Six-Sadded, Die (series)

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Six-Sadded, Die

Six-Sadded, Die (sometimes formatted with a full stop) is Strong Sad's board game review show, centering primarily on Trogdor!! The Board Game. It is shot in live action featuring puppet Strong Sad gloves. Like Skills of an Artist, the videos are shot from above, and only Strong Sad's hands are seen. Strong Sad plays the game on a black table, often explaining things to the viewer. The purpose of most videos is to explain specific aspects of Trogdor!! The Board Game, such as a typical turn, peasant burnination, or Trogdor's Fiery Rage. However, there is one exception explaining Don't Make Daddy P.O.'d (added as a stretch goal for the board game's Kickstarter campaign). They are all uploaded to Kickstarter, except one, which was uploaded to YouTube. Occasionally, Strong Sad has guest stars, such as Mike Chapman or Lucky Yates.

The logo is a six-sided die with Strong Sad's face and "soft-serve flip" on it (which replaces the one and four, respectively), with the text "Six-Sadded, Die." written below. In early episodes, the intro was Strong Sad attempting to roll a die resembling the logo, so that the die's face is toward the viewer. After failing four times, he settles on placing the die with his hands. In later episodes, this intro was shortened to only include Strong Sad placing the die. A Six-Sadded, Die shirt was added as an add-on, available through Backerkit. Additionally, a Six-Sadded, Die 3D print file was available for download on the Kickstarter page upon reaching the fourth stretch goal.

[edit] Videos

Screenshot Name Running Time Date
Six-Sadded, Die 15:38 10000July 17, 2018
Six-Sadded, Die. - Don't Make Daddy P.O.'d 8:36 10001August 13, 2018
Six-Sadded, Die. - Peasant Burnination 4:53 10002August 27, 2018
Six-Sadded, Die. - Trogdor's Fiery Rage 4:30 10003October 30, 2018
Six-Sadded, Die. - The Void Tower 2:31 10004May 7, 2019
Six Sadded Die - Trogdor!! The Board Game Unboxing 7:25 10005July 12, 2019
Six-Sadded Die - Trogdor!! The Board Game Expando Deck 7:00 10006July 2, 2022

[edit] See Also

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