Haunted Photo Booth

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Toon Category: Holiday Toon
watch Fan Costumes 2016 Homestarloween Party

Strong Bad attempts to evoke the mysterious apparitions haunting Homestar's photo booth.

Cast (in order of appearance): Homestar Runner, Marzipan, Strong Bad, Strong Mad, The Cheat, Coach Z, Bubs, Strong Sad, The King of Town, Pom Pom, The Poopsmith, Homsar, The Goblin, Jibblies Painting (Easter egg)

Places: Marzipan's House, Spooky Woods, Inside the Jibblies Painting

See Haunted Photo Booth Costumes for more information on what everyone was wearing.

Date: Monday, October 30, 2017

Running Time: 4:31

Page Title: Book A Boof For Your Next Event!



{The toon begins on a shot of what appears to be a large mansion at night.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {offscreen} I don't wanna go in that spooky place, Marzipan! Don't make me go!

MARZIPAN: {offscreen} Homestar, it'll be fine. Now get in there.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {offscreen} Aw, Marzipan...

{Homestar lifts an orange curtain and enters with Marzipan (each in their costumes), and it is revealed the mansion was the background of a photo booth.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I hate these dang old photo boofs. {He lifts his bat up and brandishes it at Marzipan, who looks surprised.} It's an absolute waste of a perfectly good boof!

MARZIPAN: It's the the crown jewel of my Halloween party! {angrily} Now look at the camera and make like we're a great couple!

{She leans in toward Homestar, and they both smile.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {sarcastically} The laughter and loooove!

{The screen flashes as a picture is taken. As it fades back in, the characters are posed as though Marzipan is hitting Homestar with his bat.}

MARZIPAN: Carefree shenanigans!

{The screen flashes again. As it fades back, Marzipan and Homestar are facing each other. Marzipan looks annoyed, but Homestar is smiling.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER and MARZIPAN: {Homestar is elated; Marzipan isn't} The one where we kiss.

{Marzipan starts to smile slyly as the picture is taken. Cut to outside the booth, as the pictures are printed. The "kiss" photograph actually shows Homestar kissing his bat with his eyes closed, with Marzipan off to the side, and a ghost-like face is visible in the frame. Homestar takes the pictures.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {jumps; worried} Aah! Marzipan! Why is there a spooky specter in our picture?!

{He holds it out for Marzipan to see, as the camera zooms in on the ghost-like face for a moment. Cut back to a wide shot.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I think this might be a— might be a—

{The words "PHOTO Boooth" from the side of the booth move into the foreground, as "HAUNTED" is added above them in green letters, as the rest of the scene fades to a blue background.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER and MARZIPAN: —haunted photo booth!

{The O's in "Boooth" move up and down as the ghost-like face zooms in with the words and some spooky music plays. Cut to Strong Bad in the booth as Strong Mad and The Cheat are walking in.}

STRONG BAD: Get in here, you guys! I wanna make this ghost appear! Maybe it'll possess us with demonic barf powers! Everybody say "Smiling bag!"

STRONG BAD: Smiling bag!
STRONG MAD: {unintelligible}
THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises}

{The screen flashes as the picture is taken. It fades in to the pictures as Strong Bad observes them. The first shows the three characters in the picture as seen before. The ghost is not present.}

STRONG BAD: {mumbling} There's one...

{He moves the pictures so that the second is in view. It shows the Strong Mad at the bottom, The Cheat leaning in from the upper-left, and Strong Bad in the upper-right. Still no ghost.}

STRONG BAD: {mumbling} There's one...

{He moves the picture so that the third is in view. Now The Cheat is on Strong Mad's shoulder, while Strong Bad is upside-down, and his head is out-of-frame. The ghost isn't in this picture, either.}

STRONG BAD: {mumbling} Okay... {loudly} Hey! What the crap?!

{Cut to a wide shot}

STRONG BAD: How come we didn't get no cool ghosties?!

{Cut to Coach Z off to the side. He's holding pictures, all of which include the ghost.}

COACH Z: I got a little ghost jorbie in my pictures!

{Cut to his middle picture.}

COACH Z: Hey there, jorbie!

{Cut to a wide shot of Strong Bad, The Cheat, and Coach Z.}

COACH Z: He reminds me o' one of my famous sneezes! {sneezing} Ha-chor!

{Pan to the side, moving Coach Z off the screen and Strong Mad onto it.}

STRONG BAD: Aw, man! Even Coach Z got one? That's it, boys. We're gonna get haunted by this photo booth at any cost!

{The toon's title wipes across the screen as it cuts to Strong Bad's gang in the booth again.}

STRONG BAD: We gotta try something else. Everybody close your eyes and say, "Jaundice... Jerry... will never marry," three times.

STRONG MAD: {confused expression} Huh?
THE CHEAT: {annoyed expression} {annoyed The Cheat noises}

{Their expression remains unchanged as Strong Bad closes his eyes and chants.}

STRONG BAD: Jaundice Jerry will never marry. Jaundice Jerry will never marry! Jaundice Jerry will never marry!!

{A flash, which fades to Strong Bad holding pictures of all three characters in the same poses. In the foreground of each picture is a yellow-skinned balding man with green hair on the sides of his head, but no ghost.}

STRONG BAD: Aw, man! We just made Jaundice Jerry appear. Guess I shoulda seen that comin'.

{Cut to Coach Z and Bubs in the booth}

COACH Z: Hey, check it out! {picks up a top hat photo prop, and places it over his head} Somebody finally gave me my props.

{Flash. The scene doesn't change. Coach Z puts the prop down.}

BUBS: What are these props from? Got some Y2K glasses...

{He holds up the Y2K glasses over his face. Flash. He puts the glasses back down.}

COACH Z: Ooh! A handlebrah mustache! {He holds a handlebar mustache prop over his face.} These things'll never not ironically be unironically... always... um... {moves the prop aside, and picks up a bacon prop, which he holds up like a mustache} bacon?

{Flash, which fades to Marzipan and Homestar in the booth again. They're holding a tub of "spicy 'chos", filled with nachos.}


{Flash, which fades to Strong Sad in the booth.}

STRONG SAD: This is a perfect chance to practice my French accent! {in a French accent} I am Hercule Poirot! {Flash. In an even more exaggerated accent:} Hercule Poirot! {Flash. Even more exaggerated, almost sounding like he's choking:} A-cool Par-o!

{Flash, which fades to Homestar in the booth. He closes his eyes.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Jaundice Jerry will never marry. Jaundice Jerry will never marry. Jaundice Jerry will never marry!

{Flash, which fades to The King of Town. He holds up a slice of cake, which appears to have been cut from out of the King himself. The background music stops abruptly.}

THE KING OF TOWN: The King of Town!

{Beat while crickets chirp. Flash, which fades to Strong Bad's gang in the booth again. The background music resumes. Once again, Strong Mad looks confused and The Cheat annoyed. Strong Bad closes his eyes.}

STRONG BAD: Stabby Gabby's always crabby. Stabby Gabby's always crabby.

{Flash, which fades to Strong Bad holding up his latest set of photos, which feature a squat green woman holding a knife in her mouth alongside Strong Bad's gang.}

STRONG BAD: Oh, come on!!

{Cut to Homestar and Marzipan in the booth.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Different background!

MARZIPAN: Yay! Yay yay!

{Flash, which fades to Pom Pom and the Poopsmith (holding a container of 10,000 Instant Martians with a gold tooth in it) in the booth. Pom Pom holds up a speech balloon prop that reads "Why are we in this cartoon?" The Poopsmith holds up another, which reads "Don't know. Don't care." Flash, which (if the Homsar Easter egg is not activated) cuts to Strong Bad's gang in the booth. Again, Strong Mad is confused, The Cheat annoyed, and Strong Bad's eyes closed.}

STRONG BAD: Demonic barf powers. Demonic barf powers! Demonic barf powers!!

{Flash, and when it fades back, Strong Bad is kneeling, mostly offscreen.}

STRONG BAD: {somewhat desperately} Just give me the barf powers!

{Flash, which fades to a picture of the King of Town and Marzipan holding up the cake slice. The ghost is in the picture.}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} The crap?

{Pan to a picture of Coach Z and a picture of Bubs. The ghost is in both pictures.}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} The crap?

Pan to a picture of Homestar and Pom Pom. Homestar is making a kissing face to the left (away from Pom Pom), and Pom Pom is looking to the right. The ghost is here too.}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} The crap?!

{Cut to Strong Bad and The Cheat.}

STRONG BAD: How come everybody else can get the haunted smudge to appear except me and The Cheat? You been goin' to church on me, The Cheat?

THE CHEAT: {shrugs and smiles, revealing his gold tooth is missing} {The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: Wait a minute...

{Cut to a closeup of The Cheat}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} Where's your gold tooth?

{The Cheat opens his mouth, revealing the tooth, and holds up some candies in orange and black wrappers.}

THE CHEAT: {sheepish The Cheat noises}

{Cut to Strong Bad, as images of the candies appear around his head.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {echoey} Orange-and-black loose tooth removers...

{Zoom in on Strong Bad as he starts to realize.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {echoey} Loose tooth removers...

{Zoom in further, showing the image of the ghost in Strong Bad's eyes.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {echoey} Loose tooth removers...

STRONG BAD: It was the tooth!

{Cut to a wide shot, showing Homestar leaning in to the shot.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {still echoey} Loose tooth removers...

STRONG BAD: Get outta here!

{Cut to Marzipan}

MARZIPAN: But if The Cheat's tooth was causing the ghost glare, how did it get in everyone's photos?

{Cut to Strong Sad, standing near a "Booliten Booard" with various pictures tacked to it.}

STRONG SAD: I think I has the solution! Look at this pattern!

STRONG BAD: {offscreen, sarcastically} Oh, great.

{Cut to Strong Bad.}

STRONG BAD: Now Frenchie Detective is gonna tell us how it all shook out.

{Cut to a montage of events, showing The Cheat eating candies as pictures and his tooth (stuck in a taffy) fly by.}

STRONG SAD: {offscreen} The Cheat ate too many taffies and it pulled his gold tooth out.

{The montage shows The Cheat without his gold tooth, who moves aside to show The Cheat with the candies in the booth.}

STRONG SAD: {offscreen} Then because those things are nasty, he stuck it somewhere in the photo booth,

{The montage shows The King of Town, who holds up the cake slice, which has the tooth in it.}

STRONG SAD: {offscreen} and because The King of Town is nasty, he ate the taffy!

{Pom Pom and The Poopsmith move into view, the tooth prominently in the Poopsmith's "Instant Martians" prop.}

STRONG SAD: {offscreen} Then the Poopsmith had it.

{Cut to an image of Marzipan and the ghost, with the tooth attached to Marzipan's costume.}

STRONG SAD: {offscreen} Then it was a piece of Marzipan's flair.

{The fez from Bubs's costume floats by, the tooth inside the crescent symbol.}

STRONG SAD: {offscreen, partially overlapping the last line} Then it wound up on Bubs's fez.

{Strong Sad's costume appears in closeup}

STRONG SAD: {offscreen, the lines overlap more} ...one of my vest buttons...

{Coach Z's shoe and Homestar's bat appear}

STRONG SAD: {offscreen, overlapping} ...on Coach Z's shoe!
STRONG SAD: {offscreen, overlapping} ...Homestar's glowing bat!

{A picture of Strong Mad, with the ghost present and the tooth wedged in Strong Mad's mask, appears}

STRONG SAD: {offscreen, overlapping} ...tenaciously clenched!

{Abrupt cut to Strong Bad, Homestar, and The Cheat.}

STRONG BAD: That's all great, Sir Talks-a-lot, but where's his gold tooth now?

{Cut to the photo booth. The Goblin's theme plays as some pictures of the Goblin (with the ghost present) print. The booth opens, showing that the Goblin has the tooth in his own mouth.}

ALL: The Goblin!

{The Goblin dances as the tooth shines, with an image of the ghost. Cut to the main characters.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: We shoulda had known! {to everyone} Now let's all cram in that boof for a group photo before I have to return it to the wedding Marzipan had me steal it from!

{Everyone cheers. Flash, which fades to a picture of everyone (except Homsar, but including the Goblin, who still has the tooth in his mouth) and the image of the ghost in the corner. The photo is captioned "Jerry & Gabby's Nascent Nupitals! 10-31-2017" Hold on the image for a few seconds, and then cut to a scene of the tooth, the ghost image, and the word "END". A few seconds later, cut to everyone in the field per tradition.}

Easter Eggs

  • When The Poopsmith and Pom Pom are on screen, click on The Poopsmith to trigger a scene with Homsar.
HOMSAR: Zapruder!

{The screen flashes. Homsar is upside down, and his frog is floating.}

HOMSAR: Middleman!

{The screen flashes again. Closeup on Homsar.)

HOMSAR: Toast Crunch!

{Cut to outside the booth, as the pictures are printed.}

HOMSAR: AAaaAAaa! These nickel slots are finally payin' off!
  • At the end, click on Coach Z:
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Heeeey, Coach Z! You're dressed up as a dog.
COACH Z: Yeah! I gotta belorv! Kick! Pornch! It's all in the mornd! Chorp, chorp, pornch! Pornch kork!
  • At the end, click on Strong Bad:
  • At the end, click on Homestar:
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hey, Homestar! I really like your Mark Lemke costume! "Homestar Runner for the Braves?" Shut up, wrong-say Homestar! I'm right-say Homestar, and I right-say I'm Dale Murphy! With a glowy basemball bat for some reason. Vwoom-vwoom.
  • At the end, click on Bubs:
SINGERS: {singing} Here comes the ThnikkaStan!
BUBS: Yeah, shut up Soos' abuelita!
  • At the end, click on Strong Mad:
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, man, Strong Mad. Bread Face Red Panties Man? I remember that guy. I think he came to my school once when I was a kid. And so did a lot of cops.
  • At the end, click on Pom Pom:
KING OF TOWN: Now ordinarily, Pom Pom, I'd have you sent down to the Juicing Room. But aren't you like a super-food now? I don't need me no antioxidants! I'm very pro-oxidant myself, actually. Why couldn't you dress up as the German kid?
  • At the end, click on the Poopsmith:
  • At the end, click on the King of Town:
STRONG BAD: Uh, hey, King of Town, when I said, "Don't come around here no more," it wasn't a costume idea. I literally meant, "Don't come around here no more!"
  • At the end, click on The Cheat:
  • At the end, click on Marzipan:
  • At the end, click on Strong Sad:
  • At the end, click on the moon:
{Cut to inside the Jibblies Painting with Rocoulm, Jaundice Jerry and Stabby Gabby}
JIBBLIES PAINTING: I now pronounce you husband and and wiiiiiife!
JAUNDICE JERRY: And they said I'd never marry.
STABBY GABBY: {giggles}

Fun Facts


  • There are a total of thirteen Easter eggs in this cartoon, the largest number in any Homestar Runner toon.
  • This is the first Halloween toon in which every character activates an Easter egg in the ending scene, if Homsar is not activated.
  • This is Pom Pom's first apperance in a canonical scene since he was killed in I Killed Pom Pom.

Inside References

  • The photo booth's printer makes New Paper's "vvvvvt" sound.
  • The orange and black candies were previously referred to as "loose tooth remover" candies in Happy Hallow-Day.
  • Like in Later That Night..., a wedding of minor characters takes place inside the realm of the Jibblies painting.
  • Strong Bad hopes to gain "demonic barf powers".

Real World References

  • Bubs's "shut up" line is aimed at Soos's abuelita (Spanish for grandmother). This was a character in Gravity Falls voiced by Matt Chapman.
  • Strong Bad's "How's Annie?" line references the ending of the season 2 finale of Twin Peaks.

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