Halloween Hide & Seek Walkthrough
From Homestar Runner Wiki
This is a complete walkthrough for the game Halloween Hide & Seek.
The "2.0" version, available for purchase on digital storefronts, expands on the puzzles from the initial free web release. This tutorial covers both versions.
Contents |
[edit] Walkthrough
In order to complete this game, you (as Homestar Runner) must find the other eleven characters. Most can be found in any order, but some require items from your inventory, which can only be obtained by finding certain characters. The full walkthrough is shown below.
[edit] Strong Sad
- On the left side of the starting area, there is a spooky, leafy tree with a ladder leaning on it.
- Use the ladder ("Syd Useman") to climb inside the tree.
- Tell Strong Sad you found him.
[edit] Homsar
- Click the leaves in the top left corner inside the spooky, leafy tree.
[edit] Coach Z
- Retrieve the car keys from the treehole on the right side of the starting area.
- Use the keys to unlock the Gremlin.
- Pull trunk release and Coach Z will pop out.
- Tell him you found him.
[edit] The Poopsmith
- Click on The Poopsmith (not the bushberry) when he peeks out of the bush next to Marzipan's house.
- Tell him you found him.
[edit] The King of Town
- The King of Town can be found to the left of Bubs' Concession Stand.
- Free version:
- Tell him you found him.
- Version 2.0:
- The King refuses to be found as long as he's bouncing. Follow the Steps to find Pom Pom and then mess with the concession stand sign four times.
- Tell The King of Town to look at the sign.
[edit] Marzipan
- Take the pumpkin in front of Bubs' Concession Stand.
- Dip the pumpkin in the whatsit next to The King of Town's castle. If the whatsit has already been shoveled, the cursed earth will do fine.
- Marzipan is trying to brown a pumpkin in her house. Offer her the brown pumpkin from your inventory.
[edit] Pom Pom
- Get the ladder from the spooky, leafy tree. (You'll need the ladder in that spot to find two characters, but you can return it if you haven't found them already.)
- Lean it on the real nice wall at the side of Bubs' Concession Stand and climb up.
- Tell him you found him.
[edit] Strong Mad
- After finding The Poopsmith, get the shovel from the bushberry.
- Dig up the whatsit pile next to The King of Town's castle.
- Take the Jibblies Painting.
- Go behind Bubs' Concession Stand. Strong Mad refuses to acknowledge that he has been found.
- Show him the Jibblies Painting.
[edit] The Cheat
- After unlocking the Gremlin (see Coach Z section), get the latte from inside.
- After leaning the ladder on Bubs' Concession Stand (see Pom Pom section), pour the latte into the exhaust pipe at the top.
- After Strong Mad leaves, open the door behind the stand and talk to The Cheat.
[edit] Bubs
- At the back of Bubs' Concession Stand, there is a note too far for Homestar to read.
- After Strong Mad leaves, open the door behind the stand and read the note. It reads "DOWN RIGHT LEFT UP".
- Click on the four bricks on the side of The King of Town's castle in that order. A secret door will open to reveal Bubs.
- Tell him you found him.
[edit] Strong Bad
- After finding The King of Town, get the trampoline he was bouncing on.
- After digging up the whatsit (see Strong Mad section), put the trampoline on the "cursed earth" where the whatsit pile was.
- After finding The Cheat, take the skateboard he leaves behind.
- Return to The King of Town's castle and use the trampoline to bounce up to the window.
- Use the skateboard to roll Strong Bad out of the castle.
[edit] Secret Path
- After starting a new game, find the Poopsmith at Marzipan's house and collect the shovel.
- Dig up the whatsit at the King of Town's castle and then collect the Jibblies Painting (see Strong Mad section).
- Use the Jibblies Painting on the following people/objects in any order: Bubs, The King of Town, Strong Bad, Strong Sad, Pom Pom, Coach Z, Marzipan's door, the Treehole (starting area), and the Real Nice Wall (side of Bubs' Concession Stand).
- Do NOT "find" any of the characters (except Homsar) before using the painting on them, or the ending cannot be obtained.
- The tenth and final person to use the painting on is Strong Mad. If Homestar used the painting on him before the others, the painting will disappear, and Homestar will be locked out of the secret path.
- After gaining all ten points toward the path, return to the starting area and click on the X on the ground.
- Complete the game for an extra surprise at the end.
[edit] Achievements
In the Steam Version, there are 6 Achievements to collect.
- Found Everybody: Complete the game by finding all the main cast.
- Well Read: Change and read out all the variants on the sign of Bubs' Concession Stand.
- Silhouetter: Have Homestar commentate on everybody's costume on the title screen.
- Dinosaur Pie: Interact with the moon 3 times to hear all of Homestar's Dinosaur Pie song.
- Come On In Hear: Show the creepy painting to everyone possible.
- Did a Dance!: Find the Goblin by following the Secret Path to the end.
[edit] Optimal Route
[edit] Free Version
In order to complete the game with the least amount of backtracking, progress in roughly this order:
- Spooky Woods: Get the key from the treehole.
- Bubs' Concession Stand: Find the King of Town, then get the trampoline and the pumpkin. (1/11)
- King of Town's Castle: Use the pumpkin on the whatsit. Find Bubs, then travel through the secret tunnel. (2/11)
- Marzipan's House: Find the Poopsmith and get his shovel. Travel through the secret tunnel. (3/11)
- King of Town's Castle: Use the shovel on the whatsit, then get the Jibblies Painting. Travel through the secret tunnel.
- Marzipan's House: Give Marzipan the whatsit-dipped pumpkin. (4/11)
- The Field: Unlock the Gremlin, get the latte, and find Coach Z. (5/11)
- Spooky Woods: Find Strong Sad and Homsar in the spooky, leafy tree, then get the ladder. (7/11)
- Bubs' Concession Stand: Use the ladder on the real nice wall and climb it.
- Top of Bubs' Concession Stand: Find Pom Pom and pour the latte down the exhaust pipe. (8/11)
- Behind Bubs' Concession Stand: Use the Jibblies Painting on Strong Mad, open the door, find The Cheat, and get his skateboard. (10/11)
- King of Town's Castle: Place the trampoline on the cursed earth and bounce on it.
- Inside Castle: Use the skateboard on Strong Bad. (11/11)
For the Path of the Rocoulm, progress in roughly this order:
- Spooky Woods: Go to the Field.
- The Field: Go to Marzipan's house.
- Marzipan's House: Find the Poopsmith and get his shovel. (1/11)
- The Field: Go to the Spooky Woods.
- Spooky Woods: Get the key from the treehole.
- Bubs' Concession Stand: Get the pumpkin.
- King of Town's Castle: Use the pumpkin and the shovel on the whatsit (in either order), then get the Jibblies Painting. Show Bubs the painting, then find him and travel through the secret tunnel. (2/11) (1/10)
- Marzipan's House: Use the painting on Marzipan's door, then give her the whatsit-dipped pumpkin. (3/11) (2/10)
- The Field: Unlock the Gremlin and get the latte. Show Coach Z the painting, then find him. (4/11) (3/10)
- Spooky Woods: Climb into the spooky, leafy tree and show Strong Sad the painting, then find him and Homsar. Get the ladder, and hang the painting on the treehole. (6/11) (5/10)
- Bubs' Concession Stand: Show the King of Town the painting before finding him, then get the trampoline. Hang the painting on the real nice wall, then use the ladder on the wall and climb it. (7/11) (7/10)
- Top of Bubs' Concession Stand: Show Pom Pom the painting, then find him. Pour the latte down the exhaust pipe. (8/11) (8/10)
- King of Town's Castle: Place the trampoline on the cursed earth and bounce on it.
- Inside Castle: Show Strong Bad the painting. (9/10)
- Behind Bubs' Concession Stand: Use the Jibblies Painting on Strong Mad, open the door, find The Cheat, and get his skateboard. (10/11) (10/10)
- Spooky Woods: Find the Goblin.
- Bubs' Concession Stand: Go to the castle.
- Inside Castle: Use the skateboard on Strong Bad. (11/11)
[edit] Version 2.0
In order to complete the game with the least amount of backtracking, progress in roughly this order:
- Spooky Woods: Get the key from the treehole.
- Bubs' Concession Stand: Get the pumpkin.
- King of Town's Castle: Use the pumpkin on the whatsit. Find Bubs, then travel through the secret tunnel. (1/11)
- Marzipan's House: Find the Poopsmith and get his shovel. Travel through the secret tunnel. (2/11)
- King of Town's Castle: Use the shovel on the whatsit, then get the Jibblies Painting. Travel through the secret tunnel.
- Marzipan's House: Give Marzipan the whatsit-dipped pumpkin. (3/11)
- The Field: Unlock the Gremlin, get the latte, and find Coach Z. (4/11)
- Spooky Woods: Find Strong Sad and Homsar in the spooky, leafy tree, then get the ladder. (6/11)
- Bubs' Concession Stand: Use the ladder on the real nice wall and climb it.
- Top of Bubs' Concession Stand: Find Pom Pom, mess with the sign four times and pour the latte down the exhaust pipe. (7/11)
- Bubs' Concession Stand: Direct the King of Town's attention to the no Bouncing sign, get the trampoline. (8/11)
- Behind Bubs' Concession Stand: Use the Jibblies Painting on Strong Mad, open the door, find The Cheat, and get his skateboard. (10/11)
- King of Town's Castle: Place the trampoline on the cursed earth and bounce on it.
- Inside Castle: Use the skateboard on Strong Bad. (11/11)
For the Path of the Rocoulm, progress in roughly this order:
- Spooky Woods: Go to the Field.
- The Field: Go to Marzipan's house.
- Marzipan's House: Find the Poopsmith and get his shovel. (1/11)
- The Field: Go to the Spooky Woods.
- Spooky Woods: Get the key from the treehole.
- Bubs' Concession Stand: Get the pumpkin.
- King of Town's Castle: Use the pumpkin and the shovel on the whatsit (in either order), then get the Jibblies Painting. Show Bubs the painting, then find him and travel through the secret tunnel. (2/11) (1/10)
- Marzipan's House: Use the painting on Marzipan's door, then give her the whatsit-dipped pumpkin. (3/11) (2/10)
- The Field: Unlock the Gremlin and get the latte. Show Coach Z the painting, then find him. (4/11) (3/10)
- Spooky Woods: Climb into the spooky, leafy tree and show Strong Sad the painting, then find him and Homsar. Get the ladder, and hang the painting on the treehole. (6/11) (5/10)
- Bubs' Concession Stand: Hang the painting on the real nice wall, then use the ladder on the wall and climb it. (6/10)
- Top of Bubs' Concession Stand: Show Pom Pom the painting, then find him. Mess with the sign four times to get a bouncing related message. Pour the latte down the exhaust pipe. (7/11) (7/10)
- Bubs' Concession Stand: Use the painting on The King of Town and then direct his attention to the modified sign to find him. Take the Trampoline. (8/11) (8/10)
- King of Town's Castle: Place the trampoline on the cursed earth and bounce on it.
- Inside Castle: Show Strong Bad the painting. (9/10)
- Behind Bubs' Concession Stand: Use the Jibblies Painting on Strong Mad, open the door, find The Cheat, and get his skateboard. (10/11) (10/10)
- Spooky Woods: Find the Goblin.
- Bubs' Concession Stand: Go to the castle.
- Inside Castle: Use the skateboard on Strong Bad. (11/11)