Strong Bad's Teaser Costumes

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Beginning in 2007, prior to a full Halloween toon being released, a teaser would be posted showing all the characters in silhouette. Strong Bad's costume is always an elaborate and recognizable figure that is never actually in the finished toon.

Image Costume Comments From
Xenomorph In Jibblies 2, Strong Bad says they were sold out of this costume, and went as something else. Jibblies 2 Teaser
Predator Most in the Graveyard Teaser
Robocop Doomy Tales of the Macabre Teaser
Bug from the Starship Troopers franchise Halloween Safety
A graboid This is the design from the movie poster/DVD cover rather than the actual monster design in the film. The House That Gave Sucky Tricks Teaser
The Demogorgon from Stranger Things The costume shows movement, unlike previous years (the mouth opens and closes when talking). Strong Bad comments in the teaser that he wishes he'd followed through with his silhouette costumes. Later That Night... Teaser
Ridley from the Metroid game Super Metroid This costume again shows movement. It screeches, eats Character 2, and flies offscreen. Haunted Photo Booth Teaser
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