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The 3D notebook paper shopping cart really elevates this to another level.
That, and Uggs with a High Life. She def snuck that from Manolios' moldy garage fridge that's weirdly full of videotapes.
- This Tweet quotes @alyshaba, who posted a picture of a group of people dressed as the Teen Girl Squad, with a shopping cart styled after notebook paper that has the Arrow'd Guy coming out. The person dressed as The Ugly One is holding a Miller High Life.
| 28 Jan 2022
sbemail209 is the new Stinkoman level 10! You got 12-15 years to spare?
- This Tweet is a reply to @diov_g, who posted a picture made on Moto Note of Strong Bad's reply to his reply from the previous year asking about Sbemail 209.
| 26 Jan 2022
Click on the actual game screen first mebbe.
- This Tweet is a reply to @jakewc233, who said they couldn't progress past the title screen of Trogday Micro Game.
| 22 Jan 2022
This is what I like to see!
- This Tweet is a reply to @2WayIntrsctn and @maplesbian, the former of whom replied to the Trogday Tweet asking for it to be played on a real Game Boy Color, and the latter showing the game on real hardware.
| 20 Jan 2022
Already sent this to Videlectrix! Should be fixed. Thanks!
- This Tweet is a reply to @spinning_ebooks, who replied to the Trogday Tweet and reported a bug that if the player burninated the same cottage over and over, they could get to the Kerrek fight.
| 20 Jan 2022
Keep in mind, it's a MICRO game. Hopefully you're not THAT terrible at games.
- This Tweet is a reply to @DowntownBr2, who quoted the previous Tweet and said they would be playing Trogday Micro Game until 3 A.M.
| 20 Jan 2022
| A full week late, Videlectrix celebrates Trogdor's 19th Trogday with a free GameBoy Color micro game! videlectrix.itch.io/trogday-micro-...Play in browser, on phone, or even an emulator!
| 20 Jan 2022
A worthy bday Stinkopresent inspired by the animational stylings of @SmallBuStudio!!
- This Tweet is a reply to @wizard0rb, who sent a picture of Stinkoman, 1-Up, and Pan Pan in a style reminiscent of the Stinkoman 20X6 Intro Cinematic.
| 9 Jan 2022
Itβs the long lost Shroud of Strong Badia! From that one time my head AND a jar of Strong Sadβs sunbutter got stuck in a sweatshirt together!
- This Tweet is a reply to @LadyStardust41, who made a shirt with Strong Bad's face spray painted on the front and "STRONG BADIA POP: TIRE" on the back.
| 7 Jan 2022
Hot stamps! I gotta yell at Bubs!
- This Tweet is a reply to @tcy_alex, who pointed out that homestarrunner.com was still using an outdated version of Ruffle at the time, and that newer versions allow for embedded video playback.
| 3 Jan 2022
These, THESE, are the good graphics Videlectrix has been ranting about for years! Thanks for passing this along
- This Tweet quotes @mausmoto, being the same Tweet from the previous reply.
| 2 Jan 2022
Um, yes please.
- This Tweet is a reply to @mausmoto and @HeadZonkStudios, the former of whom posted a video of 3D Sierra Entertainment-style graphics, while the latter suggested a Peasant's Quest remake in this style.
| 2 Jan 2022