Dangeresque Roomisode 1: Behind the Dangerdesque Walkthrough

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The website (pictured) and Triungulate versions are largely similar.
The Triungulate version includes different, extended puzzles (note the additional file cabinet).

This is a complete walkthrough for the game Dangeresque Roomisode 1: Behind the Dangerdesque.

Spoiler warning: Plot or ending details follow.


[edit] Walkthrough

In order to complete this game, three actions must be performed. These actions can be seen at any time by looking at the case file on the noticeboard.

  • Need photographic evidence of the attack
  • Need physical evidence that was left behind
  • Need this case file to have SOLVED stamp on it

The three actions can be performed in any order, but since the takeout container is involved in all three, some steps must be done in a specific order. The full walkthrough is shown below.

[edit] Open the Safe

  • Use the rug to have Dangeresque flip up a corner of it.
  • Use the light switch. Dangeresque turns off the light, revealing glowing text under the rug. The blinds must be down for this to work.
  • Look at the rug - the text is the combination for the safe.
  • Optional: Use the light switch again, if you don't want to spend the rest of the game stumbling around in the dark. (Not necessary in the Roomisode Triungulate version, where the scene is brighter than the original, and where you'll need the lights off again later.)
  • Use the safe to open it.
  • Get the camera from inside.
  • Optional: Shut the safe.

[edit] Get the Photographic Evidence

  • Attempt to get the takeout container. Dangeresque will be unable to take it, since it's stuck to the top of the safe.
  • Walk to the front of the room, and use the chair. Dangeresque will spin on it.

[edit] Original game

  • Look at the card that came flying out. It has the phone number for the takeout place.

[edit] The Roomisode Triungulate

  • Look at the card that came flying out. It has the phone number for the cable guy.
  • Use the window to open the blinds.
  • Look at the window in order to notice Strong Sad across the street.
  • Use the phone and call the cable guy. Tell him to change the channel to the Medical Channel (this will be important for the photo later).
  • Get the coffee cup. Use it on the ashtray.
  • Take the key out of the ashtray.
  • Use the key on the file cabinet.
  • Look at the files and select the one for "The Rest" to get the number for the takeout place.

[edit] Both versions

  • Walk to the phone and use it. Dangeresque calls the takeout place (in The Roomisode Triungulate, you must select the takeout place), who will send a technician (Pom Pom) who un-sticks the takeout container with a well-placed karate kick.
  • Get the takeout container.
  • Use the blind to open it if it is closed, then place the takeout container in the window.
  • Roomisode Triungulate only: If the lights in your room are on, use the light switch to turn them off before taking the picture.
  • Use the camera on the window to take a photo showing the dragon-man on the takeout container apparently assaulting the fat man (Strong Sad) in the building opposite.

[edit] Get the Physical Evidence

  • Get the takeout container again, then give it to Dangeresque, who eats it.
  • Get the coffee cup, then give it to Dangeresque, who drinks it.
  • Walk to the front of the room and use the chair again. The combination of rotary motion with months-old coffee and Chinese takeout causes Dangeresque to throw up into a handy paper bag.

[edit] Get the Stamp

  • Walk around to the front of the desk and use it. Dangeresque hits the desk, causing the drawer to pop out.
  • Walk around to the other side of the desk and get the stamp.
  • Place the stamp on the sweet and sour sauce on top of the safe to ink it.

[edit] Solve the Case

Now all that's left is to place the three pieces of evidence into the case file on the noticeboard. Place the photographic evidence and the bag of whoozit. This should make your full total of 170 points.

The hard part is the stamp, which you'll notice says "UN-SOLVED". You want it to say "SOLVED" — the whole "SOLVED" and nothing but the "SOLVED". How can you do this? Simple, stamp it so that the "UN-" part isn't on the document. Line up the stamp so that the hyphen crosses the left-hand edge of the page. Be careful, now — miss and it's Game Over, and Dangeresque goes to prison... until you click the mouse button, in any case, at which point time gets rewound and you get another shot.

With all three bits in place, Dangeresque hands the file to The Chief... until he realizes something's amiss, so it looks like Dangeresque is gonna have to jump...out the window.

[edit] Score

[edit] Original version

In the original version, you would automatically score a full 170 points as you complete the game, since all of these actions are mandatory:

  • Get the code for the safe: 20 points
  • Get the camera: 5 points
  • Attempt to get the takeout container while it's stuck: 5 points
  • Look at the card after spinning in the chair: 10 points
  • Have Pom Pom loosen the takeout container: 15 points
  • Get the takeout container: 5 points
  • Take the picture: 30 points
  • Eat the takeout: 10 points
  • Drink the coffee: 10 points
  • Get the Whoozit bag: 25 points
  • Get the stamp: 5 points
  • Ink the stamp: 10 points
  • Use the picture with the file: 10 points
  • Use the Whoozit bag with the file: 10 points

[edit] The Roomisode Triungulate

In this version, you only get 160 points for completing all mandatory actions; the remaining 10 are hidden (and trigger Achievements).

[edit] Mandatory actions

  • Get the code for the safe: 5 points
  • Get the camera: 10 points
  • Attempt to get the takeout container while it's stuck: 5 points
  • Look at the card after spinning in the chair: 5 points
  • Get the coffee: 5 points
  • Use the coffee on the ashtray: 5 points
  • Get the key: 5 points
  • Unlock the file cabinet: 5 points
  • Learn the takeout place's phone number: 5 points
  • Have Pom Pom loosen the takeout container: 20 points
  • Get the takeout container: 5 points
  • Take the picture: 10 points
  • Eat the takeout: 5 points
  • Drink the coffee: 5 points
  • Get the Barfbag: 20 points
  • Get the stamp: 5 points
  • Ink the stamp: 10 points
  • Use the picture with the file: 10 points
  • Use the Barfbag with the file: 10 points
  • Stamp the file: 10 points

[edit] Bonus points

  • One at a time, place the takeout container, the coffee cup, the stamp, the barfbag, and the photo on the windowsill. Aim the camera at each: 1 point, Photo 5ubjects Achievement
  • With the lights off, look at the "Wings" file: 1 point, Hidden Mess Achievement
  • Have Dangeresque talk to himself three times: 1 point, Positive Selftalc Achievement
  • Attempt to use the lamp twice: 1 point, Lit Fedora Achievement
  • Use the coffee cup on the light switch (and then turn the switch on if it was already off): 1 point, Switch Coffee Brands Achievement
  • Talk to all inanimate objects (ashtray, biz card, camera, case file, chair, coffee, desque, Filene Cabinay, files, lamp, lightswitch, rug, safe, sweet n’ sour sauce, takeout, UNsolved stamp, winda (when closed), windasill): 2 points, Stuff Talka Room 1 Achievement
  • Get five Game Overs: 2 points, Did Ya5 Achievement
  • Go to jail in all possible ways (talk to door three times, use door three times, use takeout container on case file, use coffee on case file, take a photograph with the takeout container but with the wrong channel playing, stamp the case file incorrectly): 1 point, Jailtime5 Achievement

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