[edit] Save the last dance for me... again
Marzipan's comment "...every freakin' year...." implies that she has attended the senior prom more than once. Because it is typically the final dance in high school, most people only attend the senior prom once.
From: senior prom
Posted on: 18:36, 3 May 2006 (UTC)
Arguments for:
- This is notable, as Marzipan's experience implies continuity with previous years and that she has attended this prom more than once. And unless one of the cases below is true, this doesn't mesh with real life very well at all. It's worth noting the difference between her experience and most people's RL experiences, regardless of reason.
This may be useful information for people who are not familiar with senior proms (e.g., people in other countries than the US).
Arguments against:
- There are a number of explanations:
- She and Homestar are in different years, and she went to both.
- Homestar got held back over and over, and Marzipan went to each one.
- Marzipan herself was held back.
- Marzipan simply heard about the event she's referring to happening multiple years.
- Marzipan went multiple years with other people.
- She was on the prom committee.
- In addition to the above, people generally go twice: their junior and senior years. Traditionally, both classes are invited, as the junior class throws the party for the departing senior class. It is only their senior prom once, but it is a senior prom multiple times.
- This is too nitpicky for a throwaway joke.
- The concept of "school" in the HSR universe is unconventional in many unnotable ways.
- It is not surprising if none of the HSR characters ever graduates; they are never seen doing homework.
- Lots of people attend more than one senior prom in RL, either in different years or at different schools, or both.
- She could also be referring to her junior prom.
Additional comments:
- What does the list of explanations in Args Against have to do with this fact? The fact isn't debating the plausibility of Marzipan's multiple proms, but rather relating how this would be different to real-life experiences.
- Because it's not all that different from real-life experiences. I know plenty of people who attended multiple senior proms. What's more, one of those explanations makes the fact in question patently false anyway (the one where she merely heard about senior proms past).
- Regardless of whether you -attend- multiple senior proms, i'm pretty sure you have to actually -be- a senior in order to be eligible as prom king/queen. and Marzy's wording implies that this would be at least the third time it's happened.
- Strong Bad said they crashed this Senior Prom and many others. They aren't high school aged or going to their own senior prom.
- Marzipan comments that "as always," she and Homestar are the only couple at the prom. Apparently they go every year and have for a while.
- For what it's worth, some high schools (mine included) don't even have a senior prom.
- That's a good point. Instead of this fact, perhaps a FF in the explanations section about senior proms in general would be appropriate.
- I added an informational fact to the article and crossed out the corresponding argument above; so, the informational value of this fact has been covered already.
- It seems to me that TBC aren't actually referring to a high school senior prom, but rather a prom for senior citizens, especially judging by Strong Bad's prize for being Prom Queen.
- Knowing how weird the Homestarniverse it, it seems likely that there's just a senior (or senor) prom every year that they all go to. There's no real need for their to be n actual explanation or high school.
- As someone who went to multiple senior proms...if this is patently false, why hasn't it been removed?
- My parents didn't have a senior prom. The junior class took the prom fund and took a class trip instead. Seriously.
- Seriously, this would be the lamest fun fact ever. And the factuality is dubious to begin with.
- I've seen worse (such as a fact made years after Bubs' introduction that stated at the end, "Is it possible that Bubs is greedy?" as less fun and "Aunt Gert is based on sb_email 22" as less factual.)
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