@StrongBadActual Tweets 2019 Jul

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Tweets for 2019


This is a list of all the @StrongBadActual Tweets from July 2019.


Note: some links to other tweets may only work on the full year page.

[edit] July

Text / Transcript Date / Link
Tweet image for 31 Jul 2019
Real world types! I will be @Gen_Con this weekend! Humans Mike & Matt will be demoing Trogdor!! The Board Game with Puppet Me at the @GTGamesLLC booth #1241 at various random times Fri, Sat, & Sun! Come on by and help burninate some peasants! (pic from a vid by @divisionten thx!)
31 Jul 2019

I'll ONLY sign copies of "TIME Magazine The Game" and those 70's copies of "Mastermind" with that evil villain and his femme fatale on the box! (yes to signing other stuff)
This Tweet is a reply to @KatoKatonian, who asked if Strong Bad would sign anything other than copies of Trogdor!! The Board Game, which he forgot.

Fun Facts

  • TIME Magazine The Game was a game Strong Sad played in imaginary.
31 Jul 2019

He sure does! Lead that jerk astray all you like!
This Tweet is a reply to @Awk043, asking if the Baubles of Astray item also worked on Troghammers.
31 Jul 2019

Those human schlubs don't deserve hi-res but thanks for the offer!
This Tweet is a reply to @divisionten, who offered to shoot a Google drive filled with high resolution photos.
31 Jul 2019

Demoing and sellin' limited copies of Trogdor!! The Board Game @GTGamesLLC booth #1241! I might wander a bit! I may even ROVE!
This Tweet is a reply to @KatoKatonian, asking if Strong Bad will have a booth, or if he wander the show floor.
31 Jul 2019

Ahhh!! Passenger seat jibblies with a side of automotive safety!
This Tweet is a reply to @IllicitProduct, posting a picture of a gargoyle sitting in a car seat, secured by a seat belt.
31 Jul 2019

In his meeple form I feel like Homsar's head looks even more like a luxury, two-porthole yacht than usual.
This Tweet is a reply to @candyman106, posting a picture of a Homsar meeple.
31 Jul 2019

Looks like Trogdor's discount cousin... Econo-dor the Bargainator!!
This Tweet is a reply to @armorededucator, posting a picture of a dollar sign with a beefy arm displayed on the back of a truck.
30 Jul 2019

What was it? Link don't work and I don't got no Facebroach!
This Tweet is a reply to @TheSeg, who posted a link to Facebook.
27 Jul 2019

Naw, I just been makin a board game the last 2 years. There'll be more sbemails. Think of them as wadded up cash you find in a coat pocket that first brisk autumn morning, coffee in one hand, satchel full of letters slung 'cross your back (you're a mailman in this example).
This Tweet is a reply to @RoscoeTheHorse, asking if the reason there weren't any Strong Bad Emails was because Strong Bad had moved on.
27 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 27 Jul 2019
I do approve! Especially if you're dipping that knight in some ranch before his movements!
This Tweet is a reply to @satanic_redneck, who posted a picture of all his friends playing Trogdor!! The Board Game inside a picnic shelter.
27 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 26 Jul 2019
It's like Xeriouxly Forxe Marshie had a baby with the USB Dongle Goblin!
This Tweet is a reply to @SuperBunnyBun, who posted a faux-parchment of a Viking throwing a spear at a helicopter drone.
26 Jul 2019

Maybe someday. But the Trog-game has kept me so busy, I haven't had time to slather hypertext markup lotion 5 on every game yet. Let's just go straight to consoles anyway! Woo! Gimme 2 years to learn Unity or somecrap!
This Tweet is a reply to @Sparkster2600, asking if any other games on the website will be ported to HTML5 after Flash dies.
25 Jul 2019

As much as I hate everything Strong Sad says, it brings me craploads of joy to hear so many people quoting him when their board games arrive!
This Tweet is a reply to @ChipsOrange, quoting "It's here! It's here! It's fina-lily here!" from Compy Catalog in response to receiving a copy of Trogdor!! The Board Game.
24 Jul 2019

Exactly! That's the one upside to having an empty Trog-Meter. It's a treacherous line to walk if you dare! Strong Sad's whiny song can help you remember: homestarrunner.com/songs/rulebook...
This Tweet is a reply to @LKHobby, saying the board would stay unsatisfied without peasants.
24 Jul 2019

Correct! Only the Disk of Healing has that power (all 1.44mb of it)!
This Tweet is a reply to @LKHobby, asking if Peasants sent to the Void cannot return.
24 Jul 2019

Yes to both of these! Discussions only! No plans!
This Tweet is a reply to @EvenIbzy, asking if there would be extra copies of the board game, or a digital edition.
24 Jul 2019

Nice! Good luck little Trog-reaper! Here's hoping he burninates some local chili cook-offs maybe! Oh man! Now I gotta start working on the Trog-Reaper expansion for the Trogdor board game!!
This Tweet is a reply to @Scottyverse, who posted a video of his Carolina Reaper seedling, whom he had named "Trogdor".
24 Jul 2019

Not currently. There are extras but they're mostly for replacing damaged/missing parts. Once all backers have their games, if there are still complete sets of plastic miniatures left, we might sell those in the online Homestar store. Currently that's looking like Aug-Sep maybe?
This Tweet is a reply to @EvenIbzy, asking if the plastic pieces could be ordered separately.
24 Jul 2019

You can only spawn the one peasant then. They never come outta the Void. Strong Sad wrote a whiny song about it if you need help remembering: homestarrunner.com/songs/rulebook...
This Tweet is a reply to @EvenIbzy, with a question about how many peasants could spawn.
24 Jul 2019

Nope! My dialog is fixed firmly in the aughts. It's actually an inoperable medical condition!
This Tweet is a reply to @RoscoeTheHorse, who uninstalled Poker Night At The Inventory because it contained outdated dialogue.
24 Jul 2019

Good call! Old Man Rub adds just the right amount of chaos to a game of Trogdor. It has the same effect on dinner parties!
This Tweet is a reply to @Mmmmmmmercury, who posted a picture of him playing Trogdor!! The Board Game with his "artisinal Old Man Rub".
23 Jul 2019

Aw dang!! So close! That's pretty good with Hardybardy in your lineup. Put that guy on waivers! Or the DL! Or, um... the sports punishment... place.
This Tweet is a reply to @MikePitstick, who posted a picture of a board where Trogdor died with one tile left unburninated.

Fun Facts

"Sports punishment place" is a Nondescript Noun, referring to the penalty box.

23 Jul 2019

By hardest version, do you mean the one where you drink low carb cold ones while you play? Or were you talking about the Keepers and Items you used? (I joke!)
This Tweet is a reply to @MikePitstick, posting a picture of a setup where the tiles and figurines are placed in a way where Trogdor is at a deep disadvantage, and only the weakest Keepers and Items are used.
23 Jul 2019

The Rulebook EP we made is highly recommended!

And don't forget the Soundboard which has bunches of quotes and sound effects and versions of Trogdor!! the song.

If all else fails just loop Breadfan by Budgie and Working Man by RUSH.
This Tweet is a reply to @MrFunkSandwich, asking if there were any musical recommendations for the game.
23 Jul 2019

No need for unspeakable things! Let's keep things in the "speakable" realm! We are looking into another production run of the game right now but methinks you will be able to get a copy of the game if you want one.
This Tweet is a reply to @Kxkcnc1, asking if there would be a second production run for Trogdor!! The Board Game.
23 Jul 2019

Kickcheater backers are being bombarded with it currently. The leftover copies will be sold in the online store starting mid August maybe? Watch this space:
This Tweet links to the Store page for Trogdor!! The Board Game.
This Tweet is a reply to @NRNGamer427, asking when the board game was coming out.
22 Jul 2019

You sure you wanna use that name for your flavortaste? When Trogdor tries to "whisper" it just results in pounds of smoked sliced brisket flopping out of his mouth. Is this good marketing for your sparkle juice?
This Tweet quotes @laywastegames, who posted a picture of "Dragon Whisper"-flavored Polar Seltzer and referenced Trogdor.
22 Jul 2019

Bobs bobs?! Pumbs? I don't know what to call it! Check out our FAQ for info and let us know if they don't separate well or get damaged in the process. I figure wet paint is prolly the culprit but you can never fully dismiss the possibility of witchcraft. trogdorboardgame.homestarrunner.com/rules.html#shi...
This Tweet is a reply to @Happycamper95, who posted a picture of his Bubs and Pom Pom meeples, which were accidentally stuck together.
22 Jul 2019

Total! I'll be creepin round @GTGamesLLC boothroom off and on starting Friday I think.
This Tweet is a reply to @MattShiversVO, asking if Strong Bad would sign his copy of Trogdor!! The Board Game at Gen Con.
22 Jul 2019

That sucks! Go to the FAQ page and check out how to report a damaged game component. Maybe his armor got too hot from standing on burninated ground and then he jumped in the lake with all his armor still on as a dare and the temp change shock was too much. trogdorboardgame.homestarrunner.com/rules.html#shi...
This Tweet is a reply to @DuthOlec, posting a picture showing that one of his Knight meeples had a deep crack in its rear.
22 Jul 2019

That is awesome!! But it's not awesome if you really didn't get a flame helmet in your game box! Head to our FAQ to learn how to report it so we can get you the proper burnination!! So sorry! trogdorboardgame.homestarrunner.com/rules.html#shi...
This Tweet is a reply to @CraftingGeek, who made a custom board game piece because the fire helmet didn't come with her copy of the game.
21 Jul 2019

It's all one of those "false sense of security lulls" so it doesn't spoil Trogdor's Fiery Rage on page 12! Which I totally just spoiled! Lemme go back to my original 800 page rulebook and see if I can find my original page 516 draft for ya.
This Tweet is a reply to @MarcAranha, posting a page of the instruction booklet where red-penned text leads the player to a page that does not exist.
21 Jul 2019

Definitely! I recommend having a few cold ones and screaming "The HVAC is full of box tops, Maggie!!" at the top of your lungs between songs during the show.
This Tweet is a reply to @dminkle, who asked if a Homsar shirt was an acceptable replacement for a Weird Al shirt during a Weird Al Yankovic concert.
21 Jul 2019

Congrats!! Looks like somebody burninated their taco meat and shredded cheese (or squash zoodles?) too! That's a great combo!
This Tweet is a reply to @RocketCaley, who posted a Trogdor!! The Board Game setup on a kitchen table with a pink plastic plate of food.
21 Jul 2019

Once all the KickCheater backers get their copies, we'll sell the extras in the online store. Watch this space in mid August maybe?
This Tweet links to the store page for Trogdor!! The Board Game.
This Tweet is a reply to @Munchbott, who didn't know a board game was made and expressed desire for one.
21 Jul 2019

Those meeps were a BackerKit add-on in case you had extra money to burninate. If there are extras after all the backers get their rewards, we'll sell em in the Homestar online store.
This Tweet is a reply to @GioVonGio, who didn't receive the Homestar Runner-themed meeples with the game.
21 Jul 2019

Nice choice playing with DAGRON! Brother Graw Mad will be so proud/not really know what I'm talking about when I tell him!
This Tweet is a reply to @soupdragon90, posting a setup of Trogdor!! The Board Game on a wooden floor with the DAGRON meeple in play.
20 Jul 2019

Sorry to hear about the take-long! Here's a Strong Bad exclusive chaos rule you can play with as a reward for your patience: -if the archer shoots THROUGH an already-burninated cottage, the arrow catches fire and burninates all tiles, peasants, and cottages in its remaining path
This Tweet is a reply to @wjblack, lamenting that the board game was taking longer than a week to ship.
19 Jul 2019

Yes! I suppose I should change my account name to one of those SOON arrows pointing to Generic Conferencing (which is what I assume (GenCon's full name is). Find me @GTGamesLLC room/booth!
This Tweet is a reply to @Xammas, asking if Strong Bad was going to Gen Con.
19 Jul 2019

Don't fret! There are still some thousands to send out! US shipping is supposed to take the rest of July. EU/UK shipping just started this week and Canada/Asia shipping start next week. YOU'RE NOT ALONE! Hold on my friend!
This Tweet is a reply to @zachburnham, worried that he was one of the last ones to get a Trogdor!! game.
19 Jul 2019

So psyched you like! Thanks for supporting my variegated styles!
This Tweet is a reply to @AlecJStephens, who already received his copy of the board game, and expressed pleasure at seeing the fullfillment notice.
19 Jul 2019

Dear everyone,

Hold out for someone that hugs you the way Storm hugs a Trogdor board game.

This Tweet is a reply to @paulandstorm, posting a picture of himself gleefully hugging the Trogdor!! game box.
18 Jul 2019

Once all backers get their copies, the extras will go on sale in the Homestar Runner online store. Sometime in August probably?
This Tweet is a reply to @macboer, asking if the game would be available for purchase outside the US in 2020.
18 Jul 2019

That's a perfect way to receive your game! We tried to balance it so that most wins are close shaves and most losses are near misses! You've got your first close shave win and you haven't even opened the box!
This Tweet is a reply to @pk_sweets, who picked up the copy of Trogdor!! right before the office closed.
18 Jul 2019

Thank you for liking my style for so long and for supporting the game! You should definitely bring in that custom statue of me to wreck shop at the end of the game if Troggie can't get the job done!
This Tweet is a reply to @ubernerd527, posting a picture of Trogdor!! with the Strong Bad and Cheat Commandos figurines.
18 Jul 2019

"Oh, Trogdor! I didn't hear you knock. Would you like to come in for some soft focus and pea gravel?"
This Tweet is a reply to @pandagm, posting a picture of the Trogdor and Cottage meeples arranged to resemble an advertisement.
18 Jul 2019

This is a legit way to play the game! Carry on!
This Tweet is a reply to @Comieb, posting a video where he and his 5-year-old son was playing Trogdor!! The Board Game.
18 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 18 Jul 2019
You mean beefy, sorta feet-have The Cheat?
This Tweet is a reply to @landfill2007, who posted a picture of a cloud formation resembling The Cheat.
18 Jul 2019

Just one peasant of damage. The Archer does NOT cause damage when he lands on or intersects with Trogdor like Knights. He'd do his movements, shoot his arrows North across the board, hitting Trogdor just the one time. ARROWED! Truly.
This Tweet is a reply to @aleafinwater, asking how much damage the Archer inflicts during a given movement.
18 Jul 2019

You can download em all for free right here!


But if you're looking for strictly Homestar Jams, I think his Bread Sing-a-longs album is long out of print. I have no interest in it but you should petition for a 180gm limited colored vinyl rerelease.
This Tweet is a reply to @Fly_Cuttlefish, asking when Homestar would release his album of catchy tunes.

Fun Facts

  • Homestar's "Bread Sing-a-longs" album was featured in origins.
18 Jul 2019

I am thankful that The Cheatmeep is sitting profusely on my head!
This Tweet is a reply to @Brehm_Sarah, posting a picture of the Hometar Runner and Trogdor meeples standing together, with The Cheat balanced on top of Strong Bad, and a Peasant carrying Homsar.
17 Jul 2019

It's not a reboot. As I said, that is clearly swervebody Homestar from the oh-so-popular Homestar Runner & Deauregard show easter egg from sbemail96 "lackey."
This Tweet is a reply to @TAlanHorne, who didn't like the animation style used in The Actions You Can Do (video).

Fun Facts

  • Strong Bad uses the "Deauregard" spelling used in the video, and not the "Doreauxgard" spelling used elsewhere.
17 Jul 2019

That's a tuff one! Do you take the hit and trigger Trogdor's Fiery Rage which will instantly burninate that peasant and win in rage quit fashion? Or try and hold out for a legit win on the next turn and hope that the countryside doesn't undo too much? Got an item that could help?
This Tweet is a reply to @Sparkster2600, posting a picture of Trogdor needing to eat a peasant guarded by a knight on the same tile and asking for a strategy.
17 Jul 2019

Aw crap! (heh) Sorry bout that! Head over to the FAQ and it'll tell you who to contact about damaged or missing game parts! We'll get right on it!
This Tweet is a reply to @scorkla, who didn't receive a Poopsmith meeple because of the duplicate Strong Sad.
17 Jul 2019

Just keep holdin on! Soon you will be able to fill that thing with Majesty! And FOOMP your plastic Trogdor right into his precut foam throne!
This Tweet is a reply to @TimmoWarner, who received the empty deluxe wooden box before the actual game components.
17 Jul 2019

Whoa! Dumpus twins! Are you missing anybody else as a result? I'd take this as a grim omen, which Strong Sad would be way into.
This Tweet is a reply to @scorkla, who received two Strong Sad meeples and posted a picture of them stacked togehter.
17 Jul 2019

Well I can tell you one thing: we are definitely NOT puttin it on wax. Cool check-in's aside.
This Tweet is a reply to @WillWrambles, asking if the animation style used in The Actions You Can Do (video) was a new style.
17 Jul 2019

Once all the backers get their copies, any leftovers will be for sale in the Homestar online store. Maybe in late August? (also might have some for sale at GenCon if you go to those type-a things)
This Tweet is a reply to @misterscratch, asking where people who were confused and frightened by Kickstarter would be able to get a game.
17 Jul 2019

Video thumbnail for 17 Jul 2019
Recent acquirers of Trogdor!! The Board Game, let swervebody Homestar help you remember the actions Trogdor can take each turn with this little number.

Video Transcript

See The Actions You Can Do (video), YouTube Version.

17 Jul 2019

They do wraparound! They're considered enemies because they can repair the countryside you've burninated. Sneaky jerks walking around with a buncha sod and replacement shrubbery under those peasant robes apparently. Don't forget Coach Z's rap: homestarrunner.com/songs/rulebook...
This Tweet is a reply to @bluebubblegum88, asking if Peasants have wraparound movement.
17 Jul 2019

I can do more than autograph!! Have you not seen my Skills of an Artist?!
This Tweet links to the Skills of an Artist YouTube playlist.
This Tweet is a reply to @10D_36, asking how Strong Bad signs autographs with boxing gloves on.
17 Jul 2019

Yes they do. Nice Cheatin! From the rulebook:
This Tweet is a reply to @sugarfairycake, asking if knights and archers had wraparound movement, and that all the enemy pieces got stuck together, which made the game easier.
17 Jul 2019

Yes! I will be mooching off the @GTGamesLLC booth and yelling at passersby! Will YOU be escape rooming?!
This Tweet is a reply to @annelukeman, asking if Strong Bad would be at Gen Con and autographing Trogdor!! games.
17 Jul 2019

Oh jeez! I should warn you that this game does NOT treat peasants very well. Maybe we shoulda put a warning label on the box! Apologies in advance!
This Tweet is a reply to @VaasZhura, posting a picture of the game, saying that he doesn't have any granite because he is a simple peasant.
17 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 17 Jul 2019
Either way! Choosing powerful Keeper/Item combos before playing is one of our suggestions to adjust difficulty in the FAQ:
This Tweet is a reply to @muttonchopgamer, who thought Keepers and Items were distributed randomly, and not selected by players.
17 Jul 2019

Show those hands! You can even pick Keepers and Items together before the game to come up with the best combos.
This Tweet is a reply to @Vaderman212, asking if players can show their cards to each other if they're playing cooperatively.
17 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 16 Jul 2019
Good luck!! Trog Floaty in effect! I totally didn't think anyone would ever actually play with that one! Lemme know if it's useful at all!
This Tweet is a reply to @Alec_Thompson, who posted a picture of him and his friends playing Trogdor!! with the Quickstart Overview (video) playing on the TV in the next room.
16 Jul 2019

This is a spouse you should do your best to keep.
This Tweet is a reply to @ryeinn, who said his copy of Trogdor!! The Board Game was a surprise from his wife.
16 Jul 2019

Apparently that's a problem specific to Thy Dungeonfolk. Keepers of Trogdor are able to just straight up get ye. Who'da thought?!
This Tweet is a reply to @LuigiHann, surprised that the Keepers of Trogdor were able to get Ye Flask of Dennis.
16 Jul 2019

The Troghammer looks like a tired mama smushed under her litter of pups, kittens, or other cute animals from some kinda farm calendar maybe?
This Tweet is a reply to @pandagm, posting a tower of stacked meeples with the Troghammer as the base.
16 Jul 2019

Nope! If there are no peasants left in the Trog-Meter, then none can spawn. Listen to Strong Sad's whiny song about peasant spawning.


The only way a peasant can come back from the Void is with the Item The Disk of Healing.
This Tweet is a reply to @JustinBoy24, asking if peasants can be taken from the Void to spawn if there aren't enough in the Trog-meter.
16 Jul 2019

Aw, you don't want me crashing your adorable game and existing world and storyline. Let's just all make "Cheat Commando's Tactics" or "Dangeresque: Animal Crossing 'Cept it's in a City and there's MURDER!" together someday instead!
This Tweet is a reply to @orangeislandok, who had a sprite sheet for her own game.
16 Jul 2019

Thanks for all your awesome work! You guys were the only game-make-place that was willing to tape my random thoughts and scribblings into the rulebook! Those Boardelectrix weirdo's wanted to make Trogdor "fun-inate" the countryside! The crap?!
This Tweet is a reply to @mikeselinker, who was glad that he and his crew were able to develop Trogdor!! The Board Game.
16 Jul 2019

Total! Once all the backers get their copies, we will sell extras in our online store. Maybe like late August? Keep checking this site for more info:
This Tweet is a reply to @Super__Sonic, asking if games could be bought after the Kickstarter.
16 Jul 2019

You'll get an email once your order is processed. Check spam folder if you think you shoulda received one already. US shipping will take the rest of July. EU/UK shipping starts this week. Canada and Asia shipping starts next week! Read your Kickstarter updates for more info.
This Tweet is a reply to @divisionten, asking if a tracking email for the shipping of the game was sent.
16 Jul 2019

Nope! Once all the backers get their rewards, we'll sell the leftovers in the Homestar Store! Check back in late August mebbe?
This Tweet is a reply to @Infinitivo5, asking if the Homestar Runner meeples were Kickstarter-exculsive.
16 Jul 2019

I gotta say, one of my fav parts of seeing all you folks get your games is meeting your fantastic countertops! Regal granite, adventurous Corian, decadent marble! It's like I'm in your kitchen, secretly scraping week old dried brownie batter off the counter and into my mouth!
This Tweet quotes @BetterThanVegas, who posted a photo of their new copy of Trogdor!! The Board Game.
16 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 16 Jul 2019
Excellent! Thanks so much and hope you like the game! Also, I love that there's a 3.5" floppy in your cube in 2019! That's my kinda office environment!
This Tweet is a reply to @fardmuhammad, posting a picture of Trogdor!! The Board Game delivered to the office.
16 Jul 2019

Video thumbnail for 16 Jul 2019
Incredible! Am I dodging diving Marshies? Also nice CGNU fight song! You saw this one, right?
This Tweet is a reply to @JaysonWingo, posting a video of WarioWare DIY played on a DS.

Video Transcript

{A WarioWare game starts with the command "Jump In Car!" Dangeresque is on top of a building, with the DangeCar-esque driving below, all against a sunset background. The car stops, and the player taps the screen; Dangeresque falls as the car resumes driving and catches him.}

16 Jul 2019

I couldn't resist! Your squat little sprites are so freakin' adorable I just had to make a little The Cheat-chucker! Best of luck with the game and campaign! Mostly ignore the angry voices, listen to the critical ones, and embrace the crap outta the positive ones!
This Tweet is a reply to @orangeislandok, who liked the Strong Bad sprites.
15 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 15 Jul 2019

(no text)

This Tweet is a reply to @orangeislandok, who proclaimed that Strong Bad is available in the game Orange Island.
15 Jul 2019

This is how you mix meeples and minis, my friend!
This Tweet is a reply to @cmckennaiv, posting a picture of the Strong Bad meeple riding the Trogdor figurine and the Homestar meeple with a flame helmet.
15 Jul 2019

I did! It ruled! I admit that I was disappointed by the lack of Videlectrix hardware and software, though. They didn't even have a booth! I'm sure those guys are just wandering around an abandoned MicroCenter somewhere. Hit em up for next year!
This Tweet is a reply to @SFGamingExpo, amazed that Strong Bad visited the SF Gaming Expo.
15 Jul 2019

The closest you'll get so far is the weird corporate/possibly domestic dispute that is the Videlectrix Weekly Waggle:
This Tweet links to Joystick Wagglin' with Videlectrix: Halloween Edition on YouTube.
This Tweet is a reply to @RobertP221B, asking about Videlectrix.
15 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 15 Jul 2019
Lookit these rough Keepers of Trogdor I drew before @schweizercomics took over. I personally think that Galgabudge is a high point of character design for me.
15 Jul 2019

I'm not sure the FunMachine could handle your game. Unless you were also using the GoodGraFX cassette drive add-on and 32kb (and 32lb!) memory upgrade.
This Tweet is a reply to @orangeislandok, saying if Videlectrix could post Orange Island to the Fun Machine.
15 Jul 2019

Switchable characters?! You mean like that game Lickle?! Count me in!
This Tweet is a reply to @orangeislandok, who was making a game that Strong Bad expressed interest in.
14 Jul 2019

Oh man! Nice work! I hope you got to Shot Put that last cottage in the same row there! There's nothing like a walk-off Ptooo-DOOJ!!!
This Tweet is a reply to @The_Tim, posting a picture of a victory for the first playthrough of Trogdor!! The Board Game.
14 Jul 2019

Help!! Trogdor's got a consummate V clot forming by his beefy arm!!
This Tweet is a reply to @WildThaddeus, who drew Trogdor on the whiteboard in his mother's classroom.
14 Jul 2019

I don't trust that wavy tree to the south of Troggie there. I feel like it's either a dryad-in-hiding or one o' them dancing Fantasia trees. Either way... get to burninatin'!
This Tweet is a reply to @wesluallen, posting a setup of Trogdor!! The Board Game with the wavy tree tile directly south of Trogdor.
14 Jul 2019

Checka your spam folder! Are you running some Edgarware with the settings on strong? Everyone should receive a shipping email when their order is processed. Either way, so psyched you got it!! Thanks for backing!
This Tweet is a reply to @DaniSeeh, who received her copy of the board game and the Homestar Runner meeples, but was upset she didn't receive an e-mail confirmation.
14 Jul 2019

"None" is supposed to mean it can't recharge once it's used. But don't, like, rip it up like in those "Play it for weeks but then it's ruined" games. We put this one in the FAQ because we get this question a lot. trogdorboardgame.homestarrunner.com/rules.html#kee...
This Tweet is a reply to @scottmowen, asking if the Disk of Healing couldn't recharge, or didn't need to be recharged.
14 Jul 2019

Cooked beans and rice!! Cooked beans and riiiiiice!!
This Tweet is a reply to @TheFinalDoctor, who posted a picture of an unopened package and asked Strong Bad to guess its contents.
13 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 13 Jul 2019
Tweet image for 13 Jul 2019
Spotted @SFGamingExpo. This looks like kids' book Strong Mad involved in some shady back alley dealings. Also, is that a zero dollar bill?!
13 Jul 2019

What is Jenny talking about?! I clearly included ALL the parameters! That's what cheating is!
This Tweet is a reply to @Vote_Chuck, who said his friend Jenny complained that the "Just The Cheat" card didn't have enough parameters.
12 Jul 2019

Also, the lake tile extinguishes burninated peasants regardless of its burnination status. There's still that little puddle in there that's enough to douse the little jerks!
This Tweet is a reply to @liracali, who asked if Trogdor can burninate peasants who are standing on the Lake tile.
12 Jul 2019

Good question! The lake tile immediately extinguishes peasants when they land/be's on it so technically you could burninate the peasant, but it would just instantly get extinguished anyway. So I wouldn't bother.
This Tweet is a reply to wiki user @liracali, who asked if Trogdor can burninate peasants who are standing on the Lake tile.
12 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 12 Jul 2019
Tweet image for 12 Jul 2019
Keeper Powers and Items can only be used (and recharged if it's an Item) on your turn unless it says otherwise.
This Tweet is a reply to @Waffleophagus, who posted a picture of him playing the game on company boardgame night, and asked if he could use his Keeper's item on another player's turn.
12 Jul 2019

That is awesome! But also are you straining that baby in a colander?!
This Tweet is a reply to @needleslace, who received her copy of Trogdor!! The Board Game on the same day her baby was wearing a Teeny Tiny Girl Squad onesie, and posted a picture of the baby in the onesie in a pink plastic basket.
12 Jul 2019

A couple tweaks for solo play here:


Only 1 keeper definitely puts you at a big disadvatage. You can always play with 2 and just alternate. Another easy adjust is to make ONLY the Trogham able to repair cottages. But both he and Knights can still hurt you.
This Tweet is a reply to @WackoMcGoose, posting his own rules suggestion which required using The Cheat more often.
10 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 10 Jul 2019
Aw crap! Well, everybody told us there'd be something we didn't catch no matter how many fine toothed combs gave their lives to edit your rulebook. Here, have this early draft that has old graphics but a correct non-repeat map suggestion.
This Tweet is a reply to @Photo_C4, pointing out that the instruction booklet showed the exact same example map for both the Easy and Medium levels.
10 Jul 2019

We didn't know how awesome Wyrmwood's cardboard boxes were gonna be until the game was way into production (I figured they'd just wrap it in old newspapers like grandma's fine china) so currently there are no plans for a Beefy board/base game combo storage solution but who knows?
This Tweet is a reply to @AndrewKossMusic, who had difficulty storing the game pieces with his Wyrmwood set.
10 Jul 2019

Just as soon as I finish my new invention called "unlimited time, money, and resources!" I think I'm almost finished!
This Tweet is a reply to @batbrain1998, asking when the Homestar Flash Games Classic shaped like a mini FunMachine would be coming.
10 Jul 2019

You're missing a key portion of the ad up there at the top:
This Tweet is a reply to @muttonchopgamer, who would buy the game if it really was only $20, and not 25 installments of $20 as depicted in Strong Bad's parody ad.
10 Jul 2019

Once all the backers have their copies we will make any extras for sale in the online store. Hopefully early-mid August!
This Tweet is a reply to @StevenFC, asking when the board game will be back in stock.
10 Jul 2019

Oh btw, don't actually send any money to that fake address. Unless it's fake money. Send all real money directly to my pants. And the wallet therein.
This Tweet is a reply to the previous "not executive style" Tweet.
10 Jul 2019

Not currently but maaaaaybe if enough people want em...
This Tweet is a reply to @john_armbruster, who just wanted to buy the game pieces and not the full game.
10 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 10 Jul 2019
Scratch that. It's not executive style, it's the opposite. Something about that photo just screams "But wait! There's more!"
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet.
10 Jul 2019

Whoa! You make it look like the Executive Edition with that whiteboard over there and the conference room chair. You should throw some cigars, yacht keys, and um... stock options in that box to complete the look!
This Tweet is a reply to a since-deleted Tweet.
9 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 9 Jul 2019
Sweet deals cereal!! So glad you got all the Trogponents! And how satisfying is that tappo-tappo-tappo-tippo...flippo on your Wyrmwood board?! I sometimes forget to play the game! Just keep tap-tip-flippo-ing all dang day!
This Tweet is a reply to @MonkeyDLenny, who finally received the actual Trogdor!! The Board Game pieces and arranged them inside the Wyrmwood box received earlier.
9 Jul 2019

THIS is how everyone should look when they receive their Trogdor game! Thanks so much for backing!! Hope you dig the crap outta game!
This Tweet is a reply to @Tekkaman_Blade, posting a picture of himself with the Trogdor!! The Board Game box, wearing a Trogdor!! The Board Game T-shirt, and looking very excited.
9 Jul 2019

Thank YOU for supporting it! I hope you have twicetimes fun! And remember, Trogdor doesn't lose... he rage quits!!
This Tweet is a reply to @jubry, who received Trogdor!! The Board Game and could feel the majesty radiating from it.
9 Jul 2019

Oh dang! I forgot to @TheAquabats those dudes!
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet.
9 Jul 2019

Video thumbnail for 9 Jul 2019
And check out this tiny behind the scenes snippet with beardless Crash from way back then!
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet

Video Transcript

{Crash McLarson is standing next to the Cobraman}

ANNOUNCER: {voiceover} And today on the Crash McLarson show {pan right to Cobraman} it's a Cobraman!

{Pan back to Crash.}

ANNOUNCER: {voiceover} Ask him some personal questions.

CRASH MCLARSON: Cobraman? You're a cobra, right?

{Cobraman uses one of his cobra-headed hands to bite Crash McLarson on the neck. Crash laughs.}

9 Jul 2019

Remember that awesome/weird time I almost/sorta guest starred in an Aquabats episode?!! It's finally on the Internet! Technology!!
This Tweet links to The Aquabats! Super Show! episode "Cobraman!"
9 Jul 2019

Whoa! This is way better than any of the promo pictures Boardelectrix took of the game! I hope you can play it in that sweet dungeon corner too! Thanks so much for backing it! Hope you dig it!
This Tweet is a reply to @wonkgm, who posted a picture of Trogdor!! The Board game with the pieces arranged on a wooden table in front of a brick wall corner.
9 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 9 Jul 2019
The Cheat's animation skills are getting pretty good. I grudgingly admit that this run cycle makes even Spacestar Runner look a prettypretty cool!
9 Jul 2019

This is goin in the good ones folder for sure! Who knows? At my current pace, in 3-5 years I might actually answer this one!
This Tweet is a reply to @longestaugust, who Tweeted in Strong Bad Email format asking about the best thing about hotel breakfast.
8 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 8 Jul 2019
Tweet image for 8 Jul 2019
Tweet image for 8 Jul 2019
These are from some ancient flash file called "colorforms.fla." No idea what this was gonna be but man, lookit Homestar gunnin' for that webbed-footed Nebulon!
8 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 8 Jul 2019
Nice! What's this pink goop dripping from the KOT and the Poopsmith? Jelly donut explosion? Pickled Beet Hot Pockets?
This Tweet is a reply to @muttonchopgamer, who lined up all the Homestar Runner meeples on the computer monitor at work, and included some purple goop on a piece of tape directly below the King of Town and The Poopsmith.
8 Jul 2019

But it's a cooperative game! So if he bests you somehow then he cheated! Which he is wont to do!
This Tweet is a reply to @kitfm, who posted a picture of a Kick The Cheat plush saying The Cheat was going to beat him at Trogdor!! The Board Game.
7 Jul 2019

Majesty will be yours!! I can feel it! Tonight you're gonna make it happen! homestarrunner.com/songs/rulebook...
This Tweet is a reply to @humulos, posting a picture of herself and a Trogdor!! The Board Game setup on her dining room table.
7 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 7 Jul 2019
Soooo, apparently someone got a The Cheat in their animal crackers. And he maybe has one duck wing and is cuddling a fish? What do you think is going on with his torso? (also, The Cheat has a torso?)
7 Jul 2019

Thanks! That's why it's like 2 seconds long!
This Tweet is a reply to @thunderzizi, remarking that the animation quality for the Chorch beating Stinkoman animation was much higher than the majority of cartoons on the website.
6 Jul 2019

Once all the Kickcheater backers get their copies of the game, l'll put the extra copies up for sale in my online store. Mebbe like early-mid August? Keep watching this page for more info.
This Tweet is a reply to @RFSwitchArt, asking where Trogdor!! The Board Game could be purchased in Strong Bad Email format.
6 Jul 2019

You can totally play the main game by yourself too!
This Tweet is a reply to @ReceipTeR, who bought the game and had no friends to play with, so played Stack 'Em To The Heavens! alone.
5 Jul 2019

Do NOT listen to the Marshie voices in your head! I'm pretty sure if you stack those knights and peasants in the right sequence, it opens up one o' them demon portals in your floor! Like if you dialed all 6's back in the 80's!
This Tweet is a reply to @CarlWrites, who chose to play Stack 'Em To the Heavens! before beginning a round of Trogdor!! The Board Game.
5 Jul 2019

And thank YOU for helping me just plain live by buying this game! I hope you dig it! Don't forget to listen to the dumb songs we made about the rules! trogdorboardgame.homestarrunner.com/rulebookEP.html
This Tweet is a reply to @lmelegari, thanking Strong Bad after she had received Trogdor!! The Board Game with the Homestar Runner meeples.
5 Jul 2019

I've always wondered, was that a region thing? Or was it just a "this doesn't always work and we don't know why but this weird switch somehow fixes it" thing?
This Tweet is a reply to @MonkeyDLenny, who confirmed that his NES cartridge did have the Position A/Position B switch on the back that Strong Bad asked about.
5 Jul 2019

Ooh what powers did you give everybody? Homestar can move double the normal spaces, Marzipan can set off a 3x3 replant bomb, I get to ride Trogdor for fun and profit, Bubs sells discount cottages that burn themselves down due to faulty wiring, and...The Cheat cheats.
This Tweet is a reply to @gen8555, who posted a picture demonstrating that the classic Homestar Runner figurines were compatible with Trogdor!! The Board Game.
5 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 5 Jul 2019
Oh man! A shiny, silver Camerica release!! Does yours have the Position A/Position B Switch on the back?
This Tweet is a reply to @MonkeyDLenny, who posted a picture of his Wyrmwood game board using a NES cartridge to demonstrate scale.
5 Jul 2019

I will be there in some capacity! Formal info to follow sooooon!
This Tweet is a reply to @AlecJStephens, asking if Strong Bad was going to Gen Con so he would be prepared in case he accidentally sees Strong Bad again.
5 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 4 Jul 2019
Same to you!
This Tweet quotes @camkasal, who wished Strong Bad Happy Fireworks.
4 Jul 2019

This is a Retweet of @georgeordavid73's picture of his wedding cake with a homemade Homestar Runner and Marzipan cake topper. 4 Jul 2019

Email trogdorsupp at gee mail dot com and tell em what's up. They will try to help!
This Tweet is a reply to @nocontext_hsr, a backer who forgot to finalize the shipping address.
4 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 4 Jul 2019
Whoa! Did you put Shadow Homestar on your wedding cake? That guy's way cooler than regular Homestar!
This Tweet is a reply to @georgeordavid73, who posted a picture of a Homestar Runner and Marzipan wedding cake topper. The Homestar on the cake wore a black shirt.
4 Jul 2019

What a weird convo that musta been! "OK sweetie, so you see that dragon there? Well 16 years ago an internet wrestleman drew a picture of that dragon and for some reason the Internet was way into it. And now, for some other reason, it's this board game you have to play with dad."
This Tweet is a reply to @fernsie, who received a copy of Trogdor!! The Board Game and had introduced his 10-year-old daughter to Homestar Runner just before playing it.
4 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 3 Jul 2019

This Tweet was pinned.

Hey people-types! If you received, are going to receive, or one day want to receive a copy of Trogdor!! The Board Game, check out this site for videos, rules, FAQs, songs, and other dumb stuff!
3 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 3 Jul 2019
Don't worry, they don't arrive in backer-number order. It's based on where you live and your proximity to the shipping hub! (not to be confused with da shipping huuuudge)
This Tweet is a reply to @fastlane250, who received a Wyrmwood box before the actual game.
3 Jul 2019

Awesome! Thanks for being a Keeper if Trogdor! Go here for FAQs, playthroughs, dumb songs, and more!
This Tweet is a reply to @ReceipTeR, who announced receiving a copy of Trogdor!! The Board Game in the mail.
3 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 3 Jul 2019
Sadly, no. I can't get you free expedited shipping. Murfreesboro even rejected buying and displaying this $5000 street sign I had made!
This Tweet quotes @muttonchopgamer, who asked Strong Bad if Murfreesboro would expedite his shipping of Trogdor!! The Board Game for free since Strong Bad liked the sound of the town in caffeine.
3 Jul 2019

Watch this page around August! Once all the Kickcheater backers get their copies, we'll start sellin the extras! homestore-runner.myshopify.com yshopify.com/collections/fr...
This Tweet is a reply to @TaratheBookling, who wanted to buy Trogdor!! The Board Game for her husband's birthday, but figured she would have to wait until Christmas.
2 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 2 Jul 2019
VR too methinks. Also this game was WAY ahead of its time:
This Tweet is a reply to @_ZRDR, who thought that Homestar's "Sid" Game needed an HD remake.

Fun Facts

  • Homestar's "Sid" game and the Dating Sim XR come from the Strong Bad Email date.
2 Jul 2019

Once all the backers get their copies, we'll sell any leftovers in the Homestar store:
This Tweet is a reply to @codyhazelwood, who didn't see the Kickstarter until it was too late.
1 Jul 2019

This is a Retweet of @QMLogistics's announcement of Trogdor!! The Board Game being shipped throughout the month. 1 Jul 2019

What?! No way! He even gave him ghostoothpastefish gills! I'm seriously considering pouring molten pizza into a pizza trophy-shaped mold for this one!
This Tweet is a reply to @MagentaWig, who believed that The Cheat did not deserve a pizza trophy.
1 Jul 2019

Fish ghost but also part toothpaste too mebbe? No stripes but I still get an Aquafresh vibe.
This Tweet is a reply to @mikeIerardi1, who posted a Homestar Runner-inspired response to The Cheat's GIF.
1 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 1 Jul 2019
The Cheat just HAD to get in on the tom-nightmare-fuelery so he animated this.
1 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 1 Jul 2019
There we go. NOW it's the worst nightmare.
1 Jul 2019
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