H*R.com updates 2002

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(Finished August. This is pretty much the last completeish month I think I'll be able to make.)
(remove sbemail quotes for consistency with later entries)
(includes 161 intermediate revisions)
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==December 30th, 2002==
This is a nearly complete log of all of the '''updates''' to '''[[Homestar Runner (body of work)|H*R.com]]''' during '''2002'''.
==Monday, December 30, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #56: [[current status]]
*Strong Bad Email #56, "[[current status]]"
==Monday, December 23, 2002==
*[[Holidays|Holiday Toon]]: [[A Decemberween Pageant]]
*[[Main Pages|Main Page]] #16: "[[Main Page 16|WE'RE SNOWED IN!!]]"
*[[Decemberween Email Menu]]
==December 23rd, 2002==
==Monday, December 16, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #55: [[cheat talk]]
*Toon: [[A Decemberween Pageant]]
==Monday, December 9, 2002==
*[[Main Page 16]]
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #54: [[morning routine]]
*[[Decemberween Email Menu]]
==December 16th, 2002==
==Monday, December 2, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #53: [[comic]] (includes [[Teen Girl Squad]]: [[Teen Girl Squad Issue 1|Issue 1]])
*[[Downloads]] updated, including [[Homsar]] quotes
*Strong Bad Email #55, "[[cheat talk]]"
==Wednesday, November 27, 2002==
*[[Happy T!]]
==December 9th, 2002==
==Monday, November 25, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #52: [[island]]
*Strong Bad Email #54, "[[morning routine]]"
==Saturday, November 23, 2002==
*[[Strong Sad's Lament]]: A New Pain
==December 2nd, 2002==
==Friday, November 22, 2002==
*[[Fan Stuff]] updated with more entries in the [[Museum]] section
*Strong Bad Email #53, "[[comic]]"
==Monday, November 18, 2002==
*[[Downloads]] updated, including [[Homsar]] quotes
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #51: [[website]]
*[[Strong Sad's Lament]]: A New Beginning of the End
*[[Store]]: [[Store Hooded Sweatshirts#hoodie_homestar|Homestar Hoodie]]
==November 27th, 2002==
==Sunday, November 17, 2002==
*[[Strong Sad's Lament]]: The Beginning of the End
*[[Happy T]]
==Thursday, November 14, 2002==
*[[Yearbook Character Page|H*R Yearbook]] removed from site
==November 25th, 2002==
==Monday, November 11, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #50: [[50 emails]]
*Strong Bad Email #52, "[[island]]"
==Saturday, November 9, 2002==
*[[Store]]: [[Store T-Shirts#tshirt_the_cheat|The Cheat T-Shirt]]
==November 23rd, 2002==
==Wednesday, November 6, 2002==
*[[Strong Sad's Lament]]: A New Pain
==Monday, November 4, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #49: [[theme party]]
==November 22nd, 2002==
==Thursday, October 31, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #48: [[ghosts]]
*[[Marzipan's Answering Machine]]: [[Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 7.0|Version 7.0]]
*[[Fan Stuff]] updated with more entries in the [[Museum]] section
==Monday, October 28, 2002==
*[[Holidays|Holiday Toon]]: [[Pumpkin Carve-nival]]
==November 18th, 2002==
==Thursday, October 24, 2002==
*[[Main Page 4]] music changed from "Renegade Masta" to "Techno"
*[[Dancin' Bubs]] music changed, Techno, and the Swedish Flag song added
*Strong Bad Email #51, "[[website]]"
==Monday, October 21, 2002==
*[[Strong Sad's Lament]]: A New Beginning of the End
*[[Big Toon]]: [[Parsnips-A-Plenty]]<br>
*[[Homestar]] hoodies in the [[Store]]
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #47: [[new hands]]
==November 17th, 2002==
==Monday, October 14, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #46: [[your friends]]
*[[Strong Sad's Lament]]: The Beginning of the End
==Tuesday, October 8, 2002==
*Downloadable option added to the end of [[techno]]
==November 14th, 2002==
==Monday, October 7, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #45: [[techno]]
*H*R Yearbook removed from site
==Monday, September 30, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #44: [[lures & jigs]]
==November 11th, 2002==
==Monday, September 23, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #43: [[little questions]]
*Strong Bad Email #50, "[[50 emails]]"
==Monday, September 16, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #42: [[action figure]]
==November 9th, 2002==
==Monday, September 9, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #41: [[invisibility]]
*[[Scroll Button Song]]: "'Sup my scrollies? You guys are looking good."
*[[The Cheat]] shirt in the [[Store]]
==Monday, September 2, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #22: [[sb_email 22]] (advertised as "The Lost Email")
==November 6th, 2002==
==Monday, August 26, 2002==
*[[Toons|Short]]: [[Meet Marshie]]
*[[vacation]]: [[vacation#Postcard 5|Postcard 5]] added
==Thursday, August 22?, 2002==
*[[vacation]]: [[vacation#Postcard 4|Postcard 4]] added (Approx. Date)
==November 4th, 2002==
==Monday, August 19, 2002==
*[[vacation]]: [[vacation#Postcard 3|Postcard 3]] added
*Strong Bad Email #49, "[[theme party]]"
==Thursday, August 15, 2002==
*[[vacation]]: [[vacation#Postcard 2|Postcard 2]] added
==October 31st, 2002==
==Sunday, August 11, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #40: [[vacation]]
*[[vacation]]: [[vacation#Postcard 1|Postcard 1]] added
*[[Store]]: [[Store T-Shirts#tshirt_strong_sad|Strong Sad T-Shirts]]
*Strong Bad Email #48, "[[ghosts]]"
==Monday, August 5, 2002==
*[[Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 7]]
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #39: [[property of ones]]
==October 28th, 2002==
==Monday, July 29, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #38: [[helium]]
*Toon: [[Pumpkin Carve-nival]]
==Monday, July 22, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #37: [[dullard]]
==October 24th, 2002==
==Sunday, July 14, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #36: [[guitar]]
*[[Toons]] menu changed, [[Marzipan's Answering Machine]] and [[Strong Bad Email]] moved to [[Features]] section
*[[Games]] menu changed to [[Handheld Games Menu#Original Handheld Games Menu|handheld]] design
*"Phrase that pays" sentence changed on both the [[Homestar Talker]] and Strong Bad Talker from:
<blockquote>"Making out with Marzipan is totally awesome" and "Homestar is nothing but a total loser" to:<br>
"Pom Pom and Strong Bad are totally going out" and "But Homestar can win the stupid competition"
*[[Main Page 4]] music changed from “Renegade Masta” to “Techno”
==Monday, July 8, 2002==
*Techno, Everybody To The Limit, and the Swedish Flag song added to [[Dancin' Bubs]]
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #35: [[sisters]]
*[[Scroll Button Song]]: "Scroll buttons... you guys okay?"
==October 21st, 2002==
==Monday, July 1, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #34: [[weird dream]]
*[[Powered by The Cheat]]: [[Everybody to the Limit]]
Toon: [[Parsnips-A-Plenty]]
==Wednesday, June 26, 2002==
Strong Bad Email #47, "[[new hands]]"
*[[Strong Bad Email]] Menu changed to [[Broken Tandy Menu]]
==October 14th, 2002==
==Monday, June 24, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #33: [[gimmicks]]
Strong Bad Email #46, "[[your friends]]"
==Monday, June 17, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #32: [[flag day]]
==October 8th, 2002==
==Monday, June 10, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #31: [[sugarbob]]
*Downloadable option added to the end of [[techno]]
==Circa June 4, 2002==
*[[Short]]: [[The Interview]]
==October 7th, 2002==
==Monday, June 3, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #30: [[12:00]]
*Strong Bad Email #45, "[[techno]]"
==Monday, May 27, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #29: [[superhero name]]
==September 30th, 2002==
==Saturday, May 25, 2002==
*[[Dancin' Bubs]] music changed. Country song deleted, added "Everybody to the Limit", among others.
*Strong Bad Email #44, "[[lures & jigs]]"
==Sunday, May 19, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #28: [[1 step ahead]]
==September 23rd, 2002==
==Monday, May 13, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #27: [[3 wishes]]
*Strong Bad Email #43, "[[little questions]]"
==Monday, May 6, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #26: [[CGNU]]
==September 16th, 2002==
==Tuesday, April 30, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #25: [[super powers]]
*Strong Bad Email #42, "[[action figure]]"
==Monday, April 22, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #24: [[the bird]]
==September 9th, 2002==
==Monday, April 15, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #23: [[little animal]]
*Strong Bad Email #41, "[[invisibility]]"
==Monday, April 8, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #21: [[cartoon]]
==September 2nd, 2002==
==Monday, April 1, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #20: [[spring cleaning]]
*Strong Bad Email #22, "[[sb email 22]]" (It SEEMS Like at the very least, they put it on the main page under the title 'The Lost Email', and they gave it an extended ending, if not a debut)
==Thursday, March 28, 2002==
*[[First Time Here?]] added to main page under the name "Welcome Speech"
==August 26th, 2002==
==Monday, March 25, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #19: [[tape-leg]]
*Toon: [[Meet Marshie]]
==Monday, March 18, 2002==
*Postcard #5 added to [[vacation]]
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #18: [[stand-up]]
==August 22nd?, 2002==
==Monday, March 11, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #17: [[studying]]
*Postcard #4 added to [[vacation]] (Approx. Date)
==Monday, March 4, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #16: [[band names]]
*[[Scroll Button Song]]: "Oooh, fancy new scroll buttons."
==August 19th, 2002==
==Monday, February 25, 2002==
*[[Big Toon]]: [[Where's The Cheat?]]
*[[Powered by The Cheat]]: [[The Cheat Theme Song]]
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #15: [[the basics]]
*Postcard #3 added to [[vacation]]
==Sunday, February 17, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #14: [[duck pond]]
==August 15th, 2002==
==Monday, February 11, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #13: [[i she be]]
*Postcard #2 added to [[vacation]]
==Monday, February 4, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #12: [[credit card]]
August 11th, 2002==
==Monday, January 28, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #11: [[i rule]]
*[[Quote of the Week]]: [[Quote of the Week#QW-2002-01-28|"I could go for a few cold ones right about now."]]
*Strong Bad Email #40, "[[vacation]]"
==Tuesday, January 22, 2002==
*Postcard #1 added to vacation
*[[Marzipan's Answering Machine]]: [[Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 6.0|Version 6.0]]
*[[Strong Sad Shirt]] in the [[Store]]
August 5th, 2002==
==Monday, January 21, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #10: [[trevor the vampire]]
*Strong Bad Email #39, "[[property of ones]]"
==Monday, January 14, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #9: [[i love you]]
*[[Strong Bad Email|Strong Bad Emails]] announced to be updated every monday
==Thursday, January 10, 2002==
*[[Strong Bad Email]] #8: [[brianrietta]]
*[[Quote of the Week]] started, under the name 'Quote of the Day'
*[[Strong Bad's Message Bored]] added
{{missinginfo|[[The Interview]] release date, [[vacation#postcard 4|Postcard 4]] release date}}
[[Category:Past Updates]]

Current revision as of 23:13, 21 April 2021

H*R.com updates


Brief History

This is a nearly complete log of all of the updates to H*R.com during 2002.

[edit] Monday, December 30, 2002

[edit] Monday, December 23, 2002

[edit] Monday, December 16, 2002

[edit] Monday, December 9, 2002

[edit] Monday, December 2, 2002

[edit] Wednesday, November 27, 2002

[edit] Monday, November 25, 2002

[edit] Saturday, November 23, 2002

[edit] Friday, November 22, 2002

[edit] Monday, November 18, 2002

[edit] Sunday, November 17, 2002

[edit] Thursday, November 14, 2002

[edit] Monday, November 11, 2002

[edit] Saturday, November 9, 2002

[edit] Wednesday, November 6, 2002


[edit] Monday, November 4, 2002

[edit] Thursday, October 31, 2002

[edit] Monday, October 28, 2002

[edit] Thursday, October 24, 2002

  • Main Page 4 music changed from "Renegade Masta" to "Techno"
  • Dancin' Bubs music changed, Techno, and the Swedish Flag song added

[edit] Monday, October 21, 2002

[edit] Monday, October 14, 2002

[edit] Tuesday, October 8, 2002

  • Downloadable option added to the end of techno

[edit] Monday, October 7, 2002

[edit] Monday, September 30, 2002

[edit] Monday, September 23, 2002

[edit] Monday, September 16, 2002

[edit] Monday, September 9, 2002

[edit] Monday, September 2, 2002

[edit] Monday, August 26, 2002

[edit] Thursday, August 22?, 2002

[edit] Monday, August 19, 2002

[edit] Thursday, August 15, 2002

[edit] Sunday, August 11, 2002

[edit] Monday, August 5, 2002

[edit] Monday, July 29, 2002

[edit] Monday, July 22, 2002

[edit] Sunday, July 14, 2002

"Making out with Marzipan is totally awesome" and "Homestar is nothing but a total loser" to:
"Pom Pom and Strong Bad are totally going out" and "But Homestar can win the stupid competition"

[edit] Monday, July 8, 2002

[edit] Monday, July 1, 2002

[edit] Wednesday, June 26, 2002

[edit] Monday, June 24, 2002

[edit] Monday, June 17, 2002

[edit] Monday, June 10, 2002

[edit] Circa June 4, 2002

[edit] Monday, June 3, 2002

[edit] Monday, May 27, 2002

[edit] Saturday, May 25, 2002

  • Dancin' Bubs music changed. Country song deleted, added "Everybody to the Limit", among others.

[edit] Sunday, May 19, 2002

[edit] Monday, May 13, 2002

[edit] Monday, May 6, 2002

[edit] Tuesday, April 30, 2002

[edit] Monday, April 22, 2002

[edit] Monday, April 15, 2002

[edit] Monday, April 8, 2002

[edit] Monday, April 1, 2002

[edit] Thursday, March 28, 2002

[edit] Monday, March 25, 2002

[edit] Monday, March 18, 2002

[edit] Monday, March 11, 2002

[edit] Monday, March 4, 2002

[edit] Monday, February 25, 2002

[edit] Sunday, February 17, 2002

[edit] Monday, February 11, 2002

[edit] Monday, February 4, 2002

[edit] Monday, January 28, 2002

[edit] Tuesday, January 22, 2002

[edit] Monday, January 21, 2002

[edit] Monday, January 14, 2002

[edit] Thursday, January 10, 2002

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