Teen Girl Squad

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Teen Girl Squad menu
The girls are looking SO GOOD!

Teen Girl Squad began in the Strong Bad Email "comic," when a girl named Brittany asked if Strong Bad could make a comic strip about her four friends: Virginia, Joy, Kristin, and Jennifer. Strong Bad's spur of the moment comic strip soon became a series of its own. Teen Girl Squad centers on four teenage girls — Cheerleader, So and So, What's Her Face, and The Ugly One — who like to buy clothes, attract cute boys and look "SO GOOD!" Unfortunately, they are often subjected to the random dangers of Strong Bad's overactive imagination. Being killed doesn't seem to be a problem for the girls, however, for they are always back for the next episode.

Menu Page Title: T33n G1rl Squ4dx0rx!!



Issue 1 (from comic)
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
Issue 5
Issue 6 (Decemberween Special)
Issue 7
Issue 8
Issue 8½ (from HomestarRunner.com PAY PLUS!)
Issue 9
Issue 10 (Tenthennial Extravaganza)
Issue 10½ (from death metal)

Other Appearances

virus (Issue 3.14159265 and the rest)
theme park (Easter egg)

Fun Facts

  • If you hold your cursor over the Teen Girl Squad button on the Toons Menu, you get a different description of each girl:
    • Cheerleader: Hair products!
    • So and So: Plaid skirt!
    • What's Her Face: Baggy clothes!
    • The Ugly One: Drill team!
  • Each time you load the Teen Girl Squad menu page you get a different quote from a different girl. They are:
    • The Ugly One: "teacher just called me 'young man'"
    • The Ugly One: "i'm in love with liquid paper."
    • The Ugly One: "i have a crush on EVERY BOY!"
    • What's Her Face: "nothing is cool"
    • So and So: "on a roll with Honor Roll"
    • Cheerleader: "you can't be popular AND smart"
    • Cheerleader: "lets have a boy/girl party!"
    • All except Cheerleader: "SO GOOD!"
  • In addition to the different quotes, Cheerleader wears a different shirt each time you load the menu page. They are:
    • "solid gold"
    • "party thyme"
    • "hott type"
    • "rich grrl"
    • "2 cool 4 u"
    • "boy monger" (with :P face)
    • "2 cute"
  • The Ahnberg Hand font used for Strong Bad's handwriting contains a few European-style slashes, including lowercase 'q' which The Brothers Chaps have been known to "Americanize". However, they have not altered the European seven in the current TGS main menu.
  • The page title (T33n G1rl Squ4dx0rx!!11) is Teen Girl Squadxorx!!!! in leetspeak.

See Also

External Links

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