Cheat Commandos HQ

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Secret HQ, it is not.
Inside the HQ

The Cheat Commandos HQ (Playset) is the center of operations for none other than that daring task force, the Cheat Commandos. Whenever Blue Laser cooks up some trouble, the Blue Las-alert is sounded and the Cheat Commandos rock, rock on to save the day.

Inside the HQ is a fairly large computer maintained by Silent Rip, which loads images on "The Screen" when there is a Blue Las-alert. They have also used the screen to watch movies. Reynold does a good job organizing the team's equipment on a random wall inside the fort. A picture of Gunhaver with neon lights on the background is mounted on the wall of the HQ.

Externally, the HQ seems heavily armed, as turrets protect each corner of the base. Finding the entrance to the base is quite easy as it is marked in large red letters on the front wall, as well as the Cheat Commandos logo. On the roof of the fort, there used to be what appeared to be a large The Cheat promotional balloon with a sash labeled "SALE" across its torso. (Although it seems to either be missing or had been taken down in Let us give TANKS!)

In Shopping for Danger, Reynold inadvertently blew a sizable hole in the outer wall of the HQ with Reinforcements' Justice Rocket Backpack Rocket Rocket.


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