Teen Girl Squad Locations

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The various fictional locations that the Teen Girl Squad comics take place on. Many of these locations are only seen in one issue.



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Teen Girl Squad Field

The Teen Girl Squad variant of The Field is the most simplistic background Strong Bad uses. It features a single line separating the ground from the sky. Sometimes the sky has objects like clouds and birds in it. The TGS Field was used extensively in early comics.

Issue 1

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The Graveyard

The Graveyard is where So and So, What's Her Face and The Ugly One were buried when they died in the first issue. Theirs are the only tombstones visible. Cheerleader went here to announce her good looks, and it was here she met Strong Bad.

Issue 2

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This is a frozen yogurt shop. After a long day of boys and death, the girls all get together at their favorite ice cream shop which is a spoof of TCBY. A "Go Yogurt" sign can be seen in the window. One of the things costumers can add to their yogurt is Jimmies.

Issue 3

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3 Spring Rolls

This is the Chinese Food booth that the girls went to for some Pan-Asian Cuisine before shopping at the mall. It is run by Arrow'd Guy, and it bears a striking resemblence to Bubs' Concession Stand. The Ugly One ordered three spring rolls from this stand, and Arrow'd Guy MSG'd her, which hurt her "stomach lining".

Issue 4

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The School

This is a high school that the squad attends, first seen in Issue 4 and then later appeared in Issue 8. Their mascot is the Fighting Growlback, as evidenced by the Fighting Growbacks Bottomless Spirit Pit that So and So fell into. They frequently serve breadtangles of pizza for lunch and once held a Battle of the Bands contest. It also has a Prinicpal's Office, similar to the one in CGNU, and a locker room for the use of Quarterbacks.

Issue 5

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The Beach

This beach is where Cheerleader, So and So, and The Ugly One visited during their spring break. Cheerleader and So and So went to meet some Olda Boys there with The Ugly One, but she got too nervous. While here, they sported their swimsuits, Cheerleader got killed by a SAiLING MiSHAP!, The Ugly One got PERCH'd upon by a fat bird, and So And So went tandem parasailing with some presidents.

Issue 8

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Mrs. So-and-so-erson's Walk-in Closet

Mrs. So-and-so-erson keeps her clothing here. Kissyboots practiced for the Battle of the Bands tournament here. Based on the closet's contents, Cheerleader and The Ugly One determine that So and So's step mom has "questionable taste", "and like a million jogging suits", respectively.

Contents known to be kept in it include a million jogging suits (estimated), Jester Hat, Sombrero, Bascinet style helmet, Loafers, and black high heels.

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