Stinkoman 20X6 Remarks

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These are some remarks regarding the Stinkoman 20X6 game.


[edit] General

  • Aside from the old games, this is the first game not to use some sort of scoring system.
  • This is the second instance of sprites modeled after 8-bit Mega Man, the first instance being with Coach Z in New Boots.
  • There are four kinds of ladders used in the game: ladders with small rungs (1.1, 1.2, 5.2, 10.2), ladders with large rungs (2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 6.1, 10.2), ladders with duck rungs (-0.1, -0.2, 10.2), and ladders with curved rungs (10.1, 10.2).
  • To get capsules that are behind enemies without having to kill the enemy, run into the enemy with health to spare. You will take damage, grab the capsule, and be invincible long enough to escape unharmed.
  • All of the voice clips in the game have been taken from previous 20X6 toons and sped up. (Specifically "20X6!", "Are you asking for a challenge?", Stinkoman's victory laugh, "I wanna be the guy too!", "That was so dumb!", and "Making small rocks float up off the ground!")
  • On the Game Over screen, Stinkoman and 1-Up have green tongues, but in the cutscenes, they have red tongues. The green tongues are possibly a result of losing the game, based on the quotes "My stummy hurts..." and "My tongue is green..." on the Game Over screens.
  • The box art of Stinkoman 20X6 shows Stinkoman with thumbs, but when Strong Bad was imagining Stinkoman in japanese cartoon, he specifically said to take out his thumbs. This may be a reference to unrealistic box art.
  • The level select screen can scroll past Level 10, revealing an empty space.

[edit] Cutscenes

  • In many cutscenes, the pixels will be at an angle, which, assuming that the large squares are the supposed pixels, is impossible on old consoles.
  • Neither Stinkoman nor 1-Up actually walk (unless they are seen in their usual sprite form); instead, they "float" up and down without moving their legs to maneuver.
  • There are no cutscenes before the boss battles on Level 7.3 against An Ice Machine, or Level 9.3 against Harvax XVII, making them the only bosses to have no cutscenes before you fight them (there are, however, cutscenes after the boss fights).
  • The cutscenes sometimes break the fourth wall:
    • In the opening cutscene of Level 5, Stinkoman states that he helped 1-Up "in Level 4".
    • At the end of Level -0, Stinkoman finds out that 1-Up and Pan Pan "are at the end of Level 10".
    • At the beginning of Level 9, Z Sabre says, "SO, STINKOMAN THINKS HE'LL FLY STRAIGHT THROUGH TO LEVEL 10 DOES HE?"

[edit] Level 3

  • The background music in the cutscene of Level 3.1 is the same as the background music in the Level 1.1 cutscene.
  • Level 3 is the only level where the two main stages have different music.
  • When Stinkoman collects 10 pieces of bread in Level 3.2, he will fall on Stlunko's left, regardless of his previous position.
  • The Stinkomanual drawing of Stlunko shows him with arms, but in the game, his fists are just floating.

[edit] Level 4

  • When Stinkoman is facing to the right, his giant fist powerup is a left hand, but when he turns around, the fingers are still facing the player, so it turns into a right hand. This "sprite mirroring" is common in older games to conserve memory. A notable exception is Metroid, in which Samus is always left-handed.
  • On 4.1 and 4.2, Stinkoman can actually fall down in certain spots to join 1-Up, but he will eventually lose because there will be no way to jump on the tiles or block the lava-falls.
  • When 1-Up falls into lava (usually when a platform is not in the right position), the screen pans to the right for a little bit before losing the life, suggesting he is still walking.
    • Stinkoman can also fall through lava without getting hurt. However, like with 1-Up, it functions as a bottomless pit.
  • "Saargtsson" is an Icelandic surname, meaning "Saargt's son".

[edit] Level 5

  • Before Level 4, 1-Up says he is taking a shortcut. Before Level 5, he and Stinkoman are back at Stinkoman Headquarters. Therefore, the "shortcut" didn't go anywhere.
  • The 1-Up sprites in Level 5 are slightly different from the ones in Level 4.
  • The meteors in Level 5 cause the game to lag for a split second when they crash. This may be done on purpose to emulate how easy it is to put stress on older game systems.

[edit] Level 6

  • In the beginning of Level 6, in the cutscene when Stinkoman is playing a game, the music is the same as that of Level 5. Additionally, the music that plays when he gets a Game Over is identical to that of this game.
  • Part of Level 6's theme is strikingly similar to Level 1's theme.

[edit] Level 7

  • Stinkoman will not freeze if you:
    • Don't move at all after freezing once.
    • Stay on a ladder.
    • Hold the up or down button.
    • Hold S. (This only works if your shots go offscreen, since the game allows only three bullets onscreen.)
  • At the end of Level 7.2, if you jump right when you see the retractable ladder, you can shoot An Ice Machine before the battle starts.
  • The name of Level 7's boss, An Ice Machine, is a nondescript noun.

[edit] Level -0

  • In the game, parallax scrolling is present. Normally, the layers scroll the opposite direction Stinkoman is moving. However, in Level -0, the layers scroll in the same direction as Stinkoman is walking. This was likely intentional, as -0 is meant to have glitches in it.
  • The music for levels -0.1 and -0.2 contains portions of the music from the previous levels — the intro from Level 1, then levels 5, 2, 4, both 4 and 1 played at the same time, 1, quite a bit of 5, then another riff from Level 6 (albeit slightly slowed down) to tie it into the next repeat. The themes from levels 3 and 7 are not included.
  • Level -0.1 has every kind of platform, every enemy, and every ladder from Levels 1-7. In fact, only three things are unique to the Negative Zone: poison capsules, the ball-shooter plants, and the duck-runged ladders.
  • It is possible to get infinite extra lives in Level -0.2. Since there are two extra lives available, once you get both, you can die and start over, gaining one more for each time.
  • In Level -0.3, when Ekersby raises his arms, he shrieks in a similar manner to Brody when he tries to peck Stinkoman.

[edit] Level 9

  • In Level 9, Sackastanos and Semulades sport visors similar to Browntants.
  • Harvax XVII's hands are white, but his face is purple. However, it is likely he is wearing gloves.

[edit] Level 10

Cordless Protek
  • Most of the music is based on other themes:
    • The level music is a remixed version of the Level 1 theme.
    • Z Sabre's boss music (and by extension, the 10.5 escape music) is a remixed version of the regular boss theme.
    • Mecha-Trogador's boss music is the Trogdor song remixed with the Level 1 theme.
  • Much of the music in the cutscenes can be found elsewhere in the game:
    • The Level 1 music plays after Stinkoman wakes up in the opening.
    • Both of the original themes from the level's opening cutscene are reused for the Z Sabre cutscene.
    • The level select music plays when 1-Up throws the Power Crunch.
    • A few seconds of Mecha-Trogador's theme play as Stinkoman defeats Z Sabre, before Mecha-Trogador is even revealed.
    • The music from the opening cutscene of Level 7 plays when Marzi-Mei and Cheatball are introduced.
    • The title screen music plays when Stinkoman prepares to challenge Marzi-Mei.
    • The post-boss music from Level 9 plays when Z Sabre emerges from the wreckage at the end.
    • The credits play the themes of Level 1, 2, and 10, in that order.
Making reused assets float up off the ground!
  • The small rocks made to float when Stinkoman powers up are composed of My Benj sprites.
  • Due to the credits following the Stinkomanual's descriptions, not every enemy and obstacle is featured in the credits, since they are not mentioned in the Stinkomanual.
    • Most notably, the cabbage enemy and the octopus enemy from Levels -0 and 9, respectively, do not appear in the credits.
    • Due to Harvax XVII being incorrectly labeled as an octopus-like boss in the Stinkomanual when he is really a robotic gangster, the credits indeed show him as actually being an octopus.
  • The Protek in the credits has a metallic stand instead of an orange cord.
  • Mentioned in the credits are Jonathan Howe, Mike & Matt Chapman, Jez Swanson, U.Z. Inu, SmallBu Studios, Paul & Storm, Colin McInerney, and Harmless Junk.
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