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Taste a walk!

Some of the characters in the Homestar Runner universe have used malapropisms. A malapropism is the replacement of a word with something that sounds like the word being replaced, but has a completely different meaning. Many of these malaprops are delivered as a punchline.


[edit] Appearances by character

[edit] Strong Bad

  • "But if you want to be cool and have pizzas like me..." (pizzazz) — pizzaz
  • "And check out all these speculations!" (specifications) — animal
  • "The pie's the limit as far as rampages are concerned." (sky) — rampage
  • "Slumming in at Number Two..." (Coming) — bottom 10
  • "Space Captainface! Pretender of the galaxies!" (defender) — space program
  • "The plausibilities are endless!" (possibilities) — disconnected
  • "Ah, living the sleazy life." (easy) — disconnected
  • "Sup my young parsons, I too am so on the go that I drink my yogurt from a tube." (persons) — looking old
  • "When we need muscle, we farm it out to our favorite band of shady missionaries." (mercenaries) — more armies
  • "It is recommended that you play your game in a large, open space, free of debris, rubble, and flotsam and Jetsons." (jetsam) — Strong Bad Gameways
  • "Just Another Homeless Romantic" (hopeless) — love poems
  • "Now maybe I can get some freakin' piece of quiet around here..." (peace and quiet) — Homestar Ruiner

[edit] Homestar Runner

[edit] Senor Cardgage

  • "Come along down for a free canceltation." (on) — Senor Mortgage
  • "Home Lawn, Escrow, Re-Financin'—" (loan) — Senor Mortgage
  • "You're every welcome, Valerie." (very) — Senor Mortgage
  • "Gamble (or gambol) around the campfire, children." (Gather) — Senorial Day
  • "Come see me and this little dog for vera low prices." (very) — Senorial Day
  • "You doe NOT want to miss any Senorial Day savings action!" and the accompanying on-screen text: "Doe NOT Miss Out!" (do) — Senorial Day
  • "Well, if you could just sign right here on the dotty line, the adaption will be complete." (dotted, adoption) — alternate universe
  • "Forty-twone will be on your lest." (left) — the movies
  • "Can you detect me to the nearest bus stamp?" (direct, stop) — fan club
  • "Dump tell no mandy, it's just a land mower turned bankways!" (Don't, nobody, lawn, backwards) — concert
  • "This is not what I sagged on for!" (signed up) — diorama
  • "I'm sorry, Bridget, but can I steep some identificaption?" (see) — rated
  • "Soggy, junior, come back when you're all grold up." (Sorry) — rated
  • "Is this a Frank call?" (prank) — A Decemberween Mackerel
  • "Would you care to coincide?" (go inside) — A Decemberween Mackerel
  • "You might paste away if you Dinty Moore." (waste, didn't eat more) — A Decemberween Mackerel
  • "You rally might, Pez Dispenser." (really) — A Decemberween Mackerel
  • "I've been Kuwaiting for you all nice." (night) — Later That Night...
  • "Go ahead, take as money as you like." (many) — Later That Night...
  • "Prude me in, Couch Z, I'm Reggie Toupee." (Put, Coach, ready to play) — too cool
  • "Cumberland down to Terrible Herbst." (Come along) — @StrongBadActual & Social Media Crap Compilation 3

[edit] Coach Z

[edit] Homsar

[edit] Powered by The Cheat Strong Bad

  • "So, okay folks, I gotta go to my next show. See you later nice time!" (next) — mile
  • "When we laugh left our heroes, they had just won a debate against the minds of Mount Rushmore." (last) — bedtime story
  • "When the Seventies, there was a commercial for a board game." (in) — Trogdor Was A Man (later reused by Strong Sad in the same toon)

[edit] Others

[edit] See Also

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