User:RickTommy/Minor Relationships

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This page documents relationships that do not have enough instances for their own articles or are considered unsubstantial. Feel free to edit this page as if it is a mainspace article.


Homestar Runner and Senor Cardgage's Relationship

  • Email kind of cool — Homestar insults Cardgage, telling him he smells like pea soup.
  • Pay Plus! — One of the fake thumbnails shows Homestar attending a meeting held by Cardgage.
  • Email original — Homestar orders a "manila cheese Coke" from Cardgage, who is acting as a replacement for Bubs.
  • Non-Sequitur Champion — Senor Cardgage is a guest on The Show. Homestar is unimpressed with Cardgage's first two attempts to form a coherent sentence, but is impressed with the third one.
  • A Decemberween Mackerel — Homestar is unhappy with the fact that Marzipan is giving bean sprouts to Cardgage, and is disturbed when Cardgage calls him "Hot Pooey". However, he helps Marzipan save Cardgage from dying.
  • Email too cool — To Homestar's annoyance, Cardgage refuses to get out of his way. Later, Homestar watches Cardgage's character video, is excited that it is his first R-rated movie, and is years later affected by the "tertiary" curse.

Strong Bad and Strong Bad's Relationship

  • Email pizzazz — Strong Bad interviews Strong Bad and makes fun of the fact that Strong Bad is currently dressed like a ship's captain.
  • Homestar Ruiner — Strong Bad, pretending to be Homestar Runner, prank calls his own answering machine. He's left baffled.

Strong Mad and Bubs's Relationship

Strong Mad and Pom Pom's Relationship

Strong Mad and The King of Town's Relationship

Strong Mad and The Poopsmith's Relationship

Strong Mad and Homsar's Relationship

Strong Mad and Senor Cardgage's Relationship

Strong Sad and Strong Sad's Relationship

  • Email replacementStrong Bad asks Strong Sad what he would to to "himself" while he is on the couch watching TV. Strong Sad says that he would make "himself" some hummus and give "himself" a foot massage.

Strong Sad and The Poopsmith's Relationship

  • Email highschoolBaby Strong Sad does not want to sit next to the Diapersmith.
  • Email concert — Strong Sad is shocked by the Poopsmith's appearance in the mud baths.
  • Homestar Ruiner — According to Strong Bad, Strong Sad is the Poopsmith's unpaid summer intern.
  • Strong Badia the Free — If the Poopsmith meets up with Strong Sad in Maps and Minions, Strong Sad convinces the Poopsmith not to fight.
  • Doomy Tales of the Macabre — Strong Sad has the Poopsmith die from Pom Pom's explosion.
  • Mr. Poofers Must Die — The Poopsmith sympathetically puts his hand on Strong Sad's shoulder as he freaks out over Mr. Poofers' fiction defying powers.

Strong Sad and Senor Cardgage's Relationship

  • Email kind of cool — Strong Sad says that Cardgage used to give him nightmares.
  • Email garage sale — Strong Sad is uncomfortable with talking to Cardgage.
  • Email fan club — Strong Sad lets either Homsar or Cardgage be a member of the Deleteheads.
  • Non-Sequitur Champion — Strong Sad is impressed with Cardgage's third attempt to form a coherent sentence.
  • Email too cool — Strong Sad watches Cardgage's character video. Although he is disturbed by the graphic detail, he is happy when he correctly suspects that the video is cursed.

The Cheat and Pom Pom's Relationship

The Cheat and The Poopsmith's Relationship

The Cheat and Homsar's Relationship

The Cheat and Senor Cardgage's Relationship

Marzipan and Pom Pom's Relationship

In spite of having a mutual friend in Homestar Runner, Pom Pom and Marzipan don't interact with each other much.

Marzipan and The Poopsmith's Relationship

Marzipan and Senor Cardgage's Relationship

Coach Z and Coach Z's Relationship

Coach Z and The King of Town's Relationship

Coach Z and The Poopsmith's Relationship

Coach Z and Homsar's Relationship

Coach Z and Senor Cardgage's Relationship

Bubs and Bubs's Relationship

Bubs and Pom Pom's Relationship

Bubs and The King of Town's Relationship

Bubs and The Poopsmith's Relationship

Bubs and Homsar's Relationship

Bubs and Senor Cardgage's Relationship

  • Senorial Day — Bubs and Cardgage hold competing Memorial Day sales.
  • Email original — Cardgage serves as a replacement for Bubs.
  • Email rated — Cardgage does not allow Bubs into the movie theatre.
  • A Decemberween Mackerel — Bubs appears annoyed that Cardgage is waiting in line.
  • Email too cool — Bubs is in charge of the video player that plays Cardgage's character video.

The King of Town and Homsar's Relationship

The Poopsmith and Homsar's Relationship

Homsar and Senor Cardgage's Relationship

Stinkoman and 1-Up's Relationship

"Go away! I'm doing something!"

Stinkoman and 1-Up are the 20X6 equivalents of Strong Bad and Homestar Runner, respectively. The relationship of Stinkoman and 1-Up mirrors the relationship of Strong Bad and Homestar Runner: 1-Up idolizes Stinkoman and wants his attention, while Stinkoman finds 1-Up to be annoying most of the time, although occasionally he shows a soft spot for 1-Up and the two have moments of camaraderie.

Stinkoman as rival

  • Email japanese cartoon — Stinkoman laughs when 1-Up is crushed by Pan Pan. Also, Stinkoman says that 1-Up can't be "the guy" because he's "just a kid."
  • Under Construction — Stinkoman calls 1-up and Pan Pan "ladies" because they missed his fight with Sticklyman.
  • Stinkoman 20X6 — At the start of Level 2, Stinkoman ignores 1-Up, who is concerned for the kidnapped Pan Pan. In Level 5's opening cutscene he refuses to help 1-Up any more, leaving 1-Up to play the level on his own.
  • Twenty THANXty six — Stinkoman mockingly calls 1-up a "talking-to-me-extraordinaire" after 1-up points out that "giving thanks" doesn't involve farm equipment. Also, when Stinkoman is building a tractor, he tells 1-Up to go away.

Stinkoman as ally and friend

  • Stinkoman 20X6 — 1-Up either lives with or is visiting Stinkoman. In level 4, Stinkoman protects 1-Up with his giant fist power-up, gained from defeating Stlunko. However, this move has selfish motivations as well, as Stinkoman is more worried about his power crunch being damaged in the Lava Zone. Stinkoman also sets out to rescue 1-up and Pan-Pan from the Shadowy Figure.
  • Stinkomanual — Stinkoman and 1-Up are referred to as "pals."
  • Twenty THANXty Six — Stinkoman allows 1-Up to teach him how to give thanks, and the two appear to be working together to face the Challenge of the Crystal Shards.

1-Up idolizing Stinkoman

  • Email japanese cartoon — Claiming everyone says that Stinkoman is "the guy", 1-Up wants to be the guy too.
  • Email time capsule — 1-Up shows Stinkoman the gross old wig that he found in a "time box".
  • Twenty THANXty Six — 1-Up offers to teach Stinkoman how to give thanks, and compliments him for getting the green crystal shard.

1-Up disrespecting Stinkoman

  • Twenty THANXty Six — 1-Up expresses disgust when Stinkoman builds a tractor, and laughs at Stinkoman's attempts to give thanks.
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