Mottos and Slogans
From Homestar Runner Wiki
In addition to normal catch phrases on the part of the individual characters, numerous products and shows throughout the Homestar Runner universe have slogans, mottos or jingles.
[edit] Appearances
[edit] Ab-Abber 2000
- "They'll be all up ons!" — suntan
[edit] Air Cardgage
- "This is not what I sagged on for." — diorama
[edit] Always Be'sing & Do'sing
- "Always be'sing and do'sing, and never cheesing or choosing!" — the next april fools thing
- "If you're choosin', you're losin'!" — the next april fools thing
- "Changin' attitudes with rhymin' platitudes!" — the next april fools thing
- "If you're not attendin', you're gonna be... lendin'... your neighbor... a... yard tool... like a shovel. Or a rake." (Always Be's Do'sing 3 Day Life Cleanse Seminar) — the next april fools thing
[edit] B. Ryan Holmes, Certified Arborist
- "I think it has to do with trees!" — other days
[edit] Blubb-O's
- "You guessed it... We're called Blubb-O's." — nightlife, Blubb-O's Commercial
- "Come the Heck Down!" — Blubb-O's Commercial
[edit] Bubs' Concession Stand
- "We 'got' the goods" — The Best Decemberween Ever
- "All types of crazy crap" — The Best Decemberween Ever
- "We're always awesome!" — Bubs's Character Video
- "We've Got Everything! Twice!" — Homestar Ruiner
- "Make yourself Bubsmfortable!" (as Bubsmfort Inn & Suites) — Fan Costumes 2017
[edit] Bubs' Old Pizza
- "It's-A Really Old" — privileges
[edit] Bull Honkey
- "Thinnest Can Around!!" — road trip
[edit] Cheat Commandos
- "Buy all our playsets and toys!!"
- "Cheat Commandos, rock, rock on!"
- "Cheat Commandos, riggidy-roll!" (according to Gunhaver; not what they usually say, as Silent Rip noted) — An Important Rap Song
[edit] Cheat Commandos...O's
- "Those aren't O's!" — Cheat Commandos...O's
- "Those still aren't O's!" — specially marked
[edit] Chocolate Breakfast Candy Bar Pops!
- "Part of this new, tritious breakfast" — specially marked
[edit] Chocozuma's Revenge
- "14 Desserts in One!" — bottom 10
[edit] city (comma) state
- "In the dead of a small factory town, dealing with your quirky, dysfunctional family is the easiest part of the journey." — independent
[edit] Coach Z Ale
- "Differently Lame!" — time capsule
[edit] Cold One
- "A one that isn't cold, is scarcely a one at all." — property of ones
- "Straight from the oven!" (Wärm Önes) — property of ones
- "Holy Crap! This Tastes Good!" (Strong Beer Premium Alcoholic Cold Ones) — Strong Bad Screensaver
[edit] Compé
- "Because flat-panel sophistication demands made-up words." — Compy Catalog
[edit] Crazy Go Nuts University
- "The future is you... probably" — CGNU
e-DAYTODAY!!" (CGNU Online e-Niversity) — theme song
[edit] Cyber.Comma.Static
- "In the dead of space, dealing with aliens is the easiest part of the voyage." — independent
[edit] Doctor Stankfoot's Watery Athlete's Foot Cream
- "Got Stinkfoot? Get Stankfoot!" — modeling
[edit] File Folder Shaped Vitamins
- "Great for the break room, or maybe a desk drawer!" — the next april fools thing
[edit] Fish Lake
- "Home of This Fish" — anything
[edit] Fluffy Puff Marshmallows
- "Seriously, folks, they're the best." — Fluffy Puff Commercial
- "The first one to eat a million, wins." — the show
- "Made from the best stuff!" (Fluffy Puff All-Marshmallow Mayonnaise) — Meet Marshie, Pumpkin Carve-nival, A Decemberween Pageant
- "They're fluffity! They're puffity! One, two, three, four, five!" — Meet Marshie
- "Yeah! Still!" — retirement
- "Why ever drink again?" (Fluffy Puff Malloweens) — Marshie vs. Little Girl
[edit] Fluffy Puff Air-Puffed Sugar Delights
- "Handpuffed at the factory in Neuconsin" — Mr. Shmallow
- "Look Lively!!" — Mr. Shmallow
[edit] Genghis Khan for Women
- "Smell like a Warlord!" —
[edit] Grampy Aught-Six
- "Because Piccadilly's not open 24 hours." — Compy Catalog
[edit] Hamburger Shampoo
- "Geddup Noise approved!" — geddup noise
- "Like a backyard BBQ...on your hair!" — geddup noise
[edit] Have Edge Times Magazine
- "on the cutting edge of edge-having" — your edge
[edit] Homely Boy Brand Tube Socks
- "You might could sleep in one!" — modeling
[edit] Hollerin' Jimmy's
- "We have no idea what's in this box!!" (Hollerin' Jimmy's Hobby Kit) — lackey
- "There is no way this thing really works!!" (Hollerin' Jimmy's Hovercraft Kit) — Happy Hallow-day
[edit] Hot Pooey
- "Oh dear God, what have we done??" — A Decemberween Mackerel
[edit] Hypothetic-O's
- "Potentially Delicious Possible Cereal!" — specially marked
[edit] Jobar's Big Ol' Headache Medicine
- "Eat 'em like candy!" — time capsule
[edit] Jurvy-Skat
- "Goodtime Family Fun™" — Family Resemblence
[edit] Lappy 486
- "Finally, a computer for your lap!" — animal
[edit] Last Minit Peanut Brittle
- "We really just made it!" — business trip
[edit] Litigation Jackson
- "The system really works, jerks!" — A Decemberween Pageant
[edit] Malinko Drinko
- "Crystal clear like domestic beer!" — rough copy
[edit] Piemonade
- "Cool, Refreshing... Piemonade!!" — other days
[edit] Polymascotfoamalate
- "Ingenuitizing the Future!" — 4 branches
[edit] Portly Washboy Fancy Laundry Paste
- "Don't eat it like the cartoon, man!" — radio
[edit] Public Radio Sounds
- "Smooth 'n Smarmy" — radio
[edit] Roomy-Vac
- "The Roomy-Vac is a real powerHOUSE...get it? Oh, you don't? Well, because it's the size of a... Oh, you were kidding? You do get it? Pretty good, huh? No?" — Compy Catalog
[edit] Rough Copy!
- "Promblem-Packed Action!" — rough copy
[edit] SB2O
- "Pure as a mountain goat!" — rough copy
[edit] Sbemailiarized Entertainment
- "Yeah Yeah, No, Yeah!" — Sbemailiarized!
[edit] SB Finest Colognac
- "Drink it. Or wear it. We don't really give a care." — modeling
- "Who's got the money?!?" — candy product
- "You got SBLOUNSKCHED!" — candy product
[edit] Scarfgirl
- "fashion AND environmental stuff" — secret identity
[edit] Schenectady Crispies
[edit] Senor Cardgage Mortgage
- "Get a Leg Up on the Pile and Refinance Your Dreams!" — Senor Mortgage
- "No Probalo!" — Senor Mortgage
[edit] Sog Dog
- "Mmmm... Drink in That Bun!" — environment
[edit] Soundy Puffs
- "Real sounds in every puff!" — specially marked
[edit] Stack 'Em to the Heavens
- "The first one to stack a million, is doin' it wrong!" — Stack 'Em to the Heavens!
[edit] SteaKasTle
- "We put two steaks in our name!" (One is the word "steak"! The other is the letter T.) — parenting
[edit] Strong Bad's Double Deuce-blemint Gum
- "It's Light Green!!!" — 2 emails
- "Strong Bad's Double Deuce-blemint Gum is the product of choice." — 2 emails
[edit] Strong Bad's EGGS
- "A Nutritious Part of Your Morning Routine!" — morning routine
[edit] Strong Bad's Mount RidesPlace! USA
- "More Rides Than You Or Your Grandmother Can Handle!* (*please do not bring your grandmother)" — theme park
[edit] Strong Badia Action Cool News 5
- "We're investiga-awesome!" — local news, Action Cool News-oween Report
[edit] Strong Bad-Type Interview Progrum
- "GET TO THA POINT!" — pizzaz
[edit] Strong Mad Oyster Smoothie Breath Caked Armpit Latte
- "Oh my sweet Jennifer, there's no coming back from this one." — The House That Gave Sucky Treats
[edit] Styles Upon Styles
- "Steep prices and trees!" — animal
[edit] Suudsu
- "Pure Genius!" — bedtime story
- "Oh my, Suudsu!!" — bedtime story
[edit] Suge Brown
- "Don't borrow from thy neighbor!" — best thing
[edit] Temporarios
- "Cuz I'm Don't Get Paid!" — strong badathlon
[edit] That Clock
- "Look at it go" — vacation
[edit] The Cheatcakes
- "Those people go to prison!" — stupid stuff, time capsule
- "With Real The Cheat Spots!" — stupid stuff
[edit] The Great Mound
[edit] The King of Town's Very Own Quite Popular Cartoon Show
- "Let the King have some!" — senior prom
- "For reals this time!" — The King of Town's Very Own Quite Popular Cartoon Show
[edit] The KOT's Good Gravy
- "I don't lets the Poopsmith near it!" — for kids
[edit] The Show
- "Chant! Words! Together!" — Non-Sequitur Champion, Punkin Show
[edit] The Stab Yourself!
- "Try NOT to stab yourself!" — nightlife
[edit] Things That Go Dump in the Night
- "Your goose is cooked." — narrator
[edit] This Brownie Might Kill You
- "Beware... of Yumminess!" — bottom 10
[edit] Thorax Language Courses
- "Learn to speak in another man's tongue!" — cheat talk
[edit] Uncle Strong Bad's Flavor Taste Style Chewing Powders
- "Whisk Away the Worries!" — 2 emails
[edit] Videlectrix
- "We use computers... to make video games!"
[edit] Whined & Dined
- "May the best man whine." — narrator
[edit] WSBD
- "Several Dozen Listeners" — radio