Fan Costumes '08

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'''STRONG BAD:''' Augh! No! I don't even wanna know what's going on in this picture!
'''STRONG BAD:''' Augh! No! I don't even wanna know what's going on in this picture!
''{The image switches to a topless man in a papier-mache Strong Bad mask and inflatable boxing gloves.}''
''{The image switches to a topless man in a papier-mâché Strong Bad mask and inflatable boxing gloves.}''
'''STRONG BAD:''' Augh! No! I don't even wanna know what's going on in this picture!
'''STRONG BAD:''' Augh! No! I don't even wanna know what's going on in this picture!

Revision as of 17:22, 29 July 2012

Toon Category: Holiday Toon
watch Most in the Graveyard Twenty THANXty Six
"These people got the whole freakin' neighborhood involved!"

Strong Bad once again riffs on his fans' terrible costumes.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Homestar Runner, Sci-Fi Greg, Peacey P (Easter egg) (all audio only)

Costumes depicted (in order of first appearance): Blue Laser Commander, Homestar Runner, Cold One, Crazy Go Nuts University girls, Strong Bad as Da Bee, Coach Z, Limozeen member, Strong Mad, Strong Sad, Bubs, Strong Bad, Marzipan, The Cheat, Homsar, Scantron, Sci-Fi Greg, D N' D Greg, The King of Town, Trogdor, Peacey P (Easter egg)

Places: Basement of the Brothers Strong

Date: Monday, November 10, 2008

Running Time: 3:15 official, 3:57 actual

Page Title: Hey! Some pretty good ones this year!



{A screen comes down and the lights dim. The first image appears, showing a person dressed as the Blue Laser Commander.}

STRONG BAD: Oh, man, you guys remember that Cheat Commandos Halloween special where Blue Laser Commander tried to trick-or-treat at Fort Knox so they'd give him all the gold, but when they got there, the receptionist just had, like, a bowl of Smarties on her desk, and he told her that he hated her face—

{A speech bubble appears saying "I JUST HATE YOUR FACE SO MUCH!"}

STRONG BAD:and her kitten sweater!

{Another speech bubble appears saying "AND THAT SWEATER MAKES ME RETCH!"}

STRONG BAD: Man, that guy's a born leader!

{The image switches to a person with a red shirt that's bunched up around the sleeves. The shirt has an asymmetrical paper star taped to it. A paper shaped like Homestar's face is visibly being held by a hand near the person's neck.}

STRONG BAD: Sadly, I have a feeling this kid actually had a lot of help from his parents with this costume. Like, they stayed up all night workin' on it... spent a lot of money... and "hold this in front of your face" was still the best they could do.

{The image switches to a man dressed as a Cold One, drinking from a glass bottle.}

STRONG BAD: A Cold One drinking a Cold One?! That's cannibalism, man! Or at least... Cold One-ibalism!

{The image switches to two young women in CGNU shirts. Each is holding a golf club and a sign; one sign reads "EVERYBODY TO THE LIMIT!" and the other "GO DUMPLES".}

STRONG BAD: Check it out! It's the Lady Dumples Golf Club Team! Man, I seriously gotta start that fake university! It doesn't get any hotter than watching young co-eds beat the crap out of George Foreman grills with a nine-iron!

{The image switches to a small child wearing a bee costume and a Strong Bad mask.}

STRONG BAD: Hey! Everybody knows I'm the bee! What are ya, some kind of cute baby? ...Oh. You are. Then... carry on, coolest parents in the world!

{The image switches to people dressed as Coach Z and (a very plastic-looking) Homestar who are both holding a bag of Fluffy Puff Marshmallows. A beat starts.}

STRONG BAD: {rapping, imitating Coach Z} My name's Coach Z, and I got a low crotch! {imitating Homestar} My name's Homestaw and I'm wocking the spot! {imitating Coach Z} Everybody knows I'm the rapping man! {imitating Homestar} Evewybody knows I'm a painted twash can!

{The beat stops and the image switches to a man wearing a Limozeen-like wig and holding a Wii Guitar Hero controller.}

STRONG BAD: Ah, Chuzz Palaroncini! Still livin' in the basement of his parents' basement.

{The image switches to a scene of people dressed in various poor costumes in front of a cardboard Bubs' Concession Stand. In order from left to right, they are dressed as Strong Mad, Strong Sad, Bubs, Strong Bad, Marzipan, Homestar, and Coach Z. "Coach Z" is also holding a dog with a yellow spotted sweater, resembling The Cheat.}

STRONG BAD: These people got the whole freakin' neighborhood involved! And clearly entrusted the Strong Mad costume—

{The image switches to a different image of the person dressed as Strong Mad. The costume is a painted cardboard box with arm holes.}

STRONG BAD: — to Patches Barfjacket, the local drifter.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {doing his "shady drifter" voice} Hey, this box is my house! I'm tryin' to get me a sandwich or somethin'! What's a website?

{The image switches to a girl in a shirt with an image that resembles Strong Bad's body, and a hard hat with part of Strong Bad's mask on it.}

STRONG BAD: Wait, why did you— But habbida— The hard-hatted— Rebecca said— The shirt is— I can't even think of anything to say about this conumdrum. This counts as a Homsar costume. And speaking of...

{The image switches to a boy in a shirt with "homsar" taped to it. A piece of paper shaped like Homsar's hat is hovering over his head, presumably attached to the door behind him.}

STRONG BAD: {imitating Homsar} AaAaAaAh tape my hat to the door! {normally} Can you explain to me how you went out trick-or-treating in this costume? I mean, did you take the whole door with you? ...That'd be pretty impressive, actually. That'd earn you a full Thnikka if you came to my house.

{The image switches to a person dressed as Scantron.}

STRONG BAD: Whoa! An incredibly faithful Scantron costume?!

{A paper with Scantron on it moves into the image.}

STRONG BAD: Nice work! This guy's the coolest loser I've never met!

{The paper disappears, and the image switches to two men in shirts that read "d n'd greg" and "sci-fi greg". "D N'D Greg" is holding what appears to be a Dungeons & Dragons character sheet. "Sci-Fi Greg" is holding a Firefly DVD set.}

SCI-FI GREG: The proportions are all wrong! And his chest plate didn't even have the power converter!

STRONG BAD: Why do I get the feeling you guys didn't really have to "dress up" to be Sci-Fi and D N'D Greg?

{The image switches to a man dressed as a skinny King of Town, in front of an open refrigerator door. The datestamp in the corner reads "OCT 30 2008".}

STRONG BAD: October 30, 2008, 2:00 PM. Dressed up as the King of Town again today, and stood in front of the open fridge for a few hours. I don't think the medication is working.

{The image switches to a person in a cardboard Trogdor costume standing in front of stairs that goes up to a house's deck.}

STRONG BAD: Hey, that's a pretty awesome Trogdor costume! Look at those corrugated V's! Burninate them brand new deck stairs, Troggie!

{The image switches to a person in a sloppy Coach Z costume. The picture was taken in a bathroom.}

STRONG BAD: Augh! No! I don't even wanna know what's going on in this picture!

{The image switches to a topless man in a papier-mâché Strong Bad mask and inflatable boxing gloves.}

STRONG BAD: Augh! No! I don't even wanna know what's going on in this picture!

{The image switches to a boy wearing a Homestar shirt and white face paint. He's also wearing glasses and a horned helmet similar to Homestar's. He's in front of a television with an image of John Cleese on it.}

STRONG BAD: Ah, Homestar wearing his viking helmet, and John Cleese. An age-old Halloween tradition in the Dorkelson household.

{The image switches to a person in a lopsided Strong Bad mask and boxing gloves, as well as a white shirt.}

STRONG BAD: What's up, eyeball-chin? How many mail boxes did you run into on Halloween?

{The image switches to a person in a Homestar costume. The mouth of the costume is wide open so that the person's face can look out of it. There are people in the background who "appear" to be being eaten because of the camera angle. The scene is in the park in the middle of the day.}

STRONG BAD: Whoa, looks like bass-mouth Homestar's about to eat himself a bunch of three-in-the-afternoon trick-or-treaters!

{The images switches to a heavy-set man in faded Strong Bad face paint.}

STRONG BAD: I... think this guy might have eaten me and sweated my mask out onto his face. That's one way to dress up as Strong Bad for Halloween.

{A "Back" button appears.}

Easter Eggs

"Y'all pumpkin heads!"
  • By using a seek bar, decompiler, or going to the Flash file, and right-click and selecting Play at the end of the toon, one can see a jack-o'-lantern carved like Peacey P. This was apparently supposed to be accessible by clicking on the man's head at the very end, however the clickable area does nothing.
PEACEY P: I roasted my seeds in the oven with a little bit of cayenne pepper, y'all pumpkin heads!

Fun Facts


  • Fort Knox is a military base in Kentucky famous for housing the United States' supply of gold.


  • The person in the King of Town costume is Wiki user DorianGray.
  • The topless man in the Strong Bad papier-mâché mask is user Dom.
  • The person in the Homestar costume with the paper mask is user Absorr.
  • The person in the Homestar with his viking helmet costume is user Abcxyq.
  • The person in the Homsar costume is user ALJ123456.
  • The object the person in the Sci Fi Greg costume is holding is the box set of the TV show Firefly.
  • In the ninth costume, peeking out of the bed is a box for Guitar Hero: World Tour, the latest Guitar Hero game for the Xbox 360.


  • The Toons menu contains a costume that is a detail photo of Bubs in the scene where Strong Bad says 'They got the whole freakin' neighborhood involved!'
  • Strong Bad says "Everybody knows I'm the Bee" but in fact, it was only the Goblin dressed as Strong Bad that was the Bee.
  • After the Peacey P Easter egg is finished, there are 16 extra frames in the Flash file that contain the picture of the Peacey P pumpkin and no sound.
  • The costume in the 9th image is reminiscent of Sir Hotbod Handsomeface, who is essentially a muscular Strong Bad wearing jeans and a hard hat. Hotbod makes his first and only appearance in Teen Girl Squad Issue 10.
  • Coach Z and Homestar both have a bag of Fluffy Puff Marshmallows.


  • The Peacey P Easter egg does not function properly, and the clickable area does nothing when clicked.

Fixed Goofs

  • At first release, the "Next" button skipped over the boy in the Homsar costume, and the "Previous" button skipped over the girl wearing the hard hat.

Inside References

  • The two speech bubbles from the person in the Blue Laser Commander costume refer to lines spoken by him in Cheat Commandos and The Next Epi-Snowed, respectively.
  • Homestar previously did a shady drifter impression and tentatively demanded a sandwich in Halloween Potion-ma-jig.
  • In mocking The King of Town costume, Strong Bad uses the phrase "I don't think the medication is working."

Real-World References

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