HRWiki:over STUFF'd
From Homestar Runner Wiki
The following fun facts have gone through the STUFF process.
[edit] Strong Bad Email
[edit] impression
[edit] What year is it?
The form for the penmanship contest says 2004 Sectional Finals, however, the sign for the contest said 2003.
VERDICT: This goof has been accepted. The discussion can be found at Talk:impression. --Upset_Your_Balance 16 Apr 2005
- ATTENTION GafAddict and Upset Your Balance and any other VERIDCTers - The standard voting period is 2 weeks. Please do not close any items that are newer than that that. In other words, check the first vote, if it's less than two weeks old, DON'T TOUCH IT! Also, if you're going to VERDICT an item, please sign your name and date as though you were signing a vote (two hyphens and four tildes)
- I think this one is a special case. It was STUFFed based on a false assumption. But I didn't VERDICT it, so... --Jay 14:12, 17 Apr 2005 (UTC)
- GafAddict did a few a day or so ago, and I've seen others get VERDICT'd well before the two week period. Also, whoever does it needs to sign it, so I figured I'd post it. --TheEggman
- I think this one is a special case. It was STUFFed based on a false assumption. But I didn't VERDICT it, so... --Jay 14:12, 17 Apr 2005 (UTC)
- I have added my name and the date to the verdict. (Yes, it was me.) I'm not sure of the exact time of the verdicting though. And as Jay said, because it was STUFFed based on a false assumption, I put it back and verdicted it early. For other STUFF'd items, the VERDICT shall wait two weeks. -Upset_Your_Balance
[edit] flashback
[edit] Discount Flashback Warehouse
In the Discount Flashback Warehouse easter egg, Strong Bad sounds a lot like Senor Cardgage. In fact, the whole easter egg resembles the Senor Cardgage Mortgage toon.
VERDICT: This fact was rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:flashback -- tomstiff 18:20, 25 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] rampage
[edit] Poetic chops
Ironically, while Strong Sad glorifies iambic pentameter, his creation is a pretty bad example of it. He twists the stresses on "lyric rampage," properly pronounced LY-ric RAM-page (a pair of trochees), into ly-RIC ram-PAGE (a pair of iambs).
Verdict: After two weeks of voting, this fact was Accepted by a score of 8-4. The fact is re-posted on rampage, and the discussion has been moved to Talk:rampage. --acekirby13 19:31, 29 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Strong Sad, Charles Barkley, and Ruben Studdard...long lost triplets?
Strong Bad's insult of "round mound of gray fatness" toward Strong Sad could be derived in part from the nickname of former NBA player Charles Barkley, the "Round Mound of Rebound." Also, Ruben Studdard, who won American Idol in 2003 and bears more than a slight resemblance to Strong Sad in shape, is sometimes known as the "Round Mound of Sound."
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:rampage --tomstiff 18:53, 25 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Dumpy Dump sat on a wall
Strong Bad calling Strong Sad "DJ Dumpy Dump" could be a combination reference to the rappers DJ Jazzy Jeff and Humpty Hump (who Coach Z once dressed up as for Halloween). It may also be a reference to rapper Doug E. Doug.
Verdict: After two weeks of voting, the Humpty Hump reference has been Accepted, while all the others have been Declined. Discussion moved to Talk:rampage. --acekirby13 19:30, 25 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Wite Wrapper
The fact that Strong Sad's "whiteness" is acknowledged on his CD refers to famous white rappers such as Eminem and Vanilla Ice.
VERDICT: This fact was rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:rampage --tomstiff 18:25, 25 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] English Lesson
(under the quiver(ed) definition) In early Modern English, it would have been written "Quiver'd" (not to be confused with 404'D, Cerebellum'D, etc, etc.).
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:rampage --tomstiff 18:27, 25 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] I'm on a Rainbow
Strong Bad capitalizing "Reading Rampage" in the e-mail could be an allusion to Reading Rainbow, the popular 90's children reading show.
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:rampage -- tomstiff 18:29, 25 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Marzipan's Speech Impediment
Marzipan seems to stutter uncharacteristically during the phrase "would be proud."
VERDICT: This fact was accepted. The discussion has been moved to Talk:rampage --tomstiff 14:11, 27 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] More Pie, Anyone?
"The pie's the limit" may be refering to Strong Bad's wednesday pie motivational talks in other days.
Verdict: After two weeks of voting, this fact was unanimously Declined. Discussion moved to Talk:rampage. --acekirby13 19:24, 29 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Chicken Soup for the Soul
One of the books seen during Strong Bad's "reading rampage" is titled Soup, Right?, a reference to the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book series.
Verdict: After two weeks of voting, this fact was Declined. Moved to Talk:rampage. --acekirby13 19:25, 27 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] It's a Bird, it's a Plane, it's Pie???
"The pie's the limit" is a reference to the quote, "The sky is the limit," which is found on Thorax Corporation's website.
Verdict: After two weeks of voting, this fact was unanimously Declined. Discussion moved to Talk:rampage. --acekirby13 20:28, 2 May 2005 (UTC)
[edit] time capsule
[edit] Norse mythology
The line about making people from spit may be a reference to a Norse myth, in which the Aesir (war gods) and Vanir (fertility gods), to seal a peace treaty between them, made a man (named Braugi) from their collective spit. He knew all their combined secrets, but was eventually killed by giants.
VERDICT: This fact was rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:time capsule --tomstiff 18:10, 25 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] pizzaz
[edit] Third Interview
This is the third time Strong Bad has interviewed somebody. He "interviewed" Homsar (actually himself speaking for Homsar) in the email "interview" and he interviewed Homestar in the toon The Interview.
VERDICT: This fact was rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:pizzaz --tomstiff 18:07, 25 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] replacement
[edit] Strong Mad sings
Strong Mad says "I'M STRONG MAD," which could be a reference A Jumping Jack Contest, in which Strong Mad poses as Strong Bad and says a similar line.
Verdict: After only one week of voting, this fact was overwhelmingly and unanimously Declined. Discussion moved to Talk:replacement. --acekirby13 16:06, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] spring cleaning
[edit] DELETED!
The "DELETED" screen has a green background on the Tandy. When later used on the Compy, it has a blue background. It has not been used on the Lappy thusfar.
VERDICT: This information has been moved to the DELETED page. The votes have been moved to Talk:spring cleaning
[edit] Fhqwhgads
[edit] Not Expecting
Fhqwhgads actually just sent the Email as a joke. It was not intended to be used. However, Fhqwhgads, whose personal information will not be revealed because of a request not to, did say this in an AIM conversation: "I didn't spoof a virus. I just loved him [Strong Bad]. A virus was the exact opposite of what I wanted to be." If you don't believe this, you can contact him-his AIM screename is IamFHQWHGADS142. (He has pride that he is Fhqwhgads) -TK600
VERDICT: This item was closed on request by the author. See below for a new version of this fun fact. Voting moved to Talk:Fhqwhgads--Posted by -erson 01:27, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] The joke theory
It's been theorized that this [that the email was a spoof of the "i love you" virus] is not true. A person claiming to be Fhqwhgads said he actually just sent the Email as a joke, and that it was not intended to be used. "I didn't spoof a virus," he said, "I just loved him [Strong Bad]. A virus was the exact opposite of what I wanted to be." However, due to a concern about personal provacy, he would not give any information. -TakuaKaita600 17:36, 12 Apr 2005 (MDT)
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:Fhqwhgads -- tomstiff 18:41, 25 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] date
[edit] Ren & Stimpy XR
The logo for the Extra Real Dating Sim XR is based on the logo for the Nickelodeon cartoon "Ren & Stimpy".
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:date. -- tomstiff 14:04, 22 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] the show
[edit] Homestar's "Arms"
Unless Homestar is holding the microphone under his armpit when he is reciting his list, this is another one of those times when it's questionable as to how many invisible arms he has: he holds the microphone in one hand, his cards in the other, and flips them over each other all at the same time.
Verdict: After two weeks of voting, this fact was overwhelmingly Declined. Discussion moved to Talk:the show. --acekirby13 12:15, 21 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] suntan
[edit] Marzipan's Parasol
Marzipan is carrying a toothpick parasol one would normally receive with a tropical drink, only hers seems to be much larger than normal. Except that tropical drink parasols are modelled after real parasols . . . which are, you know, real . . .
After a week of unanimous declines, this Fun Fact has been closed. The votes for this fun fact can be seen at the talk page of suntan.
[edit] local news
[edit] Scalawag
"Scalawag" may possibly be a reference to a Calvin and Hobbes strip in which Calvin and Hobbes sing the "Very Sorry Song" :
- (Calvin) "I'm sorry, so sorry I took your precious flaaaaag"
- (Hobbes) "Just don't do it again you scurvy scalawaaaaaag"
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion can be found at Talk:local news -- tomstiff 15:08, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] brianrietta
[edit] "Tough Guys"?
This is the only reference to homosexuality in the entire site, and thankfully Strong Bad handled it more maturely than most "tough guys" would have.
Verdict: After two weeks of voting, the majority of votes said to Decline this fact outright. Discussion moved to Talk:brianrietta. --acekirby13 15:09, 21 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] long pants
[edit] X-Pensive Winos
The text "X-PENSIVE W..." appearing on Strong Bad's 'light pen' before he shakes it up may be a reference to Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards' solo band the X-Pensive Winos.
VERDICT: This fact was rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:long pants. -- tomstiff 13:59, 22 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Rodeo Hot Dogs
"Rodeo Hot dogs" is a reference to the old Oscar Meyer mascot.
VERDICT: This fact was rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:long pants. -- tomstiff 13:56, 22 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Homestar Over Correction Fluid
When Homestar appears on the Lappy's screen, he isn't covered by the correction fluid, but rather, he shows up on top of it.
Verdict: After almost a month of voting, this fact was voted to be Moved from Goofs to Remarks on long pants. The discussion can be found at Talk:long pants. --acekirby13 13:50, 20 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Bedroom Window
Homestar's bedroom window was right next to his bed in Homestar Presents: Presents, but in the Easter Egg, you can't see the window anywhere, even though it should be in the shot. --VolatileChemical 13:52, 30 Mar 2005 (MST)
Verdict: After almost a month of voting, this fact was Declined. Discussion moved to Talk:long pants. --acekirby13 12:43, 21 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Breaking the Lappy
Strong Bad indicates that The Cheat has a history of breaking the Lappy. Perhaps The Cheat demonstrated this tendency with the Compy 386 as well. This may explain why the Compy apparently bore a grudge against The Cheat, as demonstrated in couch patch.
VERDICT: This fact was rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:long pants -- tomstiff 14:08, 22 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] techno
[edit] Silent J
Strong Bad might have said "Oh very clever" after reading the name Silent J because it could be a reference to Jay and Silent Bob, a pair of recurring characters from Kevin Smith's movies. It also may be clever because it's referring to the concept of a silent letter (for example, one would say "the word 'jalapeno' has a silent J"), and making reference to Silent Bob at the same time.
VERDICT: This fact was accepted. The discussion has been moved to Talk:techno. -- tomstiff 14:13, 20 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] best thing
[edit] Albi refs Abdi??
Strong calls the author of the email Albi, which is a reference to the author of the first email, some kinda robot, who was named Abdi.
Verdict: After two weeks of voting, this fact was unanimously Declined. Discussion moved to Talk:best thing. -- acekirby13 19:33, 26 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Guitar throw refs invisibility??
When Space Gary throws his guitar and says "I guess I won't be needing THIS anymore," it is a reference to invisibility. Strong Bad says the same thing when he gets rid of the broken Tandy 400 and replaces it with the Compy 386.
Verdict: After two weeks of voting, this fact was unanimously Declined. Discussion moved to Talk:best thing. --acekirby13 19:38, 26 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] rrll == grrl ??
The use of "rrll rrll" is probably the latest version of "grrl."
Verdict: After two weeks of voting, this fact was unanimously Declined. Discussion moved to Talk:best thing. --acekirby13 19:45, 26 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Rudiments
"rrll rrll" is a common short-hand notation for a double-stroke roll, which is a percussion rudiment executed by playing two strokes on a single hand followed by two in the alternate hand and repeating.
VERDICT: This fact was rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:best thing -- tomstiff 20:07, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Background Goof
When the Limozeen spaceship is flying throughout space, the background obviously loops; however, it does not tile well at all, with noticeable seams flying by every second.
VERDICT: This fact was voted to be Rewritten and Moved. The revised fact now appears on best thing, while the discussion can be found at Talk:best thing. --acekirby13 15:44, 20 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Babylon 5
"Encounter at Groupulon 5" is most likely a combined reference to Encounter at Farpoint (the first episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation) and the popular science-fiction show Babylon 5. (only the part in bold was in question)
Verdict: After about a month of voting, the fact in bold was narrowly declined by a score of 2-3. The Star Trek reference has been put back on best thing, while the entire discussion can be found on Talk:best thing. -- acekirby13 14:43, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] colonization
[edit] Until next week...
This is the last email in which Strong Bad says "so until next week", a regular closing line for early emails.
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion can be found at Talk:colonization -- tomstiff 17:08, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] dragon
[edit] Trodgor was a Motorhead
The main riff to Trogdor's theme song appears to be very similar to the one from the Motorhead song "Shoot You In The Back".
VERDICT: This fact was rejected. The discussion can be found at Talk:dragon. -- tomstiff 17:18, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] rock opera
[edit] Definitely Maybe? Yes? No!
"Definitely baby" (The line ended by Vector Strong Bad) is a reference to the album Definitely Maybe by Oasis
Verdict: After over a month of voting, this fact was unanimously Declined. Moved to Talk:rock opera. --acekirby13 16:36, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Sender's parents
Second time Strong Bad talked about both the sender's parents. This was last done in animal about Spud Jr.
VERDICT: This fact was rejected. The discussion can be found at Talk:rock opera -- tomstiff 17:11, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Rose-face/Rosebud
When Strong Bad yells "Rose face!" it could be a possible reference to Citizen Kane and the famous "Rosebud."
VERDICT: This fact was rejected. The discussion can be found at Talk:rock opera. -- tomstiff 17:13, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Pizza Pizzazz
The appearance of a spinning pizza during the word "Pizzaz" may be a reference to the Pizzaz Pizza Oven, which rotates the pizza under a heating element to cook it.
VERDICT: This fact was rejected. The discussion can be found at Talk:rock opera. -- tomstiff 17:15, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Another brick in the wall
At the end of the opera, the cast is on a stage, where the bottom of the stage is a white bricked wall with blue brick outlines. This might be a refrence to the popular rock opera The Wall, by Pink Floyd, as the wall in the Floyd's opera is the same. MajorB 17:07, 23 Feb 2005 (MST)
Verdict: After almost two months of voting, this fact recieved a single Decline vote. Discussion moved to Talk:rock opera. --acekirby13 13:45, 21 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] secret recipes
[edit] Bumdumbourge and Totalslava
Bumdumbourg and Totalslava are obviously loose references to the countries Luxembourg and Bratslava. VERDICT: This fact was declined. The discussion can be found at Talk:secret recipes -- tomstiff 14:20, 20 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] other days
[edit] Tappity Tappity
When Strong Bad dismisses the email's text to make room for his new text, as he does often, it makes the standard typing sound effects instead of the hard "enter" hitting sound.
Verdict: After over a month of voting, this fact was Declined by a score of 4-6. Discussion moved to Talk:other days. --acekirby13 16:27, 21 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Pizzle the Nizzle
The line "positate the negative" refers to the song Accentuate the Positive, by Johnny Mercer.
VERDICT: This fact was rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:other days -- tomstiff 19:55, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] radio
[edit] German Radio?
Old-timey Strong Bad's pronunciation of radio (rah-dio) is actually the German pronunciation of the word.
VERDICT: This fun fact was rejected. The discussion can be found at Talk:radio -- tomstiff 17:24, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Location
Jugding by the name of the colledge radio station (WSBD) Free Country USA must be East of the Mississippi River. All radio stations to the east of the Mississippi have a 'W' in front of their name all those to the west have a 'K'.
VERDICT: This fact was accepted. The discussion can be found at Talk:radio -- tomstiff 18:17, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] WSBD in Ohio
There is a real news radio station transmitting from Cleveland, OH with the call letters WSBD. The Brothers Chaps most likely did not know about this, as SBD can easily stand for Strong Bad.
VERDICT: This fact was rejected. The discussion can be found at Talk:radio -- tomstiff 18:20, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] island
[edit] Forward referencing # 1
Homestar called Strong Bad Stinkoman. This is the name Strong Bad will use for his 20X6 counterpart in japanese cartoon.
VERDICT This fact has been accepted. The discussion has been moved to Talk:island -- tomstiff 20:47, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Forward Referencing #2
The one thing Strong Bad described would happen on the island that was not illustrated was salting his foot.. which didn't take place until interview.
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:island -- tomstiff 20:48, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] 2 years
[edit] Strong Sad a Strongbadian
According to this email, Strong Sad is (or will be) a resident of Strong Badia.
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion can be found at Talk:2 years. -- tomstiff 14:16, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] A grill, a doghouse, a trash can, an igloo and the TARDIS
The spacious interior of The Cheat's house may be a reference to Snoopy's house from the Peanuts comics. It also looked small and ordinary on the outside, but was very large and luxurious on the inside, housing, among other things, his prized Van Gogh. It might also be a reference to Oscar the Grouch's trash can (from Sesame Street), which is also small on the outside, but contains a swimming pool and a number of other facilities within. It could also be a reference to the Nickelodeon show Doug, where his smart dog's (Porkchop) igloo is WAY roomier than it looked. Or even the TARDIS from Dr Who...
VERDICT: This fact was declined. The discussion has been moved to Talk:2 years -- tomstiff 20:44, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Toons
[edit] Homestarloween Party
[edit] CREEPING floating DEATH flashlight
When everyone is telling ghost stories, no one actually holds the flashlight with his or her hands. It just sort of floats in front of everyone. With Homestar, Marzipan, and the King of Town, this makes sense, since none of them have visible hands, but we should see everybody else's hands.
Verdict: After two weeks of voting, this fact was unanimously Declined. Discussion moved to Talk:Homestarloween Party. --acekirby13 19:31, 24 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] PAY PLUS!
[edit] Hom Sar Ref
On the third page, the line "GEE-AMES!" is actually a reference to the Homsar Main Page, when the mouse is moved over the "Games" bubble. --SgtKeeling
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion can be found at PAY PLUS! -- tomstiff 15:00, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Trial Game origin
The trial game is based upon the Scrolling Shooter Games Menu - the trial game's Flash file contains graphics and sounds used on the Games menu but not in the trial game.
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion can be found at PAY PLUS! -- [User:tomstiff|tomstiff]] 14:57, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] False Advertising
The second page claims "ACCESS TO ALL 230+ STRONG BAD EMAILS!" when there were only 127 emails at the time it was posted. This parodies how subscription sites often flagrantly misrepresent their content.
VERDICT: This fact has been accepted. The discussion can be found at PAY PLUS! -- tomstiff 14:57, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Special Appearance
Mr. Shmallow can just barely be seen in the fourth screen of the 'toon.
VERDICT: After a week of unanimous declines, this fun fact has been rejected. You can see the votes at PAY PLUS!.
[edit] Whats Her Face's lack of appearance
For whatever reason, Whats her face was shown on the 4th page, but not at all in the "trial" TGS cartoon.
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion can be found at PAY PLUS! -- tomstiff 14:54, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Basement-to-Computer Room Ratio
According to the "Trap Door" clip, the computer room and the basement are two different floors, even though Strong Bad is never seen going up stairs when he goes from the couch to the computer room in cartoons like morning routine.
Verdict: After over two weeks of voting, this fact was unanimously Declined. Moved to PAY PLUS! --acekirby13 15:22, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Tall homestar?
In that clip on the second page, Strong Bad says the trap is a 2-foot trap. When homestar falls, about 3/4 of his body is still above the floor. He must be about 8-9 feet!
Verdict: After over two weeks of voting, this fact was overwhelmingly Declined. Moved to PAY PLUS!. --acekirby13 15:13, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Updated for the 90's
Teen Girl Squad couldn't have been updated for the nineties, the SB E-mail it premiered in first showed in 2002.
Verdict: After two weeks of voting, this fact was unanimously Declined. Moved to PAY PLUS!. --acekirby13 15:17, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Mr. Shmallow (toon)
[edit] Sweating
Mr. Shmallow sweating is a reference to old television sets where the lights required to light up the set often made the set uncomfortably hot.
VERDICT: This fact was rejected. The discussion can be found at Talk:Mr. Shmallow (toon). -- tomstiff 13:51, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] That A Ghost
[edit] Sickly Sam's lucky day
This is the only old-timey toon so far that does not have Sickly Sam "dying".
VERDICT A revised version of this fact was accepted. The discussion has been moved to Talk:That A Ghost -- tomstiff 19:14, 25 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Cory
The painting marked "Cory" is most likely a reference to Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 11.2.
Verdict: After two weeks of voting, this fact was unanimously Declined. The discussion has been moved to Talk:That A Ghost. --acekirby13 21:48, 23 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Where's The Cheat?
In the beginning of the toon when Homestar is spreading the marshmallow spread on the veggie burger, the spread changes everytime he spreads it. Thought it was an interesting detail.Verdict: After almost two months of voting, this fact was overwhelmingly Declined. The discussion can be found at Talk:Where's The Cheat?. --acekirby13 15:56, 20 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] You killed Pom-Pom!
When storng bad said he killed pom-pom it may be a reference to south park and them "killing Kenny"
VERDICT: After exactly two weeks of voting, this item was unanimously declined and moved to Talk:Where's The Cheat?. --ISlayedTheKerrek 16:48, 27 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] The Best Decemberween Ever
[edit] The Brethren
This is the first cartoon when the brothers Chaps refer to themselves as "Brethren" Chaps.
VERDICT: This fact was rejected. The discussion can be found at Talk:The Best Decemberween Ever -- tomstiff 17:21, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Kick the Can
[edit] Coincedincem
According to Bubs' Yearbook Character Page picture, Bubs now owns the can in the cartoon... Or it's just a strange coincedincem.
VERDICT: This fact was rejected. The discussion can be found at Talk: Kick the Can -- tomstiff 18:13, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon
[edit] Poopsmith
The Poopsmith never blinks.
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:Strong_Bad_is_in_Jail_Cartoon -- tomstiff 15:02, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Wall Markings
According to the markings on the wall of the jail, the Cheat and Strong Bad have been in jail for about a week.
VERDICT: This fact was accepted. The discussion has been moved to Talk:Strong_Bad_is_in_Jail_Cartoon -- tomstiff 14:12, 22 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Teen Girl Squad Issue 4
[edit] Buck Privates
The part where they say the same thing and laugh is a reference to the Abbot and Costello film Buck Privates.
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:Teen_Girl_Squad_Issue_4 -- tomstiff 15:04, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Decemberween Teen Girl Squad
[edit] Starbucks
Double Double Whippless Mochaccino Half Caf is a Coffee drink from Starbucks. However, it is actually called a Venti Half-caf frapaccino w/o whipped cream (not all Starbucks serve this). Double Double refers to a coffee from Tim Hortons with two creams and two sugars.
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:Decemberween_Teen_Girl_Squad -- tomstiff 15:06, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Teen Girl Squad Issue 8
[edit] The Intercom
The Intercom, who introduces the battle of the bands, may be a reference to Saved by the Bell, where the character Screech creates a similar-looking robot friend.
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:Teen_Girl_Squad_Issue_8 -- tomstiff 15:08, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Soofa Group?
The page title "soopa group" is a stretch, but could possibly be a reference to SoofaGroup ( At least that's the only thing that makes any remote sense, and it's doubtful that Soof took their name from this toon.
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:Teen_Girl_Squad_Issue_8 -- tomstiff 15:10, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Truk
In the "Easter Egg" from the exclamation point at the end of episode 8, we see Tompkins wearing a shirt that says "Truk." Truk is the name of a Pacific atoll inhabited by Polynesian peoples. Truk was newsworthy in the 70's for the gang violence there.
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:Teen_Girl_Squad_Issue_8 -- tomstiff 15:15, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Homestar Presents: Presents
[edit] Length Of Grabbo Arm
The grabbo arm is about 3/4ths of the length of the screen, and judging by Strong Bad's height, and the chart on Strong Bad Is In Jail Cartoon, the grabbo arm is about 6 feet long. Since Strong Bad is about 4 feet long and the grabbo arm is a little higher than him, therefore the measurement.
VERDICT: This fact was rejected. The discussion can be found at Talk:Homestar Presents: Presents -- tomstiff 17:55, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Grabbo Arm Sound
Strong Bad's Grabbo Arm makes the same noises as Homestar's tricked-out propeller cap in car.
Verdict: After several months of voting, this fact was narrowly Accepted by a score of 3-2. The fact is now on Homestar Presents: Presents, while the discussion can be found at Talk:Homestar Presents: Presents. --acekirby13 16:00, 21 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Beat It
Homestar's pajamas are exactly like the ones Michael Jackson wore in the "Beat It" music video.
VERDICT: By a vote of 2-1 after several weeks of voting, this item is accepted. -- ISlayedTheKerrek 19:45, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] It's odd considering...
It's odd considering Homestar went to bed on the 23rd and didn't wake up till decemberween that his tear-away calender was on the 25th. He obviosly didn't change it because he was sleeping.
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion can be found at Talk:Homestar Presents: Presents -- tomstiff 14:13, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] "state trooper"
Homsar's line "You're a real state trooper" is a commonly mistaken lyric from the song Straight Shooter by The Mamas and the Papas. The real lyric is "You're a real straight shooter." Terra Rising Dec 27, 2004 1:40 AM (PST)
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion can be found at Talk:Homestar Presents: Presents -- tomstiff 14:10, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Games
[edit] Thy Dungeonman
[edit] Earthbound
Dungeonman might be a reference to Brick Road from "Earthbound," who was attempting to attain the title of "Dungeonman" throughout the course of the game.
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:Thy Dungeonman -- tomstiff 14:40, 6 May 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Peasant's Quest
[edit] Two names?
When you type in "talk kerrek", part of the message that comes up is "'Me llamo Julio'", which means "My name is Julio" in Spanish. As this is said by Rather Dashing, his real name is Julio.
VERDICT: This fact was rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:Peasant's Quest -- tomstiff 13:59, 27 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Stinkoman_20X6
[edit] Control Scheme
The poor control scheme (a to jump, s to fire) may be another Mega Man reference, this time to the Mega Man Anniversary Collection which included Mega Man 1-8. On the Gamecube version, the controls for fire and jump were also messed up. (a to fire, b to jump) This eventually ended up with many frusterated gamers who intented to jump over a bottomless pit, but instead fired their plasma buster instead.
Verdict: After over a month of voting, this fact was overwhelmingly Declined. Moved to Talk:Stinkoman_20X6. --acekirby13 15:11, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Ninja Gaiden Levels
Level X.x is also a reference to the display of levels in Ninja Gaiden.
VERDICT: After more than two weeks of voting this item was unanimously declined. --ISlayedTheKerrek 21:53, 17 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Stoves
Planet K is in the Year 20X6, where gas stoves would have gone out of everyday life, yet some can be seen in stage 2.
Verdict: After several weeks of voting, this fact was unanimously Declined. Moved to Talk:Stinkoman_20X6. --acekirby13 23:09, 18 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Stone Fist
When you beat the final boss, Stinkoman says he got a power-up and puts on the stone fist, showing an almost 100% chance for more levels!
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:Stinkoman 20X6 -- tomstiff 17:24, 3 May 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Engrish
The creators of Stinkoman 20X6 are poking fun at the 'all your base are belong to us' type language goofs in the stereotypical English port of a Japanese game.
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:Stinkoman 20X6 -- tomstiff 17:26, 3 May 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Brody
Brody looks similar to Big Bird from Sesame Street.
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:Stinkoman 20X6 -- tomstiff 17:27, 3 May 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Tampo
The name Tampo may be a reference to a Japanese kind of fried food (Tempura). Or even Tempo, the speed of music.
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:Stinkoman 20X6 -- tomstiff 17:30, 3 May 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Black Spots
Stinkoman doesn't have any black spots on his cheeks for the ripped off sprites
VERDICT: This fact has been rejected. The discussion has been moved to Talk:Stinkoman 20X6 -- tomstiff 17:30, 3 May 2005 (UTC)