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File:Videlectrix developers.jpg
Good graphics are a must

Videlectrix is a multi-dollar fictitious video game company that makes some of the hottest games ever. If anyone is playing a video game in any of the Homestar Runner toons, chances are it's a chart-topping Videlectrix classic.

They also manufacture blank CD-Rs, such as the one the Strong Bad Sings CD was pressed on.

The brains behind the company were the cover story for January 2005's issue of Hundredaire Socialite. The brains behind Videlectrix are of course The Brothers Chaps in fake mustaches and their friend Jonathan Howe.

Videlectrix has a subsidiary, Videlectrix Films, which is responsible for the Peasant's Quest movie.

Debut: duck pond


Main Page Descriptions

March 21, 2005–current

You may not believe it, but we've made another good-great game.
We decided to call this one Stinkoman 20X6. 
Side scrolling action means hours of fun scrolling action! 
Springtime's around the corner, and coincidentially, so is 

January 14–March 21, 2005

Holy smokes! We managed to make another 
game. This game is a great game and it is 
called 50k Racewalker. Go fast, but not too 
fast! Pace it on over to the game demos 
section and take a few (million) steps. 
You won't (will) be disappointed! Keep 
your crosshairs locked on, 
or "Good Games HQ."

Videlectrix Games



Game Gallery

Box covers of some of the games.

Welcome to the Videlectrix Game Gallery. Have some wine and cheese
and enjoy the dynamic cover artwork for our dynamic cover games.
Featuring the work of award winning artists such as: our art department.
  • Secret Collect (for the FunMachine)
  • StrongBadZone
  • Rhinofeeder (for the Super Funmachine)
  • Thy Dungeonman (400-page manual inside!! Text-based, Dungeon-based Action!!)
  • Thy Dungeoman 2 (More Text Means More Action!!)
  • 50k Racewalker (Taste a Walk!)
  • Duck Guardian 1
  • Duck Guardian 2 (starring the popular Ron Planet!)
  • Planet Alert!
  • Hallrunner (For use with Arrow Keys!)
  • Pigs on Head
  • Space Shipper (NOW for only ONE PLAYER!!!)
  • Stinkoman 20X6 (Ask for a challenge! Deuce!)

Game Music

MP3s of the music from the various games Videlectrix makes are available.

We one time received two emails asking about the music from all our 
various game selections. We took that to mean we should put them 
UP for DOWN load (D-pad humor). Here is.

Fun Facts

  • The StrongBadZone Music features background music which can also be found in a track by the band Death Cab for Cutie. The background music can be found on the band's song entitled Photobooth.

External links

Personal tools