Comic Sightings
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33 Variations on a Theme by Strong Bad
This is an actual fan made Teen Girl Squad comic, done in the same way Strong Bad would have drawn it. [1]
3rd Party Fantasy
8-bit Theater
- A dark elf explains how evil a monster is, and Trogdor comes to mind. Episode 284: What could it be?!
- A guest artist strip contains Thief wearing a Strong Bad mask.
Accidental Centaurs
- In a crossover with The Wotch on March 26, 2005, The Wotch's Robin (transformed into a dragon) shouts "BURNINATE!!" as he breathes fire at some winged monkeys. [2]
- In a comic dated Wednesday, August 24, 2005, Lenny borrows a line from Senor Cardgage. [3]
Aminal Crossing
- In the 16th comic, "Were taking this baby to the mooooon!" is a reference to Strong Bad Email personal favorites.
- Also, in Episode 22, the main character gets MONKEY SLAM'D!! an unmistakable TGS reference.
Arby the Archer
In Episode 7, the miner is "ARROWED!" and in episode 8 a mine Botter is "WHIPPED!" by a [GM].
Badly Drawn Kitties
In the October 29, 2003 (zip archive format) strip, Dirk dresses up as Homestar Runner.
Breakpoint City
- Homestar Runner is waiting in line in the July 20, 2002 strip.
- Bronco Trolleys are referenced in the August 14th, 2002 strip.
- Trogdor also appears on a sign "Live with Regis and Trogdor" in a later strip. [4]
- A Homestar action figure (or something) is seen behind the TV Ben is watching in the July 19, 2003 strip.
Bruno the Bandit
In the third panel of this comic, one character mentions Strong Badia.
Captain SNES
In the comic for March 21st, 2004, Mother Brain asks King Hippo how he can type with boxing gloves on his hands.
Clearwater Clan
The comic for June 24th, 2005 shows the cast drawn as stick figures. One of them comes out looking like Trogdor.
Dave Kelly Central
In the second comic, Strong Bad shows up to mock the size of Dave Kelly's ego.
Daily Routine
Comic #40 on [5] has a reference from Strong Bad email, fingers. The character, Hardhat is wearing the same arms as Homestar Runner wears in the said email. Theres even a link to the email at the bottem of the comic for those who have never heard of Homestar Runner.
In the fourth and final volume of the Tokyopop manga adaptation of the third season of the Digimon animated series, Rapidmon utters What's Her Face's classic line: "My blood hurts."
Trogdor can be seen in the first panel of this comic.
Dominic Deegan
In the September 23,2002 comic, Strong Bad makes a cameo appearance as one of Dominic's customers in the last panel.
Rude is making fun of the compy 386.
In Comic 91 Rude bumps in to Trogdor
This issue of "Droop" features Homestar Runner popping up with the phrase "A Jorb Well Done".
Digital Purgatory
In episode 19 "Dude, Shut the Hell Up" of "Digital Purgatory", in the third and fourth panels, Trogdor appears on a whiteboard in the background.
Dinosaur Comics
In a comic released July 17, 2006, T-Rex mentions "fhqwhgads".
Doc's Machine
On 2003-10-31, Doc's Halloween comic showed Pom-Pom in the bottom frame. Here.
El Goonish Shive
Popular webcomic El Goonish Shive has made multiple references to Homestar Runner, both in filler comics. In one, the comic's title "That Block-Thing is Gonna Give me Nightmares" references The Homestar Runner's similar line in Mr. Shmallow.
Evil Inc
The author of "Evil Inc" has said on the Bob and George forums that Satan being dressed up as Ichiro in comic #267 is a minor reference to Strong Bad dressing up as Homestar dressed up as Angus Young in Pumpkin Carve-nival.
Exterminatus Now
On March 17, 2006, in the final panel there is a cyborg named "Dengar the Butchernator," an obvious reference to Trogdor.
Final Stupidity
In the fourth comic, "Obligatory Pop Culture Reference," Dangeresque Too makes a small cameo on the last panel.
The fifth comic's title, "Burninated", is an obvious reference to Trogdor.
The seventh comic's title, "Got Witch's Brew?" is a reference to Homestar's obsession with witch's brew.
The seventh panel in comic #15692 is taken from Parsnips A-Plenty.
Technochocolate is mentioned in the fifth panel of comic #00297.
In the December 2003 issue of DC Comic's Hawkman (page 16 of issue 20, volume 4), an abusive spouse is seen wearing a black T-shirt featuring Strong Bad's face and gloves, and the text "FHGWHGAS." Unfortunately you'll have to pick up an old issue of the comic to see it. [6]
Here Is A Question
- Early on in the question-based spritecomic Here Is A Question, JnVReno is asked an extremely familar line, to much rage.
- Only a short while later, he is asked the exact same question.
- Not too much later, someone also asks the same question of Jesus.
- In a later comic, someone asks if he has a crush on Marzipan and Homsar appears.
- Upon being asked about guitar solos, Reno demonstrates several, one which includes the 'Meedley Mee!' bit from guitar.
- In another comic, he is asked is he has a Pimped out car, by a person named Kyle similar to the one in car.
- In the 300th comic, Garkon shouts out "GARBLEDINA!", a reference to the facts.
- In another, a sock-puppet announces that it is a song from the sixties.
- In an attempt to take control of the comic, Reno puts up a big No Loafing Sign.
- In a later comic, one of the n00bs asks Reno that old, familiar question.
- In medieval times, Sir Reno was asked "how doth ye use thy quill pen whilst wearing thy gauntlets".
- One of the many "spin-offs" of the comic included the "New Question Show", which was cancelled during the pilot, much like Limozeen: "but they're in space!"
- In the future, a head-controlled Reno cyborg will be asked how he can answer these questions with no limbs.
- In comic #485, Reno is asked how he types with boots on, to which he replies "with my hands, at least until I develop full telekenetic potential".
- In comic #622, a complimentary ninja makes a "PREOOOOOOWWWW" sound as it sails across the room, much like the Paper.
- In comic #673, the universe is BLACK HOLE'D due to all the Renos being in the same place at once.
- Strong Sad responds to a big commercial success in exactly the same way as he does in geddup noise.
- In the 700th comic, the cast all ask for a celebration exactly the same as the cast in Teen Girl Squad Issue 10, with similarly disastrous results.
I'm Blue
In this comic, Blue Veers is seen with a The Cheat plushie, possibly a Kick The Cheat.
Impy and Aevy
- In one comic, Aevy causes a computer's logic circuits to fail by loading Homestar Runner on it.
- A very easily-missed reference, Kano begins to draw a picture, and talking to himself in a Strong Bad accent.
Life On Sedna
- In This Page Of Issue 1, Homestar is on the left-side of the fourth frame.
- In This Page Of Issue 2, A Lego Sculpture of Atari Homestar appears.
- In This Page Of Issue 3, The guy behind the desk is wearing the same hat as Homsar.
This strip is not available online, but if you purchase the book, and turn to page 19, you can see a Homestar Runner mainpage on the computer. Official website
In the fourth panel of "Welcome to Yore Doum!" Matt says: "Okay, let's just give up trying not to laugh at him sounding like the Homestar Runner and do something else."
Name Censored
- In the second strip, which is actually the first, Elad wears his iconic Homestar Runner hat. Elad still owns that hat and wears it on several occasions.
- In the last strip, there is an "EXTRA SECRET COMICS!". In the second panel, Homestar's head is shown on the wall.
- Elad also made a picture of the Homestar Runner cast as South Park characters, but it was never published on the main site.
Natch Evil
- In Comic#109 God mentions getting an email about how he types with boxing gloves on.
- The Extra menu is rather reminiscent of the main pages, and it even says apologies to Homestar at the bottom.
- In Comic#410 Cliff mentions Grumblecakes.
The Neopian Times
In three comics made by _lordofthefrogs_, the owner himself wears a duckie shirt (Comic #1), Homestar's star shirt (Comic #2), and in the 3rd comic a salesperson wears the same skirt as Marzipan (Comic #3). Even if you click on his name, you'll find that his lookup says that he is a dedicated fan of Homestar Runner, and his background is Homestar Runner in black and white. It says, 'Seriously' below him.
Oh The Humanity
In the final panel of the January 7, 2004 strip, somebody says "A jorb well done"
One One Seven
In the 71st and 72nd guest strips of the Halo-based comic "One One Seven", Master Chief is shown sitting at a Compy 386. He even answers his own email!
Phil Likes Tacos
Homsar is among one of the characters to make a cameo in this strip.
Trogdor's theme song is mentioned in this strip.
Pokemon Amethyst Version
In "Comic 3: Leaving Home in Anyway Possible", Barry says "...Well, looks like I'm gonna to have to jump!", a la Dangeresque.
Pokemon X
In the 2005 April Fool's special, the characters are "FOOLED!" by the Arrow'd Guy.
In the 2006 April Fool's special, drawn and written in a similar format, a moose get "PWNED!" by a Mewtwo, noted by, again, the Arrow'd Guy.
In a guest strip by Howard Tayler, Pan Pan appears among a line-up of pandas.
Questionable Content
- In comic #265, while Faye and Marten are discussing what will be the next indie rock band to break up, Faye mentions that the head of Win Butler (from The Arcade Fire) will explode during a live performance, forcing them to replace him with a Homestar Runner puppet.
- In comic #317, Steve is wearing an Eh! Steve T-shirt.
- In comic #333, Raven wants to be left alone to close the coffee shop. She exclaims, "I can do it! I can totally do it nine times!" This is a reference to The Cheat's crazy cartoon in crazy cartoon.
Random Codes
The first two lines of the 16th comic are "So from then on, it was all pork and beans." and "That's not very healthy..." which are close to the two lines of dialogue said by Homestar and Marzipan in helium.
Road Waffles
In the July 23, 2003 comic, when Moses is altering how he percieves the afterlife, one of his visualisations bears a resemblance to Strong Bad standing in Strong Badia, saying 'Pop culture reference!'.
A recent update of this puzzling pixelart webcomic has an appearance of a pixelart Strong Bad and The Cheat. He's looking at a computer, but it doesn't appear to be any of the ones he's owned. [7]
Roy the Duck
- Explore Roy the Duck's math book to find Homestar Runner and to learn how to count (see page 4 especially).
- The new Ye Castle's Final Houre book says "...don't throw full glass wine bottles at the screen."
- It also has two references to on the zBay page. On it Bubs is selling the Slightly Shotgunned Compy. It also contains a link to the page.
- The Palm State Times on the site contains an article about Thorax Corporation.
- Their Cloogle page has a reference to both Senor Cardgage Mortgage and Population: Tire.
In the July 2005 issue of this Marvel Comics publication, as the title characters head off on a mission to rescue the captive mother of their newest accquaintance, Victor, Victor himself remarks that he is "not sure why he should entrust his mom's life to the freakin' Teen Girl Squad!" Chase, the only male member of the Runaways team, corrects him with: "That's Teen Girl Squad plus one, amigo!"
Scary Go Round
In the comic posted on August 18th, 2005, Shelley tells Gibby to tell her father about the "terrible a-splosions", an obvious reference to Vector Strong Bad.
Sluggy Freelance
The weekly filler Meanwhile in the Dimension of Pain shows the demons deathmatching. When Horribus uses the Unholy Hand grenade and the demons are all incinerated, the panel reads "And all was laid to burnination." link
The Top Ten spin-off comic SMAX puts Jaafs Macksun and his partner Toybox in a world of fantasy. A wanted poster for Trogdor is on a pole and the silhouette of Homestar and Pom Pom are seen in town.
In the strip Otakon 2004, Homestar Runner has a cameo in the 3rd panel, saying "I could sure go for a glass of melonade."
Sore Thumbs
In this comic, a drugged director quotes Strong Bad's "H*R and Marzipan Dating Simulation XR" from Strong Bad Email date.
In the online webcomic, Staccato, when the author portrays his characters as Fantastic Four characters, the one portrayed as the "The Human Torch" says "'The Human Torch?' 'Flame On?' That all sounds kinda' fruity... Couldn't I be be called like 'The Burninator' or something?" in direct reference to our beloved Trogdor! [8]
Teen Titans Go!
In the issue of this DC Comics comic entitled "Finding Nero," there is a carnival game with Strong Sad plushies as prizes.
Tex and Jenny
Tex sees his good and evil conscience in this strip. However, since Tex is an atheist, he makes them change to Homestar Runner and Strong Bad.
The Devil's panties
- The April 16 2003 comic and the September 27 2004 comic has the main character (Jennie) screaming "TROGDOR" in a caffine fueled rage
- The February 8 2005 comic features geeks entertaining themselves by singing among other things "The system is down" and shouting "Trogdor"
Theater Hopper
Tom Brazelton of Theater Hopper had himself in his comics on June 23, with a Homestar shirt.
Also, this comic features the Wear a Bikini! plane in the background.
Tiny Sepuku
This comic about catchy songs includes Everybody to the Limit (with Fhqwhgads misspelled as "fhqwdgads") as one of its examples.
Twisted Kaiju Theater
A season 17 episode of the comic makes reference to Trogdor, and reveals that the creator hadn't heard of until 2005.
Under Power
- In the Feb 02, 2004 Strong Bad is behind the elf and saying ARROWED! Also, the copyright line at the bottom reads "strong bad © 2001-2004 the brothers chaps".
- In the May 19, 2004 comic, Strong Bad and the Cheat are the DJs in panel 2.
Universal Voyage
- In Comic #2 there are sprites of Strong Bad and Trogdor as a team called "Burninators!"
- In Comic#563, Homestar makes a rather shocking sprite cameo.
- In comic 67, NORM the computer wakes up, mimicking the Couch Mumbling gag.
VG Cats
- The "New to the site" page starts "Welcome aboard the USS, this is a website!", both mimicking and linking to First Time Here?
- In Comic 100, click on "100 Comics" at the end to see Pantsman answer an email on the Compy 386. Strong Bad later appears and repeats a line from sibbie in this clip.
- In the 6th panel of Comic 135, a The Cheat Talking Plush Doll is visible with the rest of the merchandise behind the glass.
- At the top of the new layout, there is a rotating image, featuring several different quotes. A few of them are [How do you type with boxing gloves on?], [We are the band LIMOZEEN!] and [Let's get ready to look SO GOOD!]
- The title for the news post on Saturday, September 10, 2005 at 12:43 PM is "Throw baby", a Peasant's Quest reference.
- Comic 187 is titled Jorbs, a reference to A Jorb Well Done and Coach Z's accent in general.
Walking Is Still Honest
- In strip #69, the power is out, and there is a picture of Strong Bad's head with the words "Power Failured!" above it.
- In strip #94, the trebuchet is nicknamed 'Trebdor, the Flinginator'.
Witchs' Brew
The origin of the Witch's Brew name came from Homestar's famous Halloween witch's brew line. (Alas, however, the phrase is not spelled correctly in the comic.) Also, in the first comic, Homestar appears on the last panel, and the third comic uses the CHILDREN! panel from Teen Girl Squad. The sixth comic tells us to not fake the funk on a nasty dunk, one of Homsar's quotes from interview. And the author bios describe one of the creators as "one of the few lucky non-peasant humans to be burninated."
World of Warcraft Idiocy
- In comic 120, Jay and Tor have a brief discussion, reminiscent of the one Homestar and Marzipan have in helium.
The Wotch
- In the April 2, 2003 comic, Jason looks at a shelf full of magical items in the eighth panel. Trogdor can be seen on the top shelf. See the comic
- In the June 24, 2003 comic, Lilly and Jennie are playing with Homestar Runner action figures. In particular they are acting out a scene from Teen Girl Squad Issue 3. See the comic
The Wotch: CHEER!
In the March 14th comic, Lita makes a Pig Latin comment reminiscent of Strong Bad's at the end of rock opera, right down to the reversal of what was meant and what was said.
You'll Have That
On the July 25th, 2005 comic, Andy tries to steal a new Compy 386.
Zelda comic
- Comic 96 is entitled Dot, Dot, Dot.
- In Comic 136, Bub says "Ow! my stomach lining!!!"
- On comic 162, the characters are swamped by Cuccos with the caption "CUCCO'D!"
- Comic 164 is actually called "Yet Another Subtle Homestar Reference." The reference is "shut it up, you."
- Comic 170 is entitled "I'm So Glad the Bub is Not Dead."
- In Comic 193, the Miscreant decapitates Edgar with the caption "DECAPITAT'D!"
- On the 200th comic, they used the "Its almost over!" screen from Teen Girl Squad.
- Comic 212 is entitled "Yeah, Shut Up, Kid."
- On comic Comic 217, Link says "Rock, rock on!"
- On comic Comic 220, Link says,"That sounds re-zon-able".
- On comic Comic 223, when Link rolls his eyes, it says "Eye roll'd!"
- On comic 225, Link asks what would happen if Bub fights Lloyd. Bub answers saying "his head a splode?"
- On comic 227, Lloyd dodges an attack with the caption "Matrix'd!"
- The fight scene in Comic 234 is similar to the fight scene in Under Construction.
- Also in the bonus section, there is a thing called "Flame War 04." The first comic is a reference to the Strong Bad email dragon, and the state (California) with the underwear is a reference to Strong Bad email weird dream.
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