - Everybody, Everybody

{The song plays.}

STRONG BAD: {singing, offscreen} Everybody... Has fingers and noses!

{The mnemonic on the page is underlined as the illustrations speak.}

COACH Z: Crospy dork eggs for gordness and bordness, chorpness!

BUBS: {whispering} I'm gonna pretend I don't know you.

Day 2 - Stave It Off

STRONG BAD: {standing in front of a piano} Maybe if I play the song correctly, then chocolates will, like, come out of the piano.

{Strong Sad pops in.}

STRONG SAD: Or maybe just holiday cheer will come out of the piano.

STRONG BAD: That's useless! You can't suck on that and swish it around in your mouth until it turns into, like, a pudding goo and then spit it onto marshmallows!

{The King of Town pops up behind the piano holding a bag of Fluffy Puffs.}

KING OF TOWN: That doesn't mean I can't try!

{Page turns and song plays.}

Day 3 - Skills of an Artist

STRONG BAD: Uh, you can check today's, Strong Mad.

{Strong Bad and Strong Mad are at the table.}

STRONG BAD: Imma go see if we have any baking chocolate or... somethin'.

{Strong Bad gets up and leaves.}


STRONG BAD: {peeking in from the doorway} Isn't the theme from Doug the Dino just you yelling...

{Cut to the TV, playing a VHS of Doug the Dino}


{Cut back}


{Page turns and song plays.}

{Page turns again to a new Doug the Dino page. No notes are played.}

Day 4 - Caleb Rentpayer

STRONG SAD: {offscreen} Isn't anything in this calendar in a minor key? I need some of that Dickensian holiday doom and gloom.

{The page flips and the love theme plays; afterward, the page changes to the funeral dirge, which plays.}

{The book closes. Cut to Strong Sad at the table.}

STRONG SAD: Ah, that's the stuff. {A thought bubble appears with a hat} It's like a stovepipe hat full of gruel, {gruel is poured into the hat} poor air quality, {smoke comes out from the hat} and inhumane working conditions. {several Old-Timey factories with smokestacks appear. Strong Sad uses his finger to pop the bubble.} Now that's the holiday spirit!

Day 5 - Now I'll Do A Dance

STRONG BAD: {singing to the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas"} On the fifth day of Decemberweenvent, this stupid calendar gave to me...

{Cut to Strong Bad at the table}

STRONG BAD: More useless sheet music!

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} Uh-oh, this one. {singing along} Instant migraine, instant migraine, instant migraine, instant migraine... Shuttin' it down!

Day 6 - CGNU Fight Song

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {offscreen} Oh, man. I get to check today's Far Side daily calendar.

{Cut to Homestar}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I hope this one has an amoeba shaped like a cow talking to a caveman saying some real smart science words I'll have to look up later.

{Page turns and song plays. At the end, the page changes to a Far Side themed one with a splat sound.}

Day 7 - Videlectrix/StrongBadZone

STRONG BAD: {at the table} Just so you know, I'm not gonna, like, say something different every day.

{Page turns and song plays.}

{Cut to a 3-dimensional virtual tunnel. His boxing glove holds a red square by a white line.}

STRONG BAD: Woah, check it out, I'm in a virtual StrongBadZone! I've even got floaty gloves! Oh man, I'm trying to deflect one of these perplexing geometric attacks with my cyber-shield! Or maybe I'll just throw it at the ceiling! Oh, that's cool too!

{Cut to the StrongBadZone head. A blue circle is blocking it.}

STRONG BAD: Come here, Blue VR Tutorial kickball! Let's get him! Let's do it! Poing! Ba-doing! Shabadow!

{Strong Bad is trying to deflect the red square.}

STRONG BAD: Here we go. Now he's firing those red 3 and 1/2 inch floppy disks at me. P'too! Deflect! Aw, this is awesome! P'chauw!

STRONG BAD: Let's try another one of these wafers. Oh man, fully going! The velocities! Doink.

Day 8 - Smells Like Peanut Action

STRONG BAD: {at the table} Just so you know, I'm not gonna, like, say something different every day.

{Page turns and song plays.}

Day 9 - Meet Marshie

STRONG BAD: {at the table} Just so you know, I'm not gonna, like, say something different every day.

{Page turns and song plays.}

{Cut to a VHS tape of Scales of an Artist: Beginner Piano Series: Lesson 9: The Puffety Technique. A diamond wipe leads to a live-action shot of a hand with marshmallows on each finger playing the song on the piano as a musical staff slides in from above.}

{Cut to Puppet Marshie swallowing a live-action hand with marshmallows on the fingers.}

PUPPET MARSHIE: That was great!

Day 10 - No Probalo

STRONG BAD: {at the table} Just so you know, I'm not gonna, like, {makes funny motions} say something different {haltingly} ev-e-ry day.

{Page turns and song plays.}

SENOR CARDGAGE: Cardgage Drips Every Foosball Game Against Bedelma's Corporanchin'. Against Bedelma's Corporanchin'.

{Cut to a TV playing an sitcom-style opening sequence. The camera zooms in on the Weird Shrub, in the field.}


{Senor Cardgage starts to rise out of the shrub}


{cut to Senor Cardgage standing in front of the shrub with a tent over it from Senorial Day. Cut again to Strong Bad and Cardgage next to a camera from too cool}


{cut to Strong Mad running away from Cardgage from kind of cool}


{cut to The Cheat smiling while flying}


{cut to the "Family Might/Could"}


{cut to Strong Sad, Homestar, Strong Bad and Strong Bad screaming in the Basement of the Brothers Strong. Cut again to Strong Bad sitting on a fishing boat with Senor Cardgage from alternate universe}


{the TV turns off}

Day 11 - 3 Times Halloween Funjob

STRONG BAD: {at the table, rubbing his gloves together} All right, this time there's gonna be chocolate! There's gonna be chocolate! There's gonna be chocolate!

{The book flips opens to reveal melted chocolate smudged over a spot on the page.}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} Aw, man!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {offscreen} Oh, that's mine. It's a bookmark.

{Song plays.}

STRONG SAD: {offscreen} Ooh, let's add the sloshy lyrics! {singing} "The second Halloween was atrocious... but the third Halloween was a very funjob!"

STRONG BAD: {offscreen, singing} "Very very funjob, very very fun..." Aw man! Quit making me joyously sing along to sloshy songs!

Day 12 - Cheat Commandos

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} So, should we discuss the creepy illustration styles in this calendar?

{The book flips open.}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} Aaah! No, we should not!

{The song plays; afterward, a scene from Cheat Commandos flies in from the right: Blue Laser Commander stands in an underground cavern, still drawn in the character style of the calendar.}

BLUE LASER COMMANDER: {in a voice similar to Snagglepuss} Ehh. We'll blow up the ocean!

{Pan right to Reynold, who now wears a white shirt.}

REYNOLD: {in a voice similar to Boo-Boo Bear} Ah gee, Blue Laser, I don't think that's such a good idea.

{Cut to the both of them.}

BLUE LASER COMMANDER: {angrily pointing at Reynold} Heavens, I just hate you so much!

Day 13 - Teen Girl Squad

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} Today, the Decemberweenvent Calendar enters its teenage phase.

{The book flips open; the Teen Girl Squad are illustrated in their usual style; crickets chirp.}


{The Teen Girl Squad are suddenly changed into the Decemberweenvent Calendar style. The song plays.}

CHEERLEADER: Ow! My saddle shoes!

WHAT'S HER FACE: Ow! My 7pm curfew!

SO AND SO: Ow! My brushing my teeth after lunch at school!

THE UGLY ONE: Ow! My pet bag of lawn trimmings!

{The page flips to the 4 Gregs song, which plays.}

OPEN SOURCE GREG: I say, my merry gentlemen, this wholesome yet inaccurately illustrated kids' book universe seems much safer than our usual murderous notebook paper one!

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} Sorry, nope!

{Strong Bad defaces the book. The theme from kids' book plays.}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} No four Gregs are not on fire. Awww.

Day 14 - Strong Bad is a Bad Guy

STRONG BAD: {at the table} All right, Disappointo, gimme a deep cut today!

STRONG SAD: {peeking in from the doorway, disappointed} I thought I was Disappointo.

STRONG BAD: Shut up.

{The book flips open.}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} Ooh, yes! My oft-overlooked sorta theme song!

{The song plays. Footage from the Strong Bad is a Bad Guy Mario Paint video comes out from the glowy box.}

{Cut to Strong Mad.}


STRONG BAD: Aw, thanks, Giganti-Man. That's so nice—

{Strong Mad holds his hand into view of the sheet music; in his palm is a cube-shaped glob of chocolate with a strand of colored, blinking holiday tree lights mashed in; one of the bulbs is broken and the wire is frayed; the broken bulb and exposed wire spark and pop intermittently.}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen, continued} —oh. Uh, that is... great, and I will eat it later... when its voltage dies down.

{The broken bulb sparks once more before the book returns to the cover page.}

Day 15 - Strong Badia Nat'l Anthem

{The Cheat walks past the living room in the doorway. A high-pitched whirring sound is heard; both The Cheat and Strong Bad sound distant.}

THE CHEAT: {offscreen} {The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} I can't look at it right now, I told you!

THE CHEAT: {offscreen} {The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} A football is wearing my pants!

THE CHEAT: {offscreen} {questioning The Cheat noises}

{The whirring sound dies down.}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} I don't know, The Cheat!

THE CHEAT: {offscreen} {questioning The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} Yes, I am also wearing them! That's what's freakin' me out!

{Strong Sad walks past the doorway holding the rainbow instant camera.}

STRONG SAD: Just gonna... capture this here moment on filum...

{Camera flash. When the flash stops, the page is open and the song plays.}

{At the end of the song, the instant shot develops, showing a close-up of a football stuck in Strong Bad's pants, with his underwear visible.}

Day 16 - Homestar Runner Presents: Presents

STRONG BAD: {offscreen, singing} You think they'll ever doooo... "Song About Sibbie"?

{At the table.}

STRONG BAD: {singing} Probably not because I don't think it has any notes.

{The page flips and the song plays; afterward, Strong Bad reaches in and covers Homestar's face with a sticker.}

STRONG BAD: I'm just gonna cover this one up. Never need to look at that again.

Day 17 - The Cheat Is Not Dead

STRONG BAD: {offscreen, rapping} The D'weenvent, the D'weenvent, what what, the D'weenvent!

{The page flips and the song plays.}

{Afterward, cut to the inside of Homestar Runner's house at night. Homestar walks into the living room in a robe, slippers, nightcap, and Homestar Running T-shirt and sporting a cinnamon beard. He yawns and smacks his lips drowsily. Suddenly the cow lamp on the table morphs into an animated version resembling the sheet music version. Homestar's nightcap stands straight up, resembling a dunce cap, as Homestar is taken aback.}

COW LAMP: {Midwestern mom voice} Homestar Runner, you march right back to bed, young man.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I'm just gonna... pretend I didn't see that.

COW LAMP: You bet your ever lovin' twees, you will, mister!

{Homestar's nightcap deflates as he does an about face and walks out of the room.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I knew I took too much of that cough syrup.

{Returns to the cover page.}

Day 18 - Because, It's Midnite

STRONG BAD: {offscreen, rapidly} Checkin​my​daily​musical​Decemberweenvent​calendar, checkin​my​daily​musical​Decemberweenvent​calendar, checkin​my​d— {gets tongue-tied and starts mumbling} —weenvent calrendar.

{At the table.}

STRONG BAD: {tired} Whew, doesn't quite roll off the tongue like "checkin' my email" does.

{The page flips and the song plays; afterward, it returns to the cover page.}

Day 19 - Peasant's Quest

STRONG BAD: {at the table, rubbing his gloves} All right, we're in the home stretch. Let's hope they bring out the {jabs the air} heavy hittas!

{The page flips and the song plays.}

STRONG SAD: {offscreen} I always wish they sampled the film in this song! {imitating Rather Dashing} Where's my cottage? Where's my cottage, cottage? You don't smell like a peasant, peasant. Smell like a peasant, peasant. You don't smell like a cottage, cottage! Where's my peasant, cottage!

{song ends}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} Aw, somebody finally bought the Kerrek a Cold One. I thought he was a teetotaler. Oh well, holiday cheers, pig fella!

{An ad slides in from the right featuring a purple background with hollies and the Kerrek. A red, very slowly rolling bottle cap with the Kerrek on it reads "Kerrek Brau" in large letters. In small print are the phrases "Non-Cold Onesaholic" and "4.5% taste". Both Kerreks are pixelated as in the game and translucent. Music plays.}

ANNOUNCER 1: This holiday season, indulge responsibly with Non-Cold Onesaholic Kerrek Brau!

ANNOUNCER 2: {speaking rapidly} Made with 100% real sweat from the Kerrek's brow.

{A caption slides in that reads "Made with 100% Kerrek Browsweat"; the music stops and the bottle cap stops rolling.}

ANNOUNCER 2: Did that—did that ruin it for ya?

Day 20 - Santam'n Is A Blademan

{Homestar Runner and Strong Bad are at the table.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I got a good feeling about this one, Strong Bad.

STRONG BAD: Great. And now I have a bad feeling about this one.

{The book flips open and the song plays}

STINGY RELENQUE: {offscreen} And when he shows up, he will make breakfast with zhis friends! It will probably be from Tim Hortons! Mais oui?

{Song ends.}

{Cut to an infomercial on Z' ShopChan for item DLA222-Zf in the Hollandaise Gift Collection, captioned "Strong Bantaman is a Blademan Musical Nobot". Three Dancin' Strong Bad Musical Nobots with serrated knives taped to each of their gloves are in action. As Strong Bad does the voiceover, the batteries in each run out.}

STRONG BAD: {voiceover} And pick yourself up an army of these little guys to deter unwanted carolers {slowing down with the Dancin' Musical Nobots} or serve hors d'oeuvres.

{The Nobots grind to a halt. A shrimp pops onto each of the knives. The book returns to the cover page.}

Day 21 - Stinkoman Level 1

COACH Z: Hey there!

{Cut to Coach Z standing in the doorway.}

COACH Z: I thought I'd show up! {A beat as Coach Z slumps his shoulders.} That's it! {walks off}

{The page flips and the song plays.}

{Afterward, a Stinkoman 20X6 cutscene slides in from the right. 1-Up, Stinkoman, and Pan Pan stand against a blue background. The game music plays.}


1-UP: {subtitled} THAT WAS A GREAT OPERA!

{Suddenly, Z Sabre in silhouette flies in from the left as a menacing laughing sound effect is heard.}


{A beat. The music stops.}

Z SABRE: {subtitled} THAT'S IT!

{The laughing sound effect is heard again as he flies back off to the left. The other characters watch him go.}

1-UP: {subtitled} ANOTHER GREAT OPERA!

{Returns to the cover page.}

Day 22 - Dethemberween Thnikkaman

STRONG BAD: {sprawled on the table, tired, in a pool of drool} I'munna, I'munna open up the thing, and then there'll be like, some music. I'm gettin' a little bur—I'm gettin' a little burned out, I—I'm gonna admit.

{The page flips and the song plays; as the last note is struck, the Dethemberween Thnikkaman's voice rings out:}

DETHEMBERWEEN THNIKKAMAN: {echoing in the distance} Yeah, shut up!

{Cuts back to the room, revealing the Thnikkaman is shouting through a megaphone right next to Strong Bad}

DETHEMBERWEEN THNIKKAMAN: To one and all o' dang y'all!

{Returns to the cover page.}

Day 23 - Trogdor

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} Here I go once again with a Decemberweenvent Calendar.

{At the table, Strong Bad is dancing.}

STRONG BAD: Every day I hope that it's a... {pounds table with each word} better Decemberweenvent Calendar.

{The book flips open.}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} You monsters! What have you done to my baby burninator?? There's not a consummate V in sight!

{The song plays.}

STRONG BAD: {sighs, singing} Trogdor had a barn
I mean, it was a burning barn.
Er. maybe it was just a... barning.
Uh, I dunno. I give up.

{Song ends.}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} What is he supposed to be, like, barninating the hayloft?

{A straw hat pops onto Trogdor's head and a piece of straw pops into his mouth. Strong Bad groans.}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} Aww, check out all his trajesty.

{Stink lines appear around Trogdor with a splat. A video game box spins in from the center. Tinny banjo music plays.}

VIDELECTRIX ONE: {voiceover} Burninate the Barnyard from Videlectrix.

{Cut to a live-action video of Strong Bad's boxing gloves playing the game on a color Panzit Portable.}

VIDELECTRIX ONE: New for the Pantsit Portable. We really understand this IP.

Day 24 - Todayborday is Labor Day

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} All right, everyone, here we go! The big Decemberween season finale! {aside} Presented by Styles Upon Styles.

{The words "Styles Upon Styles" appear from the center. The page flips and the first song begins playing. Strong Bad talks over it as it plays.}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} What?? They used a different holiday song on Decemberweeve? This was supposed to be, like, the big culmination!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {offscreen} I don't know, Strong Bad, I bet we could make this work for Decemberweeve.

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} Yeah you would. It's your stupid song.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {offscreen} Oh, you got that right! Here we go!

{A drum fill. Cut to Homestar Runner at the piano. He launches into a fully backed version of the song.}

Todaybor Deeve is Decemberweeve
Todaybor Deeve is Decemberweeve
Todaybor Deeve is Decemberweeve
Todaybor Deeve is Decemberweeve

Todaybor Deeve, Decemberweeve
Put on a hat that looks like Eh! Steve!
Pull your arms into your sleeves
Put a piece of pizza under grandma's tree!

Poke Coach Z until he leaves
Those medieval boots, I think they're called greaves
Ghost of Bennedetto, RIP
Come on, everybody, it's Decemberweeve!

{The song finishes with a cymbal crash.}

STRONG BAD: That wasn't a culmination.


{Cut to Strong Bad sitting at the table with the Decemberweenvent calendar open. Homestar stands next to him.}

STRONG BAD: {continued} It was just a bunch of dumb stuff you garbled that rhymes with "eve".

{Strong Sad stands in the doorway. He is wearing an Eh! Steve! hat, a sweater, and greaves. He has a slice of pizza on his shoulder, and his arms are tucked inside the sweater. Strong Bad is silhouetted.}

STRONG SAD: Oh, man, I am really liking these new Decemberween traditions!

STRONG BAD: Get back in the bathtub!

{Strong Sad hangs his head.}


{Cut back to the table. A large red present wrapped in white ribbon now sits next to the calendar.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: So, you want a culmination? Then how about... this!

{He lifts the present with a musical flourish to reveal the frog from days 4, 6, 14, 16, 20, and 23. The frog is busy on his smartphone.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Happy Decemberween, Strong Bad!

STRONG BAD: Ert, wt, whtgda crap is that?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: It's a new character!

STRONG BAD: I don't—I don't want it.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: It's the frog!

{Closeup on the frog.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {continued} From the Decemberweenvent calendar!

THE FROG: I got a new app!

{He holds up his phone to the viewer.}

STRONG BAD: But how??

{Cut back to the three of them.}

STRONG BAD: {continued} And why?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Who are we to question Decemberween magic, Strong Bad.

THE FROG: I got a new app!

STRONG BAD: Yeah, I heard you already! Is that your freakin' name? Anew App?

{Closeup on Anew App.}

ANEW APP: Sounds good to me!

{Cut to sheet music for the second song.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: One, two, three—

{The song begins playing. Homestar sings along.}

Anew App
He's a frog and he came from a book
It was a musical book
He has a phone

{Cut back to the table.}

STRONG BAD: {shaking his head} An entire Decemberweenvent gone by and I never got a single ounce of freaking chocolate!

ANEW APP: {holding up his smartphone} I got a new app that'll send you a chocolate a day for a whole year!

STRONG BAD: {grabbing the smartphone} Whoa, sign me up!

{Anew App and Homestar Runner look creeped out.}

STRONG BAD: {typing frantically} Yes, I agree to receive marketing and promotional emails from your company and a multitude of other third-party companies that will resell all my personal informatiooooon! {falls over in his chair}

{Strong Bad pops up on the other side of the table.}

STRONG BAD: Phew! You're not so bad after all, Anew. Maybe we'll ever see you in a cartoon again!

ANEW APP: I got a new...

STRONG BAD: {threatening sound}

ANEW APP: ...friend?

STRONG BAD: Aww... But no. {music suddenly cuts} We're not friends.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yeah, don't look at me, Frog.


{Fade to Anew App, Humidibot, and F-Sack in the snow outside Bubs' Concession Stand. A banner affixed to the wall of the stand reads "LATE ERA NEW-ish CHARACTERS UNION 208", "SHARPDENE - Chairperson". "Chair" is crossed out and "coatrack" is written above it. Anew App is using an app on his phone, as ever.}

HUMIDIBOT: Welcome to the group! I'm Humidibot.

F-SACK: And now, you gotta get jumped in.

{A shocked expression comes across Anew App's face.}

Fun Facts

See also Decemberweenvent Calendar#Fun Facts


  • The YouTube description reads:
    A remastered and replastered version of the 2022 daily Decemberweenvent Calendar of Homestar Runner-themed sheet music.

    Additional music throughout by the incredible ‪@trott‬. For those songs and more, check out his double album of Vince Guaraldi-inspired covers of the D'weenvent Calendar sheet music here:

    Chapters (skip around! sing along! problem towne!):
The description then lists the same chapters as the above transcript, with timestamps.

Inside References

  • The "No Probalo!" opening credits sequence was originally posted to Twitter on December 10, 2022.
  • Strong Bad defacing the sheet music by having the 4 Gregs get on fire is a reference to kids' book

Real-World References

External Links

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