Talk:Senorial Day
From Homestar Runner Wiki
![]() | Senorial Day is a featured article, which means it showcases an important part of the Homestar Runner body of work and/or highlights the fine work of this wiki. We also might just think it's cool. If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, feel free to contribute. |
[edit] Easter egg picture
Do we really need a picture highlighting which wood panel to click on for the Easter egg? It's really not that hard to find. Have we ever done this for any other Easter eggs? If not, it should definitely go. — It's dot com 20:49, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I dont recall ever seeing one before. In the past, a description has sufficed. -- tomstiff 20:51, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I wouldnt think it would be too important, considering that all you have to do is follow the written directions and, barring that, just hit tab to find all the clickables...I think it just adds clutter -- Tony Stony 20:52, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Since it seems to break precedent, I took the liberty of removing the picture. If the discussion here decides otherwise, it can be easily added back. -- tomstiff 20:54, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Gamble?
Why do people change "gambol" to "gamble"? Gambol means to frolic or to otherwise leap about, while gamble means to take a risk or to bet on weird as senor is, don't you think gambol makes more sense here? -- Tony Stony 11:14, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Really, NEITHER word makes sense there, and "gamble" is more well-known than its homophone. --Jay (Gobble) 15:21, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Gambol certainly makes more sense than gamble. However, given SC's tendancy toward malaprops he probably *did* say "gamble" instead of "gambol". -- tomstiff 17:47, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Indeed, or are you saying "Vera low prices" makes sence? Kvb 18:14, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I suppose -- Tony Stony 20:43, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- When Senor says the word, he stresses the second syllable, which leads me to believe that it is "gambol" rather than "gamble." -- jozabad 01:45, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I agree, I think Senor Malapropped a malaprop back into an appropriate, yet arcane term. He has to keep us on our toes somehow. :) MetaStar 06:19, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Problem, jozabad. Gamble and gambol are pronounced exactly the same way - no difference in vowels or stress, just spelling and meaning. Both meanings being entirely useless in this context (he's obviously trying to say "gather".) And his pronunciation is close enough to the homophone. Frankly, it's not that important to me BUT we should reach a consensus and leave the note in one form or another, so we don't keep switching back and forth and back and forth as was happening before. As I said before, I'd prefer it left as "gamble." --Jay (Gobble) 06:04, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Well, "Excardon me" is a mixture between "excuse me" and "pardon me" so maybe "gamble" is a mixture between "gather" and "assemble" --No Smorking 00:14, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Wow, good point! --Jay (Gobble) 05:01, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Ack! Y'all are tryin' way too hard! -- tomstiff 13:56, 7 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- This is ridiculous. Everything is wild speculation! It doesn't matter anyway, it's nonsense! I'd say stick to the more common word ("gamble") and leave it at that. Aurora the Homestar Coder 14:25, 7 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Ack! Y'all are tryin' way too hard! -- tomstiff 13:56, 7 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Wow, good point! --Jay (Gobble) 05:01, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Well, "Excardon me" is a mixture between "excuse me" and "pardon me" so maybe "gamble" is a mixture between "gather" and "assemble" --No Smorking 00:14, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
I always thought it was "gambol" but I've been wrong before.--Tiggera 01:03, 4 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Should it be put to a vote then? I say change it. -- Tony Stony 18:39, 4 Jun 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Frolic or Bet?
When Senor Cardgage says "------ around the campfire, children", you can't tell if he's saying "gambol", which means frolicking or playing, or "gamble", which means betting (obviously). I'm leaning more toward "gambol", but please, tell me what you think. The transcript says "gamble", but I think "gambol" is more Senor Cardgage.
How bout phrasing this in a way so that deleting and accepting is possible? My suggestion:
"Senor Cardgage: Gambol around the campfire, children"
- Accept. I think gambol makes more cardgage sense, as he often uses antiquated words in weird context. Gamble is just random. -- Tony Stony 02:21, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second --phlip TC 02:50, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Oh, right. All of SC's malaprops are "antiquated" words that aren't just random. Like "left" ("left name"), "lawn" ("home lawn"), "cancel" (part of "free canceltation"), "denominator/wintergreen" (two options for what Cardgage can call himself in kind of cool - these are so random, I have no idea WHAT he's really trying to say!), and maybe some others I missed. --Jay (Gobble) 06:57, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Cardgage uses words that don't have specific meanings. So I don't think this should be an issue of definition, but rather enunciation. And it sounds to me like he is pronouncing it with an "ol". So accept Donny vs Universe
- Editing previous vote due to misreading: There is no difference between the proper pronunciations of "gamble" and "gambol" and it doesn't sounds to me like Cardgage is messing with the pronunciation to encourage one word over the other. So pronunciation isn't the clue we need. Neither is really the obvious word ("gather") and both are verbs so meaning is out. Only difference between the two words left is spelling - and "gamble" is by far the more common word. So I vote Gamble. But as long as it doesn't keep getting shifted back and forth and back and forth, I won't care too much. --Jay (Gobble) 06:49, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- To quote the KOC transcript: "I'd say some cool phrase that's almost one word and not quite another." To me, it sounds like he is pronouncing it like "gambowl". Donny vs Universe
- Three things here: First, this isn't a fun fact; it doesn't belong on this page. This discussion should be moved to the relevant talk page. Second, the whole phrase is ambiguous enough that, regardless of what we decide to put in the main text, a footnote with the other spelling should be put at the bottom of the transcript, like we did here in "Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon". Third, I think it's "gamble". — It's dot com 16:53, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Gamble. Yes, "gambol" makes sense. That's exactly the reason why I'm voting for "gamble". -- tomstiff 23:01, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- "Excardon me" is a mixture between "excuse me" and "pardon me" so maybe "gamble" is a mixture between "gather" and "assemble" --No Smorking 00:14, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Wow, good point! --Jay (Gobble) 05:01, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second NoSmorking Wow! I seriously never thought of that! You rock! Cheatachu72 17:52, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I am very impressed. That is probably it. -- Tony Stony 20:37, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- C'mon. Y'all are tryin' *way* too hard to make sense out of the non-sensical! -- tomstiff 20:48, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- This is ridiculous. Everything is wild speculation! It doesn't matter anyway, it's nonsense! I'd say stick to the more common word ("gamble") and leave it at that. Aurora the Homestar Coder 14:25, 7 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Just a second. - aaronak 11:39, 8 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I vote gamble that sounds more Senor Cardgage The Pardack
- I checked on and it is "gambol", meaning "to frolic" or "to play". User: James Craven 7:35 PM EDT June 12 2005.
- Er, we know what "gambol" means. But I don't believe that's what Senor Cardgage is actually saying. He's saying "gamble" and messing it up. — It's dot com 05:14, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I vote gambol because it seems more like a word Senor Cardgage would use, given his apparent love for archaic or depreciated terms.
- I vote gambol because gamble isn't funny, while gambol definitely is. Gambol is just the kind of weird antiquated word that Senor Cardgage would say. However, I think its hard to say anyway, since Strong Bad says that Senor Cardgage always says words that you're not sure which of two words he is saying, which is exactly the case here.
- This has been mentioned many times before, but does Senor Cardgage use antiquated terms more often than ordinary words that simply don't fit in context? (The "gather/assemble" argument makes a lot of sense, and if we take it, then we'd have to use the word "gamble." Even if we don't take it, it's fairly apparent that Senor Cardgage is saying the wrong word no matter what, so given that they're homophones, I'd sooner take the more common word.) --Jay (Gobble) 03:44, 21 Sep 2005 (UTC)
- I think this makes perfect sense: "Gambol around the campfire, children." While the transcript says "gamble," it should be changed to "gambol." I think Senor Cardgage means, "Play around the campfire." -->Cedric J. Lessig 10/15/05
- I think No Smorking hit the nail on the head above, noticing that it's a conflation of "gather" and "assemble." I'd just like to point out that this debate can never be concluded to any certainty, so whatever is decided on should have a footnote. For my two cents, I say gambol. The image of children gambolling around a campfire is at least ludicrous, but gambling around a campfire is, as far as I can imagine, impossible. Where are you gonna put the pot? (Yes, I know Senor C.s comments don't have to make sense—neither word would—so I don't feel strongly about it; "gambol" is just my inclination.) —AbdiViklas 02:11, 16 October 2005 (UTC)
- Based on Senor Cardgage's character and things he has said in the past, the transcript should read "gambol." It should say "gambol" with a footnote reading "or 'gamble'." EVen though, to me, this is BLATANTLY obvious. I went to edit the transcript right after the toon came out and was SHOCKED to find someone had actually put "gamble." I mean, come on! As soon as I saw the toon, I thought gambol! How can there even be a debate on this?? Rrrgh. --IT'S A LION! 17:30, 18 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Change to "Gamble {or Gambol}"
Roughly half of us seem to think it's gambol, so why not just say "Gamble {or Gambol}"? That way both words are shown. Since nobody has touched this discussion in a while, I went ahead and made the change. Feel free to revert it if you disagree (explaining why, of course). -Kotra 07:35, 17 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] On the SWF
I saw two Homestar Runners and one had a mustache. That does solve one mystery of why there were two, but, It starts are new mystery. Who is the Second Homestar Runner with the Mustache? -mitchell00 08:11, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Maybe one is the "evil" Homestar Runner from a mirror universe. — It's dot com 08:13, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- You know, I once sent Strong Bad an email about what life would be like in a mirror universe. I always sorta imagined that it would start with "Strong Good" reading the email on his fancy new computer, getting my name and the name of my town perfect, and not knowing how to answer it (because he has no confidence and believes that he has no imagination) he asks some of the other anti-characters. Then, at the last minute, it cuts to Strong Bad at his computer, making fun of my name and town and talking as though the entire rest of the email was the answer to the question. It never happened, of course, but it's something I always thought would be cool. --Jay (Gobble) 08:23, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Don't or It Won't?
I don't hear the necessary vowel sound for "It won't be here forever" - and although "Don't" doesn't make any sense contextually, Senor Cardgage is known for saying things like that. Thoughts? --Jay (Gobble) 07:01, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I've listened to it many times, and it took me a long time to decide between "don't" and "it won't", but I think "it won't" is there, just slurred. — It's dot com 07:29, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Bubba daddy
I'm also leery about "Bubba daddy" as opposed to "papa daddy". --Jay (Gobble) 07:04, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I hear an "F" sound: "Fubba Daddy". That's what I had in my transcript (you were right about my having one ready beforehand. I had been trying to upload it since midnight MDT, and you apparently beat me to the punch. Scalawag). :) — It's dot com 07:29, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- That make 3 of us... I even had it refreshing regularly in the background to jump in... but by the time it came up I saw the page had been there for half an hour... stupid uni proxy caching error pages...
On topic, I'm rather certain it's Bubbadaddy. --phlip 07:38, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- That make 3 of us... I even had it refreshing regularly in the background to jump in... but by the time it came up I saw the page had been there for half an hour... stupid uni proxy caching error pages...
- Heh, sorry, guys. Having a fast internet connection + a small cache really comes in handy sometimes. :p --Jay (Gobble) 07:41, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- That's why Jayski was 509'd for the Memorial Day weekend. James Craven 8:38 AM EDT June 15 2005.
[edit] My left name
I know Senor Cardgage would probably say "my left name", but I'm not sure he doesn't say the more normal "my last name". — It's dot com 07:29, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- It's not just me - several people I talked to online agreed that it was "left", and the person who changed it back to "left" wasn't me. --Jay (Gobble) 07:32, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Yeah, I can hear "left". Mostly. — It's dot com 08:08, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- It's a joke, people. For example, if my name was John Doe, my left name would be John. My right name, Doe. It's just a clever way to say first name. Cheatachu72 19:36, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Gosh! It's a *joke*? Oh my stars and garters! I did *NOT* realize that. Oy. -- 19:41, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Any dang ways, it doesn't have to map to an actual part of your name for Senor to say it. He would just as easily have said it was his "front name" or "outer name" if there wasn't a malaprop to play on like "oh, I would give my left arm to do blah blah". It definately wasn't "last name". Aye me :) MetaStar 06:28, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)
It's for sure now. Left name. — It's dot com 19:43, 11 Aug 2005 (UTC)
- Anyone ever think that the Brothers Chaps pick their Quotes of the Week to help us clear up matters like this? I mean, they do know that the Wiki exists (check the DVD commentary for animal)... --Jay (Gobble) 19:54, 11 Aug 2005 (UTC)
- Maybe I'm givin' us too much credit, but I did wonder the same thing after they posted the Bozar quote. -- tomstiff 19:58, 11 Aug 2005 (UTC)
- Hey, anything's possible. And I like to think that they'd help out their fans now and again. --DorianGray
- Could be wishful thinking, but I thought it, too. — It's dot com 20:07, 11 Aug 2005 (UTC)
- Hey, anything's possible. And I like to think that they'd help out their fans now and again. --DorianGray
- Maybe I'm givin' us too much credit, but I did wonder the same thing after they posted the Bozar quote. -- tomstiff 19:58, 11 Aug 2005 (UTC)
- Anyone ever think that the Brothers Chaps pick their Quotes of the Week to help us clear up matters like this? I mean, they do know that the Wiki exists (check the DVD commentary for animal)... --Jay (Gobble) 19:54, 11 Aug 2005 (UTC)
- Well, they've made references to characters that are unknown to "casual" visitors of the site, i.e. "Great. Now we have to kill off Bubs. Just like Homeschool Winner", and "blue laser was gonna be an ungurait?!" I think they probably do like to correct us from time to time. --
, 21:19, 11 August 2005 (BST)
- I wondered about the whole " let's set 'em straight" thang when I read the DVD commentary for theme park. The STUFF voting for General Tso's Chicken decided that Ryan S. was a reference to Ryan Sterritt *and* some guy from Survivor. The DVD commentary sure set *that* record straight. -- tomstiff 20:25, 11 Aug 2005 (UTC)
[edit] List of places
Do items in the list of places have to be linked? Shouldn't Balding Man's living room be in the list? — It's dot com 07:54, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Hadn't occurred to me. Feel free to add it to the list un-linked, but I'm not sure we need a page for it (for the ones that have their own pages, they should be linked.) --Jay (Gobble) 07:56, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Yeah, I meant that if I added it to the list, did I then need to make a page for it (I don't think it needs one yet, either). I went ahead and added to the list unlinked. — It's dot com 08:15, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Bubs the Concession Stand
Bubs' last name could be concession stand, though we wouldn't trust him anyways... Anybody remember the SBEmail pictures from Pay-Plus? The bottom one had SB w/Concession Stand Bubs.
Although, I think others will agree Bubs in a devil suit explains a lot.
Yeah, besides this would make his last name just "Stand".. if you asume spaces on the ID card seperate names. "Concession" is just his left name.
[edit] American Football?
I'm not sure I understand why we need to note FOOTBALL as AMERICAN FOOTBALL on an AMERICAN site. I guess it's just me, but it just "sounds" (reads?) wrong! The wikipedia links point to the correct locations to clarify meaning. Would you expect a Euro-type site to change a "football" reference to "soccer" just to cater to us? I wouldn't. -- tomstiff 17:52, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- We shouldn't be so Americentric. H*R may be an American site, but wikis are not. The fact that "football" can mean more than one thing justifies the distinction. Besides, it's only called an "American football" on the first reference. The twelve other times it's mentioned, it's just called "the football," or "the ball." Down in the Fun Facts, the link is to the sport, not the ball itself, so that's a separate first reference. — It's dot com 18:04, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Blegh. It just sounds so WRONG. Alonzo Stagg is rolling in his grave at the mere mention. However, I do see your point about it being mentioned only once. -- tomstiff 18:12, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I guess I had that Gatorade commercial where one of the lines is "football is football, unless it's football" (showing football, rugby, and soccer) in mind when I helped with the transcript. Then, after reading the Wikipedia article, to me it sounded arrogant, incomplete, non-NPOV, and un-wiki-like to call it just "football" instead of "American fooball". (I'm sure Stagg was already rolling because of the first attempt at instant replay, anyway.) — It's dot com 18:38, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Well to me, "a football" is absolutely a spherical object kicked around by troglodytes. American Football is unambiguous, so keep that term.
- Blegh. It just sounds so WRONG. Alonzo Stagg is rolling in his grave at the mere mention. However, I do see your point about it being mentioned only once. -- tomstiff 18:12, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Odd noise
Did anyone notice besides me that during Bubs' commercial there is a weird "uhhh" noise in the back ground? -Kinsey
- Yes, that was supposed to be people groaning at his horrible puns. mibluvr13 01:57, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Mustache Easter egg
The mustache on the second Homestar Runner... they hid that for us to find, right? That makes it an Easter egg, right? I don't think they did it purely for their own amusement. — It's dot com 00:06, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I agree. It's not like the fact that the right Homestar's mouth isn't moving, which is not an egg. Something missing outside the frame = laziness, something unnecessarily added outside the frame = egg. --phlip TC 06:05, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Maybe it was a .swf file glitch. -Kinsey
- Not likely. — It's dot com 23:01, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I know this converstation took place about 6 months ago, but I agree with dot com. — talk Bubsty edits 03:28, 7 Oct 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Bubsotathon
...parody of Toyotathon, at least in my opinion. Worth mentioning, or too obvious? -- 16:12, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Not too obvious. STUFF'd for some weird reason. Why don't you log in (or create an account) and go vote to accept it? — It's dot com 17:21, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Reason it's on the STUFF page: People kept trying to delete it every time it got added, and I realized that the people involved weren't going to leave it alone until it went the democratic route. I STUFFed it, but I was also the one to add the fact in the first place! --Jay (Gobble) 06:42, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Sorry, I was thinking of another fact. It's the exact same deal, but I wasn't the one that STUFFed it. --Jay (Gobble) 06:43, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Actually, it wasn't deleted every time, just the once (that I saw), and I suppose I was a bit too pre-emptive putting it onto the STUFF page... Particularly now that it has a total of 3 "Why on earth was this STUFF'd?" votes... I think I agree with them... Sorry guys. --phlip TC 07:54, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Sorry, I was thinking of another fact. It's the exact same deal, but I wasn't the one that STUFFed it. --Jay (Gobble) 06:43, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Back Alley
I created a page for "Back Alley," but I don't know what happened to it. It just disappeared, the only thing left being the screenshot I took. --VolatileChemical 20:12, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- According to FireBird, the reason was "no useful information." Which is true, looking at it - there is no information there not already on the Senorial Day page. --Jay (Gobble) 20:16, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Yeah, well, by that definition, what's the point of having any "place" page if all of its information is given in the transcript of the toon it's in? --VolatileChemical 20:23, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- It may be in multiple toons (like Strong Badia), or there may be something in the article that's particularly notable. --Jay (Gobble) 20:24, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Besides, I doubt we will ever see the back alley in this form again. But I have been wrong before. -- Tony Stony 20:26, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- It may be in multiple toons (like Strong Badia), or there may be something in the article that's particularly notable. --Jay (Gobble) 20:24, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Closed STUFF
[edit] Old Gron Sad voice? (DECLINED)
Strong Sad seems to be using an older style of his voice in his easter egg. When he says "Somebody hit me on the slant," his voice is normal again.
- Decline. I didn't really hear a difference... or find it that interesting. — It's dot com 22:36, 4 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Decline. Although I noticed this, it's not worth mentioning. In fact I've noticed that Strong Sad's voice has changed quite a bit lately. Probably because he's becoming less of a staticly depressed character and one with more personality. I'm rambling though so, um yeah, decline. mibluvr13 22:51, 4 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Decline. It still sounds like Strong Sad, both times. I hear a difference but it doesn't really translate to 'old' and 'new'. Crystallina 23:25, 4 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Ow! Somebody hit me on the DECLINE! No. Cheatachu72 00:47, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Weak Decline I don't hear it, but maybe its just me. -- Tony Stony 19:57, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Decline. -- tomstiff 22:57, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Decline, but I love you anyway. --BazookaJoe 01:50, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Lurking around (ACCEPTED)
Strong Sad says: "Oh, there's nothing like going out for a lonely lurk on a lovely Spring night." The "lurk" is a reference to garage sale, where Strong Sad is called a Lurker by Strong Bad.
- Accept For Pete's sake, of COURSE this is a reference. 1. Despite what thatkidsam says, it WAS Strong Sad that was the Lurker. 2. Doesn't "lurk" sound more than just a LITTLE awkward in that sentence if it's not a reference? --Jay (Gobble) 15:45, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second. — It's dot com 15:47, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second Exactly what I was going to say. --acekirby13|My Talk 21:02, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second. --Upset_Your_Balance 06:10, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second. How could thatkidsam think Senor Cardgage was the lurker in garage sale anyway? I mean, Strong Sad wasn't buying anything, and Strong Bad even called him a lurker.
- Ehhh.. I'm not convinced either way. I don't think "lurk" sounds at all awkward for Strong Sad. — InterruptorJones 15:50, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second. It could be a reference, but just as easily it could be something that Strong Sad would say. —Shawn81 15:59, 8 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept I didn't catch it when I watched the toon, but it makes sense as a reference - ideal fun fact material --phlip TC 15:53, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Are people just STUFF'ing random things now? ACCEPT -- Tony Stony 21:01, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Decline This could just as easily be a coincidence. What happened to Jay's rejection of all "could be's"? --AnarchyBalsac
- Accept If any other character had spoken the line then yes, yes it would have been a coincidence. But Jay is right, is there any other reason for them to have used lurk other than it to be a reference? Donny vs Universe
- What "could be"? This is a solid IS fact, and I worded it as such in my vote. BTW, the only reason this got STUFFED was because I put it on the page, it got deleted, someone else put the rewrite on the page, it got deleted, and this was my comprimise. Yes, I STUFFed it - because it wasn't going to be left on the page if I hadn't! --Jay (Gobble) 08:51, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Lurk is just a word, it could very easily be a coincidence. Especially since it is a very commonly used word. --AnarchyBalsac
- Okay then, name one time before Garage Sale where TBC said lurk and not in reference to Strong Sad. And the above votes are right: Lurk as used in the egg doesn't make any sense. Just say the following sentance out loud: I'm going out for a lurk. Why use lurk when "walk" or "amble" or any similiar word would have worked? Donny vs Universe
- Ever heard of alliteration? Yes, well done, "lonely", "lurk" and "lovely" DO all start with the letter L! Have a brownie!
- Accept But did anyone else catch that the fact says Strong Sad is called a lurker by himself? The Pardack
- Seconded with modifacation: Agreed with Pardack. James Craven 6:43 PM, June 2 2005 (EDT)
- Fixxored. Donny vs Universe
- Decline. Going against the flow here, but it seems to me that the title "lurker" as used in garage sale refers specifically to behavior in garage sales, and is not something that can be done alone at night. It's the same word, but not every repetition of a word is a reference. --Eytanz 13:42, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second. --rsl12 00:37, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept I don't really see this as a reference, but sadly your arguements have convinced me. --mibluvr13 22:07, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Decline That was in the context of a garage sale; I don't think the simple occurence of the same word indicates a reference.--Big Dog 22:52, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Segundo - aaronak 11:37, 8 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second. -- tomstiff 18:12, 10 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I'll say it again: Strong Sad is using the word improperly ("lurk" is a verb, not a noun), and Strong Sad isn't a character known for doing that. Why, then, was the word used if not referring to garage sale? --Jay (Gobble) 18:44, 10 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- What are you banging on about? If you can say you're going for a swim, or you're going for a walk, or you're going for a jog, why can't you say you're going for a lurk? It's just coincidence. Doesn't "lurk" sound like the sort of word SS would use? DECLININATED. 20:09, 12 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- No, it doesn't. And look it up. Swim, walk, and jog can all be nouns. According to my dictionary, lurk can't. --Jay (Gobble) 20:23, 12 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Okay, to you it doesn't, but to everybody else it does. And words get added to dictionaries when they become heavily used. That's why words like "asbo" which wouldn't normally be in a dictionary now are.
- 'Comment Well considering the latest trend of bastardizing the english language by "verbing" nouns (I interfaced the robot) and "nouning" verbs it might not really be that big of a deal for TBC. On the other hand Strong Sad seems like the type to know that "lurk" is a verb. -- Tony Stony
- No, it doesn't. And look it up. Swim, walk, and jog can all be nouns. According to my dictionary, lurk can't. --Jay (Gobble) 20:23, 12 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- What are you banging on about? If you can say you're going for a swim, or you're going for a walk, or you're going for a jog, why can't you say you're going for a lurk? It's just coincidence. Doesn't "lurk" sound like the sort of word SS would use? DECLININATED. 20:09, 12 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept. Pretty clear, given 1. association with SS; 2. timely appearance after garage sale; and 3. intentional grammatical error. -Svelt
[edit] Hoppity Freddie of Values? (DECLINED)
The frog Bubs dresses up as looks exactly like Fredddie the Frog from the early 70s TV series New Zoo Revue
- Decline. I'm not convinced. I compared it with several online photos of Freddie -- Freddie doesn't appear to have quite the same head shape, nor does he have the nose spots, mismatched eyes, or lolling tongue. This would seem to be just a generic frog costume. --Beatfox 05:43, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Decline. Plunk your magic twanger, froggy! -- tomstiff 13:24, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- DeclineToo much of a stretch, next thing you know someone will say it looks like the Don Gero’s mask from Majora's Mask. The Pardack
- Second. Weaker than a bantamweight against a light-middleweight. James Craven 10:30 AM EDT 6/2/05
- Declizziefizzine I think it looks more like Don Gero's mask from Majora's Mask. Getting you irritated, huh, ThePardack? Cheatachu72 22:27, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- No not really The Pardack
- Decline. It reminds me more of Kerropi or whatever that frog thing from Hello Kitty is called... but that's also just speculation, so... yeah. --Upset_Your_Balance 14:21, 4 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Decline It reminds me of a fake frog costume. I dont think there are any references in it at all. --- Tony Stony 19:58, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Decline --mibluvr13 22:07, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I'm the hoppity frog of declining! Nope. ---That crazy DumDe!
[edit] Senor Shrub (ACCEPTED)
The shrub under the tent is the same as the shrub that Senor Cardgage/Creepy Comb-over Strong Bad suspiciously comes out from behind in kind of cool.
- Yes, it is. Accept - Tony Stony 19:33, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept. My thoughts exactly, Tony. --VolatileChemical 19:34, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept'd. Yep - same shrub alright. Crystallina 19:43, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept. — It's dot com 20:35, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept. Ah, a good fun fact for once. --mibluvr13 22:07, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- You'll save like an ACCEPT, or my name ain't Cheatachu72! Yeah, sure. Cheatachu72 23:49, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept. Go for it. --BazookaJoe 01:48, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept. Just get rid of the "In Senorial Day" bit at the start when it's added to the page. --phlip TC 05:05, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Seconded because I have seen it firsthanded. James Craven 3:19 AM EDT June 6 2005.
- Weak accept Fairly obvious to me but I guess other peoples might not get the referance right away. The Pardack
- I didnt get it the first time I watched it so... --Tony Stony 20:36, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept. -- tomstiff 20:44, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Señor Senior, Sr. (ACCEPTED)
Notice that when Strong Bad says "Mister Senor, sir," he is saying three different synonyms of the same word in a row (assuming we substitute "Señor" for "Senor.")
- Accept I like it but I know some people here probably won't. Bonus points if you know where the title of this fact came from! --Jay (Gobble) 07:11, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I hear they're looking for a few good users over to the Kim Possible Wiki. -- tomstiff 18:25, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- You're right about the source, but I'm not into KP enough that I'd want to head over to their Wiki - I just thought of Señor Senior, Sr. when adding this fact. --Jay (Gobble) 06:57, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Just jokin' about the KP Wiki. Wouldn't surprise me if there is one, though. -- tomstiff 13:09, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second With Modification: Should read "The reference is taken - loosely - from the Disney cartoon series Kim Possible, in which one of the villians is named Señor Señor, Senior." James Craven 1:36 PM EDT June 6 2005.
- I, uh, hope you're talking about my Fun Fact title and not the Fact itself. --Jay (Gobble) 20:01, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- It's the fact, Jack! James Craven 7:48 PM EDT JUne 6 2005.
- I, uh, hope you're talking about my Fun Fact title and not the Fact itself. --Jay (Gobble) 20:01, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second With Modification: Should read "The reference is taken - loosely - from the Disney cartoon series Kim Possible, in which one of the villians is named Señor Señor, Senior." James Craven 1:36 PM EDT June 6 2005.
- Just jokin' about the KP Wiki. Wouldn't surprise me if there is one, though. -- tomstiff 13:09, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- You're right about the source, but I'm not into KP enough that I'd want to head over to their Wiki - I just thought of Señor Senior, Sr. when adding this fact. --Jay (Gobble) 06:57, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I hear they're looking for a few good users over to the Kim Possible Wiki. -- tomstiff 18:25, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept. I think it's funny, and it's true. — It's dot com 07:14, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second. —Shawn81 16:19, 8 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept. If not as a fun fact, then at least as a "Remark". -GG Crono
- Vera Weak Decline. Interesting, but ... nah. -- tomstiff 18:27, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accepted! Congrats, you got yourself an interesting fun fact! Funny and true! --MrsCommanderson 20:35, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept as a remark.TK600 20:41, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Weak accept its interesting...but is it really noteworthy? -- Tony Stony 20:59, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept Prooty good. Donny vs Universe
- Acceptable in my sight. --Beatfox 04:54, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept. Everyone else was doing it. I just wanted to be popular. --Upset_Your_Balance 06:07, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Seconded. Why not? James Craven 10:31 AM EDT 6/2/05
- Accept This is a grood one. It's kinda weird that Strong Bad, Mr. Grammar himself, made this mistake. Ramrod 15:43, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Its not a mistake, its just kind of funny. Donny vs Universe
- Accept you Helvetica. Cheatachu72 22:23, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept This seems like a totally uninteresting fact to me personally, but it's true and enough people think otherwise for it to be worth including. --Eytanz 13:49, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept I don't know about you guys, but I personally love this fact. --mibluvr13 22:07, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Decline I don't see what's so fun about this particular fact, if indeed that's what it is.--Big Dog 22:50, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Oh, what a feeling (ACCEPTED)
The "Bubsotathon" is a spoof of a Toyota sales event called "Toyotathon".
- Accept. Toy-otathon. Bubs-otathon. Can't think of any other "-otathons". -- tomstiff 13:10, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second. This is a clear "Real-World" reference. The suffix "otathon" is totally complete here. It's not too obvious for a fun fact, is it? It wasn't immediately clear to me. —THE PAPER PREEEOW 14:04, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second. -GG Crono
- Second. Huh? Why was this STUFF'd? It's clearly a reference. — It's dot com 15:15, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Secondathon --Jay (Gobble) 15:29, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second I remember those commercials... Aurora the Homestar Coder 02:17, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second --Eytanz 13:47, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second. This is a clear "Real-World" reference. The suffix "otathon" is totally complete here. It's not too obvious for a fun fact, is it? It wasn't immediately clear to me. —THE PAPER PREEEOW 14:04, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Now, why was this STUFF'd? While it may be obvious, like tomstiff said, no other -otathons.
- Accept-otathon-erson. (
damn, my first -erson joke.)--ISlayedTheKerrek 18:21, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept It's the only other use of the "otathon" suffix of which I've heard. Suicune64 19:59, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second. What else would it be? Of course it is. ^_^TK600 20:42, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second Yep -- Tony Stony 21:00, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- D'oh, how could I forget? But I remembered. SECOND TO THE POWER OF THE SECOND -MK and/or BurnBox 02:27, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept And truly, this never should have been stuffed. Donny vs Universe
- Accept. Just one small problem: that should be "A sales event" not "AN sales event." I'm a grammar Nazi, so... yeah. Good catch on the reference though. --Upset_Your_Balance 06:90, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept.--the big dog 18:29, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Accept. Clearly a direct ref.single deuce 22:18, 4 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second --mibluvr13 22:07, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- We need to revise our policy. We have a fact that is 18–0 in favor of being accepted, a fact that is obviously true, a fact that even the person who put it here wonders why it was STUFF'd. Anonymous users who don't know better keep adding it to the page (and probably wonder why we keep deleting it). Does this fact really have to languish here for ten more days before it can rightly be added where it belongs? — It's dot com 03:49, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second --Jay (Gobble) 05:06, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Second - Would there be any complaints if I was to close this fact right now? --phlip TC 05:15, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I wouldn't complain. Controversial, this fact is not. Who removed it in the first place? (I have a hunch... >_>) --Jay (Gobble) 05:20, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I was wrong in my hunch (it was a no-namer.) Ah, well, someone had ALREADY added a poorly worded version back, so I simply reworded it and took out the "don't add this" note. --Jay (Gobble) 05:28, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Comment from the provider of the fact Because we were 509'd, I didn't post it until June 1, when the site was restored. Just to let you know. James Craven 3:22 AM EDT June 6 2005.
[edit] Vera lowThe word "vera" from when Senor Cardgage says "vera low prices" actually means "true" in Italian, "genuine" in Greek, and "side" in Spanish. Posted on: 18:33, 11 Jun 2005 (UTC) VERDICT: This item was overwhelmingly declined, 11–1. The votes and arguments have been moved to HRWiki:STUFF/Archive/Senorial Day. |
[edit] Rattleslash...hmmm...
I just added a goof about how the cut on the word "prices" appears in the opposite angle from the one Bubs cut, but on closer inspection I'm not so sure. It kinda looks like the blade may change direction once it reaches its target, but it's obscured by the letters and may just be an optical illusion. Since the blade is only in contact with the word "prices" for a scant few frames, it's really hard to say. What do you guys think? Rocketlex 23:38, 29 October 2005 (UTC)
- I just watched the 'toon to check for accuracy, it's fine, you're right. He slices the opposite way that the word falls apart. Thanks for catching that! Kerrek_slaya 23:42, 29 October 2005 (UTC)
- I'm not so sure. I think he makes a half-circle motion with his rattle-knife-thing, cutting the words the right way. I'm not going to revert 'cause currently its two to one. --
11945 (Talk/Ctrbs) 23:45, 29 October 2005 (UTC)
- That's what I was thinking it might be, but there are so few frames that it's really hard to tell just watching it. Rocketlex 00:57, 30 October 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Strong Bubs
Since the tire that Bubs throws takes six seconds to land, we can calculate that Bubs is actually capable of throwing a tire at an impressive 29.4 meters per second with only a single hand. (105.8 kph, or 65.8 mph) Tempestryder 03:26, 12 May 2006 (UTC)
- I moved this from Fun Facts, since precedent says that physics/mathy calculations are better on talk pages. --phlip TC 04:46, 12 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Was That There Before?
The Strong Sad easter egg. I'd never seen it until now and I swear I held Tab and stuff on previous viewings of this toon (then again, I'm not always right when I swear I heard/saw/did something). Was the Strong Sad easter egg added later or something? I wasn't here when Senorial Day was released. -Brightstar Shiner 01:17, 3 March 2007 (UTC)
- It's been there since day 1, as far as I'm concerned.
Dr. Clash 01:18, 3 March 2007 (UTC)
- See also the very first version of the wiki page (it's included there). — It's dot com 01:49, 3 March 2007 (UTC)
- Um... oh. I was wrong about the "I approve this email" thing back in unnatural, so I guess this doesn't surprise me. They seem strangely real to me, though... -Brightstar Shiner 03:56, 3 March 2007 (UTC)
- See also the very first version of the wiki page (it's included there). — It's dot com 01:49, 3 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Gamble/Gambol revisited
The last time this was discussed (before I was involved with the wiki, 2 1/2 years past), the consensus was rather even. I'd like to reopen to see if time with Senor Cardgage and the toon has changed minds. The result may be a definitive concensus for one or the other, or a consensus strong enough to make "gambol" the transcript word and "gamble" the footnote, or to change nothing.
Supporting "gamble" - it's a more common word, and it makes less sense, so it's more likely to be what Senor would say.
Supporting "gambol" - it makes sense in context, and Senor tends to use language colorfully.
I think, judging from the comments above, that most users who supported "gamble" did so mired in the fact that they had no familiarity with the word "gambol" However, when I heard the toon the first time, I immediately heard "gambol" - perhaps my vocabulary is just bigger than others'. I personally thing "gambol" is far more likely the intended word. First, it's a funny word. Second, it makes sense, and while we might want to choose a cognate to point to a character's confused nature, we don't as a rule. The benefit of the doubt should always be toward sense, even when dealing with a nonsensical character. In that way the true nonsense stands out better. Finally, while "gamble" is indeed funny in a "I screwed up" sort of way, it's not a fit to Senor's character. He doesn't use words wrong, he mangles them altogether (and all together). Homsar might use a word grammatically yet out of context, and that's even debatable, but not Senor. Homestar would say "gamble round the campfire". Not Senor.
Awaiting various opinions. - Qermaq - (T/C) 04:04, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
- I personally don't think anything has changed since the last discussion (including the fact that I've still never heard the word "gambol" be used outside this discussion). — It's dot com 04:49, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
Honestly, it looks like he combined 'gather' with another word, similar to combining 'left' and 'west' to get 'lest' in "the movies". If you can figure out what the second half of the word is, you can figure out the spelling.
[edit] Glitch
I went to watch it on the site and the audio was off synch. Wolf O'Donnel 06:45, 20 June 2021 (UTC)
- That's likely a Ruffle issue and not one specific to this toon. I've noticed some toons going out of synch when the toon's tab/window is un- and re-focused, causing the audio and video to pause when it's unfocused and to resume off-phase. DEI
┌datvm center\super contra┘ 09:15, 20 June 2021 (UTC)